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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 22

by M. K Eidem et all

  But after closing, when her sniffs were coming faster with hardly a pause in between the first and the next, I just had to know what was going on.

  “He came by to tell me he’s leaving,” she answered on a choked sob, her tears tunneling through her blush and foundation. “He’s taking the Blue squad to live in Russia.”

  What the hell? Russia? Wasn’t that on the other side of the world?

  “But the blues and bronze always fight together. Did he say if Ti’eron was going with him?”

  “N-no.” She wiped at her nose with the back of her hand before reaching for the stack of napkins. “Just that he and his squad are leaving tomorrow and probably won’t be back.”


  She shook her head, the blonde layers in her head dancing at her movement.

  I didn’t know what to say, what kind of comfort to give. But I thought her reaction to his news signaled he meant more to her than she’d previously let on. “I’m so sorry, honey. We’re almost finished here. Why don’t you take off? I can take care of the rest.”

  She shot me a grateful look, but didn’t answer other than to walk slowly to the restroom to retrieve her purse and coat from her locker. Even her gait as she put one foot in front of the other spoke of the hopelessness and sorrow I could feel coming off her in waves.

  As I locked the front door behind her, I thought about Ti’eron and the puzzle that was ‘us’.

  True to his word, he’d made time to be with me—taking me to dinner a couple of times or even just sitting on a barstool in my section of the bar for a few minutes before he went to catch some zzz’s. Something I couldn’t begrudge him especially since he always looked so tired, as if he never got enough sleep. I’d asked him once what his job as a commander entailed but he never got specific and I hadn’t pressed, although in light of Re’nal’s announcement about moving to Russia, maybe I should have.

  He’d even kept his word about not pressing me for sex when we had that tiny bit of alone time. So much so, I was getting a bit antsy, wondering if I was going to step up and become the seducer instead of the seducee. I was tired of getting all worked up during our hurried make-out sessions only to have him abruptly leave, while I was left with nothing more than wet panties and hard nipples begging for attention.

  Trying to put my own dismal thoughts aside, I went back to the bar and started putting that day’s cash into bank bags. But my mind seemed to have only one track and that was Ti’eron.

  It didn’t feel like we were moving forward at all. How were you supposed to get to know someone if you only saw them for thirty minutes to an hour every couple of days?

  I heard the door to the rooftop open. Damn, I’d forgotten to lock it again. None of the other places I’d ever worked had one, but that was still no excuse. “Sorry, warrior,” I called without looking up. “We’re closed.”

  The heavy boots brought whoever it was closer and, without raising my head, I glanced up, my mouth open to repeat ‘we’re closed’ on a louder, firmer note but no sound came out.

  “Hey, baby,” Ti’eron greeted looking better in the dim lights of the bar than a man, warrior or not, had a right to. “I had a few minutes and wanted to spend them with you.”

  My tummy-tumbled and I did a head to toe shiver at the dark syrup of his voice. The man got to me in a big way. Maybe too big a way in the whole scheme of things.

  Smiling, I came around the edge of the bar making a beeline to where he’d stopped, holding his arms wide open.

  “It’s so good to see you,” I breathed into his neck as I crashed into him, my hands sliding around his waist.

  “Seeing is good,” he countered wrapping me in his arms and pulling me in tightly. “Touching is a helluva lot better, though.”

  I rose up onto my toes and angled my face upward but before our lips met, I pulled back, remembering what Vanessa told me. He did a quick what-the-hell frown and I rushed my words out. I didn’t know how much time we had and needed to know his plans as soon as possible. “Are you moving to Russia?”

  He blinked and pulled back. “Russia? No, why?”

  I gave him the short version, ending with, “and since Blue and Bronze always fight together I thought you and your squadron…”

  My voice wound down as Eron’s face came close, then closer to mine only pausing when our noses touched. “Babe? Do you honestly fucking think I’d leave you again after we just got back together?”

  I didn’t even bother to waste my breath, preferring to tilt my head and keep my mouth busy another way. Lucky for me, he seemed to prefer my action over an answer as well, because he kept the kiss going for more than a few minutes. Long and thorough minutes, enough to leave us both panting when he finally raised his head.

  “I actually came by to give you some good news.” His voice was rough with desire, and only added to the throbbing I was experiencing in a lot of wonderful places. “If everything goes according to plan, we’ll get to see more of each other a lot more often.”

  “When?” No one ever called me shy in getting to the root of what I wanted to know.

  He lifted a shoulder and his eyes went unfocused. “Ver’gren says maybe by the day after tomorrow, but no later than Thursday.”

  That was another thing. Outside that one night, that one spectacular night we’d shared, I’d never heard Ver’gren’s voice in my head again and often caught myself wondering if I’d only imagined it.

  I smiled and ran a finger down from the vee of his vest to the top of his trousers. “So what do you have in mind for this ‘see more of each other’ thingy?”

  Ooh, I loved how his mouth made a sexy smirk while his eyes went hooded and swirled sensuously at my question, leaving no doubt he had some very erotic thoughts about what he wanted us to do. “I was thinking maybe it was time for you to come up to my place so I could find out if you snore.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  “So you say, but I’d like to check that out for myself.”

  Actually, I had no problem with him doing his little survey, not if it meant we’d again be naked in bed together, doing all sorts of naughty things to make each other tired. “Sounds good. But how would I get there? Isn’t it a long drive?”

  His smirk turned into a grin before widening into a full smile. “I’ll get to see if you snore but before that, you’ll get your first, but hopefully not your last, dragon-back ride.”

  Oh my god! I’d get to fly on Ver’gren’s back?

  “Count me in!” I squeed, throwing my hands in the air while bouncing on my toes. Ti’eron caught on to my happiness and swung me in a circle while a low rumbling, but undefined purr filled my brain.

  Dropping me back to my feet, he again dipped his mouth to mine and all my thoughts of future doings dropped away allowing me to revel in the moment. My fingers threaded in to his hair as I tilted my face to allow us more room, better access for our tongues to play. Flexing his hips in response, he rubbed the length of himself against my belly on a lusty moan while pushing a hard-muscled thigh between my legs.

  It didn’t take long before things started to get frustrating, but maybe they didn’t have to be.

  I pulled away and with a teasing swing to my hips, sashayed to the door that led to the roof. Grabbing the lock with one hand, I turned arching my back as I twisted the deadbolt behind me into the closed position.

  “Christ, but you’re sex on legs!” That was the exact response I was hoping for.

  But I hadn’t even really gotten started…yet.

  I went slowly back to where he stood, exaggerating my hip movements with every step. “Sit down, Eron.”

  He seemed a little dazed by nothing more than my walk so I had to repeat myself. Although I probably didn’t play fair when I slid my t-shirt off, exposing my black lace, demi-cup bra. Using two fingers in the center of his chest, I pushed. “I said you need to sit down, Eron.”

  Glancing behind, he took a step backwards before his knees unhinged, his ass hitting the cha
ir with an audible thud. I leaned over from my waist and placed my palms on his thighs, staring into his eyes the entire time. He looked a little stunned but a lot more excited. I couldn’t resist another kiss before I told him what I had in store for him.

  Pushing his knees apart, I sank down until my butt rested on my heels. “I liked what you did to me, baby. You know, when you had your tongue between my legs? Liked it so much I thought it might be fun to do it to you.”

  “Hell yeah,” he breathed, his blue eyes beginning to swirl in earnest as he made short work of the laces at the sides of his leathers. “Your mouth on me? Oh fuck, yeah.”

  I saw the crotch of his trousers was sewn in a vee pattern, so when he undid the strings on either side, it fell out and away, providing free and easy access when it was opened to his cock and balls without having to remove his pants entirely.

  It also didn’t escape my notice Ti’eron went commando.

  Sliding my hands up the inside of his thighs, I licked my lower lip gaining another moan while the flap of leather in front of my face rose and then fell on a hard flex of the piece of him still hidden from my view. Slipping my fingers underneath the scrap of leather, I grabbed the base of his manly steel, sliding my hand up, the feel of leather against the back of my hand, as my finger of my other hand peeled the flap of his pants slowly away.

  “So what do you like, Eron?” I asked on a low, sultry note, my eyes shifting to his face. But his own gaze was flipping between the cleavage spilling out of my bra and how I was openly exploring his cock.

  Catching a bead of wetness at the very tip with my thumb, I glided my hand back down waiting for his reply.

  “Christ yeah,” he moaned on an indrawn breath. His hands had a white-knuckled grip on the arms of the wooden chair and I could feel the tremble of his thighs against my forearms resting there. “I like it all, Adri. Just the thought of being in your hot, tight mouth makes me want to come.” He swallowed thickly before forcing his eyes to mine. “Do what comes natural, baby, but mind the teeth.

  I held his gaze and leaned forward, opening my mouth as I shifted closer. Snaking out my tongue, I swirled it over his crown, around its defining edge before I sucked it between my lips, trying to, as instructed, keep my teeth out of play. I used my tongue to explore, keeping my hand moving up and back down, stroking slowly in a firm grip.

  “Fucking amazing.”

  He wasn’t far wrong. I found it amazing too, since I’d never done this before, had never had the desire to go down on a guy.

  I moved my mouth down further before I went back to the head of him, bringing my stroking palm up at the same time. Another slow slide of mouth and hand, taking in even more of him, seemed right and I continued on.

  He carried on, offering words of encouragement and delight, telling me exactly what pleased him in harsh whispers that sounded more like deep, heavy pants. “Like that, baby. Yeah. Oh Christ, yeah. Can you take it deeper? Fuck, that’s perfect.”

  I was surprised to find he had one hand on my head, gently guiding me as his other hand caressed the fulsomeness of my breast, easily finding the sharp nipple beneath the lace cup of my bra. My crotch was pressed hard against my boot heel. So much so, I wiggled, causing my own mewls to start.

  Eron obviously heard me though I’d tried to be as quiet as ever. “You like this, don’t you? God, you look so hot with my cock in your mouth. Can you do it a little faster?”

  I sped up my movements and felt his hips began to pump as he worked himself in and out of my mouth. He pressed my head down a little more, flexing up even higher until he hit the back of my throat before quickly pulling back on a groan of, “so good, Adri.”

  It wasn’t long before he lost his words, ground out deep, incoherent growls, pumping into my mouth faster and faster. “You better pull off, baby!”

  I glanced up to see if he was speaking true.

  “I’m dead serious, girl. If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, you better pull away!”

  When he’d done it to me, I’d come in his mouth…and all over his face, if I remembered correctly. So why didn’t he want me to do the same?

  “Oh. Sweet. Baby Jesus.” His bellow, combined with Ver’gren’s roar bounced around the room, inside my brain, as every muscle in his body flexed tightly. I felt him pulse again and again, his hot, salty wetness filling my mouth and he groaned in time to the primordial beat of his body.

  Finally he stroked my hair and I took it as a benediction, unspoken approval for bringing him to an orgasm that was, in my opinion, every bit as good as the one he’d given me. I swallowed deeply and lifted off him, anxious to see his face.

  In that moment, that precious, priceless instant no other man, either real or of fantasy had ever looked so beautiful to me.

  Chapter Ten

  Ti’eron looked down at her with her long, black hair spilling over his legs, her gleaming breasts practically escaping from her bra, replete with the glory she’d given him.

  And remembered all the eagerness she’d shown in taking him in her mouth.

  Of all the fantasies he’d had, the millions of times the thoughts of Annie, of when they could be all alone and naked, helped him find his satisfaction time and time again. That was, until she walked back into his life. Until then, he’d never considered she or even someone like her would be willing to give him head.

  Not willingly.

  Shit, he’d paid for that particular service many times but the practiced sex-workers he’d engaged hadn’t even come close to arousing him to the point Adri had done.

  Maybe that was it.

  They weren’t her and therefore couldn’t bring him, either with their hands, their pussies or even their mouths, to the same pinnacle of pleasure that Adri, his Annie could.

  She is our own.

  Ti’eron stroked the black hair in front of him and she tilted her chin up, her amazing green eyes searching his face. And with the beam of love in them, at Ver’gren’s grumbled avowal that the woman still kneeling before him was their dragon-paired future, Ti’eron mentally heard the snicks of shackles as they closed around him. Deep, heavy chains meant to hold him, to force him into imagining a life he’d long since shrugged away.

  Because he knew with ever molecule of his being, absolute knew his life didn’t include any sort of long-term loving, much less a commitment. Sure, he could pretend those emotions as the occasion warranted, but when it came to the real deal?

  He wanted none of it.

  “Did I do it right?”

  He blinked, his mind providing all the rest of the words she didn’t say. Things that alluded to her inexperience, which was more than evident by how she hadn’t performed but had waited for his cues in order to move to the next step, the next lick and, god help him, the next swallow.

  He’d somehow known she didn’t know what she was doing because he’d had to warn her against using her teeth, for fuck’s sake! “You did perfect, baby.”

  Her smile in reply lit him up inside to the point he had to compel himself to force the brightness back, shoving it away so it didn’t establish a stronghold inside him. He was already enamored enough with the girl, though he kept telling himself it was because of the connection they’d shared in their early years. Who wouldn’t forget the first girl that made them crazy with desire?

  If only Ver’gren didn’t add his two-freaking-cents to the mix!

  The only way he could think of to equal the scales, to ensure the woman who’d just sucked him to oblivion and back, to create a common footing, was get her off too. And do it in a way to satiate what she needed physically, while withholding any of the heart and flowers stuff.

  He definitely didn’t need hearts and flowers shit at this juncture in his life.

  After flipping his cod-piece over his more than satisfied dick, Ti’eron snagged Adri underneath her arms and pulled her up onto his now covered lap. Snaking hand over the still-hardened crowns of her chest beneath the hot as hell bra she wore, he made sure his voi
ce was in the lower registers. The one all females responded to, as he asked, “now what can I do for you?”

  Her shock at the move became clear not only by the way she tensed but also by her widened stare into his face. “I don’t…I mean, you don’t—“

  Bullshit, he didn’t.

  He had to, if for no other reason than to soothe his conscious and get the gleam of the ‘happily ever after’ out of her eyes.

  Moving the hand enjoying her stunning tits southward, he cupped her womanhood in the sweet vee of her jeans. “Don’t you need me right here?”

  She groaned and pressed her face into his chest as her hips shifted upward. Yeah. That was the ticket.

  “Pull them down, baby. Give me some room to play.”

  Christ, he’d never seen anyone drop trou’ so fast before. Her hands were a blur at the tab of her jeans as her thumbs sought and then caught at the waistband, lifting her hips as she dragged both the denim and lace of her panties downward.


  “I need…” she moaned, her lips skimming up from his chest to his jaw, but he made sure to withhold his lips at the final second.

  “And I’ll give it to you.” He glanced down at the inky curls between her legs and his heart thudded at the glistening drops of moisture caught in the low lights of the bar. His heart did a double bump that resounded in his lengthening dick.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  Her head tilted back until it was propped against his shoulder. “That was so hot,” she murmured thickly. “Having you in my mouth but wanting it in my…”

  Christ! She wasn’t supposed to be so alluring, so motherfucking sexy!

  Determinedly, he cut off her speech as he inveigled two fingers into her depths. She was so wet, his fingers slid in easily, able to glide in fully until he met the farthest wall of her channel. So much so, her legs attempted to open wider, only caught by the tight waistband of her jeans slung around her silky thighs.


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