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Unexpectedly Yours: A Forever Love Story (InterMix)

Page 16

by Jeannie Moon

  “Miss Rossi?”

  It wasn’t Mark, but he’d surely noticed her leaving.

  There was a uniformed man standing near a black luxury car and Caroline realized Josh was picking her up. In his way. She made her way toward the car and the waiting chauffeur, and just as she was about to enter the open back door, Mark caught her by the arm.

  “Well, look at you. Going somewhere special?”

  Cringing, Caroline pulled her arm away. He didn’t miss one intimidating trick, one chance to make a woman uncomfortable. He may have been a crappy manager, but he was good at this.

  “I’m meeting someone,” Caroline told him. It was more than he needed to know, but she thought maybe it would keep him from doing anything truly horrible. “He sent a car for me.”

  “Ah. Is this someone a client of ours, perhaps?”

  “He is on the firm’s client list, Mr. Strickland, but I’m not assigned to the project. If you’ll excuse me, I don’t want to be late.”

  Mark stepped back when he saw the chauffeur, who could have doubled for an NFL linebacker, step forward. Josh had sent more than a car.

  “Very well.” Mark stepped back. “Please keep in mind that you are to be loyal to your employers and to your co-workers. Discretion, Caroline, is always best.”

  She didn’t answer because the comment didn’t deserve one. He was a bastard and he should take his own advice.

  Getting into the car, Caroline’s dark mood was threatening to ruin her evening, until she saw the flowers on the seat next to her, and everything inside her warmed. How did he do it? How did he know exactly what she needed when she needed it?

  It wasn’t anything as clichéd as roses, but a bunch of sunny yellow tulips. Perfect.

  Everything about this relationship was scrambling her brain, and Caroline didn’t know if it was Josh or her own doubts about herself.

  Picking up the flowers, Caroline fingered the soft petals and thought about how her life had changed over the last month and a half, and if she could handle it. Could she handle him?

  The car wove its way through rush-hour traffic and it gave Caroline a lot of time to think. She thought about herself, about Josh and about her family. Her family who loved her, but didn’t understand her.

  Work had been hell since she’d talked to Josh about the site evaluation. If she wasn’t being trusted to do real work before she’d advised him, now it was worse. But the strange thing was that for the first time in a long time she really didn’t care. She truly didn’t. She’d taken steps to change her situation, and once she’d done that, nothing Mark Stickland did mattered.

  Confidence was a heady thing.

  The buildings changed as the car went farther downtown and the towering skyscrapers of Midtown gave way to the shorter residential buildings as they passed through SoHo and Greenwich Village. Caroline’s stomach lurched as the car finally turned onto Water Street. Campbell Holdings had been in a century-old building in this area for three decades.

  Josh had told her how his grandfather had started the business, and how his father was running it into the ground. Josh’s job, as he saw it, was to save the family legacy.

  Of course, just as the car pulled to the curb, her sister called.

  “Hi, Meg,” Caroline said.

  “Hey, we’re in the city tonight. Meet us for dinner.”

  Thankfully, things were much better with her sister, but Caroline still hadn’t told her about Josh, and she knew the longer she waited, the more angry Meg would be. But she didn’t want a lot of questions. Not right now, while she was still figuring it out herself.

  “I can’t. I have plans.”

  “You have... you have plans?”

  Okay, that pissed her off. “Meg, you do realize I have a life, don’t you? I have friends and there are people I see...”

  “I know, but I want you to come to dinner.” The woman could pout over the phone. How did she do that?

  “Well, I can’t. I’m busy with a project and then I have dinner plans.”

  There was nothing. Caroline couldn’t even hear her breathing.

  “Where are you going? We’ll join you.”

  “NO! No,” she said quietly the second time. “I’m not sure yet and besides, this is a date. I’d rather do this on my own.”

  “But I want to meet him.” Meg sounded almost sweet. Caroline knew better. “Is it your boyfriend?”

  Meg had been consistently calling Josh her boyfriend and no matter how many times Caroline corrected her, Meg kept at it. It must have been sisterly ESP.

  “Look, I have to go. You’ll have your chance, I promise.”

  “It’s nothing yet?”

  “Meg, I don’t know what it is yet. It’s confusing, but hey, that’s the way it is, isn’t it?”

  “Call me tomorrow. I want details.”

  “There may not be anything to tell.” There wouldn’t be. Caroline had no intention of telling her sister anything until she talked to her mom.

  “Okay,” Meg finally said. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  With her call ended, Caroline could tamp down the nerves that were flaring up just at the thought of walking into Josh’s office and seeing a different side of him. Frankly, she didn’t know why she was nervous. Fear of the unknown, maybe? “Neil?” she said to the driver. “Did Mr. Campbell say whether we’d be taking this car to his apartment or did he drive? Should I bring my things or can I leave everything here?”

  “I’ll be driving you both to Mr. Campbell’s apartment.”

  She stroked the soft petal of the tulip and looked up at the building once again. Then Neil cleared his throat.

  No reason to stall anymore. Leaving everything but her purse, Caroline exited the car and walked through the doors toward the unknown.

  There was a mirror in the lobby and Caroline used the opportunity to check out how she looked. Her blue wrap dress was simple, but had a huge circle skirt that swept around her legs with dramatic flair. She wore high-heel pumps today instead of flats and her hair was down, her natural wave pushing the strands around her face. She wasn’t sure if she looked like herself, but she wasn’t going to walk into Josh’s office, with the myriad of gorgeous women who probably worked there, looking like a frump.

  Satisfied that she still looked professional even though she had gone into full girly mode, Caroline boarded the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor.

  It seemed to take forever.

  But within the minute, Caroline was standing in the reception area of Campbell Holdings.

  The office was much like hers. Understated, classy— but Caroline knew in the world of big money things could look great on the surface and stink on the inside.

  From the way Josh talked about the business, that’s exactly what was going on.

  The receptionist got up from her desk and extended her hand. She was a lovely woman in her late fifties with sparkling brown eyes and a friendly smile. “Miss Rossi.” Caroline took her outstretched hand and immediately relaxed. “I’m Amelia. Please come with me; Mr. Campbell is expecting you.”

  “Thank you. Please call me Caroline.”

  “Caroline it is.” Amelia looked her over. “He said you were beautiful, but I don’t know if that word alone does you justice.”

  “Oh, ah...” She was stunned. “Ah... thank you. It’s a good day. I dressed up.”

  “My dear, you could wear a paper bag and be a stunner. It’s doesn’t have anything to do with the clothes.”

  Caroline suppressed her grin. It was fun feeling like the pretty one for a change.

  “Josh has been smiling like a fool for the past month. We finally got it out of him that he’d started seeing you.” They walked down a corridor lined with framed photos and Caroline caught glimpses of the Campbell kids when they were young. “I love him like a son; we all
do. So we’re thrilled. We were getting worried about him.”

  “Worried?” That had her wondering. Josh was male perfection personified. How could he be a worry?

  “You’re the first woman he’s ever seemed invested in. He’s dated, almost pathologically, but has never seen anyone seriously.”

  “It’s still pretty new.” Caroline knew she’d already crossed over. It was serious for her, but she couldn’t speak for Josh. It certainly seemed like he was serious, but she wasn’t going to assume anything. She also had to wonder why his receptionist was telling her this. It seemed so ... personal.

  “Trust me, he’s smitten.” It was very personal, but that bit of information made Caroline tingle from the inside out. Smitten. She loved that.

  As they approached the end of the hall, the space opened into another reception area with desks occupied by two women and one man. Caroline could hear Josh. He was talking with someone, and his voice, so deep, so assured, caught her attention.

  One of the women, who was round and lovely and wearing a bright red power suit, jumped to her feet. “Is this her?”

  Amelia nodded. “It is.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Miss Rossi. Josh... uh... Mr. Campbell... hasn’t been able to stop talking about you. I’m Clara, his assistant. Let me see if he’s free.”

  Caroline didn’t even have time to respond before Clara took off and poked her head into the open office door.

  She came back. “He’s on a call on his cell. It will be just a moment. I’m so sorry you have to wait.”

  “It’s not a problem.” Caroline walked around the space, taking in what she might call the intimidation factor of a place like this. The old building, the dark wood, the moldings—originally it was about quality; now it was about establishing power.

  Clara approached. “You’ve known him a long time?”

  Caroline nodded. “It feels like my whole life.”

  “We’re all so happy. We figured if Jason could find someone, Josh should be able to. I give your sister a lot of credit for putting up with that one.”

  Caroline had to think about what Clara had just said. “I’m sorry. Jason? He treats Meg like a princess.”

  “And thank goodness for your sister. That boy always had some attitude. He’s so much more grounded since Meg came into his life.” Clara leaned in and whispered. “I mean no disrespect, of course, but you won’t have that problem with Josh. He’s such a good man.”

  Caroline’s brain started processing everything Clara was telling her and the picture that had been painted of Josh all these years was making less and less sense.

  “If I had a daughter,” Clara continued, “I’d want her to marry a man like him.”

  “How has Josh been getting along with his father? They seem to have plenty of differences.”

  Looking around, Clara made sure the coast was clear and then went on. Caroline felt like she’d hit the information lottery. “Mr. Campbell senior is impossible. Josh works so hard, and his father screws things up all the time. Josh is at his breaking point. It all came to a head when Mr. and Mrs. Campbell went after the little girl. You should have heard some of the fights here. The walls shook.”

  Didn’t that figure?

  Sometimes her sister could be such a moron. Apparently, she had an ally in Josh, and she never saw it. She still didn’t. What made Caroline happiest was that after all this time, she’d learned she’d been right about Josh all along. He was a good man. A very good man. Now all she wanted to do was keep him.

  Quiet settled between her and Clara, and it wasn’t just a lull in the conversation; it was an understanding that was cemented when the two women locked eyes.

  “Clara, are you telling her stories about me?”

  Josh’s booming baritone filled the room and Clara smacked his arm as she went back to her desk and took her purse from the drawer. “I told her you’re a brat and that she should watch out for you.”

  The exchange between them was lovely—bordering on sweet, but definitely crossing over into affectionate. They were a beautiful group of women all right, and she could see why Josh loved them.

  He crossed to her and Caroline took in the whole package, all while her heart picked up speed. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, but his light blue dress shirt was crisp and his tan silk tie had a small, intricate pattern.

  “Hi, I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Leaning in, Josh kissed her on the lips.

  “It’s fine. Clara and I got to know each other.”

  He nodded and kissed her again. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Clara chuckled and patted his back. “I like her,” she said to him. “Don’t mess it up.”

  Once Clara disappeared down the hall and the other two assistants followed, they were completely alone. That’s when Josh pulled her in and kissed her for real. Light exploded behind her eyes, and a warmth spread out from her belly to every part of her.

  This was magic and Caroline never wanted it to end. She hadn’t ever been more sure that she was in love with him. She didn’t know if it was new, something that had developed recently, or her old feelings welling up and taking hold, but there was no doubt in her mind that this was it for her. He was her soulmate. Her love. And she had to find a way to help him believe she was for him as well.

  Stepping back, Josh looked her up and down and then pulled her back in, while his hand skimmed over the silky fabric of her dress but his eyes settled on her sexy high heels. “I thought it was easier to kiss you. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I, ah, I don’t usually wear heels, but...”

  “I love them. Makes me hot.”

  “Everything makes you hot,” Caroline said jokingly.

  “That’s not true,” he said as he dragged her into the office. “Everything about you makes me hot.”

  There was nothing on this Earth that could have squashed her mood at that second. Yeah, he was talking about sex, but it was all about sex with her. He didn’t want anyone else, just her. Somewhere inside her the nerve bubbled up and she let her fingers run over his hard chest. “Is that so?”

  His hands were still caressing her waist, filling Caroline with the most delicious need. “Poor Josh, I didn’t realize I tortured you so.”

  The heat between them was kicking up and Josh had no trouble playing along. Dropping his head, he hovered over her lips, and Caroline just waited for him to travel one more inch before claiming her mouth.

  She wanted him. Wanted him so bad her insides were burning. “Are you going to kiss me?”

  “If I do, that won’t be the only thing I do.” They were both breathing hard, at the edge of their control. The heat between them was wild.

  “I was counting on that.”

  His mouth took hers in a kiss that was almost punishing. But it wasn’t only the kiss that had her back against his office door, his hands under her dress ripping away her thong. It was need. Pure and simple need. “Caroline, this is crazy, it’s crazy.”

  “I know, but don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  He didn’t. He kissed her again and this time she felt the brush of his fingers over her thighs. He was teasing her, deliciously, and the wetness between her legs was giving away just how much she wanted him. “What do I do?” she asked. “What do I have to do?” Without waiting for an answer, she reached for him, started undoing his belt, released the clasp at his waist, and opened his fly. Her hands slipped inside his briefs and her big, strong man moaned.

  “Caroline, this is dangerous...”

  “I want you,” she said. “Now.”

  “I don’t have any protection.”

  “You’re such a Boy Scout,” she said. She rose higher and nipped his lip while her hands stroked his erection. It was hard, unbelievably hard. It made her wonder what he tasted like, how it would feel to take him like that, but Caroline pu
t the thought out of her head because she didn’t have that much nerve. Not yet, anyway.

  “We shouldn’t take chances.”

  He was being responsible and she had to appreciate that, but he didn’t always have to be the one who was prepared. “Would you be okay if I was on the pill?”

  He stopped, froze, and gazed in her eyes. “You’re on the pill?”


  “For how long?”

  “A while.”

  “Okay, that’s good. Really good.”

  “Will you make love to me now?”

  He didn’t answer her, but he did kiss her again, teasing and tasting with his tongue. Sending her mind to a floaty place where all she wanted was to feel him. She wanted to feel him everywhere.

  He reached around under her dress and grabbed each of her ass cheeks with his big hands. Then he lifted her up. “Put your legs around me.”

  Caroline did what she was told, wrapping her legs around his hips, hanging onto his broad shoulders. Josh kept his eyes on hers, and in his own way he was telling her this was okay.

  And it was okay because she was with him and she loved him, loved everything about him.

  It didn’t take long for him to find his way inside her and with his strong body supporting her, Caroline felt heaven as he moved inside her. This was so much more than physical, and she suspected, based on Josh’s reactions, that he knew it too.

  “It’s too much, Caroline. I want you too much.”

  “It’s not too much.” He kept driving into her and at the same time she kissed his face, reassuring him, loving him, even though she couldn’t tell him.

  “I want you all the time. I think about you all the time.”

  “Oh, Josh.” Caroline felt the ache at her center spread everywhere. The threatened burst wouldn’t be just physical; it would be emotional, too. Her heart was too full and she didn’t know how to contain all she felt for him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She knew he would. She knew he would leave and Caroline would never recover from losing him. Ever.

  She held on tighter as her body released. “Oh, oh...” she whispered against his ear, wondering when the waves of sensations would stop. Wishing they wouldn’t.


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