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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 23

by Alejandro Marrero

  Seeing the reunion of Rhea and Oro was illuminating, to say the least. I do not know how Rhea and Oro were away from each other for so long. I’d not make that mistake. Time may not mean the same thing for immortals as it does for those with shorter lifespans. However, it was relevant. What you do with your time existing matters, for everything is impermanent. I would not resist Azrael anymore. Not that I resisted entirely. I understood the preciousness and rarity of our circumstances. However, I had been holding back. Wanting to get to know him before committing myself further to this incredibly perfect chemistry of ours. I wanted love based on compassion, not attachment. That is the difference between true love and superficial love.

  This evening I am tossing my hesitation into the wind and am going to accept Azrael completely. Yes, we have been intimate, and it was terrific. Our bodies were so in sync with each other’s wants and needs. Even as recently as last night. Yet we’ve also conversed for hours. We have already spent time getting to know each other privately, in battle, and through our star-coursed bond. It’s time. Azrael is the Ying, to my Yang. He is becoming more than my forever lover but my best friend. Of course, as my star-coursed one, he’s perfect for me. Handsome and a perfect fit literally in every sense of the word. A free higher Angel with complete devotion to our cause and amazingly me.

  The decision made of committing to the binding ritual this evening, if time allowed us, relieved me already. Permanently bonding us in not only a symbolic marriage to my fated one but also an eternal one that would never be severed. Our mind-streams would seek each other out in every reincarnation. Something I never imagined my whole being wanted so truly and intensely. For not long ago, I was an Angel from a foreign world system, Prakuta. Then a tethered higher Angel of the pantheon gods who fled their original worlds and invaded this world system. I was freed from the pantheon’s leashes through Donovan’s immense loyalty, conviction, and compassion. Then blessed into a godling by my own charge. I think part of me felt unworthy of Azrael’s affections. Yet, I understood now that this was the ego talking. This unworthiness was a fabricated conceptual elaboration of the mind.

  Eons ago, suspended in the void of space from my abode, I could have never predicted all the good that Donovan would achieve. For that, I am eternally grateful. Nor could I have imagined we’d go through so much in such a brief time since his awakening. Nor could I fathom he’d become a god-ascendant. Clearly, his path is virtuous and pure. We’ve survived a massive battle and secured allies in now three realms. My only hope is that we continue to be victorious in our pursuits and goals. It’s time for the veil’s dissolution. This world will forever be changed if we’re successful in the merging of realms. However, it will be changed for the better. Beings of all walks of life should be free, not hidden away, or locked in their realms. They merit being able to walk and coexist with mortals and immortals in peace. I am sure the dissolution of the veil won’t be a walk in the park. I’m not clouded by ignorance on how it will indeed affect and change the course of the inhabitants of Terra. Yet, these feelings are natural, I sense. Everyone is incredibly resistant to change. I am definitely guilty of disliking change. Always wanting things to remain comfortably in my control. However, sometimes we need to let go to grow and evolve. For now, I’ll continue to have faith in Donovan, our friends, and my star-coursed one Azrael. Leaving Donovan to take the reins and lead us has been the right decision.

  When we reached the Emerald City gates, we walked past the gate through the shield with ease. Our intentions were wholesome, and the barrier was of our own design. There were rows of green pavilions with the embroidered detailing of the golden-sun and emerald center of the Emeraldian people. There were healers present attending to the wounded Fae and Elven guards. I must admit being a pessimist, I feared the worst. I thought that there would be more wounded. Yet, deep in my mind, I am bothered that anyone suffered at all. Yes, there are casualties in war. My logic hasn’t wholly fled my love-struck heart. Still, it was an encouraging victory on more than one front. I’m confident the victory was significant for morale.

  I noticed Pahaliah from the opening of one of the last healing pavilions on our route to the castle proper.

  “Hi, where are Donovan and the others?” I asked Pahaliah as he finished healing an Emerald guard. He helped his patient to his feet and sent him on his way. He refastened his hair in a bun as it had come loose while keeping the circlet of braids that held his metallic halo still in place.

  “Greetings Leilah and Azrael. They’re in the throne room with all the others. Jeremiah, Spirit, and I were busy attending the wounded when they departed with Spirit, leaving Jeremiah and me to handle stabilizing and healing the few wounded that remained. We have used our healing arts efficiently and excellently this day. I am proud to announce we have not had a single fatality of our allies from the battle at Green Mount Lake. We are finishing up here momentarily. Jeremiah and I will go with you to them. At this point, most of the Fae and Elven just need to rest. The Emerald medics will make sure everyone is well tended to,” Pahaliah explained to Azrael and me to my relief, as he magicked himself clean. He then turned his gaze, and I followed it to Jeremiah.

  Jeremiah looked back at him with a genuine and very toothy smile. Jeremiah finished with his patient and started to head our way. He looked happy. Younger, even if that was possible. There was a light in his eyes and soft lavenders and pinks in his Aura. Jeremiah’s face was smoothed of worry and no longer held eyes that appeared lost, confused, or vacant. How fortunate he found his star-coursed one so soon after his near-death by the Aramaic gods' actions. It lessened the guilt I still harbored from him losing his memory from drinking my previously Angelic blood.

  “That is indeed good news, brother Pahaliah. We should join the others in the throne room. There is much to discuss with them from our visit to Draconious,” added Azrael waking me up from my wandering observations of Jeremiah.

  “I’m relieved as well that there were no fatalities of our allies. Azrael is right. There is much to discuss, and it is best discussed with everyone present,” I said as Jeramiah reached Pahaliah. He then gave him a passionate kiss that was returned as passionately, stopping before it bordered the line of being awkward in front of others. They separated, smiled, and looked at each other adoringly. Oh, my goodness. Please, stars above, tell me that will never be me. Pahaliah Angel of virtuosity, my arse! He certainly was not a prude! Or probably that was just further proof my ego always gets in the way. As I am sure, I’d kiss Azrael regardless of the company after a trialing day.

  “Hi, Leilah and Azrael. How are you both?” Jeremiah asked with content and a joyful tone. “I’m doing well, Jeremiah. We heard from Pahaliah that your help was monumentally important to the injured. I’m grateful you helped him,” replied Azrael earnestly, not phased at all by the lip-locking display. Well, it was over in a moment, and it was with his intended. I needed to get over my own psychosis. Tonight, I’m going to do the star-coursed ritual if time and Azrael permit. I’ll probably be just as mushy. However, to be honest, I’m still a bit of a prude when it comes to public displays of affection. I’d love to be locking my lips with Azrael right now, but there was a time and place for everything. Also, everyone’s relationships were different. We may not flaunt our affections for each other, but in the privacy of our chambers, we indeed were relentless.

  “I am well, Jeremiah. I’m also glad to hear how much you and Pahaliah accomplished for our allies. No fatalities in a major battle is an excellent and nearly an unheard-of achievement. I appreciate you both taking the initiative. Today was definitely a victory. How are you?” I added, remembering my manners.

  “I’m doing well. It was good to have a purpose, and something to focus on that made me feel needed and important. Of course, it helps a lot having Pahaliah around. We can’t take all the credit, though. Spirit just left to join the others in the throne room. She did a monumental amount of healing with us too. She truly has a unique talent for it. I’m glad
you’re both back, though. Pahaliah and I were just about to head to join her and the others in the throne room. Would you like to go together? We’re done here. The Emeraldian medics have everything under control. I’d like to tend to the prisoners as well if time permits later. If they’re anything like Enestia, then they can be redeemed,” Jeremiah explained to us assembled quite sagely. Well, the stars chose well. Pahaliah’s presence came at the perfect time to heal all our hearts and minds, it seems.”

  “I agree with you, Jeremiah. Every one of us has their gifts, and we’ve been using them to benefit others immensely. I’m grateful you’ve found your guiding light in Pahaliah, and that Spirit was here to help. I am also grateful to see you well and happy. We just got back from Draconious, so there is indeed a lot to discuss with everyone. I think it will do some good for all of us to convene together,” I replied, which was well met with affirmative nods.

  I put my arm in the crook of Azrael’s elbow, watching Jeremiah do the same with Pahaliah, and we then flashed to the throne room. Once our vision of stars cleared from teleporting, we saw a large table had been set up in the front of the elevated thrones. The table had Queen Esmeralda and King Emeris at the center in more giant, intricately carved chairs honoring their station. Our friends were equally distributed to their left and right of them.

  Donovan did not even look up at us. He was currently feverishly occupied doing what he does best, eating. Donovan was currently shoveling food in his face with abandon. I’m basically having a flashback to that Indian buffet a few months ago when he first awakened to his godhood. Well, his actions now did not surprise me at all. However, I imagine it was an entertaining sight to behold from anyone else’s perspective. We started walking up the long carpet runners that led to the table, our footsteps cushioned by the plush carpet. It seemed everyone noticed our sudden appearance but were intent on observing the spectacle performed by our fearless leader.

  Donovan was utterly oblivious to everyone’s murmurs and silence. All were watching him shovel food unmindfully and fast enough to appear as a blur into his bottomless pit of a stomach. Queen Esmerelda acknowledged our arrival with a wave and just pointed at Donovan with a wink and an entertained smile. She looked like she was struggling to contain her laughter and regal composure. King Emeris waved to us as well. He smiled in kind and took a sip of his drink then returned to watching Donovan eat. At this point, the servers had changed Donovan’s plate twice. Each time a different Emeraldian meal was placed and vanished moments after it was set upon the table. Abaddon sat quietly beside him, eating at a reasonable pace. By the third plate, the four of us had at last reached the table.

  I cleared my throat audibly, which got no response. A server was just about to replace Donovan’s now empty plate when he finally looked up and saw me. Donovan then looked around and noticed everyone staring at him in silence. “What? Why is everyone looking at me? Did we forget to say grace or something? Am I breaking some Emeraldian custom? O.M.G I have a booger or food on my face, don’t I? Dang, it! Abaddon, why didn’t you say something?” He got a napkin and wiped his nose and mouth to make sure.

  “You were enjoying yourself immensely. I dared not interrupt,” replied Abaddon. He had an all-knowing smirk spreading across his face before having a sip of what appeared to be red wine from a crystal chalice.

  “You were not exactly eating very mindfully, Dawny-boy,” I brought to his attention.

  To which he replied, “Oh. Oops, sorry, everyone. I was starving, and everything tastes so delicious.” At his words, everyone lost it. They couldn’t contain their laughter any longer and started laughing. Donovan looked confused.

  “Yes, my love. We can tell. That was your seventh plate of food in the ten minutes we have been seated,” Abaddon told his husband. Donovan opened his eyes wide.

  “No way! Was that really my seventh plate? Wait, what plate is everyone else on? Shut the front door! You are all really still on the salad and appetizers?” he asked in shock. This was met to a chorus of affirmatives causing him to flush scarlet. Well, at least us four got here while only the appetizers were served on everyone else’s first plate. I gratefully admired the delicious spread of different stacks of food, drinks, desserts, and cuisine. It looks like there was plenty for everyone, even if by chance, three or four more Donovan’s appeared out of nowhere just as hungry.

  “Truly, Donovan, do not be embarrassed. I have never seen our palace chefs so overjoyed in their whole lives. Everything they placed before you has been devoured with your gleeful moans from an appreciative mouth full of joy. You have impressed them and us with your love for Emeraldian cuisine,” Queen Esmeralda said while managing to find her poise and regal smile.

  “Pretty much the way into Donovan’s good graces and heart are through food,” I replied. Which made everyone chuckle. Even Donovan laughed. “Leilah has me there! Thank you for this delicious food, your majesties,” he said kindly as his mindfulness returned.

  “You’re welcome, Donovan,” answered the King and Queen respectfully and graciously.

  “We have much to share with all of you from our trip. Think you left enough food for us to eat before we go to discuss what we’ve learned?” I asked with just a tiny bit of sarcasm.

  “You’re having one of your ‘sarcasm is the new sincere’ moments. Yes, Leilah, the relentless Queen of Snark, there’s enough food. Come, all of you sit, this table’s enormous. I also do not want to discuss a single thing about any seriousness while we all eat. To say it’s been a heck of a day would be the understatement of the year. I’m sure the world can be at ease for an hour or two and let us enjoy this meal in peace,” Donovan said while picking up his fork and returning to his meal, eating with apparent effort, more mindfully now.

  “Yeah, and while we talk about whatever needs to be discussed, we should have Mimosas,” added Kendra. Which made us all smile as we took our seats.

  We then began to eat while Kendra was being peppered with questions from the assembled people on what a Mimosa was. Thankfully, Kendra took the reins on explaining the popular brunch beverage. They came to some understanding of how to make an Emeraldian equivalent of a Mimosa. Then stated they would have them ready for the private audience with our core group and nobility after we ate. Which honestly, knowing an Emeraldian pitcher of Mimosas waiting for us did sound like a slice of paradise after our day.

  We all enjoyed our food and merriment together as a family of friends. Glancing around, I knew there was no other place I’d rather be at the moment content.

  When we finished dessert, we left the throne room to a private space with adequate seating for all of us. We cast a privacy-sphere. Azrael and I then took turns explaining what happened with Queen Rhea and King Oro in Draconious. We also spoke of their commitment to our cause and how they’ve allied themselves with us. Everyone was especially pleased to hear the Dragonkin and Wyverns were currently organizing their armies to add their considerable numbers to ours for the war with Lillith. When all was said, at last, there was one final thing left to do. I stood up from my chair and pulled Azrael with me to the center of the room.

  “If I may have everyone’s attention, please. I have something to say,” I said, directing everyone’s gaze and attention to where I stood with Azrael. If a goddess could sweat, I probably would be right now. I grasped both of Azrael’s hands to ground me and steady the shaking of my own.

  “Azrael, assembled amongst all our friends as our witnesses, I have words to share. You’ve been patient, brave, kind, compassionate, and devoted to me. Your happiness is my first thought when I wake, and an embrace in your loving arms is my sanctuary when we rest. I’m not a poet or a scholar of romance or words, but if I was, I’d dedicate all the best verses to you. You are not only my star-coursed one but my friend and one true love. Would you do me the honor of fully bonding with me and commit to being my star-coursed husband in this life and all that follows?” I said and asked Azrael, who looked momentarily stunned. Then he flooded my b
ody with such intense and pure love from our already strengthening bond I was awed by it. The silence between his verbal answer seemed endless, but my beloved knew my limit and answered swiftly.

  “Yes, with every fiber of my being! Yes, my love! Always and Forever,” he answered, then pulled me into a passionate kiss that left no doubt of his devotion to us and had me melt into his arms. He said, yes! He picked me up and spun us around in a twirl of stars and motes of divine magic.

  Our friends cheered their approval, as did King Emeris and Queen Esmerelda, hooting and hollering their congratulations in the background as Azrael placed my feet back on earth. He wore a smile that beamed my direction as he held me close, and we gazed at all our friends. They had all stood up and were applauding us! I have my star-coursed one. He’s perfect, my faithful partner, and above all said, yes!

  “Finally! Congratulations, Leilah, and Azrael!” Donovan shouted.

  “You must have the wedding here at the palace,” said Queen Esmarelda.

  “I agree. Let us host your wedding, Leilah and Azrael,” King Emeris offered generously.

  “We don’t need a fancy wedding. My friends, all of your blessings is good enough,” I confessed, nervous about the prospect of a big wedding.

  “Oh, heck, no, Leilah! You are absolutely having a wedding! A wedding, a dress, and reception!” squealed Kendra, clearly very excited, knocking her chair down in a rush to come embrace us.

  “Don’t forget the cake and food,” Donovan added his input to the planning.


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