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Kate: A Paranormal Lustmance

Page 8

by Krihstin Zink

  “Like you, I’d been sentenced to an eternity of hell’s military. I’d received orders … and within the first century, whoever I’d been—faded with time.” His mournful whispers pained me, so I dropped the subject. Hearing his woeful past life caused a discomfort that I’d wished to avoid.

  We silently held each other while tranquil wildlife music soothed our woes. I glanced down, noticing Thadeus had fallen asleep with his heavy head on my shoulder. Sympathy stirred within me as I considered being forced to forget my past life. As a human, I’d constantly sinned: I hurt others without a second thought. Then, as a demon, I’d fucked whoever I wanted and even killed. My mind slowly formed memories of my ex, David Jensen—the cause of my psychotic break.

  David’s piercing-blue eyes, chiseled nose and cheek bones, and his wild jet-black hair had led to the development of my sick infatuation. He’d become my hunk, so I believed that if I couldn’t have him—then no one would. I’d tormented Scarlet for months because I’d hated that he picked her. As time had passed, my mind worsened. While I reflected, I realized that my fucked-up thoughts ruined too many lives.

  Unlike Thadeus, who had avenged his family, I ended up in hell because of my stupidity. How easy it had been for me to dismiss others’ lives because of my selfish need to have my way. I’d fucked myself over, but I’d also blessed myself with love. Because if I hadn’t lived as I had, I’d have continued as a lust-focused bitch.

  I tightly hugged Thadeus’s massive frame as I willed our future to be happy. My human life had never produced joy, so what I had with Thadeus … I had to do anything and everything I could to keep our bliss.

  Morning brought a warmer temperature and a new wildlife song. I opened my eyes to Thadeus’s deep onyx eyes, studying my face.

  “You are absolutely enchanting, just a glance at your emerald-hued eyes makes my heart race.” His lips lightly fluttered against mine, and the thought of losing mornings like that one weighed heavy on my heart.

  To cheer myself up, and in my style, I attempted to initiate morning sex. However, he interrupted my cock-teasing strokes by holding my hand.

  “As much as I enjoy … all of you—we must venture out and find apparel and develop a façade. We must blend if we desire to stay hidden.” He stretched away from me and he pushed himself to his feet.

  His kilt gave me an amazing view of his morning wood. I huffed in frustration that we couldn’t just bang a quick one out. After all, I’m at my best when I’m pleased.

  What felt like hours staggered by while we hiked from our mossy bed and far, far away from the crystal lagoon. Eventually, we approached a green state map, which revealed that we had slept in Krka National Park.

  In the distance, two hikers trekked towards us. Panic struck me as I remembered that I hadn’t dressed myself in weeks. Thadeus made it worse, since he stood mute with his Conan-the-barbarian kilt. Luckily, we didn’t have any weapons—because then we would have appeared as if we had time hopped from an ancient civilization.

  “Concentrate and shield yourself with invisibility.” Thadeus whispered while he stood as still as possible. I nodded my head and hoped that I could vanish as quickly as he had.

  Twigs snapped as the couple, with slumped backs from heavy backpacks, trudged closer towards us. A short brunette hugged herself as she whispered, “Do you hear that, Finn?”

  “We’re in Croatia, Rhonda. The wildlife is different than The States—so yeah, I hear all the damn nature around us. Now, pick-up your pace—we’re almost to the lagoon.” Fin adjusted his shoulder straps before marching forward while Rhonda stared directly at the spot where Thadeus and I stood.

  I’d always been one to get what I wanted; and I knew Thadeus and I needed to blend. Without a second thought, I materialized from my invisibility and revealed my naked human form.

  “What the … are you OK?” Rhonda asked as she gripped at Finn’s arm.

  Finn’s lust-filled, hazel eyes scanned over every curve of my bare form; and immediately, Thadeus revealed himself next to me.

  “Holy shit, Finn … we’re gonna—The Croatian Lesy and his wife are gonna give us to the Black One. See. See. We should have listened to that old lady.” Rhonda shivered behind Finn while Finn’s gaze darted from me to Thadeus.

  “Drop your bags and remove your clothing,” I ordered in what I imagined as a Croatian accent. Thadeus kept quiet as our victims undressed while they shook like dry leaves in a windstorm.

  In their undergarments, Finn and Rhonda clung to each other while Thadeus and I rapidly dressed in their clothing.

  “Run,” Thadeus growled, and with the speed of horror-movie victims—Finn and Rhonda swiftly disappeared into the woods.

  Dressed and loaded down with hiking gear, Thadeus and I trekked until we approached a welcome center. Hidden in a darkened corner, we rifled through our new bags.

  “What exactly are we looking for?” Thadeus glanced from my bag to his while he also searched through clothes and snacks.

  “Money. We need money.” I continued to desperately rummage through Rhonda’s bag.

  We checked every pocket, but only found chump change. Our human plan quickly fell apart as I acknowledged how much we’d struggle without the financial means to afford a normal human life.

  “Thad, why can’t we just stay in our demon form? It’ll truly be difficult to blend in if we cannot afford to be humans. Honestly, I’m not sure how long I can live in the wilderness.” I pulled the bag’s drawstring and then swung it over my shoulder. I looped it through my other arm while Thadeus closed and then hung his bag onto his shoulder.

  “In this form we blend because we are not transmitting our demon energy. Our human skin contains it. As much as I dislike this, we will continue to loot from others until we can find suitable means.” He clutched my hand and tugged me in the direction of several parked cars.

  I hadn’t driven a car in ages, yet he guided us closer to the cluster of vehicles. He hadn’t said a word, but I knew what Thadeus intended to do.

  “Should we take one of these things? I’ve witnessed how they operate, but do not know how to use one.” We stared at our human reflections from the shiny BMW’s siding.

  In the horizon, the sun began to set, and I knew we needed to find a place to sleep. I had never visited Croatia, but I imagined that their car theft laws had to be as serious as the US’s. I searched the area and then returned my gaze to Thadeus as he touched the car door—and it instantly popped the lock. With a nonchalant swagger, he strolled over to the passenger side and then we silently took our seats and shut the doors.

  “Now what?” I questioned, tossing my bag onto the SUV’s backseat. Thadeus did the same before touching the ignition switch. Sparks surged from his fingertips as the BMW roared to life. I checked my mirrors, buckled up, and then hauled ass out of the parking lot.

  “So far, so good, but … we’re in Croatia. I’m not sure where we should go.” I admitted while we left Krka National Park in the rearview mirror. Luckily, the stolen SUV had a navigation system. After a few taps, a map appeared; then I spoke directions and requested the nearest hotel. Following my command, an automated voice obliged and suggested Pansion Skelin.

  A few miles later, we pulled into a luxurious resort-like hotel complex. I quickly parked and gawked out the window before returning my attention to the idling car.

  “Hm … How should we turn this bad boy off?” I glanced at Thadeus, and found him in a dazed stare, gaping at the resort outside the car’s window.

  Pansion Skelin had been built amidst Olive trees and vineyards. From our car, we could see a sparkling swimming pool and several kept tennis courts. Every inch of the hotel resort enthused luxury living; it resembled more of a high-end community than a hotel.

  “We need money to stay here,” Thad whispered as he slumped low in his seat.

  Since we’d rushed to steal the BMW, we hadn’t had a moment to search it. While the car idled, I rifled throu
gh the glove compartment, and every other nook and cranny of the SUV. To my delight, I discovered that we picked the perfect vehicle—because behind the passenger seat . . . we found a gym bag with a stuffed wallet, an extra set of keys, and a gun.

  “My beloved, I dislike that we stole this vehicle, but I’m thankful that we found that sack.” Thadeus exhaled a profound sigh of relief.

  “Thad, I’m sure it’ll all work out for the owner; they probably have insurance or some shit. All right. Here’s the plan: let me talk to the receptionist, ‘kay?” I gave him a smirk as I nodded my head while I shut off the car. Then I reached to collect our bags, handed him his before we stepped out and slammed the doors.

  I quickly hit the keyless entry and locked our stolen vehicle. Street lights illuminated our path as we located the hotel’s entrance. Once we strolled inside, a bald, chubby man smiled at us from behind the reception desk.

  “Heeellooo, lovely travelers. Welcome to Pansion Skelin. I’m Mateo. How may I help you?” His yellow teeth glistened under the fluorescent lights.

  Following the normal formalities, I requested an extended-stay room. Mateo swiftly typed in our fake information; and after ten minutes of lodging procedures, chubster handed me our room key and wished us a pleasant evening.

  With feigned leisure, we ventured away from the reception desk and eventually found our sleeping quarters, just a few doors down a vast hotel hallway. A soft floral scent tickled my nose as we ambled into our suite. In complete awe, we stood in a neatly arranged, ample loft. To our right, we noticed a bathroom with a ceramic sink, tub, and toilet. We also had a king-sized bed with a fitted flower quilt, which had been placed near a loveseat and entertainment stand that held a decent flat-screen television. I instantly felt a tranquil relief to be amongst modern amenities.

  Thadeus strutted towards the loveseat and placed his bag on the shiny tan tile before he peered out the opened blinds. I treaded towards him, placed my bag next to his, and then sealed the blinds shut and drew the curtains.

  “We’ll stay here until Alora and her army find us,” I whispered before undressing myself. I watched over my shoulder as his clothing fell in heaps while he followed me into the bathroom. He threaded his arms around me, cupping my breasts, as we gazed at each other in the mirror. Two enthralled humans stared back at us.

  I etched that moment in my memory and promised to never forget it.

  Remorse sprung from within as I detached to find soap. Once I found the hotel’s brand body wash, I ran a bath and added the soft fruity-scented liquid.

  “We’ll soak and then rest, Thad. Let’s not worry about tomorrow until it’s time to. OK?” I offered a meek smile before I stepped into the tub. He swiftly hustled to hug himself behind me. His fullness rubbed against my back, but for once, I ignored my lustful hunger.

  Remembering him checking the window, as he’d silently questioned our safety, struck a nerve. Our time together had a limit. Fear ate at my mind and I felt too distracted by our wellbeing to even enjoy his body.

  We soaked until the water became too cold. With a fretful silence, we drained the tub and then towel dried before stepping out.

  “Two against an army is unfair,” I whimpered as Thadeus embraced me, holding me tightly against his chest. I held him as long as I could, carving every loving moment into my memory. Before Thad, I’d lacked the ability to love. Finding him to only lose him, had become the worst Karma I could have ever suffered.

  We silently dressed in our stolen clothes. Defeat weighed me down as I realized that our Croatian honeymoon would soon end. At any moment, we’d have had to survive the wrath of a furious, mourning daughter.

  Once we’d crawled into bed, we spooned and tightly clasped each other. For hours, we’d tossed and turned in unison. My heart shattered as I fought back tears when I envisioned my beloved’s violent death. Haunting scenes of Alora killing Thad, as he’d done to her mother, plagued my mind.

  “Everyone’s afterlife is cruel, but I believe that’s what hell is about—pain and torture.” His torn words ripped through my already shattered heart. In our afterlife, we’d found each other to only flee to salvage our love.

  “We have to fight—we have to find a way.” I rolled to my side and combed my fingers through his soft mane.

  I refused to accept that all of hell had taken Alora’s side. Like Thad had mentioned, we had to focus on Panora’s enemies—those who hated her should be convinced to take our side. Our love could only be saved if we tried to defeat those who dare threaten us. I would have happily died, knowing that we at least fought to the death to protect our love.

  I’d fallen asleep just as the sunlight began to peek through the blinds and curtains. My dreams had been full of war, blood, and the horrific loss of my lover. As my mind began to stir, a sharp jab to my face jolted me awake. Terror immediately froze me to the bed when I noticed a hell guard, looming above me.

  “Shhh … do not scream,” he ordered as I scooted toward the headboard.

  “That one.” The guard flicked his chin at Thadeus before he said, “He’s difficult to wake.”

  My lover’s face lacked the worry lines that I’d viewed until I’d drifted to sleep. I anxiously stretched my hand out until I gently caressed his face, and instantly regretted our worrisome night. We should have had one last tryst. Memories of our time on the mossy bed flashed within my mind as tears overwhelmed my eyes.

  “Please … just let us live our afterlife in peace,” I begged as thoughts of losing Thad demolished my shattered heart. An all-consuming grief engulfed me as I knew we’d reached the end of our time . . . together.

  “Can I have a moment to say goodbye, please?” I redirected my attention to the guard’s fire-pit eyes. His muscular pecs and biceps twitched as his face wrinkled with confusion.

  “Goodbye?” His befuddled stare deepened, just as another guard appeared behind him.

  I squirmed with fear as I inched closer to Thadeus, but then I noticed that our hotel room had been filled with male and female, barbarian-dressed demons. Each resembled Thadeus: defined built, except that some had long manes while others lacked hair. A fleet of savage demons watched as Thadeus finally stirred awake.

  “Kate,” he huffed, reaching for my arm.

  The guard who had startled me awake, stepped forward and spoke, “Commander, we have followed your demonic energy and are here to assist in protecting you and your mistress from Alora’s army.” My chest ached, as if I’d held my breath since being shocked awake. When I finally exhaled, a brusque breath of relief soothed through me as Thad reached for the nightstand’s lamp. A soft florescent light illuminated the room while a small army of demon warriors awaited their commander’s orders.

  Thadeus’s face wrinkled with concern before he finally cleared his throat to speak, “How will we defeat Alora’s fleet—if we are, at best, only thirty?” He kicked out his foot and shrugged off the bed.

  In a split-second, he burst through his human clothing and swiftly transformed into his demon form. His charcoal eyes blinked at me, waiting for me to also transition. Unlike Thad, the kilted males, and bikini-top-and-skirted female demons—I lacked any clothing.

  My relationship with Thadeus had blossomed a strange modesty, one that I’d never cared about. I didn’t want the unfamiliar demons to stare at my bare skin. Finally, Thad noticed my discomfort and ordered, “Wait for us outside.” One-by-one they vanished, leaving me alone with my lover.

  “You must concentrate, Kate, and create your demon apparel.” He rushed around the bed to my side, extending his hand to help me off the bed. Like him, I burst out of my human clothes and form, then I stood naked and cold. He placed his hands on my arms, tightly gripping me.

  “Envision what you would like to wear, my mistress.” His dark glare stared down at me as his touch feathered from my arm and then up to my lips. He leaned forward and tenderly kissed me, which instantly weakened my anxious thoughts.

  As he inst
ructed, I focalized on my demon attire. With each second that past, a chain-linked top and mini-skirt formed over my body. I swayed beneath his touch while my gear clinked against my smooth skin.

  “How?” I gasped in disbelief as I glanced at my Panora-like getup.

  A sly smirk creased at the corners of Thad’s full lips. “Harnessed energy,” he huffed-out as he trailed his touch down my side—until he pulled me in close and smashed his lips against mine. My once crumbled heart united and swelled at the possibility of a devoted eternity with my lover.

  I swooned into his embrace and wrapped my arms around his muscular neck, but then I felt disappointed when he separated from my lips to peer down at me. “If … if we succumb and lose the fight, I cannot die without confessing—” He stopped to cup my face with his huge hands.

  My heart rapidly thumped in my chest as I waited to hear what his body had already revealed. I adored him, more than I could ever portray. Yet, his need to verbalize his affection … had me deadlocked on his intense stare.

  “You have a spark that blazes brighter than the largest fire-pit in hell. Your unquenchable lust drives me insane with sexual hunger …” He paused and deeply overwhelmed my lips with his. He left me breathless, and I almost couldn’t take not having him deep inside of me. I tried to tease his thick man-meat, but like before—he stopped me.

  “We will wait, as I need that to be my driving force.” His stare darkened with determination. “My beloved, Kate … if I had met you in a different life, you would have made me want to be a better man than the demon I became.” His eyes dimmed with regret, and it pained me to hear his confession. I felt desperate to win the war and live my lustful-ever-after with my lover.


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