Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven

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Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven Page 22

by Hall, Deanndra

  “Hey yourself. Liked that, huh?”

  “I did! Very nice. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

  “I am! One of my jobs is to always challenge you, and I think that was kind of mild.”

  That makes me laugh out loud. “I don’t know about mild, but it certainly worked for me!”


  “Have a good day at school?”

  “I did. We had a training video for the entire science department to watch, and Brianna brought a big pot of soup for us. It was really good. I’d never had it before. Corn chowder?”

  “Oh, yeah. We have that in Birmingham. I love it.”

  “Nice store?”

  “Beautiful store. I’m really happy for Boone. And babe, all the employees are so happy. They’re all smiling, they welcomed us so nicely, even took us to dinner. Of course, Boone insisted on paying, which he should’ve, but it was great. I’m looking forward to the actual opening.”

  “Good! You’ll have to take some pictures to show to me. I wish I could be there.”

  “I wish you could too.” Then I fall silent. I want desperately to say, I love you, Dani. I wish I were there with you. But I just can’t make myself say it―I can’t. I can’t take being shot down again. Still agonizing over it, I’m startled when there’s a knock on my bedroom door. “Shit! Boone’s at the door and I’m not dressed! I’d better see what he wants.”

  “Oh! Well, have a good evening, babe. Talk to you tomorrow?”

  “You can bet on it, Mistress. Night.” Another knock sends me scrambling, and I drag on my jeans sans underwear and head to the door. “Hey!”

  “Hey yourself. Wondered if you … Well, I guess not.”


  “Wanted to go down the street to a pub and check it out.”

  “Uh, yeah. Sure. Let me get redressed and I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Boone lets out a chuckle. “Okay. I’ll just be out here, dressed and waiting for you. Were you talking to―”

  “Give it a rest,” I bark, hoping my tone carries enough warning.

  There’s a laugh as he throws up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay! Hurry up. I want a beer.”

  It only takes me a couple of minutes to get my clothes on. A pub. That should be nice. I’ve never gotten to spend much time in places like that, but it always looks like fun on TV. Guess I’m about to find out. Before I run out the door, I grab the flash drive, take it out onto the balcony, and crush it under my heel. There―gone. It was just for my eyes.

  My eyes loved it, and the rest of me was damn happy with it too.

  * * *

  I can barely wait to get back to my room tonight. The day went well. Everything needed for the grand opening has been delivered to the store and all the displays look great. Tomorrow night is the soft opening for employees and their families, and Saturday is the true grand opening.

  But tonight I want to see what’s in today’s box. It’s plainly marked Thursday, and it’s only a little bigger than the one from last night. First is another note.

  Good evening, my sexy, beautiful Panther. I hope you enjoyed last night and had a good day today. This will be a bit challenging, but you’ll like it, I think. I know I’d enjoy watching you do this if I were there. You’re to go get in the shower. Turn on the water. Soap up or don’t―doesn’t matter. But once you’re in there, I want you to masturbate. Here’s the catch: Turn on the recording feature on your phone and record yourself talking about how it feels. Get graphic. Describe the feel of your own body. Then send me the audio file when you’re finished. I want to listen to it before we talk. You can do it, my strong, handsome Panther.

  Mistress Danielle

  Hmmm. Why the shower? Then I realize it’s her attempt to give me a way to hide any sound. But if I can get myself to talk out loud, it might be fun.

  The hot water feels good, and I soap up extra slick, then grab my phone, hit the Record feature, and start stroking. Uh-oh―in a minute or two, I realize I’m not talking. That’s bad. “Uh, um, okay, so I’m starting.” That’s a lie. I’m already hard. Hell, I stay that way these days. “So, um, I’m stroking up and down. And I’m hard. Really hard. The water is hot and I’m using a lot of soap. So, yeah, stroking.” What else can I possibly say?

  Then I remember something she does to me, and I try it myself. I open my free hand and press my palm to the crown of my cockhead, then rub it around in a circle. Jesus, that feels good. Oh, I should say that out loud. “Jesus, that feels good. My palm, you know, like you do, on the head. Oh, god, yeah. That’s good.” That feels a lot better than expected. And I’m supposed to describe my body. “The head is a lot softer than I ever realized before. It’s like velvet. I wish you were here to suck it. Ahhh, Dani, thinking about you makes me throb.” She’ll like that, I bet. “I’m gonna stroke a little harder and faster, and tighter too. Yeah. That’s good.” I decide I’ll fondle my balls and see where that gets me, but I really don’t care for the sensation. It’s not the same when I’m doing it. Taking my free hand from there to my chest, I tweak one of my nipples and a little jolt of sexual energy zaps through my gut and into the base of my cock. “Ohhhh, yeah. Tweaked a nipple. That was … really good. God, Dani, I wish you were here with me. I just keep thinking about you, and those gorgeous tits, and those big, hard nipples, and that tight, wet pussy of yours, and I can’t … oh, yeah, I think … um, I’m gonna … ohhhhhh, yeahhhhh.” The tightness in my balls pushes out thick, sticky cum onto the wall of the shower, and even more to run down the hand squeezing my dick.

  Breathless, I turn off the shower and lean toward the phone. “This was … interesting. But it was different, Mistress, and harder than I thought it would be.” Then I chuckle. “See what I did there? Bye, Mistress. Talk to you in a bit.” The red button is waiting, and I touch it to stop the recording, then dry off and head to the bed.

  As soon as I’m lying down, ankles crossed, I send off the audio file and wait. And wait. And wait some more. Just when I’ve decided she hated it and never wants to hear from me again, my phone rings. “Hello, Mistress.”

  “Hello, Panther. What’s my beautiful boy doing?”

  “Waiting to find out if you approve of the job I did with the recording.”

  “Well …”

  “That doesn’t sound very positive.” I’m disappointed in myself. She obviously didn’t like it.

  “Let’s just say I’ve heard better, but I’ve heard a lot worse. That was really hard for you, wasn’t it?”

  “It was. Very.”

  “I could tell. But you did it. That’s something, right? And it felt good, I’m guessing.”

  “It felt very good, but it would’ve felt better if you’d been here with me.”

  I hear her giggle just a little. “Would it help to know that before I listened to it, I grabbed my vibrator and got myself off while your voice made me horny?”

  That’s pretty surprising. “Uh, yeah. It would. I don’t feel like quite such a failure now.”

  “You’re not a failure. You’re just unaccustomed to talking that way. Just think―it hasn’t been that long since you said cock out loud for the first time!” Now she laughs, and I know she’s not laughing at me. It’s a sound that has a joyful lilt to it, and I love it.

  “That’s very true. I mean, those aren’t words that were in my everyday vocabulary as a minister.”

  “Exactly. Did you have a good day?”

  “I did. And you?”

  “I did! It was much better. It’s almost Friday, and that’s always good. So what happens tomorrow?” I explain what’ll be going on tomorrow night, and she asks questions here and there during my explanation. “And so how many people will be there tomorrow night?”

  “Between employees and families, I think they’re expecting over two hundred people. They won’t be able to buy anything, but we’ll be giving away Lawson’s of Alabama tee shirts, those expensive insulated travel mugs, gift cards, and a bunch of other stuff. And
we’re having a reception too. It’ll be a lot of fun. Boone really knows how to do this right.”

  “I bet. Well, babe, I hate to cut this short, but I’ve got a stack of papers to grade and I took out time in the midst of it to masturbate, so I guess the grownup thing to do is to get back to work. But I miss you.”

  Those three words, I miss you. She has no idea how happy those make me. “I miss you too, beautiful. Go get your grading done and if you get ready to go to bed before I text you goodnight, just text me.”

  “Will do. Text you in a bit, my horny stud.”

  I’m smiling when I say, “Bye, gorgeous.” After flipping through about twenty channels, I find one playing a movie that looks pretty good. Forty-five minutes in, there’s a knock at my bedroom door. I swear, my brother is afraid to be alone. That’s how it seems anyway. “What?”

  “Well, hello to you too.”

  Might as well head it off at the pass. “I really don’t feel like going to the pub tonight.” It was nice, but once is enough.

  “Um, that’s not what I was going to ask you.” I stand there, head tipped, and purse my lips, waiting. “I just got a tray full of snacks delivered up here and I thought you might want to come out here in the living room, have some snacks, watch a movie, whatever. I mean, if you’re busy or―”

  “No, no. I’m sorry. That does sound really good, but I’m already watching a movie in here.”

  He shrugs. “I can bring it in here and we can sit on your bed.”

  “Nah. I’ll just come out there.” Two minutes later, we’ve turned on the movie and we’re watching it out there. The snacks are fabulous―shrimp cocktail, crab puffs, baguettes with some kind of chipped beef dip, and strips of something that looks a little like bacon but isn’t as salty and has a crunchy exterior. He also ordered drinks, so there’s all kinds of soda, bottled water, and beer. We watch TV, laugh, and talk. It’s kind of like when we were teenagers and we’d sit around in the den on wrestling night, watching the professional wrestlers and discussing their moves. That seems like a lifetime ago.

  The movie is almost over when I hear my phone ringing. “Hang on. Be right back.” I’m running when I leap onto the bed and grab it. “Hello.”

  “Hi! I’m going to bed.”

  “I’m in the front watching a movie with Boone and eating snacks. This place has incredible snacks,” I tell her, trying to suck some chipped beef out of my teeth at the same time.

  “That sounds like fun. Just wanted to say goodnight and thanks for the fun earlier. You’re so fucking sexy, baby.”

  Boy, that makes me feel good. This woman really knows how to stroke a man’s ego while still grinding her heel into his balls. “Thank you. You’re pretty damn sexy yourself, Mistress.”

  “Thanks! Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good rest of the evening and I hope you’ll think of me when you’re falling asleep.”

  “I won’t be thinking about anything or anybody else, babe. Goodnight.” I couldn’t think of anybody else if I tried. The movie’s still going strong when I wander back into the living area.

  “You missed the part where the guy shot the mom and the little girl,” Boone says, gesturing toward the TV with a crab puff in his hand.

  “Thanks. Now I know that happened,” I say, plopping down beside him.

  “Who was on the phone?” he asks, but he doesn’t turn to look at me.


  “Oh. You guys are really good friends.” He’s not smirking, and he doesn’t even sound sarcastic. He sounds like a guy who’s just trying to make conversation.

  Something inside me whispers, Tell him, Brandt. You can trust Boone. He’ll never turn his back on you. You guys are close. If there’s anybody in the family you can talk to, it would be him. But I can’t. Instead, I just say, “Yeah, we are. I’m learning a lot from her.”

  “Shame you wouldn’t let one of us teach you, but that’s okay. I guess sometimes it’s better if it’s not family member. Does she have a submissive?”

  Yeah, me, I want to say, but I don’t. “No. Just plays with them at the club.”

  “I see. So I’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow night, and it’ll be fun.”

  Uh-oh. I hope it’s not what I think it is. “What’s that?”

  That’s when he turns and grins like a monkey. “Well, now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

  “Boone …”

  “It won’t kill you. It won’t even hurt you. Just trust me for once, okay? I think you’ll like it.” God, I hope he hasn’t set me up with some woman. That would be craptastic.

  The movie’s over and the snacks are all eaten. Damn, those bacon-like things are good. We say goodnight and I head to my room to burrow into the sheets. Nice sheets too, very satiny and smooth and soft. They’re nice and cool.

  But I’d sure like to have the warmth of her body next to me. Come on Sunday!

  * * *

  “Here you go. Fill that out and put it in the barrel over there. That’s your chance to win. And have fun tonight!” Boone’s giving away a cruise to an employee and their family, and I’ve got the task of standing by the door and handing them their entry slips.

  I’ve never seen so many happy people in my life. Everybody’s smiling, greeting each other, standing around chatting, and looking at the store. If an employee or one of their family members sees something they’d like to buy, we’ve made arrangements for it to be put in the back with their name on it and they can buy it the next day with their employee discount. The sea of faces here is diverse. Many are Native American who claim to be Pueblo or Apache, and I have no doubt that’s true. There are several Asian employees, a good number of Hispanic people, and the rest are white or black. Oh, and one Samoan. His tattoos are frickin’ awesome.

  This started at six and at eight forty-five, we start picking everything up. There are still a good number of people there, most of whom seem to know each other and are standing around talking. I watch as my baby brother works the room, going from group to group to tell them how glad he was to see them and how much he’s looking forward to having them on the Lawson’s team. They all seem to really like and respect him, and it’s gratifying to watch his happy face as he pats backs and shakes hands. No matter what happens if―no, when―I finally tell everyone, I think Boone and I will always have a good relationship. At least I hope so.

  The management crew is cleaning everything up when Boone makes his way back to me. “Ready to go?”

  “Sure, I guess. We’re not going to help clean up?”

  “Nope. I’ve got somewhere I want to go. Dustin, you guys good?”

  “Yes, sir! We’ve got it. Have a good evening and see you in the morning,” the tall Native American man calls back. Boone gives him a thumbs-up and we head out the door.

  Where the hell is he taking me? We’re in a limo and he’s apparently already told the driver where to take us. We roll through the darkened streets, our destination a secret to me, until we turn a corner and are greeted with a row of pubs, outright bars, and adult movie houses. What the hell? Our car passes most of those and goes to the darker end of the block where a large, warehouse-looking building sits, a small sign glowing over its entrance.

  Oh, no. One look and I know I’m fucked: “The Pain Palace.” He’s brought me to a local BDSM club. No, no, no. Oh my god, Dani’s going to kill me. “Um, Boone, what are we―”

  “A chance to meet some new people! Come on! I talked to Dungeon Master Martin today and he said we were welcome here. It’ll be fun, Brandt! Try to loosen up a little, wouldja?”

  “But Melina―”

  Turning toward me, he stops, rolls his eyes, and plants his fists on his hips. “Don’t you think I’ve talked to her about this? She knows where I am and what I’m planning to do, and it’s fine.”

  “And exactly what are you planning to do?”

  “Get in a little fire play. The Dungeon Master says he’s got a submissive who’ll be glad to scene with me within my
parameters. He also told me he’s got several uncollared submissives who’d be great for you to work with.”

  Well, shit. What the hell do I do now? “Sounds good,” I mumble as he heads toward the building and I fall in behind him, praying I’m not about to get myself into a heap of trouble.

  The inside is dark, just as I expected, but there’s a nice bar and plenty of people milling about. Boone walks right up to the bar, asks for the Dungeon Master, and he’s pointed toward a corner of the building. When we step into that space, I almost gulp out loud.

  This guy is every bit of six feet nine inches tall and probably weighs three hundred pounds, all solid muscle. I mean, muscles everywhere. He’s got long, straight, dark hair that falls to his waist, and a goatee that’s impeccably shaped and groomed. Black leathers, black biker boots adorned with clasps all the way up the sides, and no shirt. His chest is shaved smooth, and he’s got a great assortment of all kinds of tattoos all over him. Did I mention he appears to be from one of the Polynesian islands? He’s not Hispanic, of that I’m certain. “Martin! I’m Boone.”

  “Boone! Nice to meet you. And this must be your brother?” Martin asks, flashing a warm smile and extending his right hand. The guy is huge and scary as hell, and yet there’s a light about his face that would make anyone comfortable. Once he’s shaken Boone’s hand, he takes mine, and the instant it closes around my fingers, I feel safe and welcome. It’s obvious that he didn’t just luck into the position of dungeon master. He clearly earned it. “Nice to meet you both. Boone, the submissive over there in the yellow leather is the one I told you about. She was excited to meet you, so go on over and introduce yourself.” Boone heads that direction, but before he gets too far away, he spins, looks straight into my face and winks. Winks. Good lord, what are we, frat boys. “Now, Brandt, what can I do for you?”

  “I suppose I need a submissive to work with.”

  “Boone explained to me that you’ve only been able to come into the lifestyle recently. Would you rather work with an experienced Dominant and his submissive?”


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