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Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1]

Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  Tears of joy spring to my eyes as I look down at this amazing man. “Are you sure?” I ask.

  He laughs as he looks at me. “I’ve never been so sure in my life.”

  I nod my head as the tears start to fall. I bend down to catch his lips in mine. “Yes,” I murmur against his lips. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Thank god,” He breathes as he grabs me and pulls me down to him. The room erupts into cheers and applause as Logan goes about fixing the white gold, shiny, diamond ring on my finger.

  “I love you, so much,” I smile as everyone starts crowding around to offer their congratulations.

  “I love you, too, babe.”

  We get to our feet and suddenly it’s a massive party. “Wait, don’t we have to get to the Hilton?” I ask.

  “No, babe,” he laughs. “There was no party at the Hilton.”

  “What?” I demand. “It was all a lie?”

  “Damn straight.”

  Wow, my future husband is a liar in the best way and got literally everyone I know to go along with it. I can’t believe this is happening. My whole world was turned upside down when I accepted this job and I’ll never go back. Logan has made me the worlds happiest woman and I’ll never give it up. He’s amazing and I can’t wait to live my life with him and see what the future holds.

  Hell, I can only imagine what little Logan’s would be like.

  I look around me and take in all my friends and to-be family. I know my parents and sister aren’t here anymore but I finally feel like I have it all and it’s all thanks to Logan.

  He’s it for me. I hold his heart and he holds mine. He’s my life. My love. Until the end of time.



  Two years later

  “How’s married life treating you?” Jaz asks as I meet up with her at our favourite café.

  “So far, so good,” I smile. “He hasn’t managed to kill Louie yet, so I guess that’s a good sign.”

  “He better not kill Louie,” she laughs as she goes about pouring water into each of our glasses. “I miss hearing his squawking through the walls every day.”

  “I know but now you have Brendan to listen to.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me,” she groans. “He’s had a different girl over there for the past few days.”

  “Yuk,” I moan. “I didn’t want to hear that.” After I fully moved out of my apartment I decided I really didn’t want Brendan moving with me, I mean, I love the little twat but it didn’t feel right bringing him with me to Logan’s place, even though he insisted Brendan could come. It was about time Brendan had his own space anyway, he’s not a kid anymore and he needed to learn to do things for himself.

  “I think you did,” she demands. “Maybe you can talk some sense into him or at least get him to pick just one of the girls and stick with that one, preferably the blonde, she’s not as… loud.”

  “Jaz,” I groan. “Stop, you’re going to make my ears bleed.”

  We give our orders and I sit back in my chair. The movement makes the little girl inside my stomach kick me in the ribs. “Ow,” I cry as I rub my ribs. “That’s not nice, bubby,” I say to my protruding stomach.

  “She kicking again?” Jaz asks as she flies across the table and places her hand on my stomach.

  “Yeah,” I laugh, moving her hand to the right spot. We both sit silently waiting to see if this baby will kick again but as usual, whenever Jaz touches my stomach, all movement ceases.”

  “Sorry,” I cringe. “I don’t think it’s going to happen.” I’m 38 weeks pregnant and to say it’s getting a little squishy in there is an understatement, I’m just happy it’s almost over. This pregnancy is killing me. Women all over the world are always saying how beautiful pregnancy is but I’m hating it. I can’t wait to get this watermelon out of me.

  “Damn it,” she grunts. “I swear your baby hates me.

  “Yeah, probably,” I laugh.

  “That’ll change when she’s sixteen and her overprotective mother refuses to let her out of her sight.”

  “You stay away from my daughter,” I tell her. “No corrupting is going to be happening in this baby’s future.”

  “We’ll see,” she smiles.

  Our lunch comes out and we make quick work of annihilating it, well actually, I have to eat it in small bites and wait before taking another, otherwise, my stomach gets squished and if the baby moves, I end up throwing it all up. It’s just great.

  I’m paying the bill when my phone starts ringing in my pocket. I pull it out and see Logan’s name flashing across my screen. “Hey, what’s up,” I say as I try to juggle putting my change back in my wallet while using the other hand for the phone.

  “What are you doing?” he questions.

  “I’m with Jaz, we just finished lunch.”

  “Cool, can you come down to the arena? I have a surprise for you.”

  “Ok,” I smile. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  I hang up and pocket my phone before finding Jaz. “You want to come to the arena with me? Apparently, Logan has a surprise.”

  “Sure,” she says as she collects her things off the table. We walk out to my car and jump in. “What kind of surprise?”

  “No idea,” I say as I start up my car. We drive to the arena and soon find ourselves standing by the ice, looking at Logan in confusion. “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “I told you, I have a surprise,” he says.

  “What kind of surprise?” I ask, repeating Jaz’s question from earlier.

  He grins back at me, refusing to say a word as he nods to the entrance. I turn around and see my brother walking through the door with a pair of skates slung over his shoulder.

  A massive smile takes over my face as understanding dawns on me. He’s been walking for the past year now, it started really slowly. He could only take a step or two at a time and it was shaky, to say the least. He then progressed to a few steps at a time with assistance.

  It was my wedding day where he surprised the hell out of me and got out of his wheelchair, threw the walker away and walked me down the aisle. Logan had to catch him at the other end but it meant the absolute world to me.

  He has come further and further ever since, though he started to notice the way I would casually loop my arm through his when he was walking. It didn’t take him long to realise I was only doing it just in case he was to fall. He shut that shit down real fast but seriously, one fall could ruin it all and I’m not about to take that risk.

  “You’re going to skate?” I ask him as he gets closer.

  “Yep,” he says in excitement.

  My hands begin getting all fidgety as the nerves start seeping in. “You’ll stay to the side, right? And hold the barrier?” I ask.

  Logan slips his hand into mine, easily taking away some of my nerves. “Relax,” he tells me. “He’ll be fine. I’ll be with him the whole time, besides, I made a deal with him and I intend to keep it.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask.

  “Remember the night I abducted Brendan from the rehab facility?”

  “Yeah…?” I prompt.

  “I told him if he was to get back on his feet, I’ll have him up on the ice with all the boys.”

  “Shit,” I groan. “All the boys are here. You know he’ll get too excited and take on more than he can handle.”

  “Um… you know I can hear you, right?” Brendan says.

  I ignore him as I face my husband. “He’ll be fine, I promise. It might kill me but I won’t leave his side.”

  “Fine,” I grunt. “But if he falls, it’s on you.”

  “Will you punish me?” he grins.

  I roll my eyes and give in. There’s not a lot I can do about it. He’s been walking on his own for over a year so I should be thankful he’s managed to wait this long before getting back on the ice.

  I take a seat and watch as they lace up their skates and get on. “I can’t watch,” I say to Jaz who’s lookin
g on in awe.

  “You should,” she tells me. “He looks like a kid in a candy store.”

  I look up and just as Jaz had said, he looks absolutely ecstatic and once again, I have another reason to love my husband just that much more.

  They get Brendan comfortable on the ice before the rest of the team get on. I pull the plug when someone suggests getting him a stick and throwing a few pucks on the ice.

  They hop off and I wait for Logan to put his skates away before rushing up to him and throwing my arms around his neck. “Thank you, so much,” I say, squishing my stomach into him to get as close as possible.

  “Anything for you, babe,” he says.

  I reach up onto my tippy toes and give him a kiss when I feel something wet on my legs. I step back from Logan and look down. A gasp comes flying out of my mouth before I look up at my husband. “Logan?”

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I’m really sorry,” I tell him, “But my water just broke all over your shoes.”

  “What?” he asks with his eyes going wide. He looks down and notices the wet patch on the ground, running down my legs and covering both our shoes. “It’s time?”

  “Yeah,” I smile. “It’s time.”

  The end.

  Sneak Peek

  Carter – Denver Royalty (Book 2)

  Chapter 1


  I slide my thong back up my legs as I watch myself in the mirror. I straighten up the golden bridesmaid dress and once again find myself admiring how the dress sits over my petite body. Man, I look amazing. “I love this dress,” I murmur to my boyfriend, Carter as I slide my fingers down the silky material, taking in the feel of the dress on my skin.

  His eyes follow the movement before reaching out and taking my hand in his. He goes about putting himself back inside his pants before coming to stand behind me. He watches us in the bathroom mirror as his hand comes around and mimics my own movements. “You and me both, babe,” he tells me before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my neck.

  “Come on, we better get back out there before they come looking for us,” Carter says.

  I know he’s right, after all, it’s my best friend’s wedding and I’m supposed to be the maid-of-honor, yet something screams at me that there isn’t much honor in screwing her older brother in the bathroom while she’s dancing the night away with her new husband.

  It was worth it though. The guy is dynamite. I’ve never met a man who can satisfy me. Every. Damn. Time. He always rises to the occasion and gives it his all.

  “Do we have to?” I ask, turning around in his arms to look up at those stormy eyes. “I’d much rather head upstairs and do that all over again.”

  His eyes remain on the mirror and I soon feel his fingers running down the exposed skin on my back. “Don’t tempt me,” he murmurs. “Cassie would kill us if she knew we were in here.”

  “I know,” I groan. He takes my hand and leads me out of the room and back into the party. I find my eyes locked on his body. It’s been two years that we’ve been together and yet I still find myself desperately attracted to him. He’s in a suit that fits him so freaking good, well, all the boys are. Carter, Logan and Sean, they’re triplets and each of them looks particularly delicious, well, by that they all look exactly the same but there’s just something about Carter that draws me in, maybe it’s the cocky, don’t give a fuck attitude. It’s sexy-as-hell.

  We’re currently at Cassie and Carter’s parent’s estate and it’s fucking massive. The place is absolutely beautiful with its tree-lined driveway, landscaped yards and its freaking dining hall that’s decked out with wedding decorations, hell the place even has a chandelier. I’m absolutely blown away by how mesmerising this wedding has been but more so, how amazing my best friend looks today. She is nothing short of stunning.

  God, it makes me want this with Carter. We’ve been together for two years now and it has honestly been the best two years of my life. He’s the man I want to spend the rest of eternity with. There’s no doubt about it. He’s my man and nothing could ever change that. I can’t wait to marry him and have a million little Carter’s running around… I just need the ring now.

  We make our way back to the bridal table where Sean is sitting with Sara perched happily on his lap. Carter takes his seat and pulls me into his lap. I fall into him and loop my arms around his neck before turning my face to his and catching those delicious lips in mine. I give him a quick kiss as to not draw attention but the second I touch him, I melt.

  “I fucking love you,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “Love you, too,” I tell him with a smile that threatens to tear my face in two.

  Our moment is ruined as I find my arm being yanked back by a very beautiful bride. Cassie forces both me and Sara to our feet. I grab my glass of champagne off the table and allow Cass to drag me to the dance floor.

  “Don’t wear her out too much,” Carter yells after us. “I need her to have plenty of energy for what I plan to do with her tonight.”

  “He’s so gross,” Cassie whines as she grabs my shoulder and leans on me. I follow her movement down and watch in amusement as she pulls off her heels and launches them across the room, they connect with the wall before dropping to the floor where I’m sure they will stay for the rest of the night. “Where the hell did you disappear to?”

  “Where do you think she went?” Sara says with a knowing look. “Carter was gone, too.”

  Cassie’s eyes turn on me in horror. “You did not sneak off to have sex with my brother during my wedding,” she accuses.

  “I did not,” I say outraged. Relief instantly flashes in her eyes but that’s about to change. “We snuck off to have mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex.”

  “Ugh,” she groans. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “You asked,” I shrug as the waitress comes around with another tray of champagne flutes. I throw back my current glass and make a quick switch for a new, much fuller one.

  “You’re going to have to slow down if you intend on catching my bouquet later,” Cassie says.

  “Please,” I scoff. “I could drink a million more of these and still be bright and chirpy in the morning.”

  “I know,” she sighs. “It’s not fair that you don’t get hungover the same way the rest of the world does.”

  “Hey,” Sara cuts in. “At least you actually get to drink,” she says as she rubs her hand over her perfect little 4-month baby bump. “I would do anything to be able to let loose and have a few glasses of champagne. I already can’t wait for this baby to come out.”

  “I bet,” I say, looking at her baby bump adoringly. “I can’t wait to have a baby. Me and Carter would make the cutest babies.”

  “Geez, slow down,” Cassie says. “Do you realise who you’re talking about here?” She laughs. “Carter is not in the market for a baby any time soon.”

  “Ha,” Sara laughs. “That’s the understatement of the year.”

  “I know,” I tell them. “But a girl can only dream.” It’s no secret Carter is a reformed playboy and the thought of knocking up a girl is scary as hell. He’s not ready. Really, us as a couple are not ready. We’re enjoying what we have but I can’t help but want more.

  I could picture us being the next couple to walk down the aisle, maybe have a few kids a few years after that. Either way, I’m thinking about it and I know it’s what I want and where we’re heading. I can’t wait. Watching that magnificent man running around with a little boy hanging off his legs makes my ovaries explode.

  We’re in the middle of busting a move when Logan comes up and throws his arms over mine and Sara’s shoulders. “Have any of you fine ladies seen my woman anywhere?” he asks.

  “Nope,” I tell him as I finish off my champagne. “But when you find that little hussy, tell her to get her ass on the dance floor. Sara here is slowing me down.”

  “Shut up,” Sara laughs. “If I wasn’t pregnant, I would have drunk you under the table by now.”
  “Impossible,” I tell her as Logan disappears.

  I look over to Carter to find his eyes firmly on my ass and grin that I still have that effect on him. Carter was always the biggest playboy, in fact, he had a nasty reputation for it. I’ve always worried that I wouldn’t be enough for him but he broke down those walls and proved that I could trust him, that I was all he needed in the world. The second we got over that hurdle, magic took over and it’s been that way ever since.

  He’s my absolute world and I wouldn’t have it any other way. His eyes travel up to find mine on his. I hold up my hand and look at him with seduction heavy in my eyes. My finger rolls out and I indicate for him to come and join me.

  He gets up from his chair and slowly makes his way towards me making that familiar, needy feeling known in the bottom of my stomach.

  Fuck, I love this man.

  He stands before me and I crave his touch but the fucker knows just how bad I want it and holds back. He reaches out and touches my shoulder ever so softly with his fingertips. He runs them down my arm and slides his hand into mine, sending shivers all over my body.

  He gives a hard pull and my body instantly falls into his, satisfying that touch that I constantly crave. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs as the music slows. He adjusts his hold on me and falls into a slow dance like the world’s cheesiest gentleman but that doesn’t stop me from going along with it.

  I watch in awe as all the men in the room follow his lead and find their partners. The dance floor quickly fills with couples slow dancing to the music Cassie very carefully picked out.

  I look up at my man and see nothing but love shining down at me. All thoughts of getting busy in the supply closet are gone as we focus solely on being in each other’s arms.

  Carter pulls me in tighter and I rest my head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as we move across the dance floor. Sara and Sean dance beside us and I can’t help but watch them as they focus on each other, locked in their personal love-bubble.


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