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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 26

by Alejandro Marrero

  “In the last couple thousand years, I was rarely asked to report back anything. As long as humans didn’t do anything like the Atlanteans of old, they pretty much were ignored. Honestly, being an Angel was kind of boring for several thousand years. Before, we were battling a lot with other god’s kin before they kind of unified. I say kind of because really, they just amassed enough power to create their own celestial abodes and had no need to fight.

  “Honestly, the call to arms only happened when Donovan came around and started shaking the metaphorical supra-mundane hierarchy. Most of us Angels guard our thoughts pretty well. Simply because before, we were tethered to the gods and their wills. Now everything is kind of peachy for us Angels.

  “Yeah, we’re battling Lillith and all that jazz. That’s totally worth it too. I know you miss your home realm when it was at its peak and known as Lunaria. I had heard of it but never seen it as I was assigned elsewhere. Mostly the western hemisphere’s human, Kindred, Were, and Vampire filled continent. I’m glad we've aligned with your friends to restore Lunaria. I never liked Lilith. She was always an overly ambitious Angel. In fact, almost no one liked her. Even the ArchAngels, who notoriously think of everyone as insects except for each other, downright hated her. When she severed her tethers, no one even bothered to look for her. To say she wasn’t missed was an understatement.

  “When your friends decided you were going to free everyone. End the slavery of all beings. Including all of us, angels, we were totally down for that. Plus, you’re one tall, handsome hunk. I’d follow you anywhere if you haven’t noticed,” finished Bezaliel.

  “Well, I’m glad to have you by my side. I’m grateful Donovan and his friends have been devoted to freeing everyone. Though right now, I’m especially grateful you’re free too! Thank you very much for sharing with me a bit about you, handsome. Since this will be a first for your brethren, do you have any idea what would complement the already gorgeous gardens in terms of seating?” I said as his guidance would really be welcomed.

  “Well, there are many flowers, and from the whisperings, I’ve heard you’re going to have thousands in attendance. I’d stick to silver benches, so they reflect the night sky, and everyone can slide in or huddle close to the ones they care about. Then have them angled in a way that everyone could see the main stage where the two lovebirds are tying the knot. Maybe incorporate all this shimmering glitter we seem to both suddenly be covered in, so everything glitters like the celestial stars in Leilah’s wings. Also, I haven’t heard smack about rings. That’s kind of important for these kinds of rituals. Don’t forget to talk to Azrael cause you might need to make some rings for the intended,” Beza suggested. I found no flaw in his logic. Therefore I went to work conjuring the seating for thousands leaving plenty of space in the aisle in the middle.

  I’d speak to Donovan about what designs for a ring Leilah would like, then ask Abaddon what designs would fit Azrael. We had no shortage of gemstones. Us unicorns were master artisans. It would not be a hardship to design rings to their liking at all. As long as my Bezaliel continued shadowing me everywhere, I knew everything would be fine.

  Chapter 23


  I woke up early today. Well, by my standards, anyway. Then again, I fell blissfully asleep with Abaddon by my side early in the evening. Maybe all that food and Mimosas helped. Though it’s kind of annoying, we barely get a buzz unless we are really pounding on the spirits.

  Currently, I was on my back, staring at the ceiling. Every day had been wickedly full of cray-cray. Hopefully, today would be different. Today would be all about Leilah and Azrael getting married or handfasted and nothing else. I wanted a no drama llama kind of day. Didn’t we deserve it? Yesterday we battled and friended a Shadow Dragon who turned out to be the misinformed Queen Rhea of Draconious. I mean, we have got plenty to do still, but today all the realms can just have a siesta for real. Today’s all about the wedding! Did I mention I love weddings? The planning, heck to the no. However, the actual wedding, love, love, love it! They always made me swoon, and the receptions that followed were full of food too! It is all so romantic and exciting.

  Abaddon was currently snoring softly, and yes, before you ask, gods do snore too. At least it was not loud or sounded like he was trying to inhale the roof. Seriously I went camping once on the side of a mountain in Arizona next to a Tibetan Buddhist temple for a three-week meditation retreat. Someone was snoring loudly in a nearby tent. I mean, loud enough, I thought it was a wild animal. Either way, though, that was some of the most enjoyable times in my life. Never share a tent with Leilah, though. She is a blanket hog. Seriously! I’m sure Azrael has figured that out by now. Though it was August in Arizona and blazing hot during the day, the nights in the arid mountain top would be frigid. Therefore, Leilah’s blanket hogging was leaving me with full-body shivers. Still, at a meditation retreat at a Buddhist temple, we were pretty blissed out and feeling the zen. It was peaceful, to say the least. Luckily, Abaddon was like a big, albeit muscled radiator of warmth.

  I needed to get up. However, how would this be possible with Abaddon wrapped around me like an octopus? Seriously, he was going for the cuddling award of the year. Still, he was so handsome, and to feel his arms wrapped around me in snuggles was delightful. The honeymoon phase was definitely still going strong. It is always good when it is your star-coursed mate and hubbykins. I stretched my arms out and sighed. It is time to seize the day. Carpe Diem betches! I brought my right hand down and caressed Abaddon’s muscular back softly. Totally won the hunk lottery with my fated one. Of course, my affections just encouraged Abaddon to tighten his hold around me. Seriously this sleepy and handsome clinging for dear life octopus was totally in a Death By Hugs mode.

  “Hubbykins, wake up, today’s the big day,” I said while giving him a good shake. He opened his eyes, blinking the sleep out of them.

  Then he gazed in my direction. “I’m comfortable. It’s nowhere near the evening. What’s the hurry?” he asked, stifling a yawn with his free hand awe, my sleepy little cuddler supreme.

  “Well, sexy-cakes I’ve been awake, and I need caffeine, or I’m going to get grumpy,” I explained.

  “Reach into my void-bag there’s a warm thermos of green tea in there for you in stasis,” he instructed thoughtfully and then closed his eyes again. Awe, that was so sweet. Seriously how is everyone using their void-pouches so expertly? It is like they think of everything.

  “I love you, babe. That was super thoughtful. Seriously though, get the heck up. I cannot reach something while you are latched onto me so deliciously. Plus, I am hungry. We should also convene with Queen Esmarelda and see how we can help with the wedding. Don’t you want to help with your Angelic sibling Azrael and my best friend Leilah’s event today?” I reminded him.

  This made him sigh and then untangle himself from me and mutter, “Fine. I guess you’re right,” he agreed while stretching. He then hopped his deliciously naked self out of bed to head to his void-pouch. When he got to the table, it sat upon, he pulled out a thermos and brought it to me. Oh, sweet, gloriously naked, hunk delivered caffeine. Yup! This is my happily ever after perfect man.

  “Thank you, babe,” I said with a quick kiss on his lips before taking the thermos.

  “You’re welcome, my love,” he replied, then sauntered his way to the bathroom. Baby got back! I thought as I watched him slip into the bathroom while sipping my hot green tea. I downed half the drink quickly and got up. Already feeling my energy levels rising. Though it was probably a placebo effect. I am basically made of electricity and never really ran out of energy. Mental energy, yeah. I can get mentally fatigued and overwhelmed like anyone else. It is just the routines in my life I wanted to keep for sanity reasons, you know. I appreciated my morning rituals. Alright, time to get out of bed, brush my teeth, and shower off the remnants of our delicious intimate moments from last night.

  I got out of bed then went into the washroom and showered. Before you ask yes, we had anothe
r round of fun in the shower, but it was a quickie. Sometimes it is the best way to start the day. Alright, it is always the best way to start the day. Not to mention after sex in a shower, it was kind of easy to clean yourself up. Even if we can use our magicks to clean ourselves, the hot water always refreshes and wakes me up anyway. Oh, how glorious it was that Emeraldiens had the modern comforts of running hot water.

  Totally off-topic here, but did you know immortals do not poop? Is that weird? Well, I do not know about all immortals. There is a toilet in every washroom I have seen. Yet seriously, I eat like a pig. Have not had to go number two once in… I guess months now that I think about it. Guess our bodies metabolized everything. So, no number two for us, only number one. I wonder if our organs even look the same. I am so effing weird. Already over analyzing and thinking about this crap so early in the morning. To the point of wondering what an MRI would show and if my physiology has changed. Whatever, I am weird, but I own up to it. I am not entertaining this thought anymore cause well, it’s a shitty mental tangent.

  We got ourselves dressed in our casual tunics and had supplies for anything the day might throw at us in our void-pouches, like armor, weapons, tea, etc. You get the gist of it.

  “You ready, babe?” I asked Abaddon.

  “Yes, my love. I am ready. What had you so lost in thought a moment ago?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing just thinking about irrelevant shit. Like literally,” I replied, which earned me a raised brow and shake of Abaddon’s head. He knew exactly what I was thinking most likely. I was not in my walled garden when I thought it. I did believe in answering him honestly, anyways. Honest dialogue and communication are essential in a relationship, people! Get the memo and read it!

  We decided to take the long way to the receiving room of Queen Esmarelda. We mind-spoke with Jetsunma of our intent, and she told us it was in the north spire. Naturally, the largest and nearly furthest one from us. Still, it was not hard to find, so hand in hand with my hubbykins Abaddon, we set out for it. We made our way out of the western spire and then headed north to the royal receiving room of Queen Esmarelda. It took us about forty-five minutes to arrive at the entrance archway of the Emeraldien sovereign’s spire. To say the palace was huge was an understatement. It is the size of Tampa it felt like. They need to get some Segways, golf carts, or something. I know, I know. I sound uber lazy right now. Yet it’s been a heck of a few months like I pointed out earlier, and I want some mundane comforts at the moment. If it wasn’t for our ability to teleport or flash across vast distances, I’d have given up going after going down the endless stairs of the Western Spire. When we reached the entrance, Jetsunma was there.

  “Greetings, Donovan, and Abaddon, how are you doing today?” Jetsunma asked. I quickly gave her a hug because that is my jam. “Hi, there, friend! We are both doing rather good. How are you doing? I have missed you. We have not had much time to catch up since we met. At least today’s agenda is happy stuff,” I replied. She returned the warm embrace, only glittering a little bit with Unicorn sparkly dust from my southern bred warm hugs.

  “I’m good too, and glad to hear you’re both doing well. You are right. There has been a lot going on, distracting us from getting to know each other better. Yet, we have been engaging in virtuous activities, so it is understandable. I came down to bring your friends up to Queen Esmarelda’s receiving room. Kendra, Leona, Quicksilver, Spirit, Onyxia, Jeramiah, Pahaliah, and Bezaliel are there. Figured I’d flash you up to save you the hour-long climb should you not find the well-hidden lift,” she explained.

  Shut the front door. Emerald City has elevators here in the palace? “Do we have a lift in the Western Spire?” I asked.

  “Yes, there is one behind the stairwell of the second landing,” she explained. Ugh, all this time, and there was a damn elevator. Oh well. As long as I knew where I was going flashing was the quickest way to get anywhere.

  “Bezaliel is there?” Abaddon asked with some surprise.

  Who was Bezaliel again? I vaguely remember him. “Is that the Angel with the shoulder-length curly platinum hair, a blue halo weaved into it and skin as tan as mine that battled with us at Green Mount Lake?”

  I asked. “That is certainly, Bezaliel. He was known for being one of the twenty watchers of the gods and a rather dexterous and skilled fighter. You, Donovan, my sweet mate, and he would get along. He has a fiery personality, snarky, and speaks in the idioms and accents of your home realm. I wonder why he’s here, though,” explained and inquired Abaddon. I wondered too. I could care less, though.

  All the Angels took the oath. They were free, and every one of them had committed to our cause. If he was helpful, then the more the merrier. Plus, he was plenty helpful during the battle we had yesterday if I recall.

  “Well, you’ll get to know him better in a moment. He’s definitely going to be more involved now. You shall see why in a moment. We shouldn’t keep the others waiting,” Jetsunma said. Well, if that didn’t pique my interest. Then she placed her hands on both of us and flashed us to Queen Esmarelda’s receiving room, which was as opulent as it was massive and in apparently pre-wedding chaos.

  Chapter 24


  When we appeared inside Queen Esmarelda’s receiving room, it was a flurry of activity. The room was extravagant and befitting of a monarch. All the furniture was intricately hand-carved wood with the royal crests predominantly on display. Queen Esmeralda, Kendra, Leona, Quicksilver, Spirit, Onyxia, Jeramiah, Pahaliah, and Bezaliel were there indeed. Just as Jetsunma had described before flashing us into the chaotic room. I’ve seen weddings before from afar but have not been involved with the planning or preparations for one. It seemed it took a lot of work. The anxiety and excitement in the air were palpable.

  Jetsunma separated from us and went to join Onyxia at a large table filled with envelopes. Inside each envelope, parchments were being placed within and spelled. I noticed the letters were in the golden-inked script used by royalty. They were sealing up the folds with green wax and then passing them to Queen Esmerelda. The Queen would then stamp her personal Emeraldien royal sigil. Her official seal of a sun that wore a crown on the wax then pass it to Jetsunma, who would use her air elemental magick to cool the wax. Then she would place the sealed letters in an ornate box. Each box was labeled with the name of a realm it would be delivered to I imagined and sealed. It looked like we came at the moment the last of the ornate boxes of letters were filled.

  “Pahaliah and Jeremiah, can you please have all these invitations delivered by the Angel brethren that visited the other realms a day ago? I think it best the same ten Angel brethren you directed to go. As their presence is already known. These invitations are to go to the sovereigns of Madera, the land of the Wood Elves. Deliver them to King Rowan and Queen Hazel. Then these go to Draconious to Queen Reah and King Oro. In Shangrila, make sure to deliver one to Jeremiah’s Kindred sire, the snow lion shifter Queen Padme, and her consort King Tenzin. Also, invite any Arhats or Illuminated Ones that wish to attend. Though there is a high possibility, the Arhats will remain in their meditative absorption. Still, the Illuminated Ones and Arhats can be trusted in their enlightened state. These are to go to only the sovereign of Shunyata. They are King Lux and Queen Lumena, for they are to be invited to the joyous event. Then, deliver these to the Iron Sky realm and invite the sovereign King Tryst and Queen Mauve. Lady Leona and Kendra, please get these invitations to the Silver Leaf City council members. Make sure all of the recipients know these invitations are spelled by Swift to combust after being read, and it says so in writing. They’re also spelled by Pahalia to disintegrate if touched by mal intended hands. In the case of the abundance of Lillith’s spies, they fall in the hands of anyone not virtuously aligned for the benefit of our goals.

  “Quickly now, make haste. All going should offer those wishing to attend your swift forms of travel should they accept the invitations. I feel it will further our cause to have a representative from all our allied re
alms present. This will further our relations with them. I’m confident they’d love to attend such a joyous occasion as well as discuss trade and more. We could also strategize with them. Or learn of their plans to handle Lilith’s intent to invade all the realms of Terra after the wedding procession is done if time permits,” instructed Queen Esmerelda. This was wise and intelligent for the Queen to think of.

  Pahaliah, Jeremiah, Kendra, and Leona then took their assigned boxes of invitations and winked out of the room. They wasted no time in carrying out the orders as they were aligned with our goals. We may be momentarily celebrating the union of two essential members of our comrades. Still, we must not lose focus on our ultimate goal. A goal that requires us to unify all the paranormal realms of beings and against Lillith and her retinue, ultimately freeing all enslaved residing in and outside the parallel realms of Terra.

  “Pahalia mind-spoke that he has passed on your orders to the original ten that visited the lands of Madera, Draconious, Shangrila, Shunyata, and Iron Sky. Since he and Jeremiah are not going, they’ll be back shortly they mind-spoke to me. Kendra and Leona said they’d be back as quickly as possible as they would be delivering your parcels in-person to Silver Leaf City,” Abaddon relayed.

  “Wow, this was shaping up to accomplish two goals at once. One was the wedding of the eons because, let us face it, with Angels for the first time are free of tethers. It is the first ritual of love between previously tethered beings in all of Terran history. Two, it would seem those who were invited and attending may provide an opportunity to unify all free realms against Lilith. Thus join our commitment to the dissolution of the veil. That’s a kick-butt and awesome way of taking care of two birds with one stone, your majesty,” Donovan told her.


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