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Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1]

Page 19

by Sheridan Anne

  On and on he goes with all the shit that we don’t want to be here to listen to but as a good bunch of guys, we sit patiently and wait until he’s ticked off all the items on his list to discuss.

  “Hang in there, guys. We’re nearly done,” he encourages but what does he expect out of a bunch of guys.

  “So, as you all recall,” he says, pointedly looking at my woman. “At the beginning of the season, I made a deal with Elle, here.” That perks us all up. I watch in amusement as each of the guys sits a little taller and throws one hundred percent of their attention towards both Tony and Elle, curious as to how this is going to go.

  “I had promised Elle that if over the season, she could show that she has what it takes to be our senior therapist, then she would be rewarded the position. I believe she has done just that. She has shown incredible dedication to our team and put up with all of your bullshit whinging while simultaneously doing a great job, so, Elle, if you are still interested, I’d like to formally offer you the position of Senior Physiotherapist of the Denver Thunder.”

  “Are you serious?” she squeals as her hand squeezes down in mine, though, I’m not entirely sure she realises she’s doing it. “What about Kate?” she asks, looking to the girl who has since become a good friend

  “Sure am, kid. I have spoken to Kate who has agreed that you deserve this position. She will also be staying on for the foreseeable future. So, what do you say?” he says with an excited grin.

  “Hell freaking yes,” she says with big eyes and a smile that threatens to tear her face apart. “Thank you so much. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t,” he says before dramatically making a point of sitting down and relaxing so he can give the boys a chance to go ape-sit-crazy, which, of course, they do, only this time, I don’t let them beat me to her.

  I pull her across and into my lap while circling my arms around her and pressing my lips to hers. “Congratulations,” I tell her.

  She smiles back at me with love in her eyes. “Thank you,” she says.

  “You deserve it,” I tell her before she’s pulled away from me and thrown into the air by the guys who start chanting her name. I’m so proud and happy for her but right now, with the guys throwing her around like a fucking rag-doll, I want nothing more than to bust their balls. I swear, if they hurt her in any way, shape or form, I’ll be tearing them up into little pieces and feeding them to Louie, which would only be a waste, as I’m sure he really isn’t into eating humans for dinner.

  Elle lets out a squeal as the boys get a little too rowdy and I swoop in to save my woman.

  “Alright, alright. Settle down,” Tony says. “We still have a little time before the pre-game press starts, so I’ll give Coach Robinson the floor to discuss game tactics for tonight.”

  With that Coach gets up and makes his way to the front of the room.

  “Please remember, no matter what happens tonight, there will be post-game celebrations at the Hilton Hotel and you should all be there,” Tony says as he signs off for the time being.

  Coach steps up, front and center, getting right down to the reason we’re here. We go over everything and I make sure to memorise each and every word spoken from the coaching staff, after all, once we’re on the ice, it’s up to me to lead these boys to victory.

  Once the meeting commences, it’s on for young and old. Boys are taken for interviews while others are sent into physio to loosen injured muscles. Management opens the ice and the gym for any last-minute training. Pucks are sprawled across the ice while skates, blades, sticks, and gear are all checked over.

  The afternoon flies by and I soon find myself dressed and ready to get on the ice for the final showdown. The arena is pack to absolute capacity. Press are everywhere with their expensive cameras and crew. The lights are flashing and music is blasting throughout the whole building as fans of both Denver and L.A pile into the grandstands.

  Fuck. I’m a strange mix of excited and nervous at the same time. I’m busting to get out there and get the game started but apparently, I have to stick to a fucking time schedule. I hate feeling like this but the second I get on the ice, it will all fade away. Again, it’s the fear of the unknown.

  I know we can beat this team, we’ve worked our asses off just for this moment but they aren’t going to make it easy and if we make even one mistake, we could give it all away. Not-to-mention, the L.A team now have their new shining stars, Miller Cain and Tank Meyers but to me, they’re still kids and just a couple of friends of Jax’s. These two on a team haven’t lost a single game for the past two seasons but this is the big leagues and they’re in my house now.

  Some official looking woman comes in and tells us it’s time to start heading out of the hole. We line up by the door, with me in the lead and my boys falling in behind. Coach brings up the rear along with the rest of management, trainers and of course, Elle and Kate.

  The door is opened and the sound flowing in is incredible. We head up the hallway and come out of the hole into the arena. The grandstands are a sea of Thunder and Storm colours, swamped with foam fingers and lights.

  We’re announced to the arena and shit goes crazy. I find it impossible to wipe the grin off my face. I look up into the family and friends section our team have reserved and see my whole family sitting with Jaz and Brendan.

  We step onto our ice and I feel it in my bones. This is our night. We will take that big ass trophy straight back to its home in our foyer, declaring us, once again, the national champions.

  I come to the center of the ice, ready to get this shit started and find myself facing none other than Tank Meyers. “Sup, kid. You ready to see how the big boys play?” I grin.

  He shakes his head and grins back. “Bring it on, fucker,” he says. “You haven’t got anything I ain’t seen before.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I tell him as the ref drops the puck.

  I swoop in and own that puck but it was fucking close. I take off with the big bastard right on my heels. Shit, he’s fast but not fast enough. Just as I knew he would, Jax comes right up beside me and saves me from the hell that Tank is about to bring down on me.

  Jax collects the puck with ease, managing to dodge Miller in the process and slides it straight across the ice as the Storms defense really kicks in. I make myself open and scoop it straight up as I dart towards the goal with the rest of my boys on my six.

  I can’t shake Tank but I didn’t expect to, at least I know he skates clean and I don’t need to worry about him slamming me into the boards anytime soon but he will try all that fancy footwork shit on me, just as Jax does. But I’m ready for it. The only thing I worry about is his speed, there’s only a small handful of players on this ice who could keep up with me and Tank is one of them, which is where all the tactics we had talked about in our meeting comes into play. We need to play it smart tonight.

  I shoot the puck back to Jax and instantly pull back, letting Tank and the rest of his team fly straight past me. Jax immediately shoots the puck back and I take my shot at the goal. The goalie hardly saw it coming. The puck flies straight past him and I watch in amusement as the goalie throws himself across the net, trying to block the puck but it’s too fast and comes to a stop in the back of the net.

  The buzzer sounds and the music starts. Jax flies around the back of the net and finds me on the other side. We slam our chests into each other which makes him lose his footing and fall his ass on the hard ice.

  He scrambles to get up, but with all the gear it takes a little longer, giving me plenty of time to give him shit for it. I hold a hand out and help him up while I try to control my laughter. “Everyone saw that, didn’t they?”

  “Sure fucking did, kid,” I laugh. “That one will be played on the ESPN blooper reel until the end of time.”

  “Shut up,” he grins as he pushes me away.

  Tank and Miller skate past and Jax just can’t help himself. “Who’s the fucking ‘dream team’ now, bitches?” he laughs.

  “Games still young, Jax,” Miller says in amusement as Tank shakes his head.

  This game is going to be hard but so incredibly worth it. I can’t wait to play out every damn second of it.

  Chapter 24


  This game is too freaking good. I sit on the very edge of my seat, not wanting to miss a second of it. The boys are up against the L.A Storm which is the team Miller and Tank are on so probably means their girlfriends are in the grandstands, so no matter who wins tonight, it’s going to be a fun after-game celebration.

  I have never been so busy. This team is fucking good and they’re keeping my boys on their toes, which means, they’re keeping me on mine too. Honestly, it kind of sucks because I want nothing more than to sit here and watch the game but I’m working so I’ve spent half the game in my office with player after player on my table, it’s good that I have Kate with me as she can pick up some of the slack.

  So far, there have been a few big incidents with guys being tripped or slammed into walls but nothing too bad. No fists have flown yet but I’m waiting for it. It’s the championship game and with a bunch of dudes wanting nothing more than to win, it’s bound to get ugly at some point.

  I’m just glad I don’t have to worry about Logan. He plays cleans and I’m happier for it. I don’t know how I’d feel if he was the kind of guy starting fights on the ice and constantly being thrown in the sin-bin, though, if that were the case, he wouldn’t be Captain.

  Logan has been on fire tonight but from how good Tank is, he has to be which makes it damn clear why Logan is the Captain. He’s good and it turns me the fuck on. I can’t wait to get him home tonight. Maybe I’ll have to bombard him in the locker room after the game. I’m not sure I can wait until we get home.

  The game is so close. The teams have been scoring goal for goal, we’re just lucky that the Thunder is one up. Poor Tony looks as though he is about to have a heart attack, he’s completely on edge, it’s actually quite funny.

  The crowd roar and I join right in as Logan makes his third goal for the night, making me want to scream at the top of my lungs that he’s my man and none of the needy bitches in the crowd who are constantly throwing themselves at him can have him. That’s right, whores, he’s sleeping in my bed tonight and every other night.

  There are five minutes left on the clock and I have two guys on the bench who need attention but Coach has demanded they wait in the box. It’s crunch time. The boys are up by two and they are exhausted but I know they still have plenty of fuel left in the tanks, even if they don’t, I know they’ll find it somewhere.

  They zoom up and down the ice, at a pace, I still can’t comprehend, like seriously, they’re doing this shit on tiny fucking blades. It’s ridiculous. The arena is in chaos with everyone already on their feet. The game is too close for my liking and anything could happen.

  I watch with wide eyes as Jax steals the puck, only to have it taken straight off him by Miller. He flies down to our goal but Logan swoops in like the hero he is and intercepts his shot only to have it taken straight off him by Tank who shoots straight for the goal.

  The puck sails straight past our goalie and the crowd go wild.

  Shit. This game is getting closer and closer by the second. We’re still one up but with only four minutes left in the game, it could really go to anyone.

  The clock continues its countdown. With Jax, Logan, Tank, and Miller stealing the show, I swear, there are hardly any other players on the table, well, not that anyone notices anyway.

  The boys are continuously up and down the ice, blocking each other’s advances and attempts at the goal. I still hardly understand what’s going on but I know it’s damn good.

  Two minutes to go. The crowd is going nuts and my eyes are constantly flicking back and forth between the clock and the ice.

  A minute left.

  Forty-five seconds.

  Thirty seconds.

  Shit. If I was a nail-biter, I’d have none left.

  Twenty seconds and Logan shoots back up the ice with a look of absolute concentration on his face. The boys all back him up while the opposition race to catch him but he’s too far ahead.

  The whole stadium holds their breath as they watch my man. He brings his arm back, preparing to shoot. The goalie tenses, ready to fly in whichever direction needed.

  Logan strikes and the breath catches in my throat. The stick connects with the puck and it shoots forward, hurtling through the air towards the goal. The goalie dives for it and I throw myself to the boards to get a better look.

  The puck comes through on the other side, slamming into the nets before falling to the ice. The buzzer sounds and the Thunder fans go absolutely nuts.

  There are still fifteen seconds left in the game but we all know it’s over.

  Jax comes barrelling into Logan and they slam their chests together before giving each other a hug. Gloves are thrown in the air and helmets are pulled off as the crowd counts down with the timer.

  The final buzzer sounds and it’s finally over with my boys reclaiming their title as National Champions.

  Confetti cannons are shot up into the grandstands while the rest of the team jumps the barriers to celebrate with the players who just bought the game home.

  I find myself standing on my chair, jumping up and down, cheering for my boys. Fuck. I’m so happy right now, I can hardly contain myself. I’m so proud of them but mainly Logan. I’m so happy for him. This is what he has worked for all year and it’s paid off in the biggest way.

  I’m jumping and cheering so much I don’t notice my man approaching and find myself being hauled off the chair and thrown over his shoulder with his hand firmly on my ass. He takes off into the middle of the ice and shuffles me around so I can see the view he has been looking at all night.

  I look up in the stands and am awed. This is incredible. Confetti falls from the sky as a sea of Thunder jerseys applauds for my boys. “You did amazing,” I tell him.

  “That was the hardest game I’ve ever played,” he admits.

  “And you killed it.”

  Unfortunately, he has to take me back to my seat so they can accept their trophy and talk with the press. I head into my office and grab my bag. I can get through all the paperwork tomorrow. Tonight’s for celebrating.

  I head up into the grandstand and wait with Logan’s family while he finishes everything up.

  Logan finally comes out and instantly draws me into his arms before telling everyone where to meet for the after-game party, which I’m assuming is going to be massive, I just hope I don’t get drugged at this one.

  Logan and I jump into the car and he starts heading toward the Hilton Hotel, in a constant string of comments about the game and how freaking great it was when he turns to me with horror written all over his face. “What’s wrong?” I ask, searching his face for any hint of what’s on his mind.

  “Louie,” he says. “I forgot to put him back in his cage.”

  “What?” I demand as he chucks a U-turn to head back towards his place.

  Panic starts to surge up in me knowing Logan tends to forget to close the windows from time to time. Shit. My baby. I hope he is okay.

  Logan and I have been living together for the last few weeks and it’s been amazing, the only thing Logan struggles with is having a pet to be responsible for. It’s been a challenge for him which I thought he was getting used to, but apparently not. Though, he had the biggest game of his career to date so I guess I can let him off the hook, as soon as I know Louie is safe.

  Hell, Louie is probably flying around the house having the time of his life, swearing at the birds outside.

  We turn down his long-ass driveway and I have to hold in my curses as he drives way too slow for my liking. “You better come in too, it’s a big house, he could be anywhere.”

  “You think I had any intention of actually staying in the car?” I scoff.

  He tries to hold back a grin as he parks the car. We dash up the stai
rs and I wait impatiently as he searches for the right key on his massive keychain, like seriously? Who the hell needs so many keys?

  He opens the door and I practically push past him. “Louie?” I call. “Where are you, you little bastard?”

  I get no response but that’s typical when he’s not in his cage. Logan comes in behind me and walks in the opposite direction. I head upstairs while he stays down. “Louie,” I continue calling.

  “Babe,” I hear Logan calling from downstairs.

  “What?” I call back.

  “I found him but the fucker’s not coming down,” he tells me.

  God, do I have to do everything around here? “Just grab him,” I tell him.

  “He keeps flying away and calling me a bastard,” he says.

  “Fine, I’m coming,” I say as I dash down the stairs. “Where the hell are you?”

  “Lounge room.”

  I head that way and groan to myself. Freaking Louie, he’s such a naughty boy. I step into the dark lounge room. Why the hell hasn’t Logan got the lights on if he is looking for a stupid bird. Am I the only one with brains around here?

  I flip the switch and instantly get a chorus of ‘SURPRISE.”

  I gasp in shock as I stand motionless on the spot. The room is completely crowded with my friends, the team and of course Brendan. Logan stands dead center of the room, down on one knee.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask as he grins up at me from the ground.

  “Shut up and listen,” he demands as chuckles come from all around the room.

  I ignore his demands as I take in it all in. My eyes quickly swivel around and find Jaz who gives me an encouraging smile.

  “Hey,” Logan says. “Eyes down here, babe.”

  I do as I’m told and focus on my man who surprising actually does have Louie, safe and sound, perched on his shoulder. “I love you,” he starts before pulling a little box out of his pocket. “I’ve told you a million times that you’re my world but I want so much more than that. I want to come home every day knowing that you’ll be there, not as my girlfriend but as my wife. You, me and Louie. A Family,” he says as he opens the box to show off a beautiful engagement ring. “Elle, will you do me the greatest pleasure of becoming my wife?”


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