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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Aimee Hunter

  “How can you laugh? I can never go home! I’ll be arrested and deposed the moment I step foot in Culville.” He raged, pacing furiously in front of the fire. Damian sighed heavily, standing to block his pacing.

  “Devon, listen to me. Soon, you will be King and none of this will have mattered.” He consoled him, resting a hand gently on the younger man’s shoulder.

  “With you as my Chief Advisor, no doubt.” Devon snapped irritably.

  “Why, naturally, Your Majesty.” Damian smiled charmingly, placing his hand to his chest and bowing before the Prince, making him laugh and shake his head at the older man’s antics.

  “Alright, Damian. I see your point.” The Kahlian’s smile only grew while he slipped his arm around Devon’s shoulders.


  Chapter Twelve

  “There you are, Your Highness!” Jonathan Grimes, Captain of Princess Rena’s guard exclaimed as soon as he spotted the women tiredly slip through an entrance next to the Palace kitchens. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” He continued walking up to the little group quickly. “Where have you been all day? You weren’t in your rooms.” He questioned, shooting suspicious glances at Mason and the others. His eyes widened, reaching out, he snatched the Princess’ arm to yank her behind him when he noticed Sylvia. “Guards! Guards!” he cried frantically. Rena tore her arm out of Captain Grimes’ hand.

  “Jonathan! Be quiet!” She commanded, but it was too late, the guards were already arriving.

  “Seize that mutant! She tried to kidnap Princess Rena!” he accused. The guards rushed Sylvia, reaching out to grab and subdue her quickly, but only grabbing air. They looked around in confusion.

  “Where did she go?” they wondered aloud.

  “Yoo-hoo! Up here.” Sylvia called from above them coyly. Their heads snapped up and they gawked at the woman above them. The Nightkin had jumped straight up when humans had rushed her. Her back was braced against the ceiling in the corner, her hands and feet holding her in place. Smiling disarmingly at the stunned group before dropping down onto the guards. The force of her slight weight sent the four men sprawling while she landed gracefully on her feet. The embarrassed Palace guards tripped over each other as they scrambled to get up, as they gained their feet, Rena stepped between them and Sylvia, pinning the guards and Captain Grimes with a hard glare.

  “Stop.” She ordered in a low, yet strong voice, every inch the Princess of Eastland. Her cold eyes raked over the suddenly sweating group of men disapprovingly, before settling on Jonathan. “This woman,” she bit out emphasizing the last word, “did not try to kidnap me.” The Stone sisters moved to stand behind Sylvia and Rena. “She is my friend, Captain Grimes. A fact you would have known, if you had only asked.” She explained harshly. Grimes winced with every word his Princess spoke, knowing that he had severely overstepped his place.

  “Your Highness, I…” he tried only to be cut off by a truly irate Rena.

  “Save it, Captain. I don’t want to hear any half-assed apologies right now. It’s been a long night and morning. I just want to go to bed.” She said tiredly. Mason’s face split into a proud grin when Rena turned to face their Nightkin companion.

  “Sylvia. I am sorry about my Captain’s behavior. If you like, you can stay in one of my rooms. They gave me practically my own wing.” She offered kindly. Sylvia blinked, she couldn’t believe what this woman had just done for her. This woman who, despite being a Kahlian, lived as a human. She had not only claimed her as a friend but had defended her. Still too shocked to speak, the mutant woman simply nodded her acceptance.

  “Good! Then it’s settled.” Rena smiled, putting her hand on the other woman’s shoulder. Sylvia glanced at the hand on her shoulder then back at the woman it belonged to. She found herself smiling back into those kind, warm brown eyes. This woman is special, she thought.

  “What’s settled?” asked a voice behind the little group of women. They turned sharply, surprise rocked through the women at the sight of Devon and Damian. The Prince smiled hesitantly at Rena, repeating his question. “What’s settled, Your Highness?”

  Easy, Rena. Don’t let on that you know about his involvement. He doesn’t know you were with us. Just play along for now. Mason’s soothing voice told her. Rena’s eyes flickered to her before focusing back on Devon, forcing a sweet smile to her face.

  “My friend, Sylvia, is going to stay in one of my rooms tonight. I was thinking about putting her in the room next to the study, if that’s alright?” Devon swallowed, returning her smile.

  “Of course! If it pleases my lady, then of course. I’ll see to it that Sylvia is made comfortable.” He agreed, smiling rakishly. He was astonished to see Rena so warm towards him, it pleased him to no end that she was smiling at him like that instead of the Stone bitch. “I hope that the unpleasantness of the other night can be forgiven. You must know that I wasn’t myself, I’m afraid I was inexcusably drunk.” He said depreciatingly, hoping to place himself further into her good graces. Rena’s smile became strained, though not enough for Devon to notice.

  “Of course, my Prince. I understand how too much strong drink can addle one’s mind.” She acquiesced, bowing her head slightly. Damian frowned watching the scene unfold. Twenty-four hours ago this woman couldn’t stand the sight of the Prince, now she was treating him like a wayward suitor? Something didn’t fit here, he raised his eyes to Mason and found her smirking at him.

  What are you up to, Mason? he sent cautiously.

  I should be asking you that, traitor. She replied smoothly. You betrayed my father, now you plot against your friend, using his son as some sort of pawn. What are you up to? her voice vibrated in his head with disdain.

  There was never any proof that I had anything to do with your father’s disappearance. As for my plans for Culville, that is none of your concern. He replied calmly to her accusations while her laughter echoed in his mind.

  You made it my business when you involved Devon in your scheme, she told him, arching her eyebrow challengingly. I don’t know what you have planned with the Nightkin, but I will stop you. She warned. Damian laughed out loud, causing everyone to look at him questioningly.

  You’re already too late, Mason. As usual. He taunted smugly. “It is good to see the Prince and Princess getting along, it is as it should be.” He said to cover his outburst. Devon grinned broadly, turning back to Rena.

  “He’s right, Rena. It pains me that we’ve been at such odds. Please, allow me to get to know you better?” he asked catching her off guard with his boyishly hopeful expression. She hated to lead him on but she had to find out what his part in Damian’s plan was and why he was at the mutant camp.

  “Very well,” she allowed cautiously. The Princes’ face lit up with a bright smile.

  “Great! Let’s go outside for a ride, then we can talk and become better acquainted with each other.” He suggested eagerly, making Rena laugh softly.

  “Have mercy, Your Highness. I’ve had a very rough day so far and I would like to go up to my rooms to rest before the evening meal.” She told him, trying not to reveal too much of her activities last night and this morning. He frowned, wondering why her day had been so difficult.

  “Then later this evening, after you’ve rested?” he asked. Rena opened her mouth to respond but Mason beat her to it.

  “Actually, Your Highness, Princess Rena has a prior commitment to me this evening.” She told him, taking perverse pleasure from the storm clouds her statement caused.

  “I see,” he said slowly turning back to address Rena, but still keeping a careful eye on the other woman, “Couldn’t you reschedule it for tomorrow? Isn’t our getting to know each other more important that whatever you two will be doing?” he asked Rena who shook her head.

  “It’s just as important, Devon. She’s teaching me self-defense and I promised her. I keep my promises.” She told him, leaving no room for argument.

  “You should have told me you wanted to learn how to de
fend yourself. I could have set something up with Captain Dumas. Surely he can teach you more that she can.” He said dismissively, certain that despite the woman’s frightening ability to become a wolf at will, she still couldn’t know much about combat beyond her sharp teeth and claws.

  “Do not underestimate Mason and her sisters, Prince Devon,” Damian said unexpectedly, “The three of them alone could probably destroy an entire company of your army.” He warned. Devon scoffed at him, laughing condescendingly.

  “Seriously, Damian? Three women against a four hundred well-armed, well trained men? I hardly think so.” Rena sighed heavily, she was exhausted and dealing with the Prince was depleting her reserves.

  “Come on, Sylvia. I’ll show you to your room.” She said gesturing the pale mutant to follow her. She paused at Mason’s side when she passed her, laying a hand on the woman’s tense arm. “I’ll see you after dinner, Mason.” She said out loud, while silently communicating. Easy, Mason. Let me find out what is going on with them before you kill him. This could be our only chance to get answers. The Kahlian placed her hand over Rena’s and said aloud.

  “Alright, Princess. Sleep well.” While mentally replying, I don’t like it. I don’t trust him, Rena. Especially now that he’s close to Damian, but you’re right. It might be the only way to get information about what Damian is planning. Just, please, be careful. She had a bad feeling about Rena getting close to Devon, but they were running out of time. The mutant army was much closer than they had thought, this may be their only opportunity to get information. Her eyes followed the two women as they walked down the hall towards the East Wing where Rena’s rooms were.

  Jonathan cleared his throat, not quite sure what had just happened but pleased that the alliance seemed to be moving forward again. At least he would have something positive to report to Rena’s father, King Duncan MacKinnon.

  “Come, my Prince. I believe I saw your father in the garden this afternoon.” He said, steering Devon away from the silent Stone sisters. Damian and the four very embarrassed, very confused guards trailed after the two men, leaving the sisters alone in the hall. Diana took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she turned to her sisters.

  “Well, that was certainly, interesting.” She ventured. Lana laughed and nodded, relieved to feel the tension drain from her tired body.

  “Yeah, definitely one of the more entertaining encounters with Damian we’ve had in a while.” She added. Mason offered a half-hearted smile, trying to rub the tension from the back of her neck. She shook her head, dropping her hand back to her side.

  “I’ve almost given up trying to figure him out.” She admitted. The sisters proceeded down the hall in the direction the other two women had gone. They had all been given rooms close to the Princess.

  “What do you think he’s planning?” Lana asked Mason, who shrugged.

  “We know he’s using the mutants as a distraction for whatever his real goal is here in the city, we just don’t know what that is yet. Hopefully, Rena will be able find something out from Devon quickly.” They continued walking for a few moments, each woman once again lost in her own thoughts before Diana spoke in a soft voice filled with apprehension.

  “He’s going to kill the King.” Her words bring all three to a dead stop. “That’s why he gave the deadline for Sylvan’s army to attack, it’s the same day as the council meeting that would determine Devon’s fate.” Mason’s eyes widen as she picks up Diana’s train of thought.

  “Which is why he recruited Devon to begin with. He kills Alexander, wipes out the council of nobles that help govern, ensuring that Devon takes the throne, placing himself as the new Kings most trusted advisor. Before you know it, King Devon suffers some tragic accident or illness and with no clear line of succession, Damian seizes power. He really is playing the long game.” Lana looks back and forth between her sisters as they talk, there was only one thing she didn’t understand.

  “But why go through all that trouble? Why not just take power now?” She asked them. Diana and Mason shared a glance, sometimes they forgot that their little sister didn’t grow up in a time of Kings and Queens and all the court intrigue that accompanied that particular brand of government.

  “If he took the throne with force now by assassinating the King, he’d also have to kill the council and the Prince. Not to mention the Generals in charge of Culville’s forces that are fiercely loyal to the Royal Family. By using the mutant army and having Devon conspiring with him, when it comes down to it the Generals will accept his leadership without resistance. It’s the most brilliant political coup I’ve seen in centuries.” Diana informed her. Lana inclined her head in thought.

  “I understand that. My question, is why? What does he hope to gain?”

  “Besides the largest military in the country, not to mention control of the economic capital of the nation? I’m not sure. Strategically, tactically, it makes sense to take this city if your planning on a major military operation.” The blonde mused, her mind racing with the implication. A sinking feeling began in the pit of her stomach as she realized just what one could do if they controlled Culville’s forces and location. “I think we’re looking at more than just a political coup, sisters. I think this is Damian building his own empire.” Her sisters looked between each other, each woman feeling dread in their hearts. Lana’s head snapped back to Diana when she remembered Sylvia’s presence.

  “That’s why he recruited Sylvia and Sylvan. What better allies to overthrow a regime, than a highly evolved race of mutants that hate humans almost as much as he does?” Her sister’s both agreed, then Diana turned to Mason.

  “Do we tell King Alexander about what we saw last night?” she asked. Mason shook her head.

  “No. We have no proof. All we have right now is pure speculation. As for Devon’s presence at the mutant camp,” she sighed, rubbing the center of her forehead. “We know he’s a pawn in Damian’s plot, we don’t know how involved he is, or how much he really knows about Damian’s true goal.” She decided, causing Diana to arch an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Are you concerned for the Prince?” she asked incredulously, unaffected by Mason’s glare. They stood at the base of the Grand Staircase. A great chandelier, made of gold and silver, shone brightly in the early afternoon sun that streamed in from open windows strewn throughout the great hall. The lush red carpet had muted their booted feet during the trip down the halls. Mason now gripped an ornate wooden railing that had been polished to a glossy shine as they began their ascent.

  “No.” She shook her head decisively. “My desire to end him now goes beyond what he did to my wolves. I want to make sure his punishment fits his crimes.” She gritted her teeth.

  The giant steel inlaid oak doors swung open, letting in the cold noon air. Mason, Diana and Lana started, spinning around, half way up the stairs to see who had burst into the Palace. Gasping at what they found. Kylie Woodard, one of their scouts stood at the base of the stairs, swaying as she bled from numerous wounds. The sisters raced down to her side, Mason reaching her just as she tipped over. She fell into the Stone heir’s arms, trying to drag air into her straining lungs. They had sent Kylie and three others to report to their father what was happening in Culville. For her to return alone and in this condition, made their hearts stutter with anxiety.

  “Kylie! What happened?” Lana cried upon closer inspection of her friend. The little raven-haired shape shifter struggled to speak.

  “Westland has been invaded, Your Highness.” She spoke painfully. Diana and Lana gasped in horror.

  “By who?” Mason demanded gently. Defeated coal black eyes turned to look up into Mason’s.

  “Mutants of every kind. They were led by a group that were pale, with white hair.” She said haltingly. “Wolfhaven has fallen, my Ladies. Your father is believed dead and you mother is missing.” It took the last of her strength to tell it all in one breath. The Stone sisters had to know what had befallen their beloved home. The blood drained from Mason
’s face as she sat, frozen on the floor with Kylie’s now limp body in her arms.

  “NO!” Lana screamed, unable to believe their father was dead. “No!” Diana dragged the distraught young woman into her arms as tears streamed down her own face. Lana’s desperate cry echoed throughout the Palace, causing the King, Rena and Sylvia to come running, followed closely by the two Captains.

  “What’s wrong?” Alexander asked worriedly. Mason was staring off in to space. She didn’t hear him speaking, she wasn’t even aware that he was there. Lana had dissolved into angry tears. Diana was the only one able to answer, even though she too was gripped with terrible grief.

  Swallowing the hard lump that had formed in her throat while she held tightly to her youngest sister. Diana’s worried eyes remained fixed on the motionless, stoic Heir.

  “Our kingdom has fallen.” She finally whispered, her voice thick with pain and tears yet to be shed. Rena gasped, turning her sympathetic gaze to Mason who still hadn’t moved.

  “My god,” Alexander rasped, “who could have done such a thing?” he wondered. Mason snapped out of the state of shock she had been in and answered him.

  “Mutants.” She whispered, glancing up at Sylvia briefly. The Nightkin’s eyes closed in realization, her heart dropping at what her brother had done. Damn you, Sylvan. She swore to herself. Rena moved to Mason’s side, easing Kylie out of her arms and laying her on the floor, gently closing her eyes.

  “She’s gone.” She announced quietly. Mason looked down at the broken body of Kylie blankly; not seeming to register the fact that the woman was dead. Her blank eyes rose to Rena’s when she felt her hand on her shoulder. Tears filled her eyes as it all began to sink in, for the first time in her life she felt lost. Rena’s own tears spilled past her lashes as she gathers Mason close, crying for her because she couldn’t cry for herself. The Kahlian’s arms encircle her and hold on tightly. Alexander runs a hand through his graying hair as he takes in the scene of the grieving sisters.


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