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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 23

by M. K Eidem et all

  Her hips shot sky-high forcing his digits deeper. More of her cream pooled on his palm. “Make me come, Eron. Please god, make me come.”

  She was out of her mind with desire, her hips slewing in a movement he couldn’t resist as he dove in and out of her moist, secret depths. Her eyes were tightly shut as her head pressed against his shoulder. His Adri was, at that moment, the epitome of a true woman, held bound by the throes of desire he’d created, mewling her delight without restriction.

  How could he not fulfill her, make her as crazy as she’d made him?

  He snuck his thumb upward, bumping against the sharp, swollen nub of her clit. At the stealthy move, she almost screamed her delight, thrusting upwards and bending even further over his arm, squeezed between the chair and her body.

  God, yeah.

  He didn’t say a word but he wanted to add his voice to what she was begging from heaven. If anyone had been listening, they would’ve heard his own moans at the view of the beauty in his arms riding his fingers, his goddamn thumb as she reached for her bliss.

  “Eron, please,” she begged and his eyes fell on the flush of her cheeks, her hardened nipples in her sexy as fuck bra, beaded sharp in their delight of what he was doing.

  She was almost there, just on the edge, ready to catapult into the maelstrom of her orgasm. “That’s it, baby,” he coaxed on a panted whisper. “Let it come. I’ve got you.”

  Her body went completely still for the space of a few heartbeats and she held her breath before giving a full body shiver and letting out one long, loud whimper of his name. A sound that hit him hard and took his own breath away. Slowly but without pausing, he removed his sodden fingers before gathering her up in his arms, pressing his cheek into the top of her head.

  She stretched one hand up from his shoulder to palm the back of his neck, pressing her chest against him so hard, he could feel her beating heart. The moment held a heavy poignancy, so filled with portent Ti’eron felt a driving need to run from it as fast and as far as possible. He didn’t need these kind of feelings, wasn’t even willing to acknowledge them. Not then and probably not in the future.

  “Thank you,” she breathed, glancing at him before sitting up straighter and reaching for the jeans still bunched around her thighs. He released his hold on her and looked around the large room, wondering how long he had to wait until he could get himself gone, away from her and the emotions she brought out in him.

  Ti’eron hated to admit it, but Adri’s brand of heaven made him feel like hell.


  I slid off his lap and turned away as I pulled my jeans up and fastened them. Something had happened, had changed in a matter of seconds but I didn’t know what. All I knew is that he’d somehow stepped back, although not in the physical sense.

  One minute we were together in a tender embrace and the next?

  He’d closed himself off from me, shut down his feelings so fast it made me dizzy.

  Had I done something wrong?

  I found my t-shirt and was just smoothing it down my ribs when he finally spoke. “I need to get back to the compound.”

  There was something in his voice that told me of his lie, that he didn’t need to leave, he just flat-out wanted to go at the soonest possible moment. Keeping my back to him, I nodded to show I heard him.

  “So I’ll contact you in a few days and we’ll, ah, set something up so you can have the, uhm, dragon ride I promised.” The way he stumbled over his words, the lack of vigor in his tone more than reset my expectations. But then, what did I expect? To date, he hadn’t fulfilled any of his promises.

  “You do that,” I mumbled, as I, quickly and with business-like steps, went back behind the bar to resume what I needed to get done before I could go home. I couldn’t look at him, afraid of the expression I’d see if I did. “Thanks for stopping by.”

  It was the best, most civil dismissal I could give under the circumstances.

  He shot the lock and I clearly heard the creak of the door to the roof. “See ya, Adri.”

  I kept my head down and did a half-hearted wave. I wasn’t going to allow him see any of the emotions roiling inside me, that were filling my eyes and almost choking me as they demanded release.

  My meltdown could come later, after I finished my work and was securely cocooned in my lonely bed.


  Ver’gren turned sharply, feinting left before stopping, flaming the giant Berstat, frying the bug to a crisp with only one flare of his fiery breath. All the while, Ti’eron was communicating with his lieutenants, giving orders and providing direction as the Bronze squad took out their portion of that day’s swarm.

  Hu’ang’s idea had been discussed and a strategy developed, one that was amazingly simple and proved to be so effective only two squads were needed to complete their mission, usually by midday. Allowing the squads not in use to have a full day to recuperate every other day. Even though the Berstats were now swarming daily, the campaigns were smoothly completed by the well-rested dragons without fail.

  Their work had not gone unnoticed and the media was now wild with nothing but praise for the Dragon Warriors, naming them as ‘Earth’s New Heroes’. Numerous pictures and vids were shown of both of the warriors as dragons, flaming the enemy out of the sky, as well as them in their human forms. While Ti’eron didn’t know when the photos had been taken, he had to admit all the ones he’d seen of him and his brothers made them all seem…dashing yet dangerous, handsomely badass in their long-vested leathers and boots, long hair flowing in the wind.

  Lor’gen suggested they capitalize on their newfound fame and ride the tide of public approval by offering t-shirts, mugs and perhaps even posing for calendars and posters. “Why shouldn’t we gain a bit of green from all this? I mean, we’d just be giving the ladies what they fucking want.”

  Ver’gren initiated a swift dive, flames shooting from his mouth at the exact point where the bug’s head met its thorax. It hadn’t taken much to discover it was the place most vulnerable to dragon attack, a one-and-done kill strike.

  Ti’eron wasn’t sure about Lor’gen’s idea although he hadn’t yet voiced his opinion. He didn’t much mind the plan for t-shirts emblazoned with sayings like, “Dragons Do It with Heat’ or ‘My Other Man is a Fire Breathing Dragon’. No, those were not so bad. But to pose bare-chested for a calendar? That was taking things a little too far.

  Our area is clear. Shall we move to the south now?

  Ti’eron gave his approval while wondering at Ver’gren’s attitude recently. From the time the dragon had come out of hibernation to join with him, they’d had a close friendship that went beyond just a working partnership. But over the last few days, his dragon-half had been curt, almost never speaking unless they were engaging the enemy.

  Maybe it was time to address the issue directly since Ti’eron’s little hints were ignored. What’s wrong, old friend?

  I do not like your treatment of our Annie.

  Ti’eron hadn’t really expected Ver’gren to give a reason at all; much less one stated so baldly and firmly. The wave of disapproval that came with it didn’t help much either. My treatment of Annie is not your concern.

  It was the wrong thing to say to his over-emotional beast since Ver’gren made no bones about his esteem for her. Of course she is! As our mate, she is my number one priority after you.

  Ti’eron didn’t want to get into it, not then and not ever, but they still had a few minutes before they’d meet up with the Green squad. Number one, she’s not my mate so she doesn’t need your attention. She’s just the woman I’m with at the moment. Number two—

  Ver’gren roared with fury, cutting off what Ti’eron had been about to say along their link. You are a liar! I can feel your emotions when you are with her, whenever you even think about her. She is not ‘just a woman’ to you or to me.

  Though they’d never had an out-and-out argument before, Ti’eron wasn’t about to let Ver’gren get away with chastising him ov
er what? A girl? One he’d had sex with exactly twice, for Christ’s sake? You bet your ass she is! And that’s all she can ever be!

  Ver’gren didn’t interrupt and Ti’eron considered the last of the words that’d exploded out of his brain.

  Was that the real issue?

  He tried to explain, knowing he would be clarifying the situation to not only his dragon, but to his own damned heart as well. We have nothing to offer her, dragon. Nothing but a studio apartment in a compound filled with other warriors far away from those of her kind. We’re out fighting nine to ten hours a day, and every other day we sleep the hours away in order to be refreshed enough to meet the next charge. So how would she fill her time? At best, the only life I could provide for her and any child we might bring into the world would be a lonely one.

  Sometimes the truth could set you free and other times it just hurt like a motherfucker.

  She can’t be our mate, Ver’gren. I just couldn’t do that to her, to our Annie. She’s worth so much more than we can give her.

  Thinking as you do, why do you still pursue her?

  Good question.

  I can’t seem to stay away. She…fulfills me in a way I just can’t explain or get enough of, which isn’t a good answer but it’s the best one I’ve got.

  Ver’gren emitted a soft growl. I will think on this to determine a solution. She is important to us and I will not deny we need her in our life.

  If there was a solution to be found, Ver’gren could find it. According to his dragon-half, the beast was more than three thousand years old and had firsthand knowledge of the human existence throughout the ages, both the problems and the blessings. Thank you, old friend.

  Chuffing in reply, the large Bronze dragon circled before diving to join the Green squad in eliminating the last of that day’s threat.

  Chapter Eleven

  A lot of things had changed in the two weeks since I’d last seen Ti’eron.

  The media tide had changed and brought even more curious fans to Toxic, causing Daryl to add to more bartenders to the lunchtime shift and assigning me, Vanessa, Leilani and Colin to the afternoon/closing one.

  The WarDrags had returned, usually spending a few hours every other day, bringing their unique brand of fun to the now crowded bar.

  And I thought I was getting better at hiding the hurt of Ti’eron’s continued absence. That was, if better meant I only thought of him sporadically instead of every moment of every day. At least I was making progress.

  As was Vanessa.

  My new friend had finally thrown off the cape of sad she’d worn and was even smiling with her eyes rather than just with her mouth. I couldn’t find a reason for it though since I hadn’t seen her working her flirt with any of the Bronze warriors frequenting the bar.

  I got my chance at closing time and as soon as the locks were engaged on both the front door and the one leading up to the roof, I pounced. “Okay, what gives?”

  Her eyes swung from the nightly sales report on the screen of the register, her finger marking her place. “What gives with what?”

  “This little Miss Susie Sunshine thing you’ve got going.”

  She smiled again but it was one that held a hint of secrecy. “I don’t have a clue what you mean.”

  “Calling bullshit, Ness.”

  “And I’m calling bullshit on your bullshit, girlfriend. Just because you mope around here like some feminine version of a party-pooper doesn’t mean everyone else has to.”

  She had a point, damn her. Maybe I just wanted company for my misery. “Okay. Well, that might be true, but you sure seem a lot chipper than you used to be. A little gratingly, just-this-side-of-causing-a-cavity kind of chipper, if you get my meaning.”

  She shook her head and went back to reading the end of the night reports. “Shit. If business continues on at this pace, we need to ask for a raise.”

  Just about the time I considered I’d swung and missed in getting her to open up, she floored me. “Remember when you asked if I’d ever heard Re’nal’s dragon in my head?”

  Yeah, I did. It was a conversation I didn’t think I’d ever forget especially in light of the lack of Ti’eron in my life.

  “Lately I’ve had some weird, growly kind of voice invading my thoughts. Asking me strange questions like if I was doing okay and if I missed Re’nal.” She paused and I gave her a few moments to find whatever it was she wanted to say next. “But it isn’t just the questions or the fact that I’m hearing voices that creeps me out.”

  She took in a long, deep breath and stared at me. “It’s the loving feeling that fills me every time I hear it. I’d be the first one to admit it sounds crazy as hell, as if I’m only a few steps away from hitting the front door of our local loony-bin. But I swear it’s the god’s honest truth.”

  Shit! As much as I wanted to deny it, to tell her she needed to seek professional help as soon as possible, I knew exactly what she was talking about. Even though I’d only heard Ti’eron’s dragon in my head a couple of times, lately I’d been waking up to a soft, residual purr that lit my insides, leaving me wide awake and feeling coated, surrounded in love.

  “Do you think I’m nuts, Adri?” Her face was serious, questioning me as if I and I alone had the ability explain what was going on.

  I tilted my head to the side, trying to find the right words my heart wanted to say. “I won’t ever call you nuts. Crazy and insane maybe, but never nuts. Let me ask you this, though.” I paused, not for dramatic effect but to give her time to brace herself because I was about to get personal. “Do you love him, Ness? Do you really and truly love Re’nal?”

  Her answer came back swift, quick and ringing of truth. “Absolutely and without a doubt.” She sighed and waved a hand through the air. “Yeah, sure. I hid it from myself for a long damn time but when he told me he was freaking moving to Russia? When he’d said he was never gonna come back?”

  The edges of her smile wobbled, turning down only slightly. “That’s when I realized I’d been fooling myself.”

  I closed my eyes, grateful for the gift she gave me, the vulnerability she’d let me see. “I think the man doesn’t yet know it, but his dragon has claimed you, deciding you’re the one for them. That you, Vanessa Marsden, are the final piece completing their dragon-trine.”

  Now where had that phrase come from? ‘Dragon-trine’? What the hell did that even mean?

  A dragon-pair is only two-thirds of what my kind can have on Earth. A mate completes the unit, creating a union that is three times stronger, more fulfilling on every level than just two can achieve. Does that answer your question, our beautiful Annie?

  Closing my eyes, I gripped the edge of the bar to keep from keeling over. I locked my knees and bent my head to my hands as blackness descended, knocking out all of my sensory perceptions.

  For the first time in my life, I was sure I was gonna pass out.


  Ti’eron sat at his computer and used the passwords he’d been given in three different emails in order to access the comm link feeding from Washington D.C. Once in, he split his screen until he was able to view Re’nal in Russia, a sleepy-looking Hu’ang residing somewhere in Southeast Asia and M’dobe, who’d relocated his Green squad to the Andes.

  “Do any of you know what this shit is about?” Re’nal voice came through the speakers, his frustration at their command performance evident.

  The screen from D.C. showed the chest of a dress uniform covered in metals before the person sat. General Brecon’s beefy face and shoulders filled the screen as he officiously took off his cap and put on a head-set. “Are we all here?”

  None of the Dragon Warriors replied. In Ti’eron’s opinion, if the man couldn’t see them then they could disconnect and get back to their regularly scheduled lives. He had no desire to speak to the douche-bag again if he could help it.

  The older man cleared his throat, glancing at something out of range but a crinkle of paper announced the man had come armed with no
tes. “As of oh-eight hundred hours, the Global Militia has enacted a legal injunction to prevent any and all dragons from fighting the Berstat horde.”

  Ice filled Ti’eron’s stomach.

  “From this moment forward, all dragons are to remain within the confines of their sovereign nations the governments of Earth have so graciously afforded them until which time as determined by our illustrious world’s military.” The man’s eyes rose to the camera. “Do you have any questions?”

  The roar that came through Ti’eron’s speakers only competed with the one in his head. Of all the unmitigated gall! Didn’t the man know what he was doing, at the jeopardy he was placing the entire planet in?

  Ripping off his headset, Brecon glared and stuck a waggling finger in one ear. “Fucking dragon theatrics,” he muttered, unaware the mike had picked up his words.

  “And if we do not obey?” Hu’ang asked the question center-first in Ti’eron’s mind.

  “Then each and every dragon will be forced to land and immediately taken into custody to await his court-martial.”

  “Your guys will have to catch us first,” Re’nal challenged with a smirk.

  Brecon glared into the camera before his own scary smile appeared. “Noncompliance will indicate hostile intent which our troops will meet with deadly force. In other words, dragons, we’ll shoot your asses down if you get in our way.”

  M’dobe spoke in a sonorous voice. “General, with all due respect, what do you hope to accomplish by keeping us out of the fight?”

  Brecon leaned back and with a self-satisfied smile replied, “Why, to let the true heroes of Earth be recognized. No filthy beast can compete with the power and might of what we have available to wipe out the threat you and your warriors can’t seem to stop.”

  The man was obviously delusional because the Dragon Warriors had yet to fail in any of their campaigns against the Berstats.

  A fact Re’nal was quick to address, although if Brecon recognized the deadly calm of the Dragon Warrior’s voice, a clear signal of the fury the Blue commander was holding tightly in check, he didn’t react to it. “When have we fallen short? In what way have we ever fucking been unsuccessful in our mission?”


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