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Unexpectedly Yours: A Forever Love Story (InterMix)

Page 18

by Jeannie Moon

  Oh, yes, because that would have been so much better. “Let’s see . . . I want to? I like to cook and I’ve been in love with this kitchen since the first time I saw it.”

  And when we’re here there are no Josh groupies.

  “Ah,” her brother nodded. “Come here often?”

  She felt herself grin. She was here a lot, but didn’t want to say anything that would make it sound too intense for Josh. “As a matter of fact, I do. What are you asking?”

  Kevin slid closer to her and looked her right in the eyes. “I want to know if you’re dating my best friend, Caroline.”

  Caroline took a deep breath and looked at her brother, then caught sight of Josh, who hadn’t left the spot he’d claimed near the fridge. He had a very knowing smirk on his face, and when she locked eyes with him, he didn’t hesitate and stepped to her side.

  “It’s new, Kev,” Josh said. “We’re still figuring it out.”

  “Figuring it out? Shit.” Kevin ran his fingers through his short, dark hair. Then glancing between them, her brother came to another realization. “No one else knows, do they?”

  “Meg suspects, but I haven’t told her officially.” Caroline hesitated. “I’m having dinner with Mom tomorrow. Let me tell her first.”

  “If there’s nothing wrong with you seeing him, and I’m not saying there is or isn’t, why do you care if anyone knows?”

  Spoken like someone who had no clue. “Kevin, it’s not that, and I am telling her. I just needed some time. Did you tell Mom about the last girl you had sex with?”

  “Shit!” Kevin exclaimed, shoving Josh. “You’re doing my sister, man?”

  Caroline whacked her brother on the arm. “Focus! I want to know if you tell Mom your business?”

  “I... I didn’t... It’s different.” Her poor brother was sputtering.


  He didn’t answer. He couldn’t.

  “All I want is to be normal. To have some privacy. To be treated like an adult in the family instead of a like a child.”

  “Shitballs,” Kevin said, looking at Josh. “Is this why you asked me over?”

  “You asked him over?” Why on Earth would Josh do that without asking her?

  “It was an impulse.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Josh shrugged. What kind of answer was that? Did he want them outed before she had a chance to tell anyone? “You would have been a nervous wreck. You have enough on your mind.”

  He was right about that.

  “I hate lying to Mom,” Kevin said. “I really hate it.”

  “You won’t have to. Like Caroline said, we’ll tell her about us tomorrow.” Josh said.

  Caroline leaned into him. “You’ll come with me?”

  He nodded. “Your mother loves me.”

  Someone was cocky. But it was the truth. Her mother always had a soft spot for Josh.

  Caroline was still trying to get used to all the changes. Kevin seemed fine now, even if he was a little grossed out. And what was Josh trying to do? What was the comment about her mother all about? She hadn’t freaked him out in the slightest with the boyfriend comment, either. Without saying anything, he’d made his intentions clear. They were together.

  In this case, actions definitely spoke louder than words.

  Josh rummaged in the island cabinets and came out with a large pasta pot. “Will this work for the spaghetti?”

  Caroline nodded. Josh took the pot to the stove and started filling it with water from the faucet positioned over the back of the range. He and Kevin were talking about baseball and hockey, and Caroline enjoyed the banter between them. That they were still close after all these years and nothing, not even Meg and Jason’s drama, had put a wedge in their friendship was a comfort. There may have been ups and downs, but in the end, Josh was the brother Kevin never had. It was a good thing for Josh, because Kevin would be a loyal ally. Her brother may not want to think about the particulars of what she and Josh did together, but as long as Caroline was happy, he’d be supportive.

  Josh stepped next to her and when she glanced up she saw he was smiling, and then Kevin walked behind her on his way to the refrigerator and planted a brotherly kiss on her cheek. She felt his approval, his acceptance, and it meant everything to her. There was something easy about the way the evening was unfolding and if Josh did engineer this, she had to wonder why.

  She also had to thank him.


  Josh didn’t want Caroline to leave, but she was set on giving him time to hang out with Kevin. And while he couldn’t deny he wanted her to be with him for obvious reasons, he appreciated her willingness to step back and let him have time with his friend.

  He walked her downstairs to wait with her until she was safely in a cab. He watched her and it was clear she was thinking, and Josh had to wonder what was going on inside her head. “Are you pissed?”

  Caroline kissed his cheek. “Not even a little. What was the point of this, though?”

  What did he hope to accomplish? This thing between them was supposed to be simple. Easy. But it had become a lot more complicated because he cared about her more than he ever expected. She was important to him. “I wanted you to have someone in your family on your side. I know it’s been tough with Meg and your mom, and I knew Kevin would be more open-minded.”

  Caroline didn’t say anything as they stood together under the streetlight. The neighborhood was still busy and a number of people moved around them as Caroline took in one breath and then another. Josh thought she might be headed for a major freak-out, and he didn’t want to say anything to provoke her.

  Josh watched her for... he didn’t know what for... until her eyes glistened. Shit. Tears. He messed up.

  But without any warning, Caroline slid her arms around his waist and held him close. People were still around, still dodging them, and Josh pulled her in. His girl didn’t say anything; she just rested her head on his middle and cried. She cried and cried and Josh felt her emotion creep inside him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  Having been isolated when he was a kid because of his parents, and feeling the separation from his own siblings, Josh didn’t want Caroline to have any doubts about her own family. Her sister may have been as subtle as a tornado, but Josh knew that all Meg really wanted was for Caroline to be happy. However, he didn’t have any delusions about his sister-in-law. Letting her know that he and Caroline were trying out a relationship wasn’t going to go as well as it did with Kevin. And even though dinner had been pretty easy, Josh suspected he was going to have some explaining to do once Caroline went home.

  Caroline was still holding him. Her head barely reached his chest and Josh thought about all the energy packed in that little body. She had more brains, more fight, than anyone he knew, but she was also vulnerable, and what he really wanted to do was keep her safe.

  His relationship with the Rossis was complicated on the best day because of the way things had unfolded between the families all those years ago, but bridges had been rebuilt and now it looked like he and Caroline might have a chance at something special.

  Josh wondered again if he had it in him. If he could be the man she needed him to be. He wasn’t cold and unfeeling, but he’d been honest when he told her he wasn’t a relationship guy. He had a few close friends, and women were pleasant companions, but when he looked at Caroline now he saw forever.

  She was his forever. How was he supposed to deal with that?

  There were a thousand reasons for him to run from her. A thousand more for her to run from him, but they were attracted to each other. Polar opposites, drawn together.

  A cliché to be sure, but things became clichés for a reason, and that’s the only way he could think about his relationship with Caroline.

bsp; It happened for a reason.

  She was the inexperienced one in the relationship, but only in one way. Josh had learned a lot from her in the short time they’d been together, but the most important thing she’d taught him was about having faith in someone. He never expected that. He thought he had everything all figured out.

  Caroline had taught him different.

  The cab stopped at the curb and he kissed her before she slipped inside. “Call me later,” she whispered.

  “It might be late,” he said.

  “That’s fine.” Caroline kissed him again. “Go on. You and Kevin should catch up.”

  “Okay.” He leaned in and kissed her again. “I’m guessing you’ll want to know everything he says?”

  “Well, duh,” she said, biting her lip.

  Josh laughed and closed the door. He stood and watched as the cab pulled away and thought about what Kevin might say when he got back upstairs. He didn’t have long to wait.

  Josh felt a slap on his back and Kevin handed him his keys and a jacket. “Let’s go grab a beer.”

  “I have beer upstairs,” Josh said.

  “Yeah, I know, but I need to get the images of you and my sister playing house out of my head, so we’re going down the block.”

  Obviously, Kevin wasn’t as okay with Josh’s being with Caroline as he thought. There was no use in fighting it.

  They walked quietly down the street to a small pub tucked between two trendy bistros. That was the nature of Josh’s neighborhood and it was what he liked best. He could have the upscale eatery if he wanted it, but on most occasions Josh liked to keep it simple.

  They sat at the bar and Kevin ordered two domestic beers and pulled a bowl of pretzels sticks between them. For a long time, neither one of them spoke. The bar was almost empty except for a couple playing darts and an old man who was sitting at the end of the bar watching the Rangers skate to a win.

  “It’s my little sister, man. Why are you messing with my little sister?” Kevin’s words hit Josh right in the chest. There was nothing hostile, but the worry rolling off his friend was palpable.

  “It just happened. It’s not like I planned it.”

  “Yeah, but couldn’t you have avoided it? You’re screwing around with her, aren’t you?”

  Josh didn’t answer and took a pull on the bottle of beer.

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  Josh turned and faced him. “No, I’m not. She deserves her privacy, and honestly it’s none of your fucking business.”

  “She’s my sister, Josh. My innocent baby sister.”

  That was the crux of the issue. Caroline was the baby. Grown woman, engineer, none of that mattered as much as being the baby of the family. “She could be even more to me,” he said honestly. “She matters to me. A lot.”

  There it was.

  The silence settled between them, weighing everything down, and it was the last thing Josh wanted. Kevin was one of his oldest friends and what he thought was important. But Caroline didn’t deserve to be the topic of a bar discussion.

  “Why don’t you ask her about us?” Josh proposed.

  “Because I’m asking you,” Kevin said. “I’m asking you what’s going on with her. With the both of you.”

  Josh knew he shouldn’t say too much, but he was torn. On one hand he wanted to be able to let things develop with Caroline in private. They had enough baggage without dealing with meddling family.

  At the same time, he wanted Kevin to know what he knew. That Caroline was amazing and more able to make a decision about what she wanted than they would ever be. He just wasn’t sure where to draw the line.

  “She doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. Not you, not me. She’s got it covered.”

  “She’s been so sheltered,” Kevin said. “We all worry about her. She’s barely speaking to Mom and Meg.”

  “I’m going to work on smoothing things out with your mom. But you have to back off and let Caroline call the shots here. Especially with Meg. Things have been pretty good, but Meg doesn’t know about us yet.”

  “Meg’s going to flip a shit.”

  “Caroline’s nervous about how your mom and sister are going to react. She doesn’t want to let on, but she is.”

  “It’s all great that you want her to take control here, but what about you? Are you going to give her some space so she has time to decide what she wants? Who’s calling the shots between the two of you?”

  Josh considered his friend. That was quite the gauntlet he’d just thrown down. It was nicely delivered, too. It almost didn’t sound like a threat, but Josh knew better.

  “I’m not staying away. I can’t. You’re all going to have to get used to it.”

  Kevin leaned forward on the bar. “That’s it then? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Whether I stick around for the long haul has considerations. Caroline is the biggest one. Whatever she wants, I’ll do. She decides. Not me. Not you. Not Meg.”

  Kevin nodded. “I can’t argue with that, even if I don’t like it. Meg is going to hate it. But if Caroline is okay with things, that’s the way it is.”

  Josh rolled the bottle between the palms of his hands and exhaled, relieved that Kevin seemed resigned to whatever Caroline wanted. He probably knew he didn’t have a choice. The quiet sister wasn’t going to be quiet anymore.

  “I won’t lie, I am worried about how things are going for her at that job,” Kevin said after taking a long pull on the bottle. “Meg said her boss is a prick.”

  “He is,” Josh said. “I have that covered, but it won’t matter in a couple of weeks. She found out today she landed a better position at another firm.”

  “That’s good. What are you doing in the meantime?”

  “He knows I’m in the picture and that I’ll be watching out for her.”

  “Will that be enough?” Kevin was intently staring at a point on the wall. He was concerned. So was Josh, but he had had it taken care of.

  “Nothing will happen. She’s got a backbone of steel. She could handle most everything herself, but she has backup if she needs it.”

  “I know how smart she is, but still.”

  Josh figured Kevin and her family didn’t know the half of it, and they never would if they didn’t let her make some discoveries on her own. “It’s not just her brains, man. It’s everything.”


  Caroline couldn’t sleep. She was sitting in her bed with her laptop, going back and forth between wondering if Josh was going to call and wondering what he was saying to her brother. On one hand Caroline was sorry she had left him, because she wanted nothing more than to be curled beside him right now.

  She turned her focus back to her newest story and after a few lines it was time to pack it in. She was too tired. There was nothing even remotely close to a coherent sentence on the page and that was her first clue.

  The buzzing phone startled her. Looking at the caller ID, she smiled, because she’d resigned herself to the probability that Josh was still with Kevin and wasn’t going to call. This was a nice surprise to see his name and picture on the screen.

  “Hey, it’s me,” he said.

  “Hi. I didn’t think I’d hear from you.”

  “No? Look out your window.” Her window? Getting up from her warm bed, she peered out her bedroom window and saw her prince charming below in the street, bathed in the glow from the street light. He waved and Caroline fell a little bit further.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I came to see you, beautiful. Let me up.”

  “Oh, okay. Are you sure you want to come up? It’s kind of late.” Caroline was smiling as he folded his arms and narrowed his eyes.

  “Let me in. You won’t be sorry.”

  Feigning shock, she giggled. “Josh Campbell, is this a boo
ty call?”

  He laughed. “Only if you want it to be. Now buzz me in. It’s starting to rain.”

  Hanging up, Caroline placed her hand over her heart, so happy she thought she might burst. When had this relationship gotten here? It had gone from zero to a hundred in a few weeks, but yet it felt completely right, completely okay that he was here in the middle of the night. Those who didn’t know them would say it was a booty call, but Caroline knew better. She pressed the button to let him into the building and waited until she heard his footsteps on the stairs before opening the door of the apartment.

  Josh looked happy, rumpled, and completely sexy. “Why are you here?” she asked again, stretching her arms up and looping them around his neck.

  There was a tick of silence that settled between them and then he took her hands from around his neck and held them. “I needed to be with you.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  Leaning in and dropping a sweet kiss on her lips, Josh smiled. “Everything’s fine. Perfect now that I’m here.”

  If she could have written this moment herself, Caroline couldn’t have done better. She pulled him into the apartment and as they walked to her room, she could tell this wasn’t about heat or lust or desire. This wasn’t about sex. This visit was about the two of them.

  About being together.

  Finally, Caroline was having a romance.

  Chapter 13

  Josh liked that he and his brother were getting closer. They made a point of getting together for breakfast or lunch every week just to keep up with each other’s lives, and that was mending a lot of broken fences. This morning, as he was getting ready to leave Caroline’s apartment, his phone reminded him that he was meeting Jason at Junior’s, right off Broadway, in twenty minutes. If the subway gods were with him he might make it.

  He wished he had time to go home and change for work because there was no doubt in his mind that Jason was going to question his casual clothes, but he’d overslept and jeans and a polo were all he had.


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