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Boundless Fate

Page 15

by Alicia Rae

  “Are you crazy?” she seethed, shoving at my chest. “He’s a family friend. How could you?”

  I ignored her outburst. “Paige, Officer Quinn told me that Reynolds’s hand was burned.”

  The fight drained out of her, and her face went deathly pale. I silently watched as she wordlessly connected the dots. Gasoline cans had been found on the premises, and I believed Eddie had burned his hand while lighting the fire to my buildings.

  Her chest rose and fell with labored breaths as emotions rippled out of her. I could feel every one of them as they passed with lightning speed. Disbelief, shock, acceptance, disbelief, shock were all on constant repeat.

  “Maybe he burned his hand from something else. He’s a close friend of my father. He wouldn’t do that,” she cried, feebly trying to make an excuse for Eddie.

  In her expression, I could see that she believed me, yet she was holding on to the hope that there was another explanation.

  “Maybe,” I agreed quietly. Caressing her sides with my hands, I tried to put her worries at ease, knowing it wouldn’t be easy for her to accept being betrayed by someone close to her family. “But then, why would he go through the trouble of lying? Quinn told me Reynolds wasn’t involved in the police chase at the gas station either. It was a different officer.”

  At my disclosure of more dreadful details, tears rolled down her cheeks. Paige closed her eyes and hung her head. “This is awful. Of all people, why would Eddie partner up with Hank to sabotage our home?”

  I wondered if Hank had some kind of hold over Eddie, but I had no ground to stand on. I only had a good hunch that Eddie had assisted Hank with the arson damages to my ranch.

  “I don’t know,” I murmured at last.

  “Do you think Eddie played a part in Sadie’s death?” she asked, nearly choking off when she said the name of her dog aloud.

  I wished I had the answers she was seeking, so I could give her closure. Hell knew I needed it, too.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Paige blinked up at me, and the sadness in her eyes disturbed me on a very deep level. I’d felt conflicted at burdening her with all the gory details, but I hadn’t wanted to keep her in the dark either.

  Wanting to make all her heartache go away and distract her from the bottomless pit we’d found ourselves in, I leaned forward and softly kissed her. Then, I rose from the couch, still holding her. “Come on. Let’s get you into a warm bath and tucked into bed.”

  She nuzzled her nose against my neck and yawned. My girl was dead on her feet.

  “Okay, but only if you promise to cuddle with me afterward,” she challenged softly.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I AWOKE TO MY PHONE RINGING on the nightstand. The right side of the bed was empty, and I already missed Colton. He must have already gone out to start his morning chores.

  My back ached in between my shoulder blades from my strenuous work yesterday. I closed my eyes again, not ready to start the day.

  My phone rang again, and I sighed.

  With my face still buried in my pillow, I blindly sought out my cell phone until I grasped it in my fingers and brought it to my ear.

  “Hello?” I answered in a sleepy state.

  “Paige, this is Derek.”

  I scrambled onto my butt, sat up straight in the bed, and facepalmed my forehead. “Hi, Derek. Gosh, I apologize. I’ve been meaning to call you,” I said, scowling into the line at my meager excuse for avoiding him.

  “Is everything okay?” His tone was concerned. “I hate to bother you, Paige, but you’ve missed four appointments and haven’t returned any of my messages.”

  “I’m terribly sorry. Things have been hectic around here,” I explained lightly, sparing him the details.

  “No worries. I understand,” he replied. “Look, I’d really hate for you to go much longer without a session. It can lead to a major regression of your leg injury. Would you be able to come in today?”

  Dread filled me. “Are you trying to tell me missing a few physical therapy appointments is equivalent to, say, skipping a few weeks in the gym?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  I cringed, hoping it wouldn’t be too much of a struggle to get back into the swing of things. I had no clue what Colton was doing today since his side of the bed was empty, and I needed to make a decision.

  “All right, I can be there in an hour if you can work me into your schedule at eleven?” I asked, realizing I’d overslept big time.

  “Anything for you.” The tone of his voice sounded as though he was smiling into the phone. I heard pages turning in the background. “You know how much I like to work you out.”

  My eyes bulged, and my cheeks heated in embarrassment as I prayed his statement didn’t have double meaning. I had a great deal of respect for Derek, and I thought of him as a brother with an added love-hate relationship for pushing me to seek my recovery.

  “Wait, that didn’t come out right,” Derek nearly screeched into my cell.

  I expelled a relieved breath of air.

  “I meant, I love to make you sweat and push you to your limits.”

  I quirked a brow.

  “Wait, I’m not sure that came out any better,” Derek continued. “I meant to say—”

  I cut him off, “I think I get what you’re trying to say, Derek.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Derek sighed in relief. “I don’t want you to think I’m hitting on you or anything.”

  My jaw dropped.

  He added, “Shit! Wait! It’s not that I don’t think you are attractive or anything. It’s just—”

  I rubbed my forehead. “Derek, please, for the love of God, just stop talking before I misconstrue another sentence.”

  “Okay. Jeez, I’m sorry.” He chuckled.

  “Can you please do me a favor?” I asked.

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t quit your job as a therapist and try to write a poem anytime soon. You aren’t the best with words, my friend.”

  “Ha-ha!” He rolled with laughter. “I’ll remember that.”

  “Please do,” I reiterated. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Sounds good. Bye.”

  I stared at my phone in bewilderment, trying to figure out how in the world my conversation with Derek had transpired into such total awkwardness.

  “What are you blushing about?”

  My eyes landed on my cowboy, who was leaning against the doorjamb, looking utterly divine in his jeans, boots, and hat.

  “It was Derek.”

  “Derek, your physical therapist?” he drawled, his face passive.


  He took off his hat and spun it around on his hand, fingering the brim of it. “And Derek’s dropping lines on you that cause your cheeks to turn shades of pink?”

  I recalled Colton’s possessiveness when I’d told him about having a male masseur several weeks ago. It’d led to me being taken up against his living room wall even though I had been teasing because a woman had actually given me a massage. During our younger years, Colton never had a reason to be jealous of a boy because he had chased them off before they had the chance to hit on me.

  Therefore, this conversation could swing one of two ways. I could rile Colton up and stay in bed with him, or I could admit that it was a misunderstanding. As much as I wanted to be ravished, I would be late for physical therapy. Plus, I didn’t want Colton to misinterpret my recovery relationship with Derek.

  Decided, I finally answered, “Colton, Derek simply made a comment that could have more than one meaning, and we were both embarrassed by it. There were no hard feelings. He’s a friend.”

  “I see,” rolled off his tongue. “What time is your appointment?”

  Remembering I had thirty minutes to shower and dress before I needed to make the drive to Murfreesboro, I jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. “It’s in an hour.”

  “Okay.” He began to follow me and turned right into the ad
joining walk-in closet, not saying another word.

  The clock was ticking, so I hastily stripped out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower, shampooed and conditioned my hair, and washed my body.

  When I exited out of the shower, Colton was leaning against the bathroom counter with his legs crossed in front of him. He was wearing a fresh pair of jeans and a black collared shirt. He’d cuffed the sleeves at his elbows. His arms were crossed over his chest as he watched me reach for a towel and dry myself off. The silence and his demeanor were unnerving since it was still morning, and he wasn’t wearing his usual work attire.

  I neared the counter and reached for my hairbrush. “Where are you off to?” I asked casually.

  “Therapy,” he stated without missing a beat.

  The brush fell out of my hand as I spun to face him. “I’m sorry. What?”

  Colton had never gone to any of my appointments, not that he hadn’t wanted to attend. I’d refused to let him go with me.

  Maintaining his composed posture, he rotated his head to meet my gaze. “I’m going with you today.”

  Nerves washed over me. “Uh, no, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Colton, you can’t be serious,” I breathed in mortification. I struggled for air at the idea of him watching me limp around the equipment room and then cry when Derek stretched my leg that was bound to be tight after skipping so many sessions.

  “Why not?” He stood up and faced me head-on. His emotions switched gears, appearing pissed off. “Is this why you never wanted me to go with you? You have a crush on your therapist?”

  He couldn’t be more wrong if he’d tried, and I wouldn’t tolerate his accusations.

  “No, it isn’t,” I answered as I walked off, unable to stand being in the room with him.

  I went straight for my dresser, pulled out a pair of comfy underwear and a hot-pink sports bra, and put them on.

  Colton looked at my bra in disgust. “You know I hate those things.”

  I chose to ignore him as I reached for a tank top and yoga pants. “I do. Maybe I should wear them more often.” I slipped my clothes on and glared at him with a hard stare. “And jealousy doesn’t suit you well.”

  The flash of hurt in his eyes almost made me apologize—almost. But I resisted the urge because he’d hurt me by thinking so little of me, of us, that I’d have some stupid crush on Derek while being head over heels in love with him.

  “See you later,” I told him. I headed out the door, needing my escape.

  On my drive to Murfreesboro for physical therapy with Derek, my phone rang through the speakers as it was connected with the Bluetooth in my car. I smiled when I saw it was my bestie, Ashlee. Since it had been a couple of weeks since I last spoke to her, I was reminded I’d not only failed to keep up with the rehabilitation on my leg injury, but I’d also failed in the friend department, too.

  I clicked the Answer button on my steering wheel while keeping my eyes on the road. “Hey, Ashlee,” I said with a big smile on my face.

  “Hey yourself, stranger,” she teased.

  At her endearment, I felt guilty because it was true. “I’m so sorry I haven’t called you in a while.”

  “I understand. I’ve been running around like a madwoman lately, too. The clock keeps kicking my ass—daily.” She sounded exhausted as she inquired, “Everything okay with you?”

  I was close to my destination, so I only had a few minutes to talk, but I really did have some catching up to do because Ashlee had no clue about the fire at Colton’s.

  “Kind of,” I answered, paying attention to the road. “It’s a bit much to explain on the phone, but what about you? I thought things were going great at the bakery with the new girl you hired? Samantha, right?” I asked.

  When I’d left the bakery and come home to Shelbyville, Ashlee had assured me that she had my workload covered. Now, I wasn’t so sure.

  “Yeah, things at the bakery are great,” she breathed into the line. “I’m extremely grateful to have Samantha. But it’s been a bit hectic recently. I’m in serious need of some girl time before I have an emotional meltdown.”


  I could tell by Ashlee’s tone that she needed me, and so did Colton, but I was determined to help them both. “Wanna have a girls’ date—just you and me?”

  “That sounds rather lovely,” she answered, sounding like she was hustling past people and opening a door. “I’m off tomorrow. Can we do some shopping therapy?”

  I’d have to wake up extra early to help out Colton, so I could leave for a few hours to spend some time with Ashlee. I grinned. “You’re on.”

  “Oh, by chance, has Colton treated you to another gift card to The Willows Day Spa and Salon? Because I could really go for a good massage right about now.” The air left her lungs on a rush, sounding as though she’d plopped down into a chair.

  “No, and I don’t think he’ll ever buy me one there ever again.” I laughed, remembering later that night at his house.

  “Why not?” Ashlee asked.

  I leaned against the armrest. “Because I teased him, saying I had a male masseur, but it led to me being ravished.”

  “Oh, dirty woman,” she purred.

  “I know.” I smirked. “I don’t even feel guilty for lying.”

  She changed gears on me and admonished, “Now, you should apologize, so we can go back there.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think he’d fall for it.” I chuckled.

  “Probably not,” she agreed. “So, where do you want to meet tomorrow?”

  I remembered Colton’s birthday was in two days, and I still had no gift for him. I had no idea what to buy him. He was my simple cowboy and shopped at only a few select stores.

  “How about we meet at Starbucks and then head over to Jane’s Western Leather Store?” I pulled into the parking lot and explained, “I need to find Colton a birthday gift.”

  “Oh, that’s right. His birthday is coming up. What time are you thinking? Around lunch?”

  I would have to help Colton around the ranch first, so I asked, “Ten?”

  “That works for me.”

  “Great,” I replied. I glanced down at my watch and saw I only had five minutes to spare. “I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Don’t be late for our important date!” she joked.

  “Never.” I laughed, smiling. “I’ll see you then.”


  Sighing, I shut off my car and removed my key. As I exited my car and walked up to the doors, my mind reminisced over why I was here. My horse accident last fall had led to several surgeries where I’d had rods and pins placed in my right leg. A large amount of scar tissue had formed in the surrounding area. Since my orthopedic surgeon hadn’t wanted to make another incision to cut the scar tissue out because more could develop in its place, my only option had been to forcefully bend my leg to stretch the scar tissue and increase my flexibility over a duration of time.

  The last time I had been here, my leg had bent to ninety-five degrees. Currently, I’d successfully missed four appointments, which was bound to cause a painful hiccup in my recovery. Today was going to stink donkey nuts.

  Derek had been with me every step of the way, pushing me to take control of my life, so my leg could return to having one hundred percent motion. I had established a love-hate relationship with him. I hated him when he pushed me to make high goals well past my physical limits, and I loved him for it when I kicked my limit straight in the ass and conquered it. Then, I’d hate Derek all over again when he came up with another goal. It was a vicious cycle, stuck on repeat.

  I strolled into the waiting room and completed the self check-in before dragging my feet to the main area of the building.

  “Hey, Paige,” Derek greeted me with his friendly smile, but it contained a nervous edge. “Are you ready to begin our session?”

  Since I needed him to be comfortable with me so that I could accomplish what I was here to do, I
acted like I hadn’t noticed his underlying change in demeanor.

  “Only if you promise one thing,” I said, hoping to break the ice.

  Derek and I always joked around. It was how I could survive him torturing me.

  His brows shot up in surprise. “What’s that?”

  I pointed a finger at him and gave him my stern eyes. “You must take it easy on me today and let me get back in the swing of things.”

  Derek briefly threw his head back, laughing hysterically. It was totally at my expense, but I didn’t care.

  His eyes twinkled with amusement as he replied, “Fat chance of that. We have lost time to make up for.”

  I let my lungful of air out on a whoosh. “I should have known you wouldn’t be practical. Your glass isn’t half empty or half full. It’s overflowing.”

  “Exactly.” He chuckled and tipped his head toward the equipment. “Now, get on the elliptical with the twenty-minute preprogrammed warm-up regimen.”

  I hung my head and ignored the urge to stomp off. “Fine.”

  I climbed up on the machine and settled my feet on the footings before tapping the screen to set my designated workout. Pulling my earbuds and iPhone out of my pink-and-white Victoria’s Secret sweatpants, I slipped the plug into my phone, and then I opened my music app and hit Shuffle.

  I began to move at a gradual pace as I listened to “Come Get It Bae” by Pharrell Williams, letting the upbeat music tempo drown out my thoughts.

  The tension on the footings increased at designated time frames. My muscles screamed in protest, and my lungs heaved for air.

  My irritation and disappointment in myself grew with each full loop I made. I wanted to stop, but I refused to give up. I wouldn’t accept that I’d allowed myself to regress. I’d worked too damn hard this past year to get to where I was today to have any setbacks.

  I stifled my desire to cry in triumph when the timer finally dinged.

  When Derek came up to my side and thoughtfully regarded me, I pulled my earbuds out of my ears and put my phone away.

  “How do you feel?” he asked quietly.


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