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Darkness Surrendered (Primal Heat Trilogy #3) (Order of the Blade)

Page 20

by Stephanie` Rowe

  She dug into Elijah’s pocket and pulled out his cell phone to call the mansion and get help. What if Ezekiel was right? What if she was his sheva? What if that was why he could touch her mind, not because of her connection with Elijah?

  Dear God, it would destroy all of them if it was true.

  It was with trembling hands that she dialed his phone.


  Elijah woke from his healing sleep with Ana sitting astride him, her body erect, shoulders back. She was bracing herself against the headboard with her arms, and her body was trembling. They were back in her room at Dante’s mansion, on her bed. She was still wearing clothes stained with his blood, and he immediately recalled what had happened with Ezekiel.

  He recalled with vivid clarity Ezekiel’s claim on his woman.

  A dark possessiveness swept over him, and he grabbed Ana around the hips. He yanked her down on top of him, kissing her hard, sliding his hands beneath her shirt and palming her bare back. Right here. Right now. He was going to make love to her. He was going to take her and make her his, cementing his connection with her and making sure that no other male ever got near her. Mine, he growled into her mind.

  Yours, Ana agreed, relief evident in her voice, elation lightening her words. Welcome back, Elijah.

  Surrendering completely to his kiss, she collapsed on top of him and kissed him back with a small whimper of pleasure that tightened his groin even more. He could feel her desire, her total embrace of his kiss. Anticipation rolled through him. This was it. Their moment. He was going to take her—

  Something was wrong with her. Her spirit felt weak, her energy fragmented.

  Protectiveness surged through Elijah, and he broke the kiss immediately. He caught her by the shoulders, lifting her so he could see her face. He was shocked by how exhausted she looked, by the dark shadows under her eyes, her cheeks so drawn. Even beneath the natural bronzed tone of her skin, she was pale. There were lines around her mouth, and her throat hadn’t even begun to heal from the self-inflicted wounds. “Hell, Ana. You’re in bad shape.” He brushed his thumb over the bruise on her cheek that was standing out even more now that she was so pale.

  She managed a smile, resting her head in his palm as if she were too tired to support it herself. “You look better. I guess sixteen hours of sleep will cure even collapsed lungs filled with blood.” Her hand went to his face. “You scared me when you slept for so long. I—” She hesitated. “I was so afraid Ezekiel was going to come back. I’ve been working so hard to keep my shields up and yours as well so he couldn’t track us. I hope that was okay; I know you hate having me in your head—”

  “Yeah, it’s okay. Of course it is. You can hit me up any time, sweetheart.” Elijah was touched that she’d worked so hard to keep him safe while he was out, and he didn’t tell her that his shields were at max power when he was in a healing sleep, as part of the Calydon’s natural defenses. “But you look like hell.” He gently caught her around the waist and eased her off him, onto her back on the mattress. Her body was trembling with fatigue under his grasp.

  But the minute her head landed on the pillow, she bounced up to a sitting position, wrapping her arms around her knees. “I can’t lie down.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ll fall asleep.” Her face was so haggard and drawn. “I can’t sleep, Elijah. The illusions will come.”

  “I don’t care. You’re going to pass out if you don’t sleep—”

  “I can’t!” She jumped off the bed, keeping her hand around his wrist. Her body was still shaking. “You don’t understand—”

  “I understand perfectly. I know what the risks are, and it doesn’t matter. You’re more of a danger to both of us if you snap.” He swung his feet off the bed and stood up, pulling her toward him. “And I can’t stand seeing you this strung out. I can’t take it.” He scooped her up, tucked her against his chest, and then stretched out on the bed, propping himself up against the headboard.

  She was stiff in his arms, trying to get him to release her, but there was no chance of that. “Give it up, Ana. I’m stronger than you are.”

  “Damn it, Elijah! Have you completely forgotten—”

  “Hell, no, I haven’t forgotten. I’ll wake you up when they start to come.”

  “That’s not enough—” She cut herself off.

  He tightened his grip on her. “What aren’t you telling me, Ana? For hell’s sake, surprises aren’t a smart thing right now.”

  For a minute, she hesitated, then she sagged against him, clearly too exhausted to resist. “Illusionists were bred to be torturers.”

  “I know.” He managed not to think about how he knew, and the demons stayed quiet.

  “As a result, almost all Illusionists have dark illusions, like my sister. I didn’t, and I thought I’d been spared, but it’s all different now. Not only am I having dark illusions, but—”

  “But what?” He slipped his hand under her shirt and began to rub along her lower spine. The muscles were knotted and tight, even though they were trembling from exhaustion.

  Ana pulled back to look up at him. “There’s something different about mine. When I do them…it’s horrible, but I can feel a part of my soul responding. Each time I do one…I…” she swallowed. “Something inside me comes alive. Like I’m finally acknowledging my true self.”

  Elijah tightened his grip on her, as much for himself as for her. “So, you think you’re going to be an Illusionist who thrives on torturing others?”

  She met his gaze. “Yes.”

  “Impossible. Your spirit is pure.”

  “It’s my heritage, Elijah. It doesn’t matter what’s in my heart. Instincts go far deeper. I can feel it. I asked Grace what her dark illusions are like, and it’s different for her. For her, they are just illusions. For me, they are alive.” She met his gaze, and Elijah saw a lifetime of burden in her silver eyes. “A true Illusionist is one whose illusions are used for offensive purposes, for the sheer joy of hurting someone. Grace’s illusions are dark, but they rise only in self-defense. Mine…I can feel them shifting. I can feel myself changing. I want to use them to hurt Ezekiel.”

  He almost grinned with relief. “Hell, Ana, not only do I want to use my legacy to hurt him, but I plan to kill him with it. It doesn’t make you bad.”

  “It’s different for me.” She rested her palm against his chest, as if she needed the contact with him as much as he did. “The nature of my heritage is such that if I cross that line, I don’t go back.”

  He felt her conviction, and his urge to smile faded. “You’re serious.”

  “It’s my heritage. Every illusion I do takes me closer to that place.” Her hands fisted in his bloodstained shirt. “If I go to sleep, the illusions will come. It’ll make you crazy, and it will turn me into…a monster.”

  He cupped her shoulders. “Listen to me, Ana. I understand what it’s like to be haunted. To live with the knowledge that you could cross that line at any time and never go back. Remember my family?”

  Her eyes softened. “I remember.”

  He grimaced. “I know what you’re facing, and I swear on my life that I won’t let you cross that line.”

  “But how—”

  “The air pressure shifts before you do an illusion. The instant I feel it happen, I’ll wake you up. But if you can get even a few hours, it would help.”


  He cut off her protest, unwilling to allow her to try to be the independent, courageous woman she’d had to be for so long. She had him to help her now, and he wasn’t going to let her turn him down. “And if the illusion comes, and if you start to cross that line, I’ll stop you.”

  She managed to look skeptical, despite her exhaustion. “How would you stop me? You’ll be insane.”

  “I won’t let it get that far.” He let her see the determination in his eyes. “Trust me, Ana. I will stop you. I won’t let you lose your soul, because I know how much it sucks and I won’t let
it happen to you. I won’t.” He rubbed her shoulders, trying to loosen her muscles. “You have got to sleep, sweetheart. We have no choice. You’re too dangerous without it.”

  Her eyelids were beginning to get heavy, and her body was nestled snug against him. He knew the heat from their joined bodies would be tough to resist. He brushed a kiss over her forehead as he continued to rub her back, easing away her tension. “Didn’t you hear Ezekiel, Ana? He believes you’re his sheva. If you really are, he’ll be unable to stop himself from coming after you.” He slid his hands down her shoulders and clasped her hands. “You heard him. He doesn’t want to kill me, but if he uses you to make me go crazy, then he doesn’t need to. He might try to use you to take me out of the competition, Ana.”

  She paled. “He already knows about your vulnerability, that you’re susceptible to illusions.”

  Elijah nodded. “We showed it to him, clear as day. We can’t afford to have your defenses down. He’s coming back for us both, Ana. It’s just a matter of time. We have to be ready.”

  She groaned. I can’t sleep. But her voice was so weary.

  He kept his voice calm and unconcerned, as if their very lives didn’t depend on her sleeping. You don’t trust me?

  There was silence for a moment. I do trust you. I trust you with my life.

  Then go to sleep. I won’t let the illusions come.


  I know the costs if I fail. I won’t fail. He tucked her head against his chest and wrapped his arm around her. Sleep, little one. I’m watching over you.

  She sighed, and he felt it the minute she gave up the battle, the instant she handed their safety over to him. Her body nestled tighter against his, and her breathing became even as she fell into the sleep she so desperately needed. He pressed his lips to her hair, his throat tightening at the fact she trusted him with both their lives.


  The word rang in his mind, setting off an alarm. He lifted up her arm to look at it. And there it was, creeping down her arm, another silver line. She’d trusted him with her darkest secret, with keeping her from succumbing to her worst nightmare, and it had bound them even tighter, completing the other half of the trust stage.

  They were halfway there: trust and the blood bond were completed. His half of the death stage was done. All that was left was sex, her half of the death stage and his weapon coming to her aid.

  But Elijah had a feeling it wouldn’t take full bonding to suck him into her mind enough for her to take him out. Already he was sensitive to her slightest thoughts in that direction. Not that he cared. After that scene with Ezekiel, he was damned pleased to tighten the bond with her.

  He would not allow Ezekiel to claim her. No matter what. She was his. Period. He rubbed his thumb over the marks, well aware that tightening the bond would bring him into closer contact with the illusions trying to take over her soul. Damned if they tightened the bond. Damned if they didn’t. Hunted by Ezekiel either way. Quinn. Gideon. We’re in trouble. Get in here.


  Vaughn gunned the engine as he drove up over the crest of the steep incline, then he hit his brakes at the sight of the clay walls rising in front of him. A good forty feet of solid reddish clay reaching up to the sky. No windows. No doors. Just clay.

  His gut hardened at the thought of Drew trapped in that isolated darkness. He slammed the truck into park and jumped out, going down as his legs gave out on him. Even the eight hour drive hadn’t given him time to heal. What the hell was going on with his body?

  He summoned his strength, then willed himself to his feet, staggering slightly. He shuffled across the parched earth and let himself collapse against the clay wall. It was solid and hard, and it seared his cheek where it touched his bare skin. “Drew! Can you hear me?”

  There was no response.

  Vaughn slammed his foot into the wall, and it bounced off. What the hell? He frowned and rapped the wall with his knuckles, and they bounced off as if it were rubber.

  Vaughn? Is that you?

  Drew! Vaughn sagged with relief at the sound of Drew’s voice. You doing all right?

  There was moment of silence, then, I’m not sure.

  Adrenaline raced through Vaughn, and he pressed his hands against the clay, as if he could shove his way right through it to Drew. What does that mean?

  There’s something weird going on with me. I can do stuff I couldn’t do before. I have thoughts I didn’t have before. Not good ones, either.

  Vaughn swore and slammed his fist into the wall, and it bounced off. Frustration rang through him. How was he supposed to get through there? Of course you do. You’re trapped in a hell hole. He saw a hole in the clay, as if someone had started to dig it out. He tapped his finger against it, but it, too, was protected.

  He stepped back and surveyed the prison, assessing it for weakness. The only thing he could see was that divot in the wall. Do you know how that divot occurred?

  Where is it? Touch it.

  Vaughn laid his hand over the hole in the wall and sensed a rise in the clay’s temperature. Is that you, Drew?

  I can feel you. Drew’s relief was audible. This is where Elijah was standing. He must have made the hole. He was quiet for a minute. I felt him calling on Ezekiel through their blood connection. That’s when I started having…um…thoughts that weren’t mine.

  Elijah? Vaughn rolled the name around in his head. Isn’t he the one who betrayed the Order and then was murdered?

  Yeah, but it was all a mistake.

  Vaughn snorted softly. It seemed to him as though the Order made a lot of mistakes when it came to protecting their own. Drew was young and desperate for an identity, so Vaughn could understand why he was trying to believe in the legacy of his birth father, but Vaughn was a couple hundred years older than Drew and he’d flirted with death enough times to be a little more cynical. Whatever the Order once was, it wasn’t that any longer. Not since Dante died, at least.

  Vaughn tapped his hand over the hole again, concentrating on the feel of Drew’s presence. The wall is definitely thinner here.

  I think you need to get Elijah and have him use his bond with Ezekiel to break down the wall.

  Perhaps. Vaughn tapped again, concentrating on his connection with Drew. Or perhaps, all it takes is a blood bond with the person inside. He has that with Ezekiel, right?

  But we don’t have one.

  Vaughn grimaced. We do, actually.

  There was silence. You’re not my biological dad.

  No, but in order for my clan to allow me to give you my protection, I had to make you mine. I did a blood bond between us when you were nine months old, the day your mother died.

  Your clan? You don’t have a clan. You won’t even tell me what you are!

  Vaughn sighed, knowing that there were so many secrets he’d kept hidden for so long. I have a clan. And they’ve all been protecting you since you were born.


  Vaughn grimaced at Drew’s shock, felt the boy’s betrayal. We are sworn to secrecy, Drew, even from you.

  You’ve been lying to me all these years? I trusted you!

  Vaughn’s heart broke at the anger he heard in Drew’s voice. He felt Drew begin to withdraw emotionally. He swore and dug his fingers into the wall, trying to hold onto the only son he’d ever had. I love you, Drew. I swear on my life I’ve done everything in my power to treat you as my own son. I know you’re angry, but you have to trust me. Let me open the bond between us. Maybe I can break through the protection the same way Elijah did.

  There was silence, and he felt Drew’s anger, the impulsive, emotional response of youth, of a kid who’d grown up without a mother or an identity. Vaughn hadn’t known the kid was Calydon until Drew had the dream and woke up with brands on his arms. Vaughn had hoped…hell…he’d prayed that he’d be able to bring Drew over into his clan when he came of age, but once he’d been identified as Calydon, there had been no chance. No conversion could occur between races. Only a human could
be brought over, humans with a bond to one of his kind. Vaughn had done everything right: he’d laid all the groundwork, taught Drew things the boy didn’t even realize he was learning, and he’d lost it all the night the kid had had the dream and come into his powers as a Calydon.

  Damn it! He couldn’t lose him now! Vaughn’s grief welled up, and he slammed his fists into the wall. You’re my son, damn it! Talk to me, Drew!

  Drew’s coldness sent a miserable shiver down Vaughn’s spine. Did you kill my father because you were threatened by him?

  Vaughn swore and slumped against the wall. Hell, no, Drew. I would give you anything you want, and if you wanted Dante, if Dante made you happy, that was enough for me. But he remembered the day when Drew’s biological father had walked in their door and he’d seen the instant connection between them. He’d felt like his world had fallen out from beneath him and shriveled into nothing.

  Vaughn had tried to believe there’d been room for both him and Dante in Drew’s heart, and he’d never felt a distance with Drew…not until now. Their connection had always been tight no matter what. Drew had never rejected him like that, never accused him of anything but being there for him—

  Vaughn lifted his head suddenly, recalling Drew’s words that he was having thoughts that weren’t his. Drew. Do you feel like yourself right now, or do you feel Ezekiel’s presence in your mind?

  Again, silence.

  Drew! Talk to me!

  I don’t know, Vaughn. The bluster had gone out of Drew’s voice again, making Vaughn sigh with relief. I…I don’t know.

  We need to get you out of there. Vaughn stepped back from the wall and held his arms out to his sides. Embrace our connection, Drew. Your love for me. Tap into my blood that’s circulating in your veins. Know that a part of me is inside you and tap into it.

  The connection between them hummed with sudden power, power beyond what Drew should be able to generate, and Vaughn realized that Drew really was something more than he used to be. Something more than he was even after he had become a Calydon. Ezekiel was truly a part of him. For a fraction of a second, Vaughn hesitated. Was it a mistake to free Drew?


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