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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Aimee Hunter

  Turning to Captain Dumas he says.

  “Send a squad of our men to Westland. Tell them to reconnaissance the situation and report back. I want to know what actually happened.” Xavier gives a sharp nod, his face set in hard determination.

  “I’ll go myself, Sire.” He volunteers before turning sharply to go prepare. He respected Mason and her sisters and he was determined to help them if he could. Diana stepped away from Lana to speak with the King.

  “Your Majesty,” she called, bringing his attention to her, Alexander was surprised to find himself at eye level with the Westland Princess.

  “Yes, Lady Diana?”

  “I wish to accompany the Captain to Westland.” She told him.

  “Of course! You didn’t have to ask.”

  She mustered a strained smile.

  “I know. However, my sisters must stay.” She began quickly, “Alexander, they have something to tell you and you must listen to them. A mutant army took my home. Another one has their eyes set on your city. If Westland could fall, so too will Culville. Be sure you know who you can trust, Your Majesty, because it is not who you think.” With that cryptic warning, she ran from the Palace to catch up to Xavier, leaving the King of Culville to stare after her in shocked confusion.

  Sylvia watched Diana race through the doors then turned, glancing at Mason and Rena who were now standing, staring after the older woman as well. She swung her worried gaze to Lana, who was trying to stifle her sobs behind her hand. The red-heads obvious grief tore at Sylvia’s heart. Despite everything, maybe even in light of everything she had learned in the last twenty-four hours, she couldn’t stand to see Lana in such pain. Perhaps that is why she went over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her. She felt the Kahlian tense but held on, feeling the tension slowly drain out of her.

  Lana found herself cradled in Sylvia’s arms as her eyes cleared and she was able to think again. She started to pull away but Sylvia held her close, refusing to let go, so Lana sank into her embrace, resting her head on the other woman’s shoulder tiredly.

  “Where’s Diana?” she whispered against the Nightkin’s shoulder. A gentle hand stroked her hair.

  ‘She went with Captain Dumas to Wolfhaven. She wanted to see it for herself.” Sylvia whispered back. Lana tried to rise out of her arms.

  “I should go with her.” She mumbled, not struggling very hard when the other woman kept her in place, framing her face with her pale hands.

  “Diana wanted you and Mason to stay here and help the King defend Culville.” She informed her gently. Lana let out a long breath, looking over to Mason where she stood with Rena, their eyes met and held.

  What should we do? she asked. Mason sighed glancing at the King, who was quietly conversing with Captain Grimes, before answering.

  We stay like she wanted. She knows what she’s doing, besides she’s right. Alexander will need our help. Rena glanced between the two sisters, understanding that they were discussing what their next move should be now that Diana had left for Wolfhaven.

  “First thing you two are going to do is get some sleep. Our sparring match is postponed for today Mason. You both need the rest and so do I.” She interrupted them firmly. Mason started to protest, but Rena shushed her. “Don’t argue with me, you won’t win.” She teased gently, winning a small laugh.

  “I’m not going to be able to sleep.” Mason warned her, Lana silently agreeing.

  “Then we’ll stay with you two until you do.” Sylvia chimed in, which Rena seconded. The two sisters gave up, the Princess was right, they weren’t going to win.

  “Go on up. I need to talk to the King.” Mason said, getting a suspicious look from Rena.

  “I promise to send her to rest as soon as we’re done, Your Highness.” Alexander spoke up from behind the quartet. Rena accepted his promise, following Lana and Sylvia up the stairs.

  “We’ll be in my rooms.” She told the Kahlian before turning down the hall. Mason nodded her understanding.

  Alexander and Mason turned back to face each other. She stared at him for a long moment, giving the King the uncomfortably distinct impression that he was being weighed and measured, a feeling he had not felt since he was a boy awaiting his father’s judgment.

  “My sisters and I, along with Princess Rena and Sylvia, received word last night from one of our scouts that an army had been spotted two days from here.” She began, “Upon information we received from Sylvia, we decided to investigate.” Alexander nods following along, getting the feeling that whatever she was about to tell him, he wasn’t going to like. “When we arrived at the army encampment, which was in fact much closer than a two-day march, we saw that it was completely comprised of thousands of mutants that are led by pale mutants like Sylvia.” She continued. Alexander tensed at learning of the possible connection between the mutant woman in his house and the army bearing down on his city. Seeing this, Mason rushed to reassure him. “She’s not with them, Your Majesty. She’s actually helping us, she knows the man who leads them, knows how he thinks and what tactics he’s likely to use and has shared that information with us.” Alexander’s suspicion is not so easily assuaged.

  “How does she know this man?” he demands to know. Mason winces slightly, having a fairly good idea how the King will react once he finds out.

  “He’s her twin brother.” Alexander sucks in a sharp breath at the news, he turns to his guards about to order them to go arrest the pale woman when Mason continues. “Sire, she is not in league with him. I swear to you that she is not a spy, she is not going to betray us to her brother.” The King eyes the woman before him, wondering what caused her to have such faith in a mutant. He turns to fully face her, remaining silent.

  “There’s more. While we were observing the camp, we saw two men conversing with Sylvia’s brother.” She hesitates here, a part of her didn’t want to tell this kind man that his son was plotting with his own friend to overthrow him. “It was Damian and Devon.” She revealed softly. Alexander was already shaking his head in denial before the words even finished leaving her mouth.

  “You are mistaken, Lady Mason. My son wouldn’t betray me, neither would my oldest friend. Let alone would they conspire together against me!” he declared.

  “Your Majesty, we all saw them! Damian plots against you and he’s pulled Devon into his schemes.” She insisted.

  “But, why? Why would Devon turn against his own father? What would Damian gain by this?” he wanted to know. Mason sighed in exhaustion, she could feel a migraine forming behind her eyes.

  “Devon wants to be King, something tells me he’s not willing to wait around for you to die of natural causes and Damian has his own reasons for his involvement. He may even plan to double cross the boy once they’ve succeeded in getting rid of you.” She guessed. Alexander rubbed a hand over his face, though he was having a hard time believing that his own son was planning to steal his crown, he could see Damian pulling something like this. He cared for his longtime friend, but he was not blind to his power hungry nature.

  “Alexander, Damian was behind my father’s abduction. Even though I know it, I could never prove it. Just like I can’t prove it, but I’m certain he orchestrated the attack on Westland. He’s been trying to kill my father for longer than I’ve been alive, and he’s finally accomplished it. Even now he most likely has his mutants hunting my mother.” She told him harshly. “Devon is ambitious, and when he sees something he wants, he goes after it. He wants the crown and you stand in his way. Father or not, he’ll go through you to get it.” She persisted, trying to make him see the type of man his son truly is.

  “I need to think. This is too much.” Alexander spoke so softly; it was almost as if he were speaking to himself. Mason nodded her understanding.

  “Just be careful, Sire. Trust no one, surround yourself with those most loyal to you. Lana and I will do everything we can to defend your kingdom.” She vowed. Alexander just turned and slowly walked away, immediately surrounded by his royal
guard. After watching him go, she headed up the stairs to Rena’s rooms, the promise of a soft bed, some sleep and the Princess’ company sounding better and better.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gordon Stewart, a human undertaker from Westland who travels with the Stone sisters, and handles the recently deceased Kahlians, had been summoned. He took the body of Kylie Woodard, secreting her away before she could resurrect. It would be hard to explain a dead woman walking around talking to people. So, while the two remaining Stone sisters dealt with their grief, watched over by Rena and Sylvia. Gordon snuck Kylie’s body out of Culville. They had traveled for three hours when Kylie gasped, her eyes snapping open. She bolts upright, not knowing where she was or with whom, only relaxing when she saw Gordon.

  “You know; most mortician’s customers actually stay dead. I think they’re the lucky ones. Scares me half to death, no matter how many times I see you lot do that.” He groused. Kylie laughed as she climbed down from the carriage they had been traveling in. Her laughter dying when memories of how and why she died flooded her mind. She turned heart sick eyes to Gordon.

  “Did I reach Mason and her sisters? Do they know what has happened?” she asked frantically, Gordon nodded.

  “Yes, girl. Diana left for Wolfhaven to see for herself. The other two stayed behind to defend Culville.” He told her, frowning when Kylie’s eyes widened in panic.

  “What! No! Oh, why didn’t she wait?” she moaned in dismay, running up to the closest horse and unhitching it from the carriage.

  “Hey! What are you doing? I need that horse!” Gordon bellowed in protest. Kylie vaulted onto the gelding’s bare back, pausing only long enough to apologize.

  “I’m sorry, old man, but I need him more.” Gathering up the horse’s mane, she turns his head; sinking her heels into his flanks, making him shoot forward into a hard gallop. Desperate to catch up to Diana before she got too far ahead.

  She picked up the eldest Stone sister’s trail easily since she was traveling with humans, running the horse for two more hours before stopping to rest. She walked the tired, sweating gelding to a nearby stream and dismounted, the raven-haired Kahlian regretted not being able to rub the noble beast down but she didn’t have time. She went to the stream to see how cold it was, surprised to find it rather warm. Judging it safe for the horse, she led him to it to drink his fill noticing there was also plenty of grass for him to graze to replenish his strength.

  While the horse rested, Kylie faced the wind, closing her eyes, drawing it into her lungs, she let it out slowly. She was close now, she could smell Diana on the wind. The tension that had gripped her sense her awakening, finally released the worst of its hold on her. She was standing on the bank of a large stream, it could almost be classified as a small river. It’s clear, clean water a far cry from what it used to be. She looked down into the water at the fish swimming there. This stream had once been the great Missouri River, now it was barely more than a trickle of its former glory.

  She sighed, looking over at the horse who was grazing now. The area she was in was lush with green life. The trees stood tall and proud, the thick grass looked healthy and sweet. The big chestnut gelding seemed to think so anyway. She turned her face into the wind once more, her raven hair blowing out behind her as her almond colored eyes roamed the land her ancestors had called home nearly half a millennium ago. Kylie felt a presence at her back and smiled to herself. The smile was gone by the time she turned around, the face that greeted Diana was solemn.

  “I see you were able to avoid any awkward encounters.” Diana observed. The younger Kahlian smiled and inclined her head in agreement.

  “You should have waited for me, my Lady.” She admonished carefully, Diana simply gazed at her steadily. “You don’t know what you’re walking into. I wasn’t able to tell you everything that happened.” She confessed. Diana frowned, taking a seat on a fallen log that had long ago washed ashore.

  “So tell me now.” She prompted, trying to contain her impatience. Kylie heaved a great sigh and began pacing.

  “If you go to Wolfhaven, you’ll be captured. They will take you prisoner, and throw you into a cell and with no food or water. Then if you’re lucky, they’ll take turns beating you, until Damian comes to kill you himself.” She began quickly, able to read the other woman’s impatience no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

  “How do you know this?” Diana questioned her with a tight voice. Her stomach dropping when the look Kylie directed at her turned sad, almost apologetic.

  “That’s what they did to your father.” Diana closed her eyes against the pain she knew her father had been put through and the subsequent pain that lanced her heart. She breathed hard through her nose, trying to dispel some of the rage that churned within her at the mere thought of what he endured. “They tortured him for a week, my Lady. We could hear his screams in the prison cells across the square, but never once, were those screams for mercy.” She told her as gently as possible, kneeling before her resting her hands on the older woman’s knees in comfort. “He died as he lived, Mother. With honor.” She whispered, feeling the other woman’s pain as if it were her own.

  Diana raised tear filled eyes to meet Kylie’s liquid almond ones, finding the sympathy she knew would be there. The raven haired girl had looked to Marcus Stone as a grandfather, this had to be ripping her heart to shreds as well. She took a deep breath and held it for a moment, before letting it go, trying to calm herself, she rested her hand on the girl’s shoulder.

  “Tell me the rest.” She says, bracing herself.

  “Damian has placed a bounty on all of your heads. As the Stone Heir, the bounty on Mason’s head is triple yours and Lana’s. It’s brought bounty hunters from all across the country.” She told her, Diana shivers in horror.

  “He won’t rest until he destroys our entire family.” She whispered, feeling the enormity of the situation settle on her shoulders.

  “I know. Even now, his minions hunt Grandmother.” Kylie informed her. Diana’s head snaps up sharply, hope shining in her golden eyes.

  “She’s alive?” she wanted to know.

  “Yes. Your father was captured giving her the time she needed to escape. It took her ten days to mount a rescue. She freed me and told me to find you in Culville. ‘Let my daughters know what treachery has befallen their home.’” She intoned. Diana was pained to learn how her father had been captured and ultimately killed. The knowledge must be tearing their mother apart, but she felt a glimmer of hope regardless. Aine Stone was alive and free!

  “I must find her. Did she tell you where she could be found?” the elder Kahlian asked.

  “She said that you should look for her ‘where the old ones’ sleep,’” Kylie frowned in frustration, “Do you think she meant Sanctuary?” She apologized. A bright smile broke out on Diana’s face, making Kylie blink.

  “I do.” Diana rose quickly and turned to go back to where she had left Captain Dumas and the others. She was brought up short by Kylie’s hand on her arm.

  “Please, Mother. Let me come with you. I promise, I won’t get in your way.” She pleaded, wanting desperately to help this brave woman and her family that had taken her in, made a place for her among them. Diana had become like a mother to her, Marcus and Aine, her grandparents. Mason and Lana, her crazy aunts that never let her dwell on the pain of her past for long. She owed this incredible family her life, she would do anything for them. Diana furrowed her brow in consideration.

  “Captain Dumas saw you die.” She informed her, disappointment arced through Kylie before an idea came to her.

  “We could tell him I’m a twin?” she suggested. Diana was silent for a long moment, seeing Kylie’s need to help, to remain with one of the few remaining family members she had left. Diana could sympathize, she need to keep Kylie with her just as much. She’d already lost one child, she’d be damned before she lost another, especially now.

  “That might work for the others but I think it’s time Dumas learns
the truth about us.” She decided before she thought better of it, feeling something settle inside when Kylie smiled gratefully before hugging her. “Bring the horse, you’ll need him.” She told her affectionately, then turning to walk back to the humans she had left behind. Kylie scrambled to keep up with her, gently grasping the horse’s bridle and following her adopted mother.

  The two women arrived at the camp to find the squad of sixteen soldiers relaxing beside a small smokeless fire. The spot they had chosen to make camp in was a quiet, secluded place that was hard to find if you didn’t already know where it was. There was no path leading to the small clearing that was only big enough for one fire and a handful of people plus their horses. The forest formed a natural barrier to all but the determined few. Those camped there would know of someone’s approach long before anyone realized there was a clearing ahead of them, let alone a camp. The small area did not offer an unobstructed view of the evening sky however. The surrounding trees provided a sheltering canopy of leaves and branches, only letting a little sunlight peek through when the wind ruffled the tree tops.

  Captain Xavier Dumas came to his feet so quickly when he recognized Kylie, that he spilled the hot coffee he had been sipping. He cursed, dancing around swiping at his trousers, trying to rid his lap of the scalding hot liquid. When things had cooled down somewhat, he glanced back up at Kylie. He had hoped he’d been imagining it but no, there she was, as alive as she had been dead.

  “You’re dead. I saw you die” his frightened whisper had the effect of a shout as the soldiers leapt to their feet, aiming their weapons at Kylie. Diana sighed in frustration, glaring at the pale, obviously scared Captain for a moment.

  “You saw Riley, her twin die, Captain. This is Kylie Woodard, one of our most trusted scouts, as well as my adopted daughter. Kylie, this is Xavier Dumas, Captain of Culville’s Royal Guard. He and his squad are accompanying us to Westland.” She introduced the two before turning back to Xavier. “Captain, could I have a word in private?” she requested, gesturing for Dumas to proceed her to the other side of the little camp where the horses were tethered so they wouldn’t be heard. Though Xavier is still in a state of shock at seeing the dead woman’s twin, he agreed, moving with her out of earshot of the others. Once Diana felt certain that no one but Kylie could overhear their conversation, she turned to regard the Captain. So far, all that she had seen of this big, swarthy man, she had liked. He seemed, so far at least, to be the kind of man worthy of one’s trust, one who would not betray a confidence once it was given. Something that shone in his baby blue eyes, made her comfortable with what she was about to reveal to him.


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