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Broken Survivor

Page 27

by Jennifer Labelle

  Now at a distance, she could fully appreciate the view of the two fine specimens working the room and approached her sister with another beer for the both of them. “Thanks, Chrys, I’m having crazy, wicked fun tonight.”

  “Good. I know you don’t get out much anymore, and I wanted to make this night special for you.” They clinked the top of their bottles together and looked on.

  “Well, I think it’s going to be memorable for a few people.” She chuckled. “Check out Jules and Shayla.” The first was grinding just as much as her muscled companion while she danced with him, and the second certainly had no qualms about touching the man in front of her. “You go, ladies!” She blew them a kiss and winked.

  It was a great time.

  They eventually sent the strippers away, even though they seemed to want to stay, and ended up bar-hopping toward the end. When they were out in public, she was made to wear a sash, a fake veil, and a shot-glass necklace. It was amazing how such simple attire could cause her to receive free drinks all night. At one point she couldn’t take any more and handed the veil over to Jess, who in turn got some freebies for herself, and it wasn’t until about three a.m. that she stumbled home, completely wasted and incoherent. Poor Zander spent the next half hour holding her hair while she vomited everything up until there was nothing left but dry heaves. When she was done he handed her a glass of water so she could rehydrate herself before he carried her to bed and tucked her in.

  He was a great man, and all hers.

  “Now I know why I don’t go out like I used to. Ugh!” She groaned.

  “Why’s that?” She could feel the vibration of his silent laugh when he cuddled up to her from behind.

  “I’m getting too old for this shit. I can’t handle the liquor anymore.”

  “Sleep, babe. I’ll take care of you.” And by the time he leaned forward just a little to kiss the back of her head, she was already passed out.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  It was hot as fuck outside.

  He’d taken a shower before he left about twenty minutes ago, and his balls were already drenched with sweat in this scorching-ass car. He squirmed. “What, you don’t have air conditioning in this thing?” Alexander jabbed at the dial to turn it on but got nada in return for his efforts.

  “Sorry, man.” Jasper rolled down his window all the way. “I’m getting it fixed on Monday.”

  “Well, at least we’re on our way to some central air.” He tried fanning himself. Tonight was his turn to celebrate the last of his single days. With only a week to go until the big day, he was kind of looking forward to a night out with the guys, with one exception to the rule. “You told all of the guys that they better shut up about any bachelor business, right? I’m going to be pissed if I get dragged onto that stage tonight.”

  The plan was to grab a couple beers, pig out on wings, and play a few games of pool for a couple hours. Then ’cause it was tradition, they were hitting the strip joint for a few more drinks, a game on the big screen, and a show of tits and ass before they sought out some loving with their ladies at home. Yep, sounds pretty good to me.

  “It’ll be the first thing on my list to do as soon as we get there, bro. I’ve got it covered,” Jasper answered.

  When they walked into Dooly’s for some pool, the entourage had already arrived, and they got cheers and grunts as they approached. It was a small group that consisted of his two brothers, a couple close friends, and a few of Holly’s male cousins—eight in total, including him.

  “Now that the man of the hour is finally here, let’s get this party started.” Sebastien waved over a waitress and bought a round of beers while Jasper covered their first round of shots and told the boys Zander’s rule. They racked up the balls, chalked up the cues, and placed a few friendly bets on who could kick whose ass in the game. Which was pretty sweet because he made some money from it. Profit was always great. The food was good, the company, the drinks, and cash even better. So far, there was nothing to complain about.

  After a few hours, they decided to move the party to their final destination, but he had to warn them again first to so they got the message. “I know Jasper already told most of you, so in case you forgot, I’m warning you motherfuckers right now. I do not, and I repeat N-O-T, want to go up on that stage tonight. I’ve seen what they do to those poor saps who actually go for it. The moment they find out you’re getting married, the strippers like to beat and humiliate a man right in front of the entire club. So don’t ruin my night. Because, I’m telling you now, it will just piss me off.” He emphasized the last part, hoping his words sunk into their thick skulls. His friends and Holly’s family were pretty drunk already.

  The next thing he knew they were all in a couple of cabs on their way there.


  The music blared, the drinks kept flowing, and they’d been there a little less than an hour before the shit hit the fan. Son of a bitch!

  “You stupid ass!” Alex stood, tempted to introduce his future wife’s cousin to his fist up close and personal, but one of his brothers held him back.


  “It’s not worth it, man. Let’s just leave.”

  “Like hell you’re not going up there. From what I heard, my cousin sure had a good time with the strippers at her party, so don’t you think she deserves a little payback? We’ve already paid for it.”

  “I don’t care what you did. This night is over, and everyone can thank you for ruining it.” He jabbed her cousin, Devin, in the chest with his finger and got whipped for it from the stripper with the cat-o-nine-tails behind him.

  Zander growled, and a couple of douche-bags took his slight distraction as a cue to force him up on stage. He was held down on a chair by some men while the women did their thing. They ripped open his shirt with buttons flying everywhere and gave him a few whips on his chest.

  “You bad boy, somebody’s told me you’re getting married. Now let’s see what she gets to work with,” the brunette with the whip said while the other one, a redhead, used her very sharp nails on his marked chest and shoulders. He hissed in displeasure when the bitch scratched across his welts. No thanks to the other one now ripping his shorts open to take a peek inside his boxer-briefs. She checked out his junk and licked her lips, but he was too pissed to care.

  He struggled and kicked out, almost connecting with the chick’s shin. “Get me the fuck out of here now!”

  Three pairs of big, hairy man-hands held him down tighter.

  “Hey, relax, man,” one guy said.

  “Yeah, says the dickhead holding me here against my will,” he spat.

  “Devin, is it?” The redhead asked. “Why don’t you help the other two hold him down on the ground? I think he needs a little more punishment for that mouth.”

  They kicked the chair out from under him and he landed face-first on stage. The whip came back out, and they made sure he had several more marks on his bare ass and back before pulling up his ruined clothing again.

  “Get off me!” he warned, finding a surge of strength. He fought to get his hands free, and this time succeeded bucking off all three douche-bags who held him down. Go figure, it was the two cousins and some other dude he didn’t know.

  After he regained his balance, the two women began to back up. He’d stalked forward, livid and determined to get the fuck out of there, when the stupid brunette got nervous and tried to whip him again. Only he caught the leather strap before she could and yanked hard to bring her closer. “Think long and hard before you hit me with this again, sweetheart. Try it and I’ll give as good as I got.” He pushed her backward while the bouncers approached the group of them.

  “Okay, buddy, it’s time for you all to leave,” one said.

  “Well, no shit, Sherlock. I was trying to fucking leave before those stupid sluts assaulted me up there.” He banged into them on his way out deliberately and threw door open with his brothers following close behind. The farther he got from that plac
e, the better.

  They took him for a slice of pizza before going home to help calm him some, but he was still pissed as he walked through the door to his apartment.

  “What are you doing here so early?” Holly stood from the couch when he entered and clearly didn’t notice his sad state at first. “It’s only eleven thirty, what the hell?”

  “Don’t even get me started.” He scowled, and then his face softened when he saw the hurt look on her face. “I warned them all not to do this, but your cousins had to ruin it. They tried to rub it in my face that you had fun with your strippers, or some shit, and paid for me to go on stage when I told them I didn’t want to, for fuck’s sake.”

  She pulled at his messed-up shirt and yanked it off. “What did you do?” She stepped back, looking horrified at the sight of the marks on his chest.

  “Nothing. I told you. Brace yourself, babe, because it gets a bit worse.” It was then she looked down at his open fly where they had busted the zipper and he had a missing button. He pulled them down and then showed her his ass with the same marks across each of his cheeks.

  Her hurt expression turned angry. “I can’t believe they did this to you. Jesus Christ, a male stripper just teases and dances. I didn’t realize female strippers like to beat the shit out of you. Stupid sluts. Are you okay?”

  He almost laughed and wanted to kiss her stupid for her understanding. She wasn’t mad at him, she was pissed about the situation. That was the little spitfire he loved so much.

  “They hurt you.” Her jaw clenched.

  “God, I love you.” He pulled her forward and flinched when he hugged her tight. A bit of pain was worth it, though. “Most women would have been upset and blamed their husbands, but no, not you. You get upset because you’re worried I was hurt. You’re unbelievable.”

  “And you’re awfully chatty.” She gently kissed one of the welts on his chest. “Here, let me clean you up.” Holly led the way to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. He hissed through the touch of antiseptic on each mark, and when she finished, they went to bed and she kissed them all better.

  Her last hurrah was obviously much better than his, but hopefully their wedding would make up for it.



  “Can you help me with this?” Holly lifted her hair out of the way, stood in front of the mirror, and admired the beautiful woman staring back. Today was her dream day. It was the day she would finally become Mrs. Alexander Harrison.

  She let her hands slide to her stomach to ease the butterflies of excitement dancing inside it and watched her reflection as her sister clasped their mother’s pearl choker around her neck from behind.

  “There, now you’re perfect,” Chrystal breathed. “Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” Her eyes lit up with mischief, and she smiled wide when she mentioned “something blue.” “Alex is going to swallow his tongue once he’s sees you in that sexy blue lingerie tonight.”

  “I’m not sure that’s the effect I want, but I am looking forward to his reaction, and don’t forget the shoes…” Holly lifted the bottom of her dress and pointed down to her matching five-inch heels. “It’s almost time.” She grinned and straightened her veil.

  After an entire morning at the salon, her normally straight hair was now a mass of beautiful, bouncy curls that framed her face. A light dusting of makeup beautified her almost flawless pale skin and big green eyes. She bit down on her plump bottom lip as her gaze continued to roam down her strapless satin gown for her final inspection.

  The off-white mermaid gown fit her curves to perfection, accentuating her round hips, flat stomach, and generous breasts. It dipped into a sweetheart neckline, showing a slight amount of cleavage, and flared out in layers at the bottom, giving it a modern yet sexy appeal. Simple and elegant, it was exactly what she’d imagined herself in.

  “Hey, Hol, are you almost ready for the big moment?” Jess knocked before she let herself into the bridal suit and then gasped at the sight of her. “Honey, you look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks.” The bride-to-be gave her a dazzling smile. “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we? Is Ashton ready for me?”

  “Actually…” She cleared her throat. “It looks like Richard and Skye got lost, so Jasper, Alex and Ashton had to make a detour to go fetch them. They’re not here yet.”

  “Tell me you’re kidding. We gave them directions weeks ago.” Holly sat, feeling stunned and helpless. “What else can go wrong?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” her sister whispered. They each flanked one side of her on the couch to offer their support.

  “First I come here this morning to find out that my outside wedding had to move indoors due to the pouring rain, and now my future in-laws have delayed the wedding because they can’t follow a few simple directions.”

  “Nonsense.” Jess wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. “You and Alex love each other like crazy, you’ve been together for like ten solid years, and they say that when it rains on someone’s wedding day, it’s supposed to bring them luck. And by the looks of it out there, you’re due to have a ton of it.”

  “Yep, that’s it.” Chrystal chuckled. “Take a peek. It’s pouring cats and dogs outside.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” She laughed with them and lightly dabbed the moisture from her eyes. “Thanks for the cheer up. Have I told either of you how much I appreciate you yet today?” She wrapped one arm around each and it ended in a group hug. “Now I should have just enough time to spruce up the makeup job I just destroyed, and then count the minutes until I say good-bye to being Miss Holly Hewitt for good.”

  “That a girl. Stay positive.” Jess helped her stand, and her sister led the way to the vanity to help Holly freshen up.

  “I love you, Hol. Mom would be so proud.”

  “Thanks, Chrys!” She blew her a kiss.

  A half an hour later, Ashton was escorted inside to walk her down the aisle. He was in a tux that matched his father’s and looked absolutely adorable. Her heart filled with pride, and she had to bite back more tears when she laid eyes on him. She was so proud.

  “You ready to go see Daddy, my handsome boy?” She knelt down a placed a kiss on his cheek when he nodded.

  Holly smiled and walked with her son down the hall. They waited at the top of the stairs while Chrystal, filling the position of maid of honor, led the way.

  She took a deep breath and was blown away by the mixed emotions surfacing. Love and tenderness toward her son; he was growing up way too fast. Her sweet little boy battled with the nerves from the task at hand. It was a long way from where she stood to Zander, or at least it felt that way, and the anxiety was beginning to manifest. Then one thought came to mind and made it all better: she was his bride, and he was waiting for her to make it official. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to be next to him.

  The banquet room was filled with a beautiful assortment of flowers. Red rose petals were scattered on the white runner that led the way to the man she loved. Arrangements of orchids, peonies, lilies, tulips, roses, and ranunculus decorated each row where their guests sat waiting patiently for the ceremony to begin. Best of all was the pièce de résistance, the pretty wicker arch decorated with lace and baby’s breath were Zander stood and she was due to be at any moment now to say “I do.”

  The crowd stood as they descended the stairs, but in that moment she only searched for one set of eyes. Holly let go of the breath she’d been holding and smiled wide when she locked eyes with her awaiting groom. This is it!

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…”

  And it was…beautiful.


  Dear Mom,

  We finally tied the knot, and I’m elated to be Mrs. Holly Harrison. Chrystal says I’m lucky because if or when Clay finally gets out, I’ll be harder to find with a different last name.

  Not that I necessarily think I’ll have to worry abou
t it, but just in case, I’ve asked Victim Services to represent me at the parole hearing. I can’t face him because it would bring too much back, and that thought kind of scares me. The date is coming soon.

  I requested to the parole board, in writing, that he not be allowed to contact any of us directly or indirectly while he’s in there or should he ever get out. That includes not being allowed to be back in this city as an extra precaution. If it was up to me, he’d get as good as he gave to you, with maybe a little suffering in between first, but since that’s extremely illegal and a no-go because I could never stoop to that level, it was the best I could think of.

  We have a few years yet until his official release, anyway. Lord, give me the strength when that happens.

  Back on track now, I think I’m lucky because I’ve found happiness and love. I’ve got a family again, and I can’t wait to expand it. Zander and I have decided to give Ashton a brother or sister. We’re in the process of house-hunting first, and we’ve got our eye on a few potential candidates for our starter. Wish us luck it all works out, will you?

  It’s been a long, hard process without you here, and it especially affects me during the important moments. You missed when I started and finished high school, you missed helping me move into my first apartment, you missed watching me fall in love, my pregnancy, and the birth of my son, the moment I picked out my wedding dress, the opportunity to help me plan one of the most special days of my life, and the privilege of seeing me on my wedding day. I know I’m leaving a lot out of it, and there will be many moments still, but it pisses me off sometimes. You weren’t around.


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