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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Aimee Hunter

  Her fingers slipped into Mason’s thick hair as the Kahlian closed the distance between them. Softly claiming Rena’s full lips in an emotion filled kiss that both women lost themselves in. Gentle kisses grew in strength as passion swept them into its embrace. Neither woman felt inclined to fight it. Mason swept her tongue across Rena’s lips, asking for entrance. A low moan rumbling forth when it was granted. Deepening the kiss, plunging into the sweet mouth she was fast becoming addicted to. Mason tightened her hold on Rena, using her strength to pull the woman into her lap. Turning with the move to ease the Princess onto the bed beneath her, smiling at the small yelp that the Princess released when caught in the controlled spin.

  They both paused to catch their breath and let the meaning of the new positions sink in.

  Rena smiled invitingly into the beautiful face hovering above her. Reading the question in the warm blue eyes that have been haunting her dreams since she met their owner; she reached out to grasp the front of Mason’s sleep shirt and pulled her down, sighing in pleasure feeling the other woman’s weight settling onto her.

  Mason reached up to slide her fingers into Rena’s lush auburn hair, resting most of her weight on one arm as she brought her mouth down to meet the waiting lips mere inches from her own. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss, shifting to cover Rena’s body completely. Feeling a shudder rip through her body as her hips slipped between legs that parted welcomingly for her.

  Rena lifted her foot, tracing it down Mason’s buttock to the back of her calf before letting it fall back to the bed. Mason drew back when oxygen became necessary, gazing down into warm brown eyes. She slipped a powerful arm between Rena and the mattress, lifting the smaller woman with her as she raised up onto her knees. Enjoying the feeling of arms circling her neck and legs wrapping around her waist to hold on tightly even though she held her securely around the waist with one arm. The other was occupied with ridding Rena of her nightgown.

  Rena gasped at the strength Mason displayed picking her up. Heat raced across her nerves feeling those hands on her skin, trailing up her legs to where her gown bunched around her hips.

  “Is this ok?” Mason whisper to her. Rena breathed out her consent, loosening her arms just long enough for Mason to pull the offending item up and over her head. Sending it sailing to the floor somewhere in the darkened room. Rena reclaimed her hold around Mason’s neck, leaning in for another long, desire filled kiss which only broke when they fell back to the bed. Rena locked her eyes onto Mason’s icy blues reaching between them to grip her shirt, pulling it over her head in one move, shocking her with the graceful movement.

  Mason couldn’t be sure, but she had the feeling Rena had little to no experience when it came to love making. While she had her fair share over the last thousand years, Mason learned long ago that all women were different in their pleasure. Making it like the first time when with a new woman. There was something about Rena that was different. She made Mason feel like everything was on fire and ice cold all at the same time. Mason felt primal in her need to taste Rena. All of her. To drink in what Mason could only describe as pure light. A sharp tug on her nipple brought her back from her musings when Rena’s mouth found its way to her breast. She lovingly lifted Rena’s chin, letting her rest back against the pillows. Gazing down at the mouthwatering form spread out before her, she was thankful that Rena wasn’t wearing the corset she had seen her in earlier. Mason both loved and loathed the garments. They were sexy as hell but just as much of a pain in the ass to get a woman out of. This would make it the fourth time in Mason’s long life that the article of clothing had come into fashion.

  For the first time, Mason focused on the ample breasts heaving in front of her. Her breath caught when she cupped them, hefting their weight in her hands. Marveling at the softness, she leaned down kissing Rena’s neck.

  “Do you know how breath-taking you are? How you make my blood boil?” she whispered, brushing her lips over sensitive skin to kiss Rena’s cleavage before tracing the outline with her tongue. Bringing her mouth to rest over a hard nipple, she swirled her tongue around and around before sucking it into her mouth and slowly dragging her tongue over it. Making Rena let out a gasp of passion, causing Mason to move her mouth to the other breast, being sure to place her hand over the one she just left, squeezing it softly.

  Rena, overcome with desire, reached down to hook her hands into the waistband of Mason’s pants and began pushing them down over her buttocks. Pulling back from Rena’s soft body, Mason dropped her pants revealing her naked, lean body. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and quickly rendered Rena’s equally as bare. They stayed like that for what seemed to Rena like several minutes. She was starting to wonder if maybe Mason didn’t like what she saw when she moved back onto the bed on her knees, leaning forward to place the softest of kisses on Rena’s leg. Kissing her way up to her inner thigh, she stopped. Taking a long look into Rena’s eyes and without breaking eye contact, letting her tongue dive deep between the wet folds of the Princess’ most intimate place.

  Almost immediately, Rena began moving and wiggling. Mason held her tightly in place by her hips, taking her time to learn every little thing that made Rena moan or scream in ecstasy. Feeling her own passions spiraling out of control by the time a powerful orgasm ripped through the body beneath her. She helped Rena ride it out before moving up her body swiftly. Wrapping Rena’s legs around her, she began thrusting her hips between full thighs, grinding into the wetness she found there. Rena’s renewed sounds of pleasure spurred Mason on, bringing them both to the brink of orgasm again then happily tossing them over the precipice.

  Mason lay her head on Rena’s soft chest for a moment, trying to catch her breath, before moving next to her on the bed. Not wanting to lose contact, she pulled the younger woman close, wrapping herself around her. They lay like that, completely oblivious to the world around them. Trading soft kisses and sweet whispered words the two unlikely lovers drifted off to sleep. Regulating any conversation about what was developing between them to the bright light of a new day.

  Mason woke when the sun spilled across her face, letting her know that it was past noon. She smiled, feeling the solid weight of Rena’s slumbering form still snuggled in her arms. Mason turned her head to nuzzle into the hair spread across her shoulder where Rena’s head rested. A light breeze stirred the white curtains, allowing the afternoon sunlight to dance over the tangled bodies in the bed. Mason inhaled deeply, letting the quiet peace of the moment seep into her bones. Her smile growing when she felt Rena begin to stir in her arms. She bit back the moan that rose in her throat when her Princess stretched languidly, gradually wakening.

  “Good morning.” She was greeted with a sleepy smile

  “Actually, I think it’s more like good afternoon.” Mason teased. Rena shrugged grinning.

  “Eh. Whatever.” Mason shook her head laughing softly. Her laughter slowly died as the previous day’s events came flooding back. Rena gazed sympathetically up at her. “I’m so sorry, Mason.” She murmured lifting up on her elbows to gaze down at her distraught lover. The older Kahlian gazed back at the beautiful Princess and felt her heart clench at what she saw in the other woman’s eyes. Mason tightened her arms around the Princess.

  “I know. Thank you.” She whispered thickly. Rena shifted, bracing herself on one elbow. Reaching out, she smoothed a lock of dark hair from Mason’s brow before traveling down to rest lightly on her cheek.

  “I’ve only known you a handful of days and yet, it’s as if I can feel your pain as though it were my own.” She mused wonderingly. She had yet to understand the draw she felt towards Mason, she assumed it was mostly because of them both being Kahlian. But there was something else there, that was solely because of who Mason was. “I know you’re going to hunt down the ones responsible. I want you to know that, no matter what, I’m with you.” She vowed quietly. The older woman shook her head and started to protest.

  “Sh. Let me finish.” Rena quieted her gently
, causing her to obediently fall silent watching the younger woman closely. “You know I don’t have the same blasé views as you do about killing people. But even I know that sometimes, a person will do something so terrible, will become so dangerous. That the only choice you have left, is to end their life. I have a feeling that Damian is long past that point with you.” She paused a moment, her eyes growing distant as she seemed to lose herself in thought. Focusing back onto Mason’s face, she traced her jawline absently, as if she weren’t quite aware of what she was doing. “Ever since I saw you charging through those mutants, I’ve had this feeling that nothing would ever be the same. Even then, deep down I think I knew I would never marry Devon. It was like I knew that once we reached Culville, the alliance I came to secure for my father would be the least of my concerns.” Rena frames Mason’s face with her hands. Gazing down into her eyes with such intensity that Mason found she couldn’t look away from her, she didn’t even want to. “In a very short time, you’ve become important to me, Mason. You and your sisters have taught me so much about myself that I never even guessed at. You’ve protected me, even though you barely know me. You have shown me a kindness and understanding that I never thought I would experience. For the first time in my life, I don’t have to hide.” Rena laughed self-consciously, stroking a thumb over Mason’s cheek. “I’ve come to care for you, Mason. The thought of something happening to you, terrifies me.” She stills and focuses on the Kahlian once more. “It feels like there is something between us, more than what we shared last night. A connection that I can’t seem to explain.” Mason had been gazing at her with rapt attention throughout her entire speech, reaching up to grasp Rena’s hands at the end.

  “So do I, Rena.” She assured her, tugging one hand down to press a kiss to the palm. “As much as I want to explore whatever this is; I want you safe more.” She told her, searching her eyes, seeing the defiance already building. “And that won’t be with me.”

  “You’re not leaving me behind. I’ll only follow after you if you try.” Rena declared. Mason chuckled shaking her head in exasperation.

  “You would do it too.” She acknowledged then sighed heavily. “Things are going to get very dangerous, Rena. People will die. I won’t be there to protect you all the time.” She warned. Rena’s mouth split into a wide grin as she leaned her face closer to Mason’s.

  “I’ll be okay. Those lessons will come in handy and besides there’s always my MP-5.” Mason’s mouth quirked slightly.

  “I’m serious, Rena.” She at least tried to sound as much but the Princess’ impish grin wasn’t helping.

  “So am I, Mason.” Rena grew serious, resting a hand in the middle of her chest. “I’ll be careful. I promise.” She tried to reassure her. Mason pulled her into her arms, hugging her tightly. Not for the first time, Mason became lost in Rena’s scent that was so different to any other Kahlian she had ever encountered. Yet still oddly familiar.

  “You have to be. I won’t be held accountable for my actions if anything happens to you.” She said fiercely. Rena just hugged her back, burying her face into Mason’s dark mahogany colored hair, breathing her scent in deeply. They remained like that until they heard a knock on the door. Pulling apart, each laughing self-consciously before Mason got up to answer the door while pulling on her discarded clothing from the night before. Once she did, she found Lana practically dancing in her impatience.

  “Finally!” she exclaimed, breezing into the room. Pausing upon seeing Rena in her sister’s bed, she smirked at Mason knowingly, who rolled her eyes. “Hello, Rena.” She greeted her. The Princess smiled at her.

  “Lana.” She replied. “How are you?” she asked gently. A cloud seemed to cross over Lana’s features.

  “I’m trying not to think about it, but thank you for asking.” She offered a watery smile before turning to her sister. “A mutant army was spotted an hour ago, three hours west of here.” She informed Mason, who was already searching for a set of clean clothes.

  “They’re surrounding us, cutting off any escape. What about the army we found yesterday?” she asked.

  “The Nightkin are also on the move. They coming in from the north east.” Mason swore softly, the mutants had them nearly boxed in. Rena frowned at the name.

  “Nightkin?” she asked.

  “That’s what most people call Sylvia’s people. The sun can be deadly to them, so they tend to be nearly solely active at night. Hence, the name Nightkin.” Lana explained.

  “What do they call themselves?” Lana hesitated a moment before answering.

  “I’ve heard Sylvia’s brother, Sylvan, refer to them as the Summa.” At Rena’s odd look, she shrugged, explaining further. “Sylvan considers the Nightkin to be the next step in human evolution.”

  Mason shrugged her coat on, adding.

  “He views his people as the supreme race. Summa is Latin for Supreme.” She informed them both. Rena snorted but kept her mouth shut. Supreme my ass. She thought, starting when Mason and Lana laughed.

  “We heard that, Princess.” Mason grinned at her. Rena grinned sheepishly.

  “What is Sylvia’s opinion?” She asked, directing her attention back to Lana who shrugged.

  “She used to think that humans and Nightkin were no better or no worse than each other. There are differences, yes, but they are essentially the same. She felt the same way about the other branch of mutants that they call the Impure. I’m not sure what she thinks now.”

  “She still thinks the same way, Lana.” Sylvia spoke up from the door she had quietly opened. Mason gave her a small smile and nod in greeting. Lana stilled at the sight of the pale woman, a smile working across her face before she could control it. She had always loved the way Sylvia looked in the tight fitting robes her people were so fond of. Lana had never been able to figure out how they made the robes fit so snugly but look so loose and flowing. Sylvia quirked an eyebrow at the redhead’s reaction before speaking. “I’ve been in contact with my brother.” She closely observed the tense reactions. “I asked him about Wolfhaven.”

  “And? What did he say?” Mason pressed.

  “He said that he had ordered the attack. Damian wanted Wolfhaven neutralized before they could proceed further.” She explained. “It posed the greatest threat.” Lana took a few steps closer to Sylvia.

  “He just volunteered this information freely? I thought you were certain he wanted to kill you.” She wondered. The Nightkin locked eyes with the Kahlian, surprised that despite the question, there was no suspicion in those green eyes.

  “No, he didn’t volunteer the information. I had to coerce it out of him. He’s my twin, Lana. I know how to make him talk before he realizes he’s said too much.” She told her, rubbing at her temple. “Which is why I now have a splitting headache from how violently he severed our link.” Sylvia tried to ignore the warmth that infused her body at the look of concern that flashed across Lana’s face.

  Mason had been in motion the entire time they were speaking. Her sword was already strapped to her back as she checked to make sure it would provide a smooth draw before moving to her saddlebags at the end of the bed. She pulled out another belt and strapped it to her waist, securing the Velcro straps around her thighs.

  “What else did he say?” she asked as she pulled two .45 handguns from the saddle bag. Ejecting the clips, she made sure they were fully loaded before slamming them home, and chambering a round. Shoving the guns into their holsters, she reached back into her bag pulling extra clips out and stuffing them in her pockets.

  “That the army would not attack until nightfall tomorrow.” Sylvia said, edging closer to Lana. She’d seen Mason in action, fully armed as she is now. She had hoped to never see it again. The Stone heir hummed in understanding, smiling at Rena’s obvious amusement and curiosity.

  “You’d better get dressed, and arm yourself, Rena. We have a long day ahead. And an even longer night.” She advised. Seeing the sense in her suggestion, Rena left Mason’s rooms for her own to
prepare. Going through a mental inventory of the weapons she had brought with her from home, having packed a wide selection of the firearms and blades Eastland was quickly building a reputation for producing. They were of the finest quality on the continent and Rena had thought it prudent to bring along an incentive, other than herself, for Culville to ally with Eastland. A contingency she was happy to have thought of but saddened for the reasons it now became necessary.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Damian stood alone in a dark room. He didn’t know where he was or how he had come to be here. But he knew who had brought him. His eyes scanned the black room. No windows, he must be in an interior room, or underground. His gaze sharpened as he grew accustomed to the darkness surrounding him, becoming very still as he sensed another’s presence in the room with him.

  “My Lord?” his voice quivered uncertainly.

  “Be still, Damian.” Came a deep, yet soft voice from behind him. Damian spun around, trying to place the location. The sound of a match striking came from his left, spinning him in that direction.

  The dark figure touched the lit matched to the wick of an old lantern sitting on a table against the wall. Damian saw that the figure was entirely cloaked, nothing revealed about their appearance. Nothing more than a shadow that had detached from the inky blackness of the room that the lone lantern couldn’t quite push back.

  A chair appeared out of thin air behind the cloaked figure and they lowered their slight frame onto it gracefully, as if they were sitting on a throne instead of a plain chair. The hooded figure, was shorter than Damian, and it was difficult to tell what they looked like under the folds of their black cloak. In fact, the Kahlian only knew one thing about his master. They were the oldest, most powerful creature Damian had ever encountered in his very long life, a fact that absolutely terrified him.

  “You have done well, Damian. I am pleased with your success at Wolfhaven.” That cold voice whispered.


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