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Page 41

by K'Anne Meinel


  Lady Claire Von Hagen was en route to the island of Baleniesia, in the Caribbean, to meet the man her father had dictated she would marry. Lord Von Hagen, Governor of Baleniesia, ruled his island and his daughter with an iron fist, and he had determined that marriage to the distasteful, but wealthy and titled, Sir Edmund Fitzhugh, would be most advantageous. Lady Claire was sailing to Baleniesia to submit to marriage when her ship was captured by pirates. Her abductor, a pirate Captain known as Black Betty, had other plans for Lady Claire.

  Claire had never experienced love of any kind, and she had certainly never conceived of the things that went on between two women. Black Betty taught her things that surprised her, and the freedom she experiences with this woman, and their developing love, capture Claire’s heart. From the islands of the Caribbean to the shores of Canada, and on from there to the continent of Africa and the Orient… together they experience things both had only dreamt about.

  Will they survive the dangers of the high seas and the first years of a relationship that neither expected to find?

  *Pirated Heart



  ~A swashbuckling good time~

  From China to India to Africa and home to England…Will the love that Bettina Carmichaels shares with her wife, Claire, stand the test of time? Will it even last the second year of marriage?

  Trading, pirating, sword fights, sea battles, near drownings, and imprisonment…a sailor’s life may not be for all. Come along as Tina, also known as ‘Black Betty,’ and Claire attempt to repair their failing marriage and survive sailing on the high seas…



  Coming out is hard. Coming out in the public eye is even harder. People think they own a piece of you, your work, and your life, they feel they have the right to judge you. You lose not only friends but fans and ultimately, possibly, your career…or your life.

  Cassie Summers is a Southern Rock Star; she came out so that she could feel true to herself. Her family including her band and those important to her support her but there are others that feel she betrayed them, they have revenge on their minds…

  Karin Myers is a Rock Star in her own right; she is one of those new super promoters: Manager, go-to gal, agent, public relations expert, and hand-holder all in one. Her name is synonymous with getting someone recognized, promoted, and making money. She only handles particular clients though; she’s choosy…for some very specific reasons.

  Meeting Cassie at a party there is a definite attraction. She does not however wish to represent her despite her excellent reputation. She fights it tooth and nail until she is contractually required to do so. In nearly costs them more than either of them anticipated….their lives.




  Marley has become a successful horse breeder and rancher. Gypsy Vanner's have become her life. She makes ALL the decisions in her life, at her work, in her home but she is horribly alone.

  Alexandra, Alex to her friends has been independent and alone for a long time now. Very successful in her job which gives her great satisfaction she finds being alone to be its greatest draw back.

  When the two lifelong friends meet up after years apart can the spark they now feel heal the rift that tore them apart for so long? Have they both grown up and past the pettiness and the competition that drove them before? As adults will they recognize the spark as attraction and do something about it?

  For Alex it's a lot of firsts can she overcome her hesitation over her former friend's attraction, can she trust Marley enough to enter into a sexual relationship that will affect both of their lives?

  Sapphic Cowgirl:




  Sapphic Cowgirl in Spanish:

  Marley se ha convertido en una exitosa ranchera y criadora de caballos. Los caballos Gypsy Vanner se han convertido en su vida. Ella toma TODAS las decisiones de su vida, de su trabajo, y de su hogar, pero está terriblemente sola.

  Alexandra, o Alex como la llaman sus amigos, ha sido independiente y estado sola durante mucho tiempo. Muy exitosa en su trabajo, el cual le da gran satisfacción, encuentra que estar sola es su desventaja más grande.

  Cuando las dos amigas de toda la vida se reúnen después de años aparte, ¿podría la chispa que ahora sienten cerrar la brecha que las separó durante tanto tiempo? ¿Han ambas crecido y superado la mezquindad y la competencia que las guió antes? Como mujeres adultas, ¿reconocerán la chispa como atracción y harán algo al respecto?

  Para Alex son muchas primeras oportunidades, ¿podrá sobreponer su vacilación de la atracción que siente por su ex amiga, podrá confiar en Marley lo suficiente como para entrar en una relación sexual que afectará la vida de ambas?

  Vaquera Safica:



  Ashley is a Midwestern girl who is enjoying the life in Southern California. She learns to surf, a lifelong dream that wasn’t possible in Illinois. Now she meets professional surfer Willow Samuels who becomes a good friend to her. How good isn’t really apparent until she realizes there is a mutual attraction. Can a virgin such as Ashley cope with the feelings that are building inside her for the famous surfer? Can a Midwestern girl with all the morals and hang-ups ingrained in her overcome them to actually enter into a Sapphic romance with this woman?

  Ashley is conflicted when she realizes she is having feelings for her famous friend Willow. When Willow makes a pass at her she realizes that her friend is gay and attracted to her, how can she overcome a lifetime of ethics and values that just might destroy the happiness that Willow offers her?

  Sapphic Surfer:




  Sayyida, variously known as a pirate queen, Queen of the Western Seas, or Queen of Tétouan was a REAL and HISTORICAL figure, but not much is known of her.

  Sayyida married young, just sixteen, at the insistence of her father. Her first husband was thirty years older and a friend of her father’s. Al-Mandri sensed his bride’s intelligence and taught her about his business affairs and diplomacy. Together, the couple rebuilt Tétouan, which had been destroyed by the Reconquista, and when her husband died in 1515, she became the Governor or Queen of Tétouan in her own right.

  Later, Sayyida was pursued by the King of Fes, Ahmed al-Wattsi, and accepted his marriage proposal, but on her terms: he had to travel to her kingdom to marry her, not the other way around.

  Sayyida’s love of the high seas and her appetite for battle and conquest often clash with her duties as wife, mother, and queen. As hardworking as she is, Sayyida feels an emptiness in her life. Will Aya, her new slave, silence this longing? Join us as this fictional version of a real woman takes you into her world and captures your heart….



  ¿Puede una virgen como Ashley darle cara a los sentimientos que se están acumulando dentro de ella hacia la famosa surfista? ¿Puede una chica del medio oeste con todos los morales y complejos arraigados en ella superarlos para realmente entrar en un romance sáfico con esta mujer?

  Ashley es una chica del medio oeste que está disfrutando de “la vida” en el sur de California. Está viviendo su sueño. Aprende a surfear, un sueño de toda la vida que no era posible en Illinois. Ahora ella conoce a la surfista profesional Willow Samuels, quien se convierte en una buena amiga para ella. Qué tan buena amiga no es realmente aparente ha
sta que ella se da cuenta de que hay una atracción mutua.

  Ashley está en conflicto cuando se da cuenta que tiene sentimientos por su famosa amiga Willow. Cuando Willow intenta seducirla, ella se da cuenta de que su amiga es lesbiana y está atraída a ella. ¿Cómo puede ella superar una vida de ética y valores que podría destruir la felicidad que Willow le ofrece?

  Surfista Sáfica (Sapphic Surfer Spanish): Español








  Sapphic Surfer (Japanese): ケーアンヌ・マイネル



  Ships are created when a straight woman finds herself falling in love with a gay women. The complexities of maintain such a friendship and relationship over the next 20 years…

  Joan is a world renowned artist who is straight, has three children, and is content with her life when she meets Grace, a respected psychiatrist who also happens to be a lesbian. Joan is conflicted and has to deal with her feelings, the incredible woman she finds herself in love with, and the relationship that occurs over the next 20 years.






  Paperback Only:

  Small towns are notorious for secrets ... but what if you bring your secrets with you?

  Amy Adams arrives in Northpoint, Wisconsin on a Greyhound bus. Small towns are well known for not taking to strangers, but THIS stranger decides to stay.

  Amy has a look around and to her, it 'feels' like home. She rents a cabin in the woods outside of town and proceeds to look for a place to open a store. Renting to own from one of the locals, she soon finds herself making friends and making waves. She won't discuss where she is from and has nothing to say about her past.

  People are extremely curious. This Southern Belle has them talking.

  Abby Shipman, the Chief of Police in this neck of the woods is intrigued by the decidedly mysterious and straight redheaded whirlwind that has blown into town. It's curious that she won't talk about her past and she is certainly uncomfortable around Abby ... or is it cops in general?

  *Small Town Angel


  E-Book: /dp/B0154GYPHI

  Anna Schmidt is too independent for a woman of the 1800’s. Worse yet she doesn’t have a man to curb her unwomanly like tendencies. When she takes a claim of 160 acres and then another tree claim of another 160 acres has she taken on more than she can handle? Its work that could cripple a man, a woman alone can’t expect help or understanding when she takes this one on and willingly. Flooding, blizzards, heat, dust, and an incredible amount of physical labor are all set to do this determined woman in. She takes it on and through the years succeeds despite the odds, despite not having a man to depend on, showing herself and the world that this woman not only can but will make a home, a farm, a ranch on the wild prairies. Follow along in her journal telling of her experiences.



  In Print:

  In the midst of the Great Depression, Cassandra (Cass) Scheimer is trying to keep the family farm afloat in the Big Woods of Wisconsin...alone. As a local midwife and struggling backwoods doctor, she certainly doesn't need more mouths to feed.

  Stephanie Evans is a widow enceinte with her third child. She accepts a kind stranger’s offer of marriage in exchange for keeping house for him...but he never shows up to claim her. While dealing with unrequited guilt and the desperation of impoverished motherhood, falling in love with Cass is the least of her worries.

  For Cass, having been in love with a woman once before, she feels it couldn’t possibly happen twice. When it does, Cass is convinced the love cannot be returned. Can she and Stephanie keep it hidden from the prying eyes of children and the meddling neighbors in this small rural community?

  Can Cass deal with the guilt she feels over her brother’s injury, an injury that prevents him from doing his duty for their country? Joining the Nursing Corps may put too much stress on her newfound relationship with Stephanie. The woman who returns from the war and the woman left behind on the farm are not the same people who once fell in love. Can they return to being lovers after years spent apart? Destiny put them in each other’s path, but World War II has them tearing apart.

  This is The Journey Home.



  In Print:

  In 1934, John Dillinger engaged in a shoot-out with the Division of Investigation, later called the F.B.I., at Little Bohemia in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin. Next door to Little Bohemia was the Northwood Lodge owned by Ernst and Agatha Meinel, my paternal grandparents.

  The Northwood Lodge:



  Joy Parker had the perfect childhood. Doted on by her parents, she couldn’t imagine her childhood any different. As a child and later a young adult, she’s ignored by her much older siblings, made to feel the outsider…until a tragedy occurs, altering her life in ways she couldn’t possibly have imagined.

  The next few years of her life are vastly different from her parents’ hopes and dreams for her. Then suddenly, another life-altering event changes the course of her life and she must make decisions she never dreamt possible. Winning the largest lottery in Wisconsin history opens the flood gates of possibility and means Joy must again decide which direction to take with the rest of her life.

  What would you do if you won $341,726,178.10 after taxes? Come along for the ride as we discover what Joy Parker decides to do with it….

  The Outsider


  In Print:

  Falling in love gives you no time or place, no reason or excuses. It’s a deliberate act that can leave you breathless from ecstasy or pain. There is no rhyme, no sense, no time. There is no precedence, no priority, it befuddles you. In the right time and place it can cause you to reach the highest highs or the lowest of lows. Bad timing though for any romance can hurt you more than the love itself.

  Reese has worked hard all her life to garner the satisfaction in the jobs and levels she has obtained. Landing the position of estate manager for the Cavindish family of England is exciting. A new country, a new challenge, and a new life. She packs up her life in Connecticut, kisses her daughter good bye and set’s off on what she is sure will be the adventure of a lifetime�
�in its own time.

  Lady Cavindish is shy, retiring, and a bit out of her league when the attractive confident blonde, Reese Paulson arrives on the scene to run their family estates for her brother the lord of the manor. Her admiration for Reese soon turns to hero worship and at some point to a love that neither expected. Their love however isn’t what the Cavindish family name or property’s need, it is bad timing for everyone involved.

  The love she feels for Lady Cavindish is totally unexpected and Reese soon realizes that her presence can only hinder the woman she has fallen for. She makes the excruciating decision for them both to move on, without her.

  Finding a new love in Australia though proves that life has plans for us that we can only hope gives us what we need, can Reese move on from the woman she loves, or can she love the women she has moved on to. How can she forget Victoria, her first love?

  Fate however brings them together time and time again, can it time their romance so they can have their happily ever after or is it determined to rip their hearts raw time and time again?

  Timed Romance:


  In print:


  Erin Ingram is an enormously successful Hollywood star. She has stared, directed, and produced many films over her long career, starting as a child. She has even won several Academy Awards. She is also a closeted lesbian. Will announcing to the world that she is in love with a woman destroy her long and successful career? Is the world ready to let the ‘girl next door’ come out of the closet?


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