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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 27

by Alejandro Marrero

  “You’re correct, Donovan. My invitations are not only for merriment but a strategy crafted to align everyone with our future goals. We may have defeated Lilith’s retinue now. Still, it’s not guaranteed she won't amass the power to return if she invades the lands and realms of our allied sovereigns,” Queen Esmarelda confirmed. It was good to hear that she planned for not only the betterment of her people but all the realms of terra. She was steps ahead on the chessboard and clearly skilled in the politics warranted by her station.

  “Your strategy is sound and well-intended. I also feel your people will benefit from a joyous occasion after such hardship the last few fortnights. Your people would appreciate an opportunity to celebrate the recent victory here against their foes. This is the perfect and most auspicious reason to unify the Emeraldian people to our cause and those other realms who wish to do so. You’ve chosen wisely, your majesty,” I assured her.

  “Thank you. Your kind words settle my mind. It’s a challenge to handle the politics of the Emerald realm and even more of a challenge when it involves all the realms of Terra. Yet, it is essential to understand whether or not we’re able to utilize the benefits of those invited or not, this is genuinely a favorable circumstance. Not often are star-coursed venerated in such rituals. Nor was it common or as often as it has become now since Donovan’s ascendancy and emergence in our world. My own husband, King Emeris, and I were without star-coursed ones before we met each other for hundreds of years. Even then, that was a rare occurrence. Now with the presence of Donovan, it seems to be happening more often as it was once eons ago during my great grandparents' reigns and should be. Which is a good omen indeed. The veil may have hindered star-coursed mates from finding their way to each other for millennia, and now, with its weakening, has invoked the natural order of the stars’ intents,” Queen Esmerelda explained her theory. It made sense to me as there were more star-coursed and fated mates being discovered in our allies nearly weekly since the Angels were liberated.

  “Apologies, your majesty for the interruption, but I have auspicious news to share as well,” said Quicksilver to our intrigue. All while, Bezaliel’s cheeks flushed while holding Quicksilver’s hand and trying his best to hide behind our friend's tall and muscular form. Which apparently wasn’t going to work. As Quicksilver hauled Bezaliel in front of him, wrapping his arms around him and stated for all to hear, “This is Beza. He was not only helpful in the battle at Green Mount Lake in your realm. He is also my star-coursed one. Don’t let him fool you. He isn’t shy in the least.”

  “Way to throw me under the bus, Quicksie! It’s totally true, though, your majesty. I’m star-coursed with my sexy-cakes here,” Bezaliel said while glaring up at Quiksilver.

  “Well, my handsome mate, you should know by now I’m not once to mince words. I’m only equipped in battles of the tongue with you,” Quicksilver replied to Bezaliel. This made things worse as now Beza was squirming in his strong embrace. “Seriously, are you going to tell everyone about our tonsil hockey? There is such a thing as TMI, which is brief for too much information,” Beza whined.

  “I’m not familiar with what that means, but if you mean your kissing talents, then absolutely. Hence the announcement in front of Queen Esmarelda,” Quicksilver replied with a smile of pure joy. Queen Esmerelda just smiled at both of them.

  “Congratulations to you both Bezaliel and Quicksilver. I’m overjoyed to hear of both your joys,” answered Queen Esmarelda.

  “Wow, congrats Quisksie and Beza! Cool pet names too! It looks like Queen Esmarelda’s theories are correct! More and more of our friends are finding their star-coursed mates. Hopefully, this will bring a lot of happiness to everyone in every realm,” added Donovan excitedly.

  Quicksilver and Bezaliel were then subjected to congratulations from everyone assembled for some time, and everyone was joyful until Donovan next spoke.

  “Do we have a dress for Leilah’s special day? Or even a plan to convince her stubborn butt to wear one in the first place?” asked Donovan.

  “We do indeed have a dress picked out for Leilah that Onyxia and Jetsunma created for her, and it is beautiful. Now, as far as getting her to wear it, she’s in my kingdom. She will wear it because she will have no choice in the matter. This is a once in a lifetime and joyous occasion. The preparations for the wedding have been completed, and the guests should be arriving a few hours before nightfall. The Central palace will also be filled with meals fit for the whole kingdom, its guests, and more. The palace chefs and bakers from all the realm have been hard at work,” explained Queen Esmarelda. Wait for it. Just wait for it. Yes, here it comes.

  “Yay! Food! Ahem. I mean yay wedding,” Donovan added with barely contained excitement. Everyone laughed because that was my husband in his most natural form. He was the ever-hungry eater of food in any realm or situation.

  “Now all of you go relax a while. Then get yourselves ready for the historic wedding in your most elegant attire. We should all be reconvening two hours past midday for a meal and to go over our roles during the wedding,” Queen Esmeralda said in dismissal.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I was eager to return to our room and pleasure my husband. Everyone said their parting farewells, and in pairs or one by one, we winked out of the room.

  Chapter 25


  “Oh my goodness, your eyes! They are swirling blazes of gold! You’ve gone and leveled up again, haven’t you? Your eyes look just like Donovan’s and Abbadon’s! Did Azrael level up too or just you?” Kendra asked in shock. Now everyone was peering at my eyes and noticed. Great, now everyone’s going to make a big deal about it. She’s right, though. This is my wonderfully insightful friend. Still, I’m the same person they’ve always known. I may have gone through some changes since we first met, but inside, it is still me.

  “You’re right, my love, she is now a god-ascendant. I believe they made the star-coursed oaths last night, and this is the result,” answered Leona. Did you hear that? I heard that. I couldn’t help but hear Leona call Kendra her love. At least those two were finally figuring it out. If they only knew how many more star-coursed ones have appeared lately. I’m happy for Kendra and Leona, but they’re still not going to hear the details about my fantastic evening with Azrael last night. Some people kiss and tell. Well, I’m just not one of those people.

  “Yes, I’ve as you put it ‘leveled up,’ and so has Azrael. Try not to make a big deal about it, I’m still me, golden eyes or not. Which sounds like a spy movie or something weird Donovan and I saw. Plus, shouldn’t we be more focused on the wedding? Isn’t that the reason you had Azrael and I summoned to different spires? This not seeing the groom till the wedding is a stupid tradition. May I remind you it’s a human tradition. We’re in the realm of the Green-Elves. How in the world does that make sense,” I explained, somewhat agitated. I didn’t like being away from Azrael, and we had just bonded. I understand we’re both in the same castle, but this is ridiculous. Being apart from your fated-one is challenging, especially when recently bonded.

  “Okay, so we will put a pin on the whole transformation thing for now. That doesn’t mean I don’t want the details later, girlfriend. We’ve got to stick together, and we’re your friends. Anyways, being separated from Azrael is only for a few hours. He’s with the guys getting all dressed up and prepped for the wedding too. I hear his wedding clothes took even longer to make than yours, but he will look smoking hot in it! The separation is a tradition in every realm. Queen Esmarelda assured me of it when we were planning your dream wedding. You will see, it will be worth it in the end. You’re both with friends getting ready for your big day. Plus, we’ve got a dress for you that’s going to make him want you even more. If that was even possible. You’re going to look like a princess!” Kendra said with evident excitement. Gods, you’d think she was getting married she was so excited. Wait for a second here. What dress? Dear Illuminated Ones and stars above, save me from my bridesmaids. No, effing way.

bsp; “Absolutely not! I’m not wearing a dress,” I adamantly stated. This is ridiculous. Why on Earth do I need to wear a fancy dress? Azrael and I have already sealed our blood oaths with blood. I can conjure a passable outfit, no problem.

  “Leilah, respectfully, you have not even seen the dress, and her majesty had it custom made for you by Jetsunma and Onyxia. She had the finest of your friends, and artisans help them as well. Do you not want to impress Azrael? What other opportunities will you have to wear one? You know, with everything going on in all the realms and our quests? It’s a once in a lifetime event and one that is meaningful not only to you but to many. Think of your Angelic brethren and those of Azrael. This is the first wedding of their kind since their creation. It has been a kind of freedom not allowed to them in all of history. The groom shouldn’t outshine the bride, and he’s putting on his finery for you. You can do the same for him. Don’t give me that look! At least try the dress on,” pleaded Kendra.

  Usually, begging had the opposite effect on me. However, Kendra was my friend, and she had made valid points. I told myself that I would do my best to not let my ego get in the way in the future. This was the very definition of letting my ego burden not only myself but my friends and Angelic brethren. She was, regrettably right.

  This wedding was not only about me but also about Azrael, my star-coursed mate. This was indeed a historical event. After all, we’ve been through together, it would be insulting not to at least try. I just loathed all the fancy traditional nonsense. I’m also an individual that believes in practicality and comfort over fashion. I didn’t need a fancy dress, but my friends had gone through the trouble of making one custom for me. Yet again, this was my ego talking. My friends had clearly been hard at work. Even the sovereigns of this realm have in preparations for this hasty wedding to my beloved. I was behaving like my usual, stubborn self. It’s time to honor my unvoiced oaths and humble myself. I’d go with the flow for this exciting occasion. I had told them to take care of planning the wedding, after all, and they had done so. Even though they kept me sequestered in this northern spire’s opulent common area and didn’t allow me to even leave till it was time. Keeping me separated from Azrael as well. Oh, how I disliked surprises and being away from him. Recognizing that I was the only person burdening others and not appreciating their help was humbling. It also helped change my stubborn ego-driven mind.

  “Fine. I will try on the dress,” I relented to Kendra’s immediate delight. “Fantastic! You won't regret this. You may not know this, but I’ve never been to a wedding. I’ve always been very alone until I met my beautiful girlfriend, Leona. I honestly thought before this love just wasn’t in the cards for me. Now with Leona and all the adventures we’ve had since we met, my heart is so full. I’m honored to be your friend. We worked very hard on making this wedding beautiful and perfect for not just you but your star-coursed one and all in attendance. It makes me very happy and honored to be part of your special day,” Kendra admitted to my surprise. Gods, even I’ve been to some weddings with Donovan for his family members. I didn’t realize she had been alone for so long all the time I knew her managing Sacred Sun. Now I felt guilty, and it was because she was entirely right.

  Beloved, be at ease. I’m in the same situation in the western spire. Our friends have worked hard and are overjoyed for us. Let them have their fun this day. We have eternity together, mind-spoke Azrael through the bond.

  Alright, Az. I better get some extra time in the sheets after this, I replied.

  I’m currently being clothed. Don’t make me excited right now. It will be embarrassing for me and awkward for our friends present here. However, yes, you can absolutely rest assured we will be consummating, again and again, this evening after the wedding, he assured me.

  I love you. Don’t let our friends make you look too ridiculous! I added.

  Oh, Leilah, I don’t look ridiculous at all. I think you’re going to love seeing me in what they’ve divinely made for me to wear for our special day. I can’t wait for you to see me. I love you too. Have faith in our friends. We’re in good hands, he concluded. Illuminated Ones, I missed him like a love-struck fool. At least we were able to covertly communicate through the bond. I returned to the present, seeing everyone staring at me in silence.

  “I apologize. I was talking to Azrael through our bond. Looks like he’s in the same boat. I’m grateful to have you as my friend Kendra, and you’re right. Everyone here is right. I’m acting like an ass after all the hard work you’ve all been putting towards our special day. I’m sorry. Alright, as challenging as this is to say, I’m relinquishing control. I’m putting my trust entirely in you and our friends’ hands. It’s a happy occasion, so I just need to enjoy it. Also, I better look as beautiful as my handsome groom Azrael because he just told me I’d love what he was specially dressed in for our wedding. Please forgive my earlier reservations,” I confessed with remorse.

  “It’s fine. You bet your knickers you’re going to be the one to steal the show! Oh, Leilah, you are loved and will be loved forever! This is your special day! Be excited,” exclaimed Kendra with enthusiasm. A contagious kind that had me forget my earlier woes. I smiled in return, and the smile I received back from everyone filled me with joy. For everyone was happy now. Kendra, with the help of Leona, wheeled out a headless mannequin that was covered in a white sheet. Then they took off the white sheet in a flourish of magic, and my jaw almost hit the floor. This wasn’t just a wedding dress. This was fit for a princess! It was a beautiful manifestation of everything one could ever hope to have the opportunity to wear or witness. It was perfect and just seeing it made me excited. Oh, I couldn’t wait for Azrael to see me walking down the aisle in this beautiful and divine dress.

  “Holy effing gods! That’s beautiful,” I exclaimed. “I can’t believe you all were able to create this perfect dress in less than a day? But how? Oh, nevermind the hows. I don’t even want to know. Don’t tell me. You’re all right! Wait until Azrael sees me in this! He will never forget this day! Next time just start by showing me the dress to save me from complaining,” I found myself squealing to everyone’s relief and joy. I was excited to try it on. Just looking at the dress, I’d be wearing to marry my star-coursed one was bringing joyous and definitely mushy tears to my eyes.

  “I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re glad you love it. Now, enough with the happy tears. We need to get you into this dress, then we need to work on your makeup,” said Jetsunma. She totally said makeup just now. Now that is something I have no qualms with.

  That’s how I found myself trying on, in my opinion, a dress that was the most beautiful thing I had ever worn. Jetsunma and Onyxia made some final adjustments even though I felt they were unnecessary but appreciated. Then they removed the dress, and Queen Esmerelda walked into the room with a handful of attendants while I slipped out of it and was in my undergarments. We all bowed to her respectfully. This was the same Queen that was hosting my wedding after all.

  “Leilah, I’m so overjoyed to be hosting your wedding here in the palace’s central gardens. It begins as soon as the evening sets in. I have brought some attendants to help you prepare for your blessed special day, as a token from our realm for your bravery. In front of those of your friends here, I offer you this necklace. It will symbolize the eternal gratitude and alliance of all Emeraldiends to you and your friends for saving our realm. As I’m sure you’re aware, you wear ‘something given’ for luck on your wedding day,” Queen Esmerelda said. Then she walked up to us, handing me a velvet green decorative jewelry box.

  I opened the gift she offered, and nestled inside more velvet was a platinum medallion. The necklace, which was made of chained freshwater pearls at its end, had a princess cut citrine-colored phoenix-stone. It shimmered with power and the fire of the dormant elemental inside. It was similar to the ‘Phoenix Tear’ in every way, except its wings were holding a white golden sun with an emerald stone. It was beautiful and elegant in every way. It appears ever
y realm had a Phoenix Tear, and Queen Esmarelda had just gifted me the one in her realm. I was overjoyed at the generosity of this gift, for it would remind me of the ‘Phoenix Tear’ in slumber in my void-pouch that liberated me from the leashes of the gods of old.

  “Thank you! This is beautiful and most generous, your majesty. I’m honored to wear such a rare and beautiful gift. As I am honored to be allied with the virtuous and kind people of your realm. I will never forget what you’ve done for us and all of Terra,” I told her with sincere gratitude. Then one of her attendants came and placed the necklace around my neck where it hung just above my cleavage.

  “You’re welcome, Leilah. The necklace and pendant bring out your new and vivid eyes. Tonight will be magickal and beautiful for you, the realm, and, most importantly, your beloved Azrael. We’ve had a challenging few weeks, and with our victory, the city is welcoming this auspicious and joyous occasion with immense excitement. My attendants and your friends present will help you finish getting ready. You will be ported to the pavilion at the beginning of the wedding aisle after you're done preparing. There you will be walked to your loving groom Azrael, and the handfasting will proceed. All wedding preparations have been taken care of. You simply need to walk to your intended who will be eagerly waiting to behold you in your beautiful and loving star-coursed splendor.

  Queen Esmarelda then said her farewells and went to get ready for the wedding herself, I imagine. Then all my friends went to work, bathing my skin with jasmine-scented oils and lotions that shimmered with sparkles. The sparkles I somehow knew were made of some of the glittery magick dust from our Unicorn friends. They began working on my hair, opting to have most of it down in beautiful loose waves. In addition to the halo I held braided on my crown, they clasped a tiara of diamonds and blue sapphires that matched my long teardrop fire opal earrings. Then Kendra unfasted a bracelet of moonstones from her wrist and clasped it to my right wrist.


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