Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven

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Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven Page 23

by Hall, Deanndra

  Huh. Would never have thought of that. “Sounds very good.” Now if I can just explain things to the Dominant, maybe this will work out.

  “Okay. Master Hugo and Gina came in about twenty minutes ago. Let’s go talk to him and see what he says. He’s been here for a long time and there’s nobody here who’d be better for a Dominant in training to learn from than him.” I follow Martin as we weave our way across the room. We pass groups of people and as we do, they turn toward him, the men shaking his hand and the women often kissing him on the cheek. He occasionally slips an arm around a woman’s waist here or there and gives her a squeeze. One even tips her head to rest it on his shoulder, and he kisses the part in her hair. It looks like he’s loved by everybody here.

  We find Master Hugo in one such cluster of people, and he’s not what I expected. Late forties or early fifties, salt and pepper hair, and a beer gut. Not an especially attractive man, but his submissive is gazing up at him like he’s a Greek god. He and Martin greet each other warmly, with the submissive keeping her eyes averted appropriately. At one point, Martin presses a finger under her chin, tips her head upward, and kisses her on the forehead. Hugo says nothing, so I take it they’re very good friends. I’m standing there, looking around, when I hear Martin say, “And this is Master Brandt. He’s staying here in town with his brother and they came to visit. He could benefit from your expertise.”

  “Ah, Master Brandt! Pleasure to meet you,” Master Hugo says, and I’m startled by his decidedly British accent. “And where are you from?”

  “Pleasure to meet you too, sir. I’m living in Seattle, but I’m originally from Birmingham, Alabama.”

  “Ah, that’s where the accent comes from! A southerner! Lovely! This is my beautiful submissive, Gina, but I call her Bubbles.” There’s no doubt why. She’s got the biggest, roundest tits I’ve ever seen in my life, at least proportionally.

  I take her hand and kiss the back of it as she curtsies, her eyes downcast. “It’s lovely to meet you, Gina.”

  “And you likewise, Master Brandt,” she says in a near-whisper.

  “So if we’re to work with you, I would think a private room would be preferable. Would you happen to have one, old man?” he asks Martin.

  “I do. Your favorite, Master Hugo. Room number twelve.” Twelve? This is a big place!

  “Very good, very good! All right then, off with us. Submissive, heed your master.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispers and falls in line behind him. I bring up the rear and follow them into the bowels of the building, down a narrow hallway, and finally into a larger room with doors around it.

  Hugo stops at a door. “Here we are, home away from home.” And when he opens the door, I know why he calls it that.

  The room is appointed just like a small house, with a tiny kitchenette, a small living room, and a doorway that leads to a bedroom. Comfy and stylish furniture sits everywhere, and there’s a TV in the corner. “Have a seat, please, Master Brandt, and tell me what I can teach you tonight.” As he speaks, Gina folds herself into a beautiful presentation pose at his feet.

  “I have a confession to make, if we can keep it confidential.”

  “Of course, my friend. What would that be?”

  “I’m not a Dominant. I’m a submissive.” His brows fall into a dip toward his nose. “My brothers and parents don’t know. They wouldn’t take it well. But I was hoping you could talk to me about your life together. I don’t know how that works. I mean, are you married?”

  “No, no, not married. But she is collared, and we do live together. So you ask us questions and we’ll do our best to answer them. Bubbles, my dear, sit up here with me and help this fine gentleman.”

  To my surprise, she stands, straightens her clothing, and sits down beside him. He reaches for her hand and clasps it to his chest, and she smiles, her eyes no longer averted. There, in those simple gestures, I see their relationship, and it’s a soft and beautiful thing.

  I ask them all kinds of questions, like what they like to do together in the vanilla part of their world, what their rules are, what kinds of friends they have and how they socialize, and a plethora of other things I think of as we go along. I’ll ask a question, they’ll answer, and something in their answer prompts yet another question. We sit and talk, me asking and them answering, for at least two hours, and I feel like I’ve finally gotten a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a Dominant and his submissive.

  And I’m blown away. The way they describe their lives together, the mutual respect and admiration, the trust, and the depth of their feelings for each other―that’s what I want in a relationship. We’ve been at it long enough, and I feel bad for keeping them as late as I have. “Before we go, would you mind if I made a couple of pictures?”

  “We don’t usually allow photos in the club,” Hugo announces.

  “Not that kind of photo. I want them to send to my Mistress so she’ll know what I’ve been doing tonight and who I’ve been with,” I explain, blushing.

  “Well, in that case, of course! Wouldn’t want her getting her knickers in a twist over you spending time with us, now would we? Bubbles, please take a seat beside Mast … I suppose Master Brandt isn’t exactly accurate, is it?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “No, sir, it’s not.” I wait until Gina has sat down beside me, and we lean in together like old friends. Honestly, I feel a camaraderie with this woman that I haven’t felt with anyone else, and I understand why. When we’re finished, I take a picture of Gina and Hugo together, and it’s obvious she belongs with him just by the look on her face when his arm encircles her waist. “There we go. Oh, these are nice pics. Thank you both so much.”

  “You’re very welcome, submissive.” Hearing Master Hugo call me that makes me feel … validated. I feel like someone actually sees who I am and wants to acknowledge that.

  “You’re welcome, Brandt. Does your mistress have a name for you?” Gina asks quietly.

  “Yes, she does. She calls me Panther.”

  “That’s a very fitting name. I hope you’ll be very happy together,” she says in that sweet voice. And then she does something that makes me almost weep. She rises up on her toes and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. “I hope you decide to come clean soon for the sake of your relationship with your mistress. It’s obvious you love her very much.”

  Oh, god. I do. If only I could tell her. “Thank you, Gina. You’ve inspired me to be a better submissive.”

  “I’m honored. Sir, what would you like for me to do now?” she asks of Hugo.

  “We should probably get going. I’m not as young as I used to be, and it’s past my bedtime,” he says with a laugh. “Brandt, so good to spend time with you. Please come back and visit anytime you’re in this area.”

  “Thank you, sir. I will. Goodnight. Have a great evening,” I call behind them. This has been an evening I won’t ever forget.

  I go out and sit at the bar until Boone and the submissive he’s worked with are finished in the private room. Based on the whisperings around me, they must’ve put on one helluva show. “Ready to go?” he asks as he approaches me.

  “Sure. Let’s. Thanks, Martin,” I tell the Dungeon Master as I walk away.

  “You’re welcome. You guys are welcome here anytime you’re in town. Please come back.”

  We’re welcome there anytime we’re in town. Second time I’ve been told that tonight, so I believe it. The area may look a little sketchy, but this is a nice club, and all the people are very friendly. I really enjoyed myself. In the car, Boone asks, “So? Did you work with his submissive?”


  “What did you do?”

  Think, Brandt! my brain screams. “Well, he taught me some rope work, and some things about binding, and how to use electrosex equipment correctly. And about lubes and things like that.” I’m such a liar.

  “Great! I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Totally and completely exhausted.” Boone slumps into the corner of the li
mo. “I can’t wait to get to bed.”

  “Me too.” I don’t know how much farther it is to the hotel, but I’m weary. As soon as I’m in my room, I pull out my phone.

  Three calls, all from Dani. I shoot her a quick text: You still up?

  Seconds later, my phone rings. “Hello?”

  “Hey. Where have you been?”

  “You’re going to be pissed when you find out, Mistress, so let me finish before you ream me a new one, please?” There’s silence, so I take that as permission to go on. “Boone insisted we go to a club here. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t tell him that, and he didn’t tell me where we were going, so I couldn’t say no. He did fire play with a submissive, and he and the Dungeon Master set me up with a submissive. Well, her and her Dominant. They thought they were setting me up to learn from him, but I actually learned more about the lifestyle and expectations on a submissive from her than I have from any Dominant other than you.”

  “So you weren’t scening with them?”

  “No. Boone thinks I did, but I didn’t. They were very nice. He’s English, and she’s from Kansas. Anyway, nice couple, a little older but still very active. She’s collared by him, but they’re not married, although they live together.”

  “I see.”

  “You’re not angry, are you?”

  “No. I just wish I’d known where you were. I thought the thing at the store ended at nine and then I didn’t hear from you.”

  “It did, but we left straight from there. I’m sorry. I wanted to call you, but I was with Boone the whole time until I went into the private room with Hugo and Gina, and then I wanted to make the most of the time I had with them. I didn’t mean to worry you, Mistress, honestly, I didn’t.”

  “I know. It’s okay. I had the tracking app, but it doesn’t show the names of the buildings, so it was no help.”

  “I’ll send you pictures of me with the two of them together. They’re such nice people. Martin, the Dungeon Master, is this huge Hawaiian with a ton of tribal tattoos, and he’s a great guy. Everybody was friendly, and I really enjoyed the evening, but I didn’t get to open a box. I was really looking forward to it.” Now I’m sad, and I’ve let her down, which was never my intention. My daily life and my life with her are competing, and it’s a bitch.

  “Open it now. It’s not like it would spoil and have to be thrown out!” I can hear a little twitter in her voice as she says it, so she’s not mad. That’s a relief.

  “Okay. While we’re on the phone?”

  “If you want to.”

  “Hang on.” I scurry across the room, look down into my suitcase, grab the box, and pull out the one marked Friday, then dive back onto the bed and pick up my phone. “Okay. I’m back. Let’s see …” The lid comes off easily and I almost choke. “You … You want me to use this, Mistress?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “I don’t even know how it works.”

  “I sent you a link to a video that shows how to wear it. I want you to wear it tonight. Don’t wear it tomorrow. That might be a bit too conspicuous, although it would be from the way you’re moving, not from the item. It’s small enough that it wouldn’t be noticed by most people.”

  Oh, yeah. Most people. Boone will notice. I’m so screwed.

  “You mean all night while I’m sleeping?”

  “Yes, submissive. All night while you’re sleeping. Take it off tomorrow morning before you shower.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “And I want you to take a picture of it after you have it on and send it to me.”

  That’s a problem. I don’t care if the picture is going straight to her and we both delete it afterward. Those can still be retrieved, and I don’t want pictures of my junk on the internet. “Uh, Mistress, I really don’t feel comfortable doing that.”

  I hear her snort. “Uh, Brandt, I’m not going to show it to anybody else.”

  “Yes, but when you delete things, they’re not really deleted. They can still be retrieved. And if your phone was lost, or somebody stole it, or―”

  “Okay, okay! I get it. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t want to send pictures of myself to you since you mention it. So maybe videoconference?”

  “Do you want to stay up that late?”

  “Um, no. Not really.”

  “Look, don’t worry. You’ll get to see it Sunday because I’ll put it on when I get home. How’s that?”

  She chuckles. “You know, I love your enthusiasm for pleasing me.” I wanted her to say, I love you, but she didn’t.

  “Always, Mistress.”

  “I miss you, my Panther.”

  “I miss you, Mistress. Can’t wait to get home.”

  “Tomorrow’s going to be a crazy day, I assume. Get some rest and think of me.”

  “I think of you constantly, Mistress.” And that’s not a lie―I do think of her constantly.

  “Well, then, I’ll talk to you as soon as I can. Goodnight, submissive.”

  “Goodnight, Mistress. Sleep well and please think of me.”

  She giggles just a little. “Always, my submissive.” And then the phone goes silent.

  I pull out the apparatus and look it over. It looked complicated initially, but it’s really not that bad. Then I hit the video link and watch it carefully. Holy hell, that looks … I’m not sure I can do this. I pull it apart and start the process.

  It’s a cock cage. And there’s this big cuff-looking thing that goes with it. When I get to the part of the video that shows the cuff, I gulp hard.

  It’s a ball stretcher.

  Well, son of a bitch. This will be different. It’s hard plastic, and it’s a sleeve inside a sleeve. Takes me a minute to figure out that it’s adjustable to stretch them out farther. I think I’ll try the shortest setting first, thank you very much. It’s got rubberized gaskets around the top and bottom so they don’t cut into my skin, and the cock cage links into it. Interesting. I get the cage on with no problem.

  But this ball stretcher, it just won’t work. My balls are too close to my body. I suppose that’s what it’s supposed to remedy, but still … I get hold of them, pull them downward, and try to snap the sleeve around.

  I hear it click and realize I did it. Then I take a look in the mirror. Holy shit―my balls are hanging down about an inch. My god. She can’t be serious. There are guys whose balls hang lower than that? I’m not sure I want to be one of them. I send her a quick text: You still up?

  My phone rings immediately. “Well? Got it on?”

  “Yeah, but why? I mean, the stretcher? I don’t get it. Do you really want my balls to hang that low?”


  “But why? I mean, what’s the purpose, Mistress?”

  “Because when I fuck you from behind with the strap-on, I want you to look like a big old wildcat out in the woods, and they have monstrous balls.” Interesting. I never looked at a wildcat’s balls before. I’ll have to do that next time I’m at the zoo, I suppose.

  “Oh. Well, okay then. Just checking. I’ve got it on.”

  “Just the stretcher or the cage too?”

  “The cage too. It’s … less than comfortable. That’s all I can say.”

  “Good. Talk to you tomorrow, submissive. Have fun.”

  “Oh, hahaha. You too, Mistress.”

  I step back to the mirror and take a look at myself. It’s a good thing I shave because having hair caught in one of these would be excruciating, I think. My balls can’t swing with this thing on, and I can barely see my cock inside the plastic. Thank god she got a larger cage. I’d hate to think what this would feel like if your cock was too large for the cage.

  Turning off the light, I lie in bed and think about the apparatus on my most prized appendage. It was weird initially, and now it’s truly wretched. I suppose that’s the whole idea. Sleep isn’t going to be easy to come by with this thing on, but I need to rest. I give some thought to taking it off―she’d never know the difference―but I can’t. I want to do what she
tells me.

  That’s going to be a challenge.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, I reach a decision. After my shave and shower, I put the cage and stretcher back on, then slip on my briefs and slacks. When I turn sideways, I take a good look at my fly. I don’t think it’s obvious there, so I’m going to try wearing it all day. We’ll see how that goes. But just in case, I make sure to take my messenger bag and put the box it came in into the bag. If it gets too uncomfortable, I can take it off and put it in the box.

  The ride in the limo is excruciating. Sitting causes the stretcher to push forward, and that stretches me even more. If I can’t walk when this car stops, I’m doomed.

  But I can, and I do. Strolling around the store while still looking like I’m walking normally isn’t easy, but I’m managing. By lunchtime, I’m doing pretty well.

  And then we have to sit. Ouch. It’s just Boone and me, but that’s even worse because there’s no one else to distract him. A couple of times he gives me a funny look, but then goes on talking. God only knows what kind of expression I’m wearing.

  By five o’clock, I’m in agony, but I’m determined to wear the damn thing. At one point, I go into the restroom and take it off for a minute or two, but I put it right back on. No point in teasing myself that way.

  But I make it. I make it through dinner, through cocktails, through the ride back to the hotel. When I get ready for bed, I take it off, scratch a bit, look at my balls in the mirror, and put it back on. I send off a brief text, not knowing what she’s up to. I’ve worn it all day.

  Three little dots dance on the screen until she sends back, You’re kidding.

  Nope. All day long. Took it off a couple of times to scratch, but that’s all.

  And my phone rings. “I did it.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, Brandt.”

  “But I wanted to. I wanted you to be impressed with my desire to please you. Does that please you?”

  “It does, but still―that’s pretty extreme for a whole day right off the bat.”


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