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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Aimee Hunter

  “Thank you, Dominus.” Damian bowed. The cowled head dipped forward a moment. “However,” the deceptively soft voice continued, “The sisters are still alive. Their mother is still free.” A heavy weight settled on Damian’s shoulders, forcing him to his knees.

  “It is being handled, Dominus.” He explained, grunting with the force of his knees hitting the stone floor. Wincing internally at the fear in his voice.

  “Is it?” the voice drawled. A green band of energy seized Damian, tightening and clasping him around the chest. Paralyzed, he cried out in pain.

  “Yes! I have the Summa searching for Aine Stone and my forces attack Culville tomorrow night. The constricting green lightening loosened slowly around his chest, allowing him to draw in a ragged breath without fighting for it.

  “Really?” The shadow asked nonchalantly, a note of excitement laced their tone. Damian nodded quickly. “Excellent.” They waved their hand at the kneeling Kahlian, releasing him. Though the weight disappeared from his shoulders, Damian remained on knees. His master rose to their feet, standing in front of their servant. “I will return tomorrow at dusk. I wish to see the Stone line destroyed.” A smile could be heard in their gleeful voice as they spoke. “The destruction of Culville will provide the perfect back drop to the fulfillment of such a long held dream.” A hand appeared from within the cloak. It was surprisingly delicate with thin, finely tapered fingers tipped with sharp well-manicured nails. The hand grasped the top of his head in a vice grip, shooting green lightening through his body, making his muscles jerk and spasm uncontrollably. The last thing he heard before the world faded too black, was his own screams and his masters’ dark laughter.

  The shrouded sorcerer smiled from within the black cowl at the unconscious puppet. This one was proving to be more useful than expected. He had disposed of the most hated enemy, Marcus Stone and sacked Wolfhaven. The great shining beacon of hope for the Kahlian people was now nothing more than a smoking ruin. Now, the boy planned to take Culville. Killing Marcus’ offspring in the process. Very useful indeed. It remained to be seen, if the Kahlian would be successful in his endeavors or not.

  When Damian awoke in his tent, he heaved a calming breath as he sat up dropping his head into his hands. Meetings with his master always disturbed him. There was something about them that wasn’t quite right. Damian was sure the Dominus was a shape shifter, but had never heard of any who possessed such power. A tremor shook his frame as he lay back down, wrapping himself in his blanket. Even though it was now midday, he needed a moment to gather his composer. He didn’t have long to regain his equilibrium. The tent flap at the front of his tent was swept aside, admitting a jubilant Sylvan.

  “Good afternoon, Damian.” He greeted, noticing the others strange mood. Damian glowered at the pale mutant for a long moment before slowly making his way to his feet to change his clothes. As he searched through his belongings, Sylvan took a seat at the large table dominating the center of the tent, pouring himself a cup of whiskey. “Are you going to tell me about the dark person that leaves behind a powerful stench of magic? Or should I mind my own business?” he asked. Damian looked up at him sharply.

  “Mind your business.” He snapped. Sylvan drained his cup before standing.

  “I spoke to my sister. I claimed responsibility for Wolfhaven at your request. I also told her that we attack tomorrow night.” He sniffs, looking down at the table running a finger along its wood grain. “I always did hate the way she could extract information from me without my knowing it until it was too late.” He complained quietly. Shaking his head, he looked up at Damian. “She’s no doubt told Lana and Mason.” Moving around the tent, the Summa man began discreetly looking through Damian’s things. He was trying to get a feel for the elusive stranger that sometimes visited his friend. But trying to get a picture of this person was proving nearly impossible as the only sign left behind was the overwhelming scent of magic. Fastening his belt buckle, Damian spoke drawing Sylvan’s attention back to him.

  “Good.” Was all he said. The mutant looked at him thoughtfully for a moment.

  “Why did you want me to tell her that we were responsible for the attack?” he questioned. Damian smiled sitting in a chair to pull on his boots, already feeling more in control of himself.

  “A number of reasons. Mostly, because I want to see what defensive measures they will implement now with the advance warning. It also provides a perfect distraction for the sisters. While they are grief stricken with the loss of a parent and their home, they’ll never see me coming when I make my move. Diana’s already left to go rescue their beloved Mother.” He sneered, chuckling darkly when he added. “On a personal note, I wanted Mason to know that she failed. Again. To protect someone she loves.” He smiled at him, entirely too pleased with what he’s done to the Stone family. “She’s making a terrible habit out it.” Damian laughed. Sylvan frowned crossing his arms.

  “What is this ‘move’ of yours supposed to be anyway?” he wanted to know, his frown deepening at the Kahlian’s laughter.

  “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out tomorrow along with everyone else, my friend.” Damian answered evasively. He got up and walked over to the flap of his tent, lifting it out of the way. “Tomorrow, you will all see something quite amazing Sylvan.” He told him before stepping outside letting the flap fall back into place leaving Sylvan alone with his suspicions.

  “I don’t know what you have planned, Damian. But I’ll be damned if I’m left holding the short end of the stick.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Later that evening, Diana and Kylie crouched behind two trees with Captain Dumas while his soldiers fanned out behind them. They were watching a patrol of mutants breaking camp. They were a little over a day outside of Culville, having made excellent time after setting out before the sun rose, when they stumbled upon this mixed group of Nightkin and Impure mutants.

  What do you think, Mother? Kylie sent to her. Diana shakes her head, narrowing her eyes at the scene before them. Something was off. This group didn’t look like they were aiming to join the army stationed closer to the city they had left behind. They looked like they were out here searching for something.

  It seems as though they are looking for something. She said sharing her thoughts with her adopted daughter. We need to be careful. I’m sure Damian knows I’ve left Culville by now. Diana turned to Dumas, repeating what she had just said to Kylie.

  “You may be right, my Lady. There’s only about thirty of them and it doesn’t seem like they are in a hurry to catch up to an army that’s about to lay waste to an entire city.” He agreed, glancing at her then back to the small company of mutants.

  “We need to move around them before they’re done packing up.” She told them.

  “I think we can sneak around without being spotted if we’re quiet.” Kylie said.

  Diana nodded and rose into a half crouch. Sweeping to the left of the camp where the horses were tethered, the others followed after her. They had padded the horse’s hooves when Diana had sensed multiple mutants close by. Leading their mounts behind them and praying that they wouldn’t be seen. The small group was almost past the camp when one of the human soldiers stepped on a twig, causing them all to freeze holding their breath. Diana’s eyes snapped to the camp swearing when she saw at least four mutants had heard the noise. She gestured for everyone to mount up and ride while she knelt in the tall brush around the trunk of a tree. Pulling out a long curved dagger that had intricate etchings on the blade, she waited. Hearing the footsteps getting closer, she knew the moment they spotted her group. The mutants started running. As they came abreast of her tree, the eldest Stone sister slid out at knee level, slicing the inner thigh of the closest mutant, severing the femoral artery.

  Leaving the man where he dropped, she rose swiftly in a lunge, slicing upwards.

  She caught the second mutant across the chest, cutting deep enough that she felt the edge of her blade catch on bone. The force of her
strike spun him around like a spin top. By the time the second one hit the ground, the other two realized they were being attacked and drew their weapons. The third wasn’t quite fast enough to bring his crude sword up to block Diana’s next strike, which sliced so deeply into his neck, the blade lodged itself in his windpipe. Releasing her hold on her dagger, the Kahlian ducked under the last mutants hastily swung blade, spinning and popping up behind the mutated woman. She quickly grasped the other woman’s head with both hands and twisted violently, snapping the mutants neck.

  Dropping the dead woman’s body, Diana was in motion, yanking her dagger out of the throat it was lodged in. Ignoring the wet squelching sound it made, she went back to the first mutant that was still moaning on the ground. He was frantically trying to stem the flow of blood when she roughly grasped his hair. Jerking his head back, she quickly sliced his throat. It had taken only seconds to dispatch these four and she could still hear her people’s horse hooves pounding the ground north of her, growing distant. Casting a worried glance back at the enemy camp, she saw more mutants coming to investigate. Wiping her blade off on the dead man’s shirt before sheathing it. Diana ran in a crouch to where her horse had been left and quickly mounted. Sinking her heels into her horse’s flanks, she raced after her friends.

  A bullet whizzing by her ear, had her ducking low over her horses’ neck. Glancing back, she felt her heart stutter when she saw the remaining mutants pursuing her. Any relief she felt at the distance between them died when she heard the sounds of fighting ahead of her. Kylie and the others had been caught by another platoon of Impure. She pushed the horse harder, kicking it into a faster pace breathing a little easier as her pursuers fell further behind. After a small eternity, she finally caught sight of her people fighting for their lives inside a ring of nearly fifty more snarling, deformed figures.

  Diana straightened in her saddle, drawing her sword and giving a mighty shout, she drove straight through mutant perimeter. Slashing at them as she passed, the Kahlian forced the attackers to scatter or be trampled. Wheeling to a stop, she slid from the horses back and rushed to Kylie’s side where she was posted up next to Dumas. Her daughter held two wicked looking short swords that she occasionally twirled to keep her wrists loose. Offering a small smile at the relief on their faces, Diana spoke quickly while turning to face their adversaries.

  “The first patrol will be here any minute. We need an exit strategy.” Casting an eye over the remaining soldiers, she was saddened to see six were already dead.

  “I think the only way we’re getting out of here is if we make a hole for ourselves.” Xavier suggested. Diana nodded noticing that they had also lost the horses. Eyes darting around looking for a weak spot in the ring of mutants. Seeing one off to the left, she reached out and grasped Xavier’s shoulder drawing his attention to it.

  “Get them ready to run. I’m going to go make a hole.” She shot a crooked grin at him before sprinting away, ducking and gutting a mutant as she went. To the Captain she seemed like a spinning whirlwind of destruction. His attention was quickly yanked from the beautiful woman as he found himself on the defensive against two attackers.

  “To me!” he shouted as he dispatched the last mutant and moved to follow in Diana’s wake. His soldiers following after him with Kylie protecting their rear. He was dumbfounded as he watched Diana ripping through the opposing forces as if they weren’t even there. Cutting a bloody swath through the mutants, creating a path for her human companions to escape through. There was much more to this woman than she let on.

  The beleaguered group slipped through the opening Diana made. Taking to the forest, hoping to lose the mutants among the trees, leaving Diana and Kylie to cover their retreat. Blocking dual attacks, Diana shouted to Kylie as she dispatched the unfortunate men.

  “Go! Make sure they get away, I’ll hold them off as long as I can and catch up!” Kylie wanted to argue with the older woman but knew it was no use. Her mother had already disappeared into the small horde. Sending a quick prayer up to whatever God happened to be listening, she took off at a dead run after the fleeing humans.

  Quickly catching up with the Culville soldiers, Kylie determinedly ignored the Captains questioning look. Instead she led them as quickly and as quietly as she could through the thick growth of trees. Heading north, she gradually turned more west, mindful of how far they still were from their destination.

  Night had long since fallen when she called a halt along the banks of a clear creek. Breathing hard from the forced march, she could sympathize with the human soldiers who practically threw themselves onto the ground in exhaustion. Kylie was fairly confident they had managed to lose any pursuit.

  Diana moved stealthily, darting from tree to tree under a bright waning moon. The stars sparkled beautifully in the night sky but the blood soaked Kahlian didn’t even spare it a glance. Her attention nearly entirely focused on the scraps of red fabric she kept finding. After the second scrap she noticed she wasn’t the only one to find them. The squad of mutants she had escaped were actively looking for them. Which meant there was a traitor among the humans with Kylie.

  Having a good idea of where her daughter led them, Diana began moving the shreds of fabric. Purposely leading the enemy in the opposite direction of what remained of her party. Once she was sure that she had bought them all some space to breath she circled back around and silently approached the dark camp. She stayed on the outskirts, watching.

  Kylie sat on the ground, leaning back against a tree next to Dumas. Relishing the opportunity to rest and catch her breath. Knowing it wouldn’t last much longer, they had to put more distance between themselves and the Impure platoon.

  “Do you think she made it?” came the whispered question. The young Kahlian turned her head to look at Xavier tiredly.

  “Yes.” She said confidently.

  “How can you be sure?” he pressed. She looked at him thoughtfully, wondering why he was so concerned for a woman he barely knew.

  “Because I know her. Those mutants weren’t enough to kill her, I’m not sure anyone is.” She says, leaning her head back against the tree closing her eyes. “I know she survived, because that’s what they do. Diana and her sisters.” She looks back at him. “They survive. Against all odds.” Xavier continued to look at the young woman after she stopped speaking. Her absolute faith in the Stone woman was astounding. He hoped she was right, that Diana was alive and even now making her way to meet up with them. But as a soldier that had seen his share of war, he knew the likely hood of that was slim. Turning his head to look over the fourteen remaining officers who were asleep where they’d dropped, he couldn’t help but wonder how Culville was faring. If they were at all prepared for the nightmare about to descend on them tomorrow.

  Picking up a stick absently, he twirled it as he thought about all that had occurred in the last week since the Stone women and Princess Rena had arrived. He knew there was a connection between their arrival and what was happening now, but he couldn’t figure out what that link was. Between the handful of altercations with Prince Devon, Lord Damian’s impending betrayal and the mutant army lying in wait; Xavier got the uncomfortable feeling of being thrust into the middle of a war that had nothing to do with him, his King or Culville.

  Tossing the stick away he leaned back and closed his eyes as Kylie had done. Deciding maybe some rest would help him figure things out tomorrow

  Kylie. The young woman’s eyes flew open, but other than that she didn’t move.

  You made it. She sent back, her relief bleeding down their link making Diana smile.

  Of course. Kylie felt her adopted mother’s affection wash over her and allowed herself to relax. We have a problem. She couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling, because of course they did.

  What is it? She asked.

  One of the soldiers has been leaving a trail for the mutants to follow. Scraps of red fabric. I was able to divert their path, but I only bought us a little time. She informed her, finally making her
way into the camp and quietly dropping down beside her daughter. Leaning close she whispered.

  “We need to get them up, fed and moving. With the horses gone, we’ll have to make the rest of the trip on foot unless we can find another mode of transportation.” Diana’s eyes were trained on the Captain the entire time she was speaking, waiting for the sound of someone speaking to wake him. She wasn’t disappointed. Xavier’s head snapped around, baby blue eyes locking onto her with laser like precision. She was a little stunned by the relief she saw written across his face at her presence. “We need to radio back to Culville. The families of the men you lost should be told. My sisters need to be told that we’re being hunted as well.” She offered him a humorless smile. “Time to get moving, Captain.” She told him softly.

  The man remained silent but immediately moved to do as she had ordered. As he roused the battered officers, a scent was caught on the breeze causing both Kahlian’s to tense. One of their own was among the soldiers. Neither woman had any idea how the person had remained undetected this long, though both agreed that they would have to worry about that later. Right now Diana was more concerned with who was leading the Impure to them and why. Looking at their uniforms as they woke and began milling about, they were all wearing tattered, torn clothing. They all wore red shirts in the same fabric as the strips she found. This would make finding the guilty individual nearly impossible. Sighing in frustration, Diana rubbed her temple. She didn’t have time for this.

  Chapter Sixteen

  While Diana and Kylie were fighting and running from a mutant patrol. Mason, Lana and Rena overlooked the defensive capabilities of Culville. Mason shook her head in disgust.

  “The only defense they have is that damn wall.” She said to her sister in disbelief. Lana nodded in agreement. It was true, Culville’s army was formidable, her troops well trained and exceedingly competent. But they had no other line of defense in the case of an attack and forget about a siege. The food stores they had wouldn’t last a month even if they were rationed carefully. And there was no escape plan. No way to get the citizens to out of harm’s way while the city was being defended.


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