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Boundless Fate

Page 14

by Alicia Rae

  Larry reached into his pocket, opened his wallet, and tossed cash down on the table before rising from his seat. “No, it sounds like you’re looking for trouble. It takes some balls to make accusations toward a police officer. I hope you have some evidence to back up your allegations.”

  “Whoa, I’m not accusing anyone of anything.”

  “So you say.” Larry laughed humorlessly. “Do yourself a favor, Colton, and quit stirring the pot. Haven’t you already suffered enough?”

  Melting hot lava of fury boiled in my veins, making my skin feel like it was physically engulfed in flames. I nudged Kyle to let me out of the booth. As the two of us rose to our feet, I looked Larry dead in the eyes. I barely noticed Kyle repositioning himself at my side, tense as fuck.

  “You have no fucking clue what it feels like to have someone come to your home and burn your livelihood to a fucking pile of ashes—risking not only your life, but also your animals’ lives and the life of the woman you love. So, you’d better fucking believe the pot has already been stirred, my man.”

  Damn. I didn’t normally swear so much, but fuck, I was enraged beyond reason. I tried to calm myself, but my body had no intention of obeying.

  Larry’s expression went grave. “I’m truly sorry to hear that, Colton. I wish I could help you, but it isn’t my place to step on another officer’s toes, especially my superior.” He let out a deep breath. “All I can tell you is that if you go looking for trouble, it will knock on your door. So, be wise, and let the law handle it.”

  “Yeah, what a great job that’s doing for me,” I spit before striding to the door with Kyle on my heels.

  I parked my truck at Kyle’s hotel. I reached into my center console and handed a large envelope to Kyle. United Airlines was displayed across the front.

  Kyle eyed the ticket in repulsion. “What the fuck is this?”

  I took my hundredth deep breath since I’d left Jay’s Pub and Grill before releasing it. “I bought you a ticket home.”

  Kyle shoved the envelope back at me. “I’m not going anywhere, man, and you can’t do anything to change my mind.”

  “I appreciate you willing to stay and fight my battles, Kyle. I do.” I lifted the paperwork and held it out to him for a second time, hoping he’d be reasonable for once. “But I can’t ignore the fact that you have a family waiting for you at home in Lake Tahoe, and they need you, too.”

  Kyle’s body tensed. “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you with that crazy fucker on the loose.”

  “Right now, the score is even,” I pondered aloud. “I took back my horse sperm, and Hank retaliated with Sadie.” As I said each word, my hands balled into fists so tight that I could feel my fingernails digging into my skin. “If I know Hank at all, he has to have the upper hand. Right now, he does, so I think the fight will end here as long as I let it be.”

  “And you plan to let him win? Just like that?” Kyle queried speculatively.

  Jesus, could I?

  My instincts told me no. I couldn’t let him get away with what he had done to me. But all solutions led to me being in handcuffs unless I had solid proof to put him behind bars.

  There was no easy way to answer Kyle’s question. Nevertheless, Kyle needed to be with his wife and kids, so I answered, “Yes,” before clamping my jaw tight.

  I hated lying to a man who had taken me under his wing and given me the best friendship a guy could ask for, but I wouldn’t let him fight my war with Hank and put his own family at risk.

  “You’re a shit liar.”

  “No, I’m picking my battles,” I answered, feeling conflicted.

  Walking away was the only way to keep Paige safe. It would indeed make Hank feel like he’d won.

  I shoved the ticket closer to Kyle and reassured him, “I’ll call you at the first sign of trouble, if I need you.”

  We gave one another an intense stare down for several minutes in complete silence. I forced myself to stand my ground. It was the right thing to do.

  Eventually, Kyle ripped the envelope from my grasp and said, “Fine, but I’ll be back with the construction crew as soon as the materials are delivered.” He cocked his head at me. “And just for the record, you really are a stubborn ass.”

  I mirrored his expression until he turned to whip open the passenger door while cussing like a dirty sailor. I laughed and shouted, “I learned from the best!”

  Then, he slammed the door shut.

  AS I PULLED INTO THE DRIVE AND PARKED MY TRUCK, I hung up my phone after having a long talk with Reid Greyson, the fire marshal. I’d informed him of my findings about Eddie, and Reid said he would check into my claims and let me know what he found out. I sighed in relief, hoping I would soon have answers.

  After climbing out of my vehicle, I went in search of Paige. She wasn’t inside the house as I’d anticipated her to be at this hour, so I flew outside and sprinted through the backyard. It wasn’t like Paige to break her routine.

  My heart rate spiked, wondering where she could be, as I assumed the worst. Hank had killed her dog days ago, and it worried me as I deliberated over what else he might be capable of, especially if he had the local sheriff backing him up.

  I skidded in my tracks and heaved in a lungful of air when I caught sight of her in the round pen, safe and sound, with Dazzling Bella, my four-year-old filly.

  I observed as Bella came to a stop on the lunge line. Paige cued her to keep walking, shooing her with the lead rope. The filly snorted and took off into a fast trot.

  “All right, sweetness, you want to challenge me?” Paige smiled fondly at Bella. “We can do it the hard way.”

  Bella snorted again, and I grinned at her sassiness. She was the tough cookie in my herd. But Paige could hold her own, too, so I was curious to see who was going to win the duel in the round pen.

  My gaze landed on my girl. I fucking loved watching her work her magic. Paige was a skilled trainer, and she had a gift when it came to reading a horse’s mind. She had always been able to stay one step ahead and use a firm yet gentle command to get the horse to accept her guidance.

  I was relieved to see Paige solely dedicated on the task at hand, so she hadn’t noticed my presence. Wanting to observe her for a few more minutes while remaining undetected, I ducked my head and crept over to the pasture. I wedged myself between the tall grass and the fence, mindful to keep a safe distance from the hot wires so that I wouldn’t zap my ass with the high voltage.

  I leaned my hip into a wooden post, crossed my left boot over my opposing ankle, and settled in. Pulling a fresh toothpick out of my pocket, I flicked off the wrapper and stuck the stick between my lips while fixating my gaze on Paige. She mesmerized me with her natural ability to expertly handle Bella.

  The filly tried to push the boundaries at every turn, which was typical for where she was in her current level of training. But what left me speechless was how Paige instantly kicked into gear and took a gentle yet assertive charge while making it appear so effortless.

  It brought back old times, preceding the fire and long before Paige’s riding accident with Missy. My face went grim. For so many years, it had just been us, living and breathing what we loved most—horses and one another. There had been no clouds of grief or fear lurking overhead. No one had deliberately sought to hurt either one of us.

  We had just been in our own world, blissfully content in one another.

  At the moment, our circumstances were vastly different. We were being challenged at every turn. I didn’t understand how we’d ended up here, but I was bound to see it through till the end with her by my side. I could picture us growing old together with our love deepening with each passing day. I would never let anything or anyone take her away from me. There had to be another way to keep her safe while in my arms where she belonged.

  I mentally rewound through the last hour, recalling my conversation with Larry. I had no idea how Paige would react to what I’d learned of Eddie’s hand being burned. I knew he was a longtime fami
ly friend, and she might defend him, but I questioned his honesty and loyalty.

  I snapped myself out of my reverie and eyed Paige once again. She was making steady progress to slow Bella from her speedy trot to a walk. I smiled at the two of them.

  Paige shifted her stance to change Bella’s direction. After a few defiant steps from Bella, Paige responded quickly, halting her in her tracks, and then the filly accepted what Paige had asked of her.

  I rose from my position and neared the fence. Paige met my stare with a smile spread across her features. At the same time, Bella took advantage of the distraction and came to a standstill even though Paige hadn’t asked her to stop.

  “You have quite the firecracker over here,” Paige said.

  Laughing, I rested my forearms on top of the metal gate. “Yes, she’s still working on her obedience…and manners.”

  “I see that,” Paige drawled in her sexy Southern accent as she came to me. Bella followed her movements on the lead line. “And you said Foster could be naughty?” she asked wittily. “I think he was a breeze compared to this sweet girl. But that’s okay. Today gave me some good insight on a starting point for her training.”

  I couldn’t hide my shock. She must have been out here the entire time I had been running errands in town.

  My brows rose. “You lunged Foster, too?”

  Paige glanced at her surroundings, seeming genuinely surprised to find herself in the round pen. “Yes, and a few others.” She briefly glanced up at the sky. It was almost nightfall. “I guess I forgot about dinner, huh?” she added on a nervous laugh.

  “I don’t mind.” I reached for her hand and ran my thumb over the top of hers. This was a monumental step forward for her, and I couldn’t be more delighted with her progress. “I’d much rather watch you in action than come home to a warm meal.”

  I could practically feel her emotions emanating out of control within her. Today had to be a roller coaster for her. I was disappointed to have missed it.

  Paige led Bella over to the gate. I opened it for her and gently grabbed the lead rope from her hands. She leveraged her palm on the gate and reached up on her toes to kiss me.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  I could see the tiredness in her eyes as she shifted on her feet. It made me hope she hadn’t overextended herself.

  It was me who was grateful. She’d not only taken the time to help me with my horses when my hours were stretched thin, but without her by my side during the roughest time of my life, I might have found myself walking down a destructible dark path.

  “No, thank you,” I breathed against her. I brushed my lips over hers with tentative soft strokes. I could kiss her all damn day.

  “Mmm…you’re making me swoon, cowboy.” She laughed against my mouth.

  I gently clamped my teeth around her lower lip and tugged before I let go in an unhurried pace. “Then, my life’s mission is complete.”

  She stepped back and shook her head, like she was trying to clear her hazed mind. “So, how about I make us a pizza?”

  I cocked a wicked brow and grinned down at her. “I will gladly take pizza over chopped liver or pig guts any day.”

  “Me, too.” Paige smirked. “I’ll go preheat the oven and meet you inside.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll put Bella away, and then I’ll be right in.”

  After putting away the filly and walking around the perimeter to make sure nothing was amiss, I made a slower second sweep of the background from the concrete patio. I wasn’t taking any fucking chances with Hank.

  Everything around me was undisturbed and quiet, so I went inside and kicked the door shut with my boot. I turned to the left where the keypad for the new alarm system for the house was located, and I entered our four-digit passcode before pressing Activate.

  I let out a deep breath and inhaled the distinct scent of pizza as I removed my shoes.

  “You made it.” Paige smiled at me from the kitchen, holding two paper plates with pizza slices. She closed the distance between us and held out a plate to me.

  I grasped it as I said, “Sorry, I just wanted to check on things first.”

  Paige’s brows furrowed together as her gaze flickered from me to the security system. I’d already instructed her on how to operate it. I knew the concept of needing such protection measures frightened Paige, but I was unwilling to take any risks.

  Sensing her uneasiness rising again, I pulled her to me with one arm and reassuringly kissed her forehead. “Paige, please don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay.”

  She dropped her eyes to the floor. “I know. I just can’t help but feel like our lives have turned into some kind of horror movie.” Her bottom lip quivered. “Where did we go wrong?”

  I tipped her chin up and firmly replied, “We didn’t. I will protect you, and we will get past this—for good.”

  Her only response was a small nod.

  I repositioned my hand on her waist and turned her to face the living room. “Come on. Let’s eat before our food gets cold.”

  Paige sat down on the couch, and I took a seat to her left. The two of us wasted no time in digging into our pizza. The television was off, so the room was quiet. It was nice to have a few moments to get lost in my own thoughts and just sit here with my girl, having nothing to do and no place to be.

  Paige lifted another slice to her mouth and sank her teeth into the soft dough. Once she swallowed, a soft moan of approval left her throat. “Jeez, pizza should be one of our staple foods. Seriously, it’s that good,” she declared.

  I swallowed my bite, too, which had a large scoop of melted cheese on it, before unleashing a boyish grin at her. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

  “Good.” She laughed.

  Paige and I finished our dinner in comfortable silence, and then she set our plates on the coffee table. When she sat back on the couch, I grasped both of her legs and swung them onto my lap. Scrunching up the end of her jeans so that they wouldn’t be in my way, I seized her foot closest to me and began to work my thumbs with a deliberate mild pressure from the tip of her heel all the way up to her toes.

  Paige closed her eyes, and her body lowered down into the cushion beneath her. “Oh God, don’t ever stop,” she pleaded on a hushed whisper, making me smile warmly at her. “It feels so good.”

  “Better than pizza?” I teased as I worked my way up the back of her ankle to her calf, kneading her muscles, loving the feel of my hands on her soft skin.

  “Way better,” she groaned blissfully.

  “Glad to hear, baby.” I chuckled.

  So many questions and reservations from today refused to leave me at peace. Some, I wanted to avoid for a bit longer while others, regarding Paige, I needed answers to, so I decided to approach those first.

  “How did you end up in the round pen this afternoon?” I asked gently, wanting her to let me in.

  Minutes ticked by as Paige opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling while biting her lip in contemplation. “There are many reasons, I guess. The main one was that I was tired of feeling weak.”

  My movements paused at her knee as I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes. “Paige, you are the strongest person I know. Why would you think otherwise?”

  Her shoulders rose and fell on a shy shrug. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m a prisoner to my own fear, allowing it to hold me back from who I am destined to be.”

  My heart splintered at the way she perceived herself. To keep from interrupting her, I shifted to her right leg to massage the pad of her foot.

  She continued to speak, “When you came to tell me you were going into town with Kyle, I saw how torn you were from not having any free time to dedicate to the horses. It was then I realized how much you needed me, an extra set of hands. To live on the ranch here with you, I wouldn’t feel comfortable as anything other than your equal partner.”

  This time, her admission paused the beating of my heart. “You worked the horses today…out of guilt for me
?” I asked, perplexed.

  “No, no,” she adamantly corrected me. “It only sparked the idea of wanting to help you more around the ranch. At least, that’s how it started.” She appeared to gather her thoughts. “But it was really you who helped me today. It finally became clear to me how much I truly missed my passion of training horses, and I yearned to take control of my life again. I want to live my life as the woman I was always meant to.”

  She sat up, climbed onto my lap, and cupped my cheeks, rubbing my soft stubble. Tears brimmed her eyes. “Because of you, I faced my greatest fear today,” she said in between drifting her lips across mine, kissing me.

  Stunned, I barely had time to return her embrace before she drew back and said, “Now, enough about me. I want to hear about your day.” Her palms found their place on my chest where she rubbed them in a circular motion. “What kept you in town for so long?”

  I sighed heavily. I wouldn’t lie to my girl. Paige deserved the truth. She needed to hear it, so she could be on guard, but I wished I could save her from the heartache I was surely bound to inflict with my next breath.

  “After ordering supplies for the buildings, Kyle and I drove around town in hopes of finding Sheriff Reynolds,” I confessed.

  Her hands came to a stop. “Why were you looking for Eddie?”

  I saw the wheels churning in her head as her eyes went wide.

  “You wanted to ask him about what happened to his hand?”

  “Yes. I needed to know the truth.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe you would do such a thing!” Paige nearly yelled as she tried to wriggle herself off my lap.

  My hands grasped her hips, and I held her in place. “Paige, hear me out.”

  “Absolutely not,” she expelled on a rush. Her fingers attempted to pry mine open, so she could get free. “Colton, let me go.”

  “Not until you listen to what I have to say,” I countered.



  She arched her chest at me and threw herself backward toward the floor. I banded my hands around her back in the nick of time to catch her, keeping her firmly in place on my lap.


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