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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 24

by Alejandro Marrero

  “Death By Hugs, everyone!” said Quicksilver, which brought a smile from Swift, Jetsumna, Onyxia, Fevian, and Spirit. Our unicorn friends had granted Donovan a boon and made ‘Death by Hugs’ a thing. Everyone apparently agreed, and before we knew it, everyone was on their feet, offering their blessings, hugs, and love. That is when King Emeris and Queen Esmarelda discovered the immense power of ‘Death by Hugs.’ Furthermore, how much glitter unicorns produced when joyful. As we were all showered in glittering sparkles of unicorn dust. If it wasn’t for our magicks, the glitter and sparkle eternally live in this room.

  A part of me was in terror of the thought of a big wedding. The other part of me, that part I hide from most of the world, was so excited! For once, I was going to throw caution to the wind!

  “Is a wedding here what you want, my love?” asked Azrael. Swept in all the floods of emotion from my friends, for the life of me, I couldn’t think of anything better.

  “Yes, Azrael. As long as I don’t have to do the planning, I’d be honored to have our wedding here,” I confessed honestly. “Me too,” said Azrael. He then gave me another heart-melting kiss that had me flushed with an immense flood of happiness from my crown to the tips of my toes!

  “Kendra, Leona, Jetsunma, Spirit, Onyxia, please stay behind. We have a wedding to plan! Now the rest of you. Including you, my beloved King Emeris shoo! Go get some rest! The bride and groom need some time together alone and their beauty sleep. Tomorrow at midday, you will be handfasted in the palace’s central gardens,” ordered Queen Esmarelda taking an authoritatively motherly tone. Which left very little room for dispute, casually trying to dismiss all of us except her chosen few.

  No matter the realm, world, or culture, the thought of a wedding brought joy to many. “My only wish, your majesty Queen Esmarelda, is for the handfasting to be at night. This will give everyone a more reasonable amount of preparation time and allow our happiness to be witnessed by the stars,” I asked of her.

  “Of course, Leilah. I can think of nothing more romantic or beautiful, and the additional time will help us immensely,” Queen Esmarelda agreed.

  “Guess we’re going to need another round of Emeraldian Mimosas tonight,” Kendra added. Which brought a nod of approval from the Queen. My friend, the nature goddess and hopeless romantic, predictable as Donovan and just as excited about her priorities.

  I directed a silent prayer to my parents in Prakuta, beseeching them for their blessings and telling them of my joys. I felt a wave of peace and luminous love returned in kind. I knew they approved and felt boundless joy for me. This deepened the smile on my face and the peace in my heart.

  Being dismissed and leaving the planning to my friends was entirely fine with me. Azrael said yes, and we both were in a bit of a hurry to get to the Western Spire. Abaddon and Donovan already teleported to their rooms. Those two didn’t waste any alone time granted. Then Jeremiah, Pahalia, and all the others winked out of the room. We bid our farewells and assured them whatever they planned would be fine. We trusted them completely. I didn’t want to think about the wedding they had planned. We’d seal our blood oaths tonight privately. The wedding was just a formality for everyone else to celebrate our union of love and happiness.

  When Azrael and I appeared in our chambers, we set up our privacy wards. Then made love feverishly, baring our minds entirely to each other in an intimate union on the soft bed. Then in the afterglow intuitively, a ritual that I gather makes itself known to star-coursed ones. I knew the right words and actions that followed. I deeply kissed Azrael and swiped my tongue on his fangs, drawing blood. He followed suit and did the same. Though blood had a distinctly metallic taste, this time was different. My mouth tasted vanilla and sugary sweet honey-like ambrosia. Then we separated from our lips a breaths’ distance from our sweet kiss, resting our foreheads together, and the words sprung forth.

  “Azrael, with your acceptance and our hearts as witnesses, I surrender my heart, body, and life to you in every measure. All I own is yours. All that invokes your happiness also brings me joy. I vow and bind myself to you in thoughts, words, and deeds, for always and forever. Let us fully commit to each other as eternal mates. With my blood and your blood, let us complete our star-coursed bonding,” I said with my heart center, which felt suddenly full of blindingly golden light. My heart light so bright I closed my eyes.

  “Leilah, my beloved, and the most beautiful being in all the realms in which none can equal. Leilah, whom I love immeasurably. I accept and surrender my heart, body, and life to you in infinite measure with our hearts as witnesses. All I own is yours. All that invokes your happiness brings me joy. I vow and bind myself to you in thoughts, words, and deeds, for always and forever. I commit myself to you as your eternal mate. With my blood and your blood, our star-coursed bond is forever complete,” Azrael sang his sweet oath and then closed his eyes and passionately kissed me, sealing our bond forever. Every reincarnation, we’d always find our way to each other to my delight and faith.

  We then closed our eyes and kissed. It was our first kiss as fully bonded star-coursed ones, and it flooded us both with unfathomable power. The power we both felt through our shared bond surged through every cell of our bodies, mind, and soul. It felt as if the temperature had risen as we melted into that fiery kiss. We remained embraced in each other's arms, kissing for what felt like the most extended kiss in recorded history. This feeling coursing through our veins was like being possessed by brilliant and vivid true love.

  When we separated, we rested our foreheads on each other. “I love you, Azrael,” I whispered.

  “I love you too, Leilah always and forever,” he whispered back in a tone that held no doubt. Then in sync with every emotion, thought, word, and deed, we leaned back and opened our eyes to gaze upon our now eternally bonded star-coursed one. We both widened our eyes in shock.

  “Azrael, my love! Your eyes are swirls of bright molten gold,” I exclaimed, stunned.

  “Leilah, my love! Your eyes too are the same as you described,” he excitedly said right back. What is this feeling?

  We stood up hand in hand from the bed and walked to the floor-length mirror in our chamber. Azrael came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, and we both gazed at our reflections. Our eyes had indeed changed to look oddly familiar to Donovan’s and Abbadon’s. “What does this mean, Leilah? Are we well?” he asked though there was really no concern, only love mutually flooding our bonds.

  I led us back to our bed, expanding my awareness to both of our energy centers, which confirmed my thoughts as I noticed the two new energy centers and the usual seven now spun faster in fiery-golden swirls of brilliance. “It means we’re more than well, my love. We’re now neither a pair of an Angel and a goddess, but both equally god-ascendants! Expand your awareness to observe our energy centers,” I instructed him.

  He leaned back and did so, and his eyes widened in surprise. “You’re correct, my blessed love. We’ve undergone a transformation and appear as Donovan and Abaddon in our energy signatures. How is this possible?” he replied.

  “I have my theories, but we can explore them some other time. For now, the night is still young, and for once, I’m content not to think but to express our love for each other before our big day tomorrow,” I answered with a loving wish.

  “Your wish is my command, my love,” I vaguely remember Azrael replying. Then we went back to expressing our love to each other till late in the evening when bathed in the afterglow, we both drifted peacefully to sleep.

  Chapter 21


  Yay, A wedding! Not only do I finally have the time to go to a wedding, but it is also for my two close friends! A royal wedding too! In another realm! Ha, take that information to the bank, non-believers! Life has so much more under the surface than anyone may believe.

  Who would have thought months ago that life would change so much? I’ve changed from being a total urbanite in retail. Then transformed into an immortally attuned green Witch
and then a goddess. Let us not forget also traveling the hidden earthen realms with my Fae girlfriend. That is the kind of stuff you just cannot fathom or make up. The only thing I miss about suburbia is my phenomenal collection of heels. What can I say? I’m a shoe gal. I’ve got a collection of shoes back in Tampa, Florida, and all of their original boxes. Don’t you dare try to stereotype me! We all have our quirks. That is one of mine. Loved my shoes in my yesteryears. Gosh, it would be great with my now youthful vitality and appearance to have some kick-ass heels to wear to this wedding.

  I wonder if one of our unicorn friends can fashion me a pair of high heels for the wedding. Oh, and Leilah’s dress. We must pick out the perfect dress for Leilah. Though Queen Esmarelda is taller than Leilah, maybe she would have a dress lying around that can be tailored and used. Leilah’s beautiful but very petite. She makes me feel tall, and I’m barely over five feet tall! I have never seen Leilah since she revealed herself an angel outside of anything other than practical tunics. Even when Donovan had shared the gift of godhood with most of our group, making her a goddess. She was basically a ‘comfortable will always beat trendy’ kind of person. Before all of this, Leilah’s way of dressing up was for clubbing or yoga attire with Donovan. Otherwise, when she brought her herbs, soaps, or healing tinctures for consignment into my shop Sacred Sun, she was sporting jeans and a snarky graphic tea. You know the shirts I’m describing. T-shirts with often funny quotes and graphics. My favorite one of hers was one that said ‘Talk Nerdy to Me.’ Loved that one! For I’m a proud nerd. Own it, people!

  Yes, it is true. I imagine that getting Leilah into a dress is going to be a challenge. Still, she seemed enthusiastic enough for the wedding. Leilah was very trusting, allowing us to handle the planning, I thought, while absent-mindedly touching my chest. I wonder what Kendra is doing right now. We were all ordered or somewhat strongly encouraged to prepare the palace’s gardens today for the joyous event. While the Queen handled the guest invitations, reception, food, music, and seating charts. You’d think Queen Esmarelda was planning her own wedding. Yet, I can’t blame her. Weddings are amazing. There’s something magical about celebrating the love between two people that’s worth all the decadence. Though I tell you, it is hard to tell the difference between order or suggestion when the words come from legit royalty. Either way, I didn’t spend all my time reading bridal magazines like a hopeless romantic for nothing! Perks of being a goddess, photographic memory. I remembered every photo, issue, and every page of those wedding magazines in impeccable detail. This would be the wedding to beat all weddings. Move over sovereigns of the earth! This is going to be epic!

  The plan was to keep Leilah away from the central gardens the entire day. Not that I think she wouldn’t be distracted adequately by her hottie Azrael anyways. She or the stars certainly knew how to pick them. Well, nothing compares to Leona anyways. The point is, the Queen was pretty forward about making sure the wedding preparations were perfect for Leilah. This way, she would be surprised by all the ambiance of it all.

  The central gardens were massive, and unlike Silver Leaf City that had a fountain in the very center, there was uninterrupted space in the middle. The raised garden beds ran parallel to each other, a hundred yards leading to the massive Palace. There was veined shimmering and perfectly polished marble-like moonstone paving the streets. Each garden bed was held by malachite retaining walls with more marbled moonstone tops that acted like benches for one to sit by the impressive number of local flowers. The queen had her people put together a big stage with helpful steps for the arbor to go. This way raised up high, all could see Leilah and Azrael as they were hand-fasted.

  Time to use some of my magic for something other than battles or divination. For it would be a jubilant occasion this evening. I sat on the thick well-woven runner that was laid out to be used as the aisle for the procession. The runner was emerald green with silver piping and every three yards embroidered with a golden sun with a sparkly green center. We didn’t have any seating yet, and after being victorious in driving the invaders out of the Emeraldian realms, I knew many would be attending to support the heroes, grateful to celebrate the love of two of the generals that freed their realm from being tainted by Lilith’s drones. I may need to delegate the seating to Quicksilver, I observed. He’s the metalsmith after all. For now, it was time to make the paved central gardens magical for the wedding.

  I sat down on the ground in the center of the palace’s gardens. Then I crossed my feet into the lotus position. I centered myself by inhaling slow, long, and deeply. Then holding my breath for just a moment, my lungs filled to complete capacity before releasing my breath in an exaggerated exhalation. Each deflation of my lungs had me sink further into calmness. I repeated this ritual of mindfulness three times. Then returned my breathing to normal and felt much more grounded. I held my hands in a meditative position cupping my right-hand palms up resting on top of the left hand with my thumbs touching. This was the mudra of equanimity and balance. My mind was clearing and dispersing the clouds of thoughts that would arise. I stayed in a meditative position, focusing mindfully on the ins and outs of my breath. Each time thoughts would arise, I’d simply take notice of it without entertaining or elaborating on it. I was slowly getting to that space between the formation of thoughts where all was calm. When I felt a bliss and clear mind, I started to project my magicks with the clear intent to make the gardens beautiful for Leilah and Azrael’s wedding.

  I visualized the most beautiful flowers from my quasi-tropical home state of Florida in full bloom. Jasmine, gardenia, plumeria, bougainvillea, gloriosa lilies, white wisteria, hydrangeas, foxglove, xenias, daisies, petunias, and orchids. Visualizing all of them in the purest of whites so they would look beautiful and contrast the night sky. I felt the land respond to my intent, and between the thoughts of my meditation, could scent the flowers in full bloom all around me. I didn’t dare open my eyes. It’s all a matter of intent, and I was determined to keep my concentration flowing.

  I envisioned an arbor sprouting from the ground wide enough for twelve people. Made of blooming and weaved wisteria vines that had white cascading showers of flowers. I pictured crate myrtle trees and cherry trees reaching tall upwards towards the sky and covered in white spring blooms on each side of the walls lining the central gardens. I saw vividly in my mind white doves, ready to take flight at a moment’s notice, perched in the trees. I thought of the comfort of those all who would come to be assembled and decided to visualize carpets of white blooming thyme and night-blooming jasmine. I sent a plea to the sky for it to be cloudless this evening. A cloudless night to see the stars clearly and a message for fireflies and willow wisps to arrive at twilight.

  At last, like any and all weddings, there must be roses. Roses were an eternal symbol of love. So, I visualized climbing white roses covering all the walls of the palace and even wrapping around every spire. I wished for everything to be perfect and held the visualization well and clear in my mind. Even invoking a soft cool breeze to bathe the city in perfumed and potpourri fragrances.

  My eyes had remained closed. However, I projected the intent to all my nature fueled romantically inspired wishes to be fulfilled. When I was satisfied and held conviction of my magickal workings, I anchored them all with a prayer to all the evoked flowers to return to their places the following dawn. Throughout the mental conjuring, I kept myself aware of the ins and outs of my breath. I was confident when I opened my eyes, all that I had envisioned would be manifested. However, I remained in meditative absorption for some time, just in case. A cool breeze and the scents of flowers they carried caressed my face and filled my lungs. I knew everything would be as it should when I opened my eyes.

  “This is impressive. My beautiful Kendra, I have never beheld such a lovely and fragrant city,” Leona said as she stirred me from my meditative concentration, blessing me with her comforting words. Her voice always sounded like a Fae melody. Soft, sweet, and feminine. Even with a bit of awe in the ca
dence of her words. I could feel her presence as she sat beside me, and she leaned her head on my shoulder. Leona always smelled of mint and lilacs. When she was near, her affections brought me peace and joy. We were so in touch with each other’s emotions. I let go of my meditation with an aspiration prayer, wishing for all my magicks to hold until after the wedding. Then leaned into her embrace. I honestly was afraid to open my eyes. I scented flowers, the coos of doves, and the cool breeze, but would it all be like I intended?

  “I’m afraid to look. I’m worried that my work isn’t like I invoked in my mind. Is it wonderful, my dearest one? For I fear opening my eyes would disappoint me, and I’d love for all I conjured with my meditative intentions to be true,” I replied.

  “Open your eyes then, and see your intentions realized, my love. I’ve never seen such a sight of endless fragrant flowers in all my life. You have truly made the Emerald City reflect your perfect joy. I’m honored to witness this all, and I’m certain Leilah and Azrael will as well,” Leona assured me. I felt better having her close. She invoked a peace in me no one in my past could compare to. I did as she asked and opened my eyes then gasped.

  “Oh my!” I said as my eyes took in all that was around me with excitement. It worked! All my magicks worked perfectly and true. Actually, even more than I had planned. As I expanded my awareness and saw that every inch of the massive Emerald City was covered in different varieties of white blooms. There were endless expanses of different white-colored flowers for miles in every direction. I looked around, and even the end of the aisle where the bride and groom would have their handfasting held the most massive arbor I’ve ever seen. It looked like a pergola draped in wisteria, and white cherry blossoms swirled like scented snow in the air all around us. It was beyond my dream garden and wedding I conjured.


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