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Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1]

Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  This, I will never forgive myself for.

  I’m just happy I got to her before it was too late.

  Chapter 22


  My head hurts.

  Why the hell does it hurt so much? I roll over and inhale. A smile spreads over my face as I recognise that smell. His arms pull me in tighter but for once, I wish he would loosen up a bit. My body aches and the need to fall back asleep comes over me.

  I try to open my eyes but that makes the pain so much worse. I snuggle in under the blankets and groan. What the hell is going on? Did I really drink that much?

  “How are you feeling?” he murmurs in that sexy just-woke-up voice as he moves around the bed to get a good look at me.

  “I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck,” I tell him.

  “That’s expected,” he says before leaning in and pressing a kiss to my head. “I’m so fucking happy you’re alright.”

  “Huh?” I grunt as I slowly try to open my eyes again. The pain hits but with Logan so close, he blocks out the majority of the light. “What do you mean alright?”

  “You don’t remember?” he questions.

  “Remember what?” I ask as I think back to last night. “I remember drinking… a lot, partying, being screwed within an inch of my life and putting Brendan in a taxi. Then… not much. Did I pass out?” I groan.

  “Not quite,” he says with a cringe as he runs his hand down my side. I hiss out in pain. What the fuck was that? “Shit, sorry, babe.”

  “What happened to me?” I question as I try to sit up.

  Logan helps me and immediately hands me a glass of water and some painkillers. “Here, take this,” he says.

  I do as I’m told like a good little girl before looking to Logan. “Spill it. Did I make an ass of myself and eat dirt?” I ask as I look down and find myself covered in grazes. I try to cross my legs under the blankets but my knees protest in pain. Great, they’re probably scratched up too.

  “Babe,” he says in a soothing voice as he reaches out and takes my hand. “You know that part of your night you can’t remember?”

  “Yeah…?” I prompt.

  He cringes, clearly not wanting to tell me whatever it is that I did. He lets out a breath and regret shines brightly on his face. “Max slipped you some pills,” he says.

  “What?” I grunt in shock. “No, that’s not possible,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Yeah, babe. It is,” he says as a panic starts taking over me. “Security footage shows him putting pills into a champagne flute then handing it to you.”

  I think back to last night and remember the exact moment. “He spilled my drink and got me a new one to apologise,” I say in confusion. “Why would he do that?” I ask, looking to Logan for answers. “What did he do?”

  “It was very dark last night so the footage was hard to see but from what we can tell, after Brendan left, you sat on a bench. When you got up you tripped and Max caught you. There was a conversation and then he lead you away.”

  As he talks, bits and pieces start coming back to me. “I asked him to take me to you. I kept telling him ‘I need Logan’ but he was going the wrong way. I couldn’t…” Logan closes his eyes, clearly battling with some sort of inner conflict but I don’t question it as more memories start to come back. I gasp as I recall hands tearing my dress and hitting me. My hand flies to cover my mouth but Logan reaches out and pulls me to him.

  “It’s ok,” he soothes as he holds me.

  My tears quickly stain his shirt but he doesn’t dare pull away. “Shit,” I cry. “Did… did he?”

  “No,” Logan says. “Nothing happened. We got there in time.”

  Relief comes over me but it isn’t enough to take away the panic that still surges through me. “How could I be so stupid? That’s the first rule of drinking. Never accept a drink from anyone. Always get your own and make sure you see it being opened. Never let it out of your sight.

  I fell for the oldest fucking trick in the book.

  “I hope it’s ok but I allowed a nurse to take a sample of your blood so we can work out what he gave you,” Logan explains.

  I nod my head, really not giving two shits that Logan had done that. It was the responsible thing to do and I would have done the same if the situation was reversed.

  “The police would like a statement but if you’re not up to it, that’s fine. We also have the security footage to back it up.”

  “Ok, sure,” I mumble as I look up to Logan. “Did I ruin the wedding?”

  “No,” he says. “Cass and Jax don’t know a thing about it but I’m sure they will soon. Max is off the team pending investigation so it won’t be long before they find out.”

  “Them and the rest of the world,” I grunt, realising a scandal like this is going to end up in the news.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I think it over for a moment and to tell the truth, I have absolutely no idea. What nearly happened would have been awful and life-changing in the worst possible way but it didn’t, I am physically fine, apart from a raging headache, cuts, and bruises but mentally, that’s a different story, one I haven’t figured out the ending to yet.

  My breath comes harder and I try my best to push the terrifying thoughts away. It was a close call, that’s all. Logan got there in time. Max has been dealt with and there’s more than enough evidence to make an open and closed case, so I have no reason to panic. It’s time to move on. “Can I let you know?” I ask.

  “Of course,” he murmurs as he shuffles us around and pulls me onto his lap. He drops his head to my shoulder as he gently strokes my back. A soft sigh escapes his lips and I realise for the worlds chattiest man, he’s being way too quiet.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I raise his head to meet his eyes.

  He presses his lips together before letting it out. “I feel like I’ve failed you. It’s my job to keep you safe and I wasn’t looking out for you last night. I should have gone with you.”

  “Don’t do that to yourself,” I demand. “This is not your fault. If anything, it’s mine. Max has been non-stop hitting on me since I started working for the Thunder. I turned him down each and every time. I was the one who didn’t tell you. I didn’t report him to management and I was the one who accepted a drink from someone I shouldn’t have. None of this is on you.”

  He looks at me with those eyes that I love so much and I can tell he isn’t buying what I’m saying. If anything, I’m probably making it worse but he needs to hear it. “Hey, how would anyone have known that he’s that fucked up?” I question, trying to lighten the mood.

  He leans back against the headboard and I follow along with him. “You know I love you, right?” I ask as I rest my forehead against his.

  “I know, babe,” he smiles before catching my lips in his.

  “Despite the ending of the night, I still had a really great time,” I tell him.

  “I know,” he replies as he wraps a hand around my neck, holding me to him. “You looked fucking radiant”

  I bring my hand up and run it down the side of his face which is when I notice the dirt under my nails. “Ugh,” I groan. “I don’t look to radiant anymore.”

  “What are you talking about?” he questions.

  I turn my hand around so he can see the state my nails are in. “Did I not shower last night?” I ask in disgust.

  “No,” he scoffs. “You were sort of passed out.”

  “Logan,” I groan.

  “What were you expecting me to do? Throw you in a bath with a floaty and hope you didn’t drown?”

  I roll my eyes as I push myself up off him and scoot to the edge of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” he questions.

  “Showering,” I reply as I try to stand. “I feel like I still have the taint of him on my skin.”

  “I did give you a sponge bath,” he informs me with a grin that makes him look like the worst kind of pervert.

  I get to my feet and turn to give
him a grand curtsey. “Why thank you, kind sir,” I say in my best Shakespearean accent which is actually quite pathetic, but he gets what I’m trying to achieve. “How will I ever repay your kindness?”

  “That’s more like it,” he says as he scoots to the side of the bed and places his hands at my waist. He stands before me but that playful expression fades away. “Is it too much if I were to get in that shower with you?” he questions.

  I reach up onto my tippy-toes and kiss him ever so gently. “I think I might die if you didn’t,” I whisper.

  A few moments later, I find myself basking in the warmth of the shower and watching as the soapy bubbles slide down my skin, taking the memory of Max with them before disappearing down the drain, never to be seen again. “I know you probably don’t want to think about it anymore but I just have one question.”

  “What’s that?” he asks.

  “You said that nothing had happened but what’s your version of ‘nothing’?” I ask.

  “Apart from drugging you and roughing you up a little, nothing. He had torn your dress off but when I found you, he was fumbling around with your bra strap like a horny teenager.”

  I let go of a breath a didn’t realise I was holding. “Ok, I can deal with that,” I say taking his hand in mine and noticing his knuckles are beaten up. I look up at him with a question in my eyes. “I thought you were a lover, not a fighter?”

  “I am,” he scoffs, “but when it comes to someone I love, I’d just about do anything. In fact, I think I fucked him up pretty bad.”

  “Shit, Logan,” I curse. “What about your contract?”

  Fuck. I couldn’t live with myself if he lost his contract because he was defending me.

  “Don’ worry,” he says, running his hands down my wet hair and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Tony has it covered.”

  Thank God.

  “Logan,” I say looking up at him. “Before you, I was a shell. It was just me and Brendan, and we lived in our own version of a nightmare that we just couldn’t wake up from. Then you came along and woke me up. You breathed new air into me and I feel like I’m finally alive. The last eight years have been so damn hard but for the first time I feel like I have something to look forward to and it’s all thanks to you.”

  His arms wind around me and pull me close. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

  “I think I have a pretty good idea,” I tell him.

  “You’re my whole fucking world, Elle.”

  “Right back at ya, Captain.”

  Chapter 23


  I walk into the arena for the final game of the season and naturally, the Denver Thunder are right there, defending their title as the fucking champions. Having the championship game held in our home arena is just the cherry on top of the best fucking cake in the world.

  As expected, we’ve had to go through all the bullshit that comes with being at the top of the leader-board, such as the fucking media and damn press conferences, and being the captain, guess who gets thrown right in the limelight. Yeah, me.

  There’s nothing I hate more than sitting down and giving a press conference, talking to the media and posing for all their damn photos. The only thing keeping me from losing my shit this year is Elle. She’s my rock, my world and I can’t wait to marry her.

  I just have to get through this last game first and end the season the way it’s supposed to be finished, only, being the championship game, generally means it’s going to be the hardest game of the year. We’re up against the best. The L.A Storm.

  It’s still hours before the big game but there’s a lot of shit to get through, such as this damn full team meeting. We only have these when something serious has gone down or to give management a chance to talk themselves up which I’m assuming is what’s happening today.

  At least they have lunch on offer.

  As usual, I beeline for the lunch buffet and make myself a nice full plate that anyone would be proud of, the only downfall is sticking to my strict diet but come tomorrow morning. I’m binging on whatever the fuck I want. I might even help myself to a nice juicy hamburger.

  I can’t fucking wait.

  I get comfortable in my seat and down my lunch, being careful not to spill anything on my team suit while I wait for the rest of the team to arrive. The rest of the day is going to be crazy. Following this meeting, we have media interviews which, no doubt, they’ll be questioning all the scandals that the team has endured his year, then, as usual, they’ll go right ahead and ask each of us about our personal lives to see if there are any uncovered stories they can splash all over the news.

  Luckily for me, I’m squeaky fucking clean.

  Following the meeting and interviews, we’ll get together to discuss game tactics while Elle and Kate check over all the players to make sure they’re all god for tonight’s game. Then it’s warm up time where I’m sure each of the guys will go over their practice shots and try not to freak out, and that’s where I come in. None of the guys will be freaking out on my watch.

  One by one, the guys make their way into the massive conference room, all heading straight for the food before settling into their seats. A few minutes later, Elle makes her presence known at the door, looking sexy as fuck in her team suit that management demands she wears.

  The boys get a good look and drown her in wolf whistles, letting her know just how appreciated she is. She struts across the room, putting on a show in her fitted suit and heels while trying not to burst into laughter.

  She struts past me but she won’t be going anywhere soon. My arm snaps out and grabs her around her waist before hauling her back to my lap. She lets out a girly squeal which is quickly swallowed by her laughter as her arms fall around my neck.

  “You look amazing,” I tell her.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself, Captain,” she responds before giving me a kiss that only serves to make the boys rowdier.

  “Get a room,” Jax calls out as the rest of the boys voice their own opinions.

  “With pleasure,” I say, standing with her securely in my arms before heading for the door.

  “Logan,” Tony demands as he enters the room. “Put the girl down. Until the end of the night, Elle is still ours. We need her focused today, not swooning over her hunky boyfriend.”

  She looks up at me and I see the true disappointment in her eyes. I lean down to her and give her a kiss. “Don’t worry, babe. As soon as this game is over, I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Is that a promise?” she questions.

  “Sure is,” I tell her as I take her back to my seat and get comfortable.

  “And you’ll do that thing I like?” she murmurs as she hops off my lap to take the seat beside me so we can at least appear to be professional.

  “I’ll do all the things you like,” I promise, taking her hand in mine.

  Her face flames and she has to look away to stop her grin from breaking her face in two.

  “Alright,” Tony says to the room. “Settle down. We have a big day today, so I want to get this part over with.” he waits patiently as the boys settle down into their seats and provide him with their undivided attention.

  “Ok,” he starts. “I want to open this meeting by saying what a great job you’ve done so far this season. Each and every one of you has shown a great commitment to the team and that commitment comes through loud and clear in our results. Not one of you have lacked in your training, on ice or off, so please give yourself and your teammates a round of applause.”

  At that, the room bursts into applause with the boys and management all nodding in agreement and I have to say, I’m right along with them. The boys have shown amazing commitment this season and that shows in the leader-board. They have all worked their asses off and they deserve nothing less than the win tonight, but it’s not going to be handed to us, we’ll have to put up one last fight.

  “Other acknowledgments this year, I’d like you all to thank team management for all the work the
y’ve put in this season, our lovely physiotherapists, our trainers and our PR team. This team would not be where it is today without your dedication and hard work, it certainly does not go unnoticed.”

  Again, the team breaks into applause, voicing their approval.

  “Next up, our trusted Captain, Logan. Another successful year where you have proven that you were the right choice for captain. Again, you have managed to keep these boys inspired, motivated and most importantly, in-line. Good job, Logan.”

  I nod my head, accepting his thanks and wait for him to move right along. Elle squeezes my hand and I look to her to see a brilliant smile looking back at me. ‘I love you,’ she mouths.

  “Right back at ya, babe,” I murmur.

  “Last but not least,” Tony continues, finally moving the attention off me. “Coach Robinson and the coaching staff. What a fantastic job you have done this season.”

  As expected, the room bursts into absolute chaos for our beloved Coach Robinson. The boys get up out of their chairs and crowd him. He’s suddenly thrown upon shoulders demanding to be put down but that shit isn’t about to happen any time soon.

  The boys eventually calm down, allowing Tony to get onto the more serious topics.

  “Get your asses back in your seats,” he demands. “We’ve got a lot to cover.” They do as their told, naturally with a few stragglers detouring back past the food buffet on the way.

  “Alright. Down to business. We’ve had some disappointments this year with both Dave and Max, both rocked the team’s name in the press, however, we have come through the other end much stronger. I’m sorry to play this card on you all, however, keep in mind that each of you is replaceable. As you move on, another player will come so as you saw with Max, one strike and you’re out. Please remember this in your off-season. What you do reflects on us as a team, so keep it classy, boys.”

  Tony then goes on to remind us about our media interviews and after-game press conference. He then goes over all the ways to avoid certain questions and how to word certain things to make you look like a glowing star with the brightest future in the league.


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