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by K'Anne Meinel




  In Print:

  What happens when you fall in love with your best friend? What if that best friend is a GHOST?

  Stacey is your normal teenager, living with the the 'normal' teenage angst moments. She just happens to have a friend who is a ghost. This takes her on a journey, while it would have been normal for most people, it is guided by her friend Renata who just happens to be dead. As the years go by and Stacey experiences life she finds that love eludes her until she realizes it has been there all along. What do you do when the love of your life turns out to be a GHOST?

  Ghostly Love:



  In Print:

  Discovering that you don’t have everything you thought you wanted is a surprise. Getting a promotion, finding new friends, learning you are attracted to women….

  Nia Toyomoto has worked hard all her life to prove she was the best; she graduated early from high school, college, and got the dream job in Manhattan. Becoming a partner at the tender age of thirty she thought she had it all until the law firm made demands about her personal appearance and a few other things that made her change her life for the promotion. Then she realizes having everything isn’t all that it is cracked up to be without someone to share it with…

  A successful lawyer in the big city, choices have to made, sacrifices and surprises await this beautiful and talented woman….does she make the right ones though?




  When you unexpectedly fall in love, don’t you take it for what it’s worth? Don’t you love the person while you can? When you can? What if they live on the other side of the globe though? Could you handle that long of a distance? Patience becomes the word when two women of independent character fall unexpectedly in love. From different lifestyles, to different geographic locations, the problems of maintaining this relationship seem astronomical. Just when they think they have solved these minor problems, new ones seem to pop up. Will they survive a Long Distance Romance?

  Eliza is from the Midwestern United States, Wisconsin. Independent, a business woman who has finally achieved her dream. She is determined to fulfill and continue to live this dream when in walks a woman that knocks the old dreams out of her head for new ones. Will she someday have the woman of her dreams? Should she abandon that what she knows for the unknown? Can she have what she knows she wants?

  Krystal is from Austria. Rich, cultured, and bored; she has seen everything and done everything. A side trip on another trip to the United States proves to be interesting when she walks into Eliza’s store and is knocked on her back side by the feelings that this woman provokes. The distance thing is easy to someone who owns a jet but even she has responsibilities back home. Will she be able to have this woman she has fallen so deeply in love with? A woman who fascinates her, intrigues her, and challenges everything she is? Even if all her dreams come true, is it enough to keep them together?

  *Long Distance Romance:



  In Print:


  Meeting a mysterious woman in a bar, Deirdre's life is about to change. The abuse from her husband stops suddenly as this woman enters their lives. What does this woman want in exchange for her help?

  Mysterious Malice (Book 1):



  Murder requires technique, it requires meticulous planning, and genuine care if you’re going to do it right, right? Random acts of violence are not Alice’s style, however when forced on her, well let’s just play along….

  Meticulous Malice delves deeper into who Alice really is…let’s play by HER rules…

  Meticulous Malice (Book 2):


  Paperback: https/

  Making a mistake is something Alice DOESN'T do. Can she deal with the fact that someone might not have needed to die? Can she deal with it when someone else makes a fatal mistake? Into Alice's arena comes Senator's Cecilia and Ken Edwards, is the interest she sees for her money, her power, or her desirable body? Pursuing this 'friendship' will create consequences none of them intended...

  Mistaken Malice (Book 3):



  Alice is angry and out for revenge!

  Malicious Malice (Book 4):



  When Alice gets a plea for help from a friend of her sister can she do anything to free her from the bonds of a sadistic man determined to have her? What about the bonds that Kathy begins to place on Alice's cold little heart, how will this affect the killer in Alice....

  Masterful Malice (Book 5):



  Malice Masterpieces The First Five Books:


  In Print:

  Alice is getting married, has she finally fallen in love…and first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby or babies in the baby carriage? Is this possible for Alice’s cold little heart?

  Matrimonial Malice (Book 6):



  Dealing with the death of her wife, Alice finds raising a teenage daughter and two other children to be a challenge. She hadn’t planned to ever be a parent, but for the love of her wife, now deceased she will do what she has to.

  A threat to her teenage daughter leads to other revelations that bring out the ‘old’ Alice we all know and loved….her predator instincts are aroused…what will she do next?

  Mourning Malice (Book 7):



  In book 8 of the MALICE series Alice finds out the truth about the past year and the manipulations others have enacted on her and her family. Her anger burns hot and she returns to what she was born to be...a killer. Our anti-hero returns as she wreaks vengeance for the sake of her family...

  Murderous Malice (Book 8):



  In book 9 of the Malice series, Kathy has to deal with the mental damage as well as the physical that has been inflicted on her. Between Federal Agents, Doctors, and her own family the stress is nearly killing her. Can Alice be patient enough to wait for her wife after she has been gone for so long, both mentally and physically…can Alice wait to extract revenge for what has been done to her wife?

  Mental Malice (Book 9):



  Book 10 of the Malice series, Kathy has figured out Alice’s secret. Can she deal with the enormity of realizing what a monster her wife is? Will it destroy their marriage? Will it destroy Kathy? How can Kathy survive with the knowledge of what Alice is capable of? Can Alice share herself completely and honestly with her wife? Can she let her keep this knowledge?

  Menacing Malice (Book 10):


  Paperback: h

  *Malice Masterpieces 2 Books Six through Ten:


  In Print:

  What makes Alice, well…Alice?

  From an early age she was always, ‘different.’ People noticed it, from her unusual eyes that changed when she felt intense emotions, to her brain, and her peculiar habits.

  Is a ‘serial killer’ actually ‘born’ or is she ‘made?’

  Here we find out more about the Alice of her youth and why some of the things in her life made her the way she is…

  Minor Malice:


  Alice is tired of the killing; she wants a nice, normal life. Circumstances won’t let her though and although she has tried to do the ‘right’ thing, the ‘moral’ thing, life won’t allow her to do anything but what she needs to do to protect her family from those that would hurt them.

  Morally Malice:


  The possible end of Alice’s marriage means that she has to leave the home she has built with Kathy. She moves back to New York to start over. Running into her college roommate and former lover sets off a chain of events that even Alice couldn’t anticipate or control.

  Meeting new people and renewing old friendships we learn a bit more about Alice and who she was to become the person she is. The new people in her life though means new changes are in store for our beloved Alice. Changes she might just not like.

  Morose Malice:


  Left alone to deal with the enormity of the estate that was willed to her Kathy must go on alone. Can she deal with the children, the finances, the legitimate and not so legitimate business dealings? The many surprises in store for her, some welcome, some not so welcome begin to change Kathy.

  Meeting the ‘other’ women in Alice’s life as well as many people she didn’t know were in her life may prove to be too much for Kathy. Will she rise up to the occasion or fail horribly? Perhaps Alice saw more in Kathy than she herself knew was there?

  Melancholy Malice:


  Angry at being left alone to cope with the enormous fortune Alice left her, Kathy has to learn to deal with business, family, and a blackmailer who is certain he has her over a barrel. Dealing with the life she now leads she doesn’t realize until it’s too late how much Alice and her ‘lessons’ have influenced her and her reactions. ‘Accidentally’ killing her blackmailer leads to being a target by his brother with the apparent backing of the L.A.P.D. Being in their crosshairs she realizes she has to change her strategy as life seems to get away from her and the enormity of it all may come crashing down on her and her family.

  Mad Malice:


  Malice Masterpieces 3 Books Eleven through Fifteen:



  Macabre Malice (Book 16)



  Framed for a crime she didn’t do, Kathy battles to retain her freedom from corrupt cops out to ‘get her.’ An unexpected bit of help comes from an Internal Affairs cop set on putting dirty cops away. Certain that Kathy has been targeted by this unscrupulous group, Special Agent Linda Miller not only helps Kathy and Portia to prove her innocence, she finds herself attracted to Kathy.

  Can feelings of gratitude and admiration turn to love for the widowed Kathy? She can never reveal her full past to this cop who she finds herself attracted to. Will Linda accept that there will always be some parts of Kathy’s life that she cannot know about or will her investigative skills get in the way of their happiness?

  Constant reminders and comparisons to the woman she first loved make it hard for Kathy to commit herself fully to their budding romance. How can she move on when the past keeps sending things forward to tell her that it isn’t done with her?

  Marinating Malice: (Book 17)

  Kathy needs to move on but her thoughts seem to be keeping her in the past. It is time though. Her wife has been dead over eighteen months. She has a girlfriend who would like to become her lover. Is she ready to put the past behind her and move on?

  Trust seems to be the issue, not on her part but on the part of Special Agent Linda Miller, is she ready to take the next step, clues to Kathy and her wife’s past seem to intrigue her a little too much, maybe it’s the cop in her.

  Things seem to be conspiring to make Kathy crazy, is she really seeing the clues that point to what she thinks she is seeing? Her friends keep telling her that she isn’t seeing what she thinks is there. Is it all in her mind? Is it possible that her wife is still alive or is she only brimming with hope? Her thoughts keep her prisoner…


  Pocket Paperback:


  Macerating Malice: (Book 18)

  Alice is ALIVE!

  Where has she been? What is the explanation for the missing months between her and her wife?

  As Kathy listens she is horrified to realize what has happened to the woman she once called the love of her life…

  How she survived begins to unfold as she describes the terrors that she has endured the last two years…



  Minacious Malice: (Book 19)

  As Alice continues with her tale of where she has been for the last couple of years, Kathy realizes the tally of deaths is adding up. The same reasons that caused their separation are still there. Can she forgive, much less forget, why they broke up in the first place?

  Murder, planned murder especially, takes time. Alice must feel ‘justified’ in who she targets. She also must take into account that Sasha is not only a witness, but an accomplice to what Alice must do. Sasha will be shocked as she realizes the depth of what Alice is capable of. Sasha must learn to ‘appreciate’ Alice and her ‘skills’.

  Follow along as Sasha and Alice begin the hunt for those who had imprisoned them….



  Meddlesome Malice: (Book 20)

  As she listens to the horrors that Alice and Sasha endured at the hands of their captors, Kathy realizes she has to know, she MUST know everything Alice has been up to. She wants to understand what kept them apart these past years…beyond her own anger at what her wife is capable of.

  As the gruesome details of Alice and Sasha’s story unfold, Kathy asks herself ‘Does this justify what they did and are doing to those people? Does it explain their prolonged absence from their families?’

  Follow along as Alice and Sasha go in for the kill! Learn how they carefully plot their revenge against the people who took so much from their lives…and take just as much and more from them in return.

  Their lives, their victims’ lives, will never be the same!



  Malice Masterpieces IV Books Sixteen through Twenty:



  Meandering Malice: (Book 21)

  She’s cold, she’s tired, and she just wants to go home to her family. Those preventing Alice from reaching her goals are about to learn there is a steep price to pay when you get in her way. With two civilians to protect from their enemies, will the horror she is about to unleash repel them or will they help her overcome the obstacles keeping her from her goals?

  Alice is about to unleash the beast within. Come along and watch as she makes decisions that may affect the rest of her life…they will most definitely affect others’ lives!



  Alice is just finishing up a few minor details that have kept her from returning to her family—killing a few people that kept her away, blowing up a few things, taking revenge on the heartless…Can Alice FINALLY go home?



  Among the majestic shoreline of the Central Coast of California lies a secret…Leah Van Heusen finds a hidden staircase….

  The ancient house she finds among the overgrown foliage is amazing…and eerie, most wouldn’t even step a foot closer but she is intrigued and feels drawn to the old mansion….

  Leah finds more than she bargains for after seeking out the owner and purchasing the entire estate for a dollar. As she starts to restore it, she finds out who her real friends are, she also finds out who her family really is…What’s a few ghosts between friends?

  Between repairs, upgrades, and finding out the houses secrets, Leah has her hands full. Finding out her sexuality and dating is the least of her worries. As her beloved dream of an Inn becomes reality she finds it suddenly in jeopardy, who will kill for it or the immense fortune that she has found?

  *Out at the Inn:



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