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Unexpectedly Yours: A Forever Love Story (InterMix)

Page 17

by Jeannie Moon

  “That’s my girl,” he said into her hair as he surged into her, picking up his pace and forcing her into a frenzy once again. Josh moved with all the power and grace she’d come to know, but with more desperation, more at stake.

  When he came, the burst of warmth that filled her was beyond any intimacy they’d shared. Maybe it was because they were both more involved, more invested, but it made her feel closer to him and she sensed he felt the same. There was something different about this time. She understood why they had to be safe, but as she did one other time, Caroline thought about a child. About having a baby. About having Josh’s baby.

  “Pick up your skirt and hold it. It’s going to be a little messy.”

  “Okay.” She did what he asked and let him lower her to the floor, tottering on her high heels as she continued to hold her skirt and watch Josh grab for the closest box of tissues.

  They were both kind of a mess. He looked at her and drew a breath.

  “What?” He was staring at her and she couldn’t figure out what the look on his face was all about.

  “You have no idea how hot you look with your skirt hiked up, your high heels, the thigh-high stockings and no underwear. I’d make love to you again if I didn’t feel so bad about the first time.”

  “Why do you feel bad?”

  He took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom off his office and they both cleaned up. He didn’t say anything and Caroline wished he would just answer her question.

  He zipped his trousers and stuffed his hands into the pockets. “I was too rough with you.”

  “No, you weren’t. Don’t be ridiculous!”

  “Caroline, I took you against the door of my office. I shouldn’t have done that. You deserve better.”

  Caroline finished pulling herself together and went to him. Going up on her toes, she brushed a kiss against his lips. “I loved it. It was reckless and crazy and I love that I can get you that hot. We’ve been through this.”

  “You do. No doubt about it. Still...”

  “Stop apologizing. If something isn’t okay, I’ll tell you, but with you...” She ran a hand over his cheek. “With you, I want everything.”

  Both of them froze for a moment, realizing how Caroline’s words came out, realizing that she’d pretty much admitted her feelings for him. What had she done?

  Josh, to his credit, didn’t dismiss what she said. “I should take more care with you. I just should.”

  There was no arguing with him, and there were so many other things between them that this wasn’t worth even the tiniest disagreement.

  “I’ve been such an idiot,” she said.

  “Why?” He stepped to her and took her hands in his.

  “For ever listening to my sister. For thinking you were anyone but who you are.”

  Caroline knew she was lost when Josh kissed her lips lightly. “If I am anything more than my reputation, it’s because you bring out the best in me. It’s all you.”


  In the car on the way to his apartment, Josh was still replaying the wild sex he’d had with Caroline in his office. It was beyond being just great sex. The emotional reaction he was having to her hit him square in the chest. Being with her wasn’t filling just a physical need; it was just filling him. Every damn part of him wanted her and Josh knew he was falling in love.

  And for the first time in his adult life he didn’t think he wanted to stop it. He felt like he was part of something special. Caroline was so sweet, so smart, so beautiful, that when he realized she might have feelings for him, it was beyond what he thought he deserved.

  His family relationships aside, Josh didn’t know if he could do this without hurting Caroline, and that was the very last thing he wanted.

  But he wasn’t about to give her up, either.

  She was tucked into the crook of his arm in the back of the car while they sat, unable to move in downtown traffic. The tulips he’d left her were in her lap, and she was fingering one of the blooms and staring off into space.

  “What’s on your mind? Work?”

  “Yes. Lately it’s all I think about.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I...” She stopped suddenly and turned to him, a look of what seemed to be panic washing across her face. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe I didn’t tell you.”

  Caroline covered her mouth, her eyes wide, and she took a deep breath before she spoke. She seemed almost overcome. So much so that he was getting worried.

  “Tell me what?” Shit, this was bad. He just knew it. “Caroline?”

  “I got a call today.”

  “A call?”

  “I didn’t say anything, but a few weeks ago, I put out some feelers with friends of mine about job prospects.”

  “Yeah, you neglected to tell me that.”

  She was smiling now. Smiling big. “I didn’t know if anything would come of it, but I had an interview last week with this gigantic structural engineering firm.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” This was a huge step for her and he couldn’t help but feel proud. “So, what happened?”

  “Well, ahhh, I got the job.”

  “You did?” He planted a kiss on her lips. Then another. “That’s amazing. You’re amazing.”

  “It’s a promotion, more money, better perks... better everything.”

  Josh wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her in. “I wish you’d called me the minute you got off the phone! This is incredible. When do you start?”

  “In a month. I knew you were busy, today with the new investor. As it is I feel bad we didn’t go over the site plan.”

  Josh kissed the top of her head, something that was becoming an affectionate habit, and eased back just a bit to look in her eyes. “This is great news, and I am never too busy for great news. Or you. I have the data regarding the plan in my briefcase, if you feel like going over it later. If not... ” He nipped at her ear. “We can just celebrate.”

  “Oh, I like that idea. You’re so smart.”

  Josh pulled her closer. “We do okay together, don’t we?”

  Caroline’s head dropped against his chest. “This has been the best day.” She looked up and her eyes seemed liquid now, swimming with emotion, and all he wanted was to make her happy.

  Josh couldn’t get over how proud he was of her. He knew she wasn’t a fighter, but she wasn’t going to let people walk all over her. Caroline had given up being a doormat. But the admiration was coupled with something else—something broader, more consuming.

  Forget the idea that he was falling in love with her... he was already there. It scared the crap out of him and he needed time to get his head around it all, but he knew he loved her.

  Little Rossi.

  Now he had to hope her family didn’t kill him.

  Chapter 12

  He was making her jumpy. But Caroline couldn’t help loving how Josh paced around the kitchen, eyes on her while she cooked, and alternated between telling her about his meeting with the new investor and the follow-up he’d scheduled with her new firm. He also wanted to know everything about her new job. She didn’t know if she was going to tell Josh about her encounter with Mark that afternoon. About the angry man who implied to her that if she kept undermining the position of the firm with a big client like Campbell Holdings, she wouldn’t have a job. The man who questioned her loyalty and her choices. This was the personality that had gotten him his reputation over the past ten years. Predatory. Dangerous.

  A bully.

  She was torn. It was possible Mark was afraid of Josh and was only making an idle threat. But something gnawed at her inside, and Caroline knew there was a difference in the way he was dealing with her. Thank God she wouldn’t be there much longer. In a few weeks she could forget all about Mark Strickland and the way he tried to control her every move. Th
e man was constantly in the back of her mind and the stress of that was affecting everything she did.

  Absolutely everything.

  Caroline didn’t realize how close the blade of the knife was to her fingers until she felt the sting and yelped.

  “Damn, ouch.”

  Josh jumped to her side when he heard her, but he went into overdrive when he saw the blood.

  “Ouch is right. Jesus. You have to pay attention.”

  “I was. I thought I was.”

  He didn’t say anything while he ran her hand under water and then put pressure on it with a paper towel. “What were you thinking about this time?”

  He knew. She could see on his face that he knew.

  “About work. I can’t wait to get out of there.”

  “Is this about the asshole? Did he say something to you?”

  Oh, there was her alpha male. The patter she felt in her chest was her heart dancing.

  But now it was decision time. Did she call in the cavalry or fight her own battles, especially since she was leaving the firm? Now that there was some definition to the relationship, she could certainly say something, but Caroline also had to be able to take care of herself. So, she didn’t tell him the whole truth. “No, he didn’t. Not directly.” God, she hated lying. But she loved that he was worried. “Is my big, strong boyfriend going to defend my honor?”

  “You know I would.” Josh grinned when she tried the label on for size and Caroline felt the heat rise in her face. “I guess we’ll see how I am as a boyfriend; it’s my first time.”

  “Really, your first time?”

  “Being in a real relationship. I mean, there was high school, but that doesn’t count. Hold this on your finger.” He left her to put pressure on her cut with the paper towel while he went to the cabinet and retrieved a first aid kit. “You aren’t the only virgin in this, Caroline.” The bleeding had slowed to almost nothing, and when she looked at the wound she saw it wasn’t that bad. He doctored her finger with ointment and a Band-Aid, and Caroline’s dark mood lifted when he kissed the tip of her finger. “All better,” he said. Then he kissed her lips.

  The kiss was sweet, but there was a wicked invitation attached.

  “If he does anything, I want to know about it.”

  Caroline pushed back his hair, which was getting a little long, but she kind of liked the way it was falling across his forehead. “What are you going to do? Beat him up?”

  He kissed her again, this time teasing her lips with his tongue and settling his hands on her hips, holding her tight against him. His erection pressed against her belly, and knowing he wanted her made everything inside her go liquid.

  “If he bothers you again, it’s possible I could do real violence.”

  “I didn’t realize you were the protective sort.”

  He kissed her again. “I didn’t think so either, but you seem to bring it out in me.”

  Caroline slipped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his broad chest. The crisp cotton of his dress shirt felt smooth against her skin and he smelled so good. There were remnants of his cologne, blending with fresh air and man. “Is that a good thing?”

  That was a dumb question; she really didn’t want to know.

  He considered her for a second. “It’s new for me, like I said.”

  “Oh.” She looked away not knowing how to respond to that. He was being honest, and honesty is what good relationships were built on, but they were definitely in strange territory. Maybe she should just cut the peppers.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me what?” she asked. Playing ignorant wasn’t usually her thing, but it would work in this instance.

  “Do you have a problem with me wanting to kick the shit out of him?”

  Caroline thought about the question. She always considered herself independent and she never asked anyone for help. She wanted to think she could handle anything on her own. But Mark scared her, especially after today. Knowing Josh was feeling protective made her very, very happy. Like down-to-the-core happy.

  Should she tell him?

  There was no right answer here. The only thing she had guiding her was his honesty. Maybe it was time to be brave.

  Caroline looked up, locking her eyes on his. His beautiful sky-blue eyes were unblinking, and seeing them focus on her brought a wave of emotion. For a moment she couldn’t speak, but his smile, his touch, encouraged her to go on. “I don’t have a problem with it at all. Thank you.”

  Josh reached out and brushed away the tears she didn’t realize had spilled out of her eyes, then pulled her into his warmth. “If I kill him, you’ll have to be my alibi.”

  “Deal.” Never had Caroline felt so completely safe. Josh’s arms, his strength, his humor made all of her problems go away. He kissed her temple as she burrowed into him, sealing his promise. Honesty, it seemed, was the best policy. Maybe it was time to go for broke.

  Tightening her hold, Caroline kept her cheek against his chest and let the feel of him calm her. “I used to dream about you.”

  “I figured. When?”

  “I think I fell for you when I was twelve. It’s been on and off since then.”

  Josh leaned back and smiled down at her. “Yeah?”

  “You rescued me.”

  His hand started to make lazy circles on her back and once again, his touch calmed her. “Tell me.”

  “Meg and Jason were in our house. My parents weren’t home and a storm blew in while I was outside with the dogs. Meg called the dogs, and let them inside, but when I got to the door, she slammed it in my face and left me standing on the porch. I could see her laughing with Jason. They were stupid. She thought it was funny and I guess it would have been, but I hated storms and when the thunder started...”

  “Oh, shit. I remember.” He leaned back and gazed at her, cupping her cheek and Caroline’s heart beat a little faster. “They left you outside in a wicked storm. You were curled up on the porch crying.”

  “You were running up from the boathouse and you saw me.”

  “I couldn’t believe they locked you outside in the first place, but leaving you there was cruel. That’s why you hate storms so much, isn’t it?”

  “It was a joke to them, but yeah, I was scared. Until you came. You got me inside and gave Meg and Jason hell. And then you stayed with me and watched a movie.”

  “I didn’t trust them to be nice to you.”

  Josh smiled and Caroline remembered the moment so long ago when she fell in love with him. He was sitting in the den with her, on the opposite side of the couch, a bowl of popcorn between them while they watched the first “Lord of the Rings” movie. Caroline couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was her hero... older, smarter, so very handsome... and her heart skipped and that was it. She was his.

  Standing in his kitchen, Caroline was even more far gone than when she was a girl.

  The door buzzer broke the silence and Caroline shook her head, wondering if his female fan club was going to visit him at home. He stepped to the intercom and pressed the button. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, man. Let me up.”

  “Oh,” Caroline said. Her breath halted. “It’s not...”

  Josh nodded. Of course her brother Kevin was here. He was in town with his baseball team, and since he and Josh had stayed friends over the years she should have realized. The timing couldn’t have been worse, but Josh didn’t seem at all fazed. “Calm down. He’s going to be fine that we’re together, but we’ll tell him we’re friends, if that makes you feel better.”

  It didn’t. She wanted to tell everyone, including her brother, that she’d loved Josh more than anything. “Do you think he’s going to believe that?”

  Josh laughed. “He might.” He grinned before he pressed the button again. “Come on up,” he said.

  Caroline was
wondering what her brother was going to say when he saw her there. Kevin was pretty laid-back, but she had no idea how he was going to react to this.

  Josh left the kitchen and she followed what was going on just by listening. She heard when her brother arrived in the foyer. Heard the door open and Josh and he greet each other with a bro dance. They’d been best friends when they were younger, staying in touch casually despite the estrangement between the families, and had picked things up after Josh helped Meg and Jason with the custody battle over Molly. She heard shuffling and backslapping and juvenile laughter. And with each second the sounds got closer and closer to the kitchen.

  “Is this your surprise, dude?” It was her brother. “My sister in your kitchen?”

  Caroline turned and gave Kevin a little wave. He took three steps and scooped her into a massive hug.

  “What the hell are you doing hanging out with this loser?” Kevin asked, tugging on her ponytail before letting her go. “I always thought you were the smart one.”

  There it was. Smart one. Pretty one. “He’s not a loser,” Caroline said, glancing at Josh. “Most of the time.”

  “Hey!” Josh smiled at her as he grabbed a beer from the fridge for Kevin, her big brother, who was now leaning against the island watching them. He was not happy.

  Kevin was a good guy. Classically handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes, he was Josh’s height, but he had about twenty more pounds of muscle on his frame. Her brother had the women swooning at stadiums all over the country, and Caroline was thankful he hadn’t let it go to his head. His career in pro baseball had thrown him into a lot of different places over the course of his career and he currently called Chicago home. There was chatter, though, that New York would be trying to get the gifted, power-hitting catcher on their roster. Caroline would love that, because even though Kevin was protective, he respected her and understood that she was an adult. Then again, she’d never slept with one of his friends before.

  “You’re cooking?” Kevin asked as he took a long pull on the beer. “Why are you making him dinner? He should take you out.”


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