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Playing With Fire

Page 13

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m going to fucking kill him.” Rys stood so forcefully the chair he was sitting in was pushed back and skittered across the wooden floor.

  “Calm down.” William was standing now as well, trying to get a clearly furious Rys to stay calm. “There is nothing we can do.”

  “Like hell there isn’t anything we can do.” Rys started pacing the length of the living room, his hands running through his hair over and over again. “I’m going to beat his fucking ass until they have to take him away on a damn stretcher.”

  Shit, this is so not good. “Rys, please, calm down.” At her words he stopped and stared at her. “I didn’t tell you this to piss you off, although I should have known that it would upset you. I’m sorry for that, but I’m glad it’s out in the open. Now we can move on without this hanging over our heads.”

  “Baby, this has nothing to do with you. I am the one that got pulled into this, which in turn had you and Will catching the backdraft of it all.” He moved until he was in front of her and cupped her cheek. “But, baby, I will kick Trevor’s ass, not just for the shit he pulled with Christa, but the shit he pulled with you.” William came to stand beside Rys and pushed his brother aside so he could embrace her. His face was buried in her hair, and he inhaled deeply.

  “God, sweetheart, I missed you so damn much.” He pulled away and stared into her eyes. “Rys is right, though. Trevor has this ass-beating coming. We weren’t nearly finished with him at Rowdy’s.” William bent and pressed his lips to hers, murmuring his love for her. Rys pulled her away and did the same.

  Jane didn’t go home. Instead, she spent the night wrapped in their arms, making up for three weeks lost.


  Jane walked into Rowdy’s. The music and dim lights instantly altered a person’s senses. She was looking for one person, and when she spotted her in the midst of a thick group of college-aged kids, probably still on summer break from the university in the neighboring city, Jane headed straight forward.

  She was pissed that Christa thought she could do this to them and get away with it. To screw with people’s lives because the fantasy world she had concocted with a douchebag hadn’t panned out was not acceptable. No, Jane wasn’t about to let that happen. She stopped in front of Christa’s table, but no one realized she was there for several long seconds. Christa giggled as she ran her hand along the arm of some fresh young guy. He looked like he belonged on the cover of Abercrombie & Fitch, not hanging out at Rowdy’s with Lynyrd Skynyrd playing in the background. What kind of person, a soon-to-be-mother, hung out at a bar flirting with random men? It took her a moment but finally Christa turned her head toward Jane and glowered. The bar was packed with a lot of regulars but also some newbies crammed inside taking the night off to relax.

  “What the hell do you want?” Christa crossed her arms, pushing her ample breasts up to spill over her barely-there tank top. It was no surprise that Christa wasn’t wearing a bra.

  A lesser woman might have cowered over the look Christa was directing her way, but Jane cocked her shoulders back and returned the stare. This was her life and no one, especially Christa Martine, who had no right to judge others, was going to intimidate her.

  “I want you to admit that you’re a lying bitch.”

  Christa’s lip curled up. “What the hell are you talking about?” She stepped around the group of guys to stand a few feet from Jane. “And don’t call me a bitch, bitch.”

  Jane refused to back down. “I want you to admit to everyone that you lied about Rys being the father because you and I know that you were lying.” For one tiny moment Christa looked startled, but that shifted to anger.

  “I’m sorry that you don’t get to keep your little threesome, but it is what it is. Rys is the father, and you’re just going to have to get used to it. He’ll come around, and when he does, we will be a family. There isn’t anything you can do about that.” She looked smug as hell, and Jane wanted to smack the look off her face.

  Obviously this was going to take a little more coaxing on Jane’s part. “I think, in your best interest, you’ll just admit the truth.” The guys around the table were staring at them intently. Christa took a step forward and that was when Jane smelled alcohol on her breath. A sadness washed through Jane at the thought that the innocent child growing inside Christa was suffering. “Christa, you have a baby inside of you. The life you’ve been leading has to stop. Think about your son or daughter.” She didn’t mention the drinking because she knew Christa knew exactly what she was referring to. A red hue coated Christa’s face, and she reached out and pushed Jane. The crowd was thick, so Jane didn’t have much room to fall backward.

  “Catfight!” some idiot hollered.

  As if that one word had the power to stop a freight train, everyone around them stilled, and the noise lowered. Good, this was what Jane needed to get her point across. “Free Bird” played loudly and clearly, and Jane looked over her shoulder at the bar. Brooklyn dried his hands on a white rag slung over his shoulder and nodded at her.

  “Christa, please, I’m asking you nicely to just admit the truth. No one blames you. We all understand life is hard, and sometimes you have to do what you have to do.” Oh, Jane was pissed, but she understood desperation, and it was clear Christa was desperate. She just shouldn’t have fucked with the men in Jane’s life.

  “You know what, Jane? Rys and William deserve a lot better than a piece of white trash like you.”

  Okay. It was clear Christa wasn’t going to do this of her own accord, so it looked like Jane was going to have to go to Plan B. Jane looked behind her and nodded at Brooklyn, who in turn pulled out his cell and disappeared in the back room. Nothing was said for several long minutes, as if they expected Jane and Christa to start a full-out brawl right in the middle of Rowdy’s. The front door squeaking open had everyone turning and staring as Rys and William dragged Trevor inside. The twins flanked Trevor, and Jane’s throat clogged when she saw the split lip, swollen eye, and trickle of blood coming from Trevor’s mouth.

  They led him over to the makeshift stage that housed karaoke on Wednesday nights and live bands on the weekends. Brooklyn and Jaxx were already standing on the stage, a microphone in Brooklyn’s hand. Rys and William hauled Trevor up and pushed him toward Brooklyn, who held out the microphone. Trevor glanced at the four big men surrounding him and begrudgingly took it. The music had ceased, and everyone in the bar was watching the spectacle. Jane glanced at Christa, saw her frantic look, and almost felt a twinge of sympathy for how things were going to play out. Almost.

  When Trevor didn’t say anything, Rys nudged him with his shoulder. A fierce look was on William’s and Rys’s faces, and although she didn’t like the fact they had beat the shit out of Trevor, deep down inside she knew that no matter what she said or did, it was bound to happen. Jane saw Trevor glance at Christa and wondered what was going through their minds at that moment.

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this,” Christa hissed at Jane between her teeth. “Mortifying me in front of half the town is bad enough, but now you have to bring Trevor up here so he can call me a slut too?” Jane looked at Christa and expected to see sadness, or maybe even remorse, but what she saw was bone-deep hatred.

  “All I wanted you to do was tell the truth. You consciously accused another man of fathering your child when you knew it wasn’t his. You had no problem ruining others’ lives, and maybe if I saw a bit of remorse for your actions, I could feel some kind of sympathy toward you, but I don’t.”

  Christa muttered a derogatory name, but she had already turned her body toward the stage. For as quiet as it had become, Jane was surprised crickets weren’t chirping in the background.

  “I—” Trevor licked his lips and cast a weary glance at Rys and William. Both of her boys crossed their thick arms across their equally thick chests and waited for Trevor to continue. He opened his mouth and told the entire bar his dirty little secret.

  When he was finished spilling it, everyone was
either staring at Trevor with slightly open mouths or casting stares at Christa who looked embarrassed and furious. A lot of whispers were filtering around the bar, and Jane knew Christa was feeling the ridicule that Jane had once felt.

  “Can you believe she’d do that?

  “I can’t believe she would try and trap Rys like that.”

  “Wasn’t she just drinking a beer?”

  The comments went on and on until Christa pushed her way out of the bar. Trevor followed after her, his head down in shame as he passed everyone. For several long minutes, no one did anything but stare at everyone else. Then, as if the entertainment for the night was over, the music started back up, and everyone resumed talking. Rys and William hopped off the stage. Everyone cleared out of the way until they were standing right in front of her. She looked from one to the other, and, like there was no one else in the room, they each wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in tight. She knew people were watching, but she didn’t care. Standing on her toes, she kissed William on the mouth and then did the same to Rys.

  “Thought they might put up more of a fight,” Rys murmured against her mouth, and she nodded.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” William claimed her mouth next, and she melted into him. With everything else around them falling into nothingness, Jane finally told the world to fuck off.


  One year later

  Jane still couldn’t believe that a year had passed since she had reconciled with Rys and William. A lot had happened in those twelve months, some bad, but most good. Her mother had been seeing a therapist to work through the problems that concerned her father. She had finally realized that Charles Silver hadn’t been the man she had initially grown to love. She had been dependent on him, and he had been like a sponge, sucking up everything that was good about her. After months of speaking to someone and working through her problems, she was starting to make progress, working through her issues to the point that she was able to see the positive side of a life that didn’t include Charles. They hadn’t heard anything from her father in years, and Jane hoped it stayed that way. Their life had changed for the better.

  Jane had finally told her mother what had happened with her father. There had been a lot of tears, a lot of self-blaming on her mother’s part, but they had eventually worked through it, were still working through it. It was still a rough road, but Jane and her mother were realizing that neither had been to blame.

  Missy had left Trevor after the whole pregnancy situation, and Jane was glad that she had made the decision. After their conversation in Jane’s car, things had been different between them. Missy realized that Trevor had just been dragging her down. She was enrolled in school, studying to be a social worker. Christa had delivered a healthy baby boy, and for a while there Jane thought she had gotten her life on track, but when Christa was caught drunk in the car with an inebriated Trevor driving, ChildWelfarehad gotten involved. Last Jane heard, the baby was with Christa’s mother and father while she was getting help. Trevor, on the other hand, had been arrested and was spending some much needed time in a minimum security prison. Apparently he had several out-of-state warrants for alcohol related offenses.

  Jane dried the last plate and stacked it in the cupboard. Two strong arms wrapped around her, and she leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being loved. She knew instantly that Rys held her from the rich, masculine undertones of his cologne. He swept her hair away from her neck and started a slow caress of his lips and tongue on her throat. All she could do wastilt her head to the side and absorb the pleasurable assault.

  “Come to the bedroom, baby.” The way he said the words held a note of darkly wicked intent. He had no intention of going to sleep, but that was quite all right with her because she didn’t want to sleep either.

  “You want to go take a nap?” She couldn’t help but smile even though he couldn’t see it. It was just too fun to tease him. He nipped her flesh and growled. Arms tightening around her middle, Rys started walking them backward toward the bedroom. She let the towel slip from her fingers and let him drag her back. His mouth was still on her throat and his hands rubbed small circles on the exposed skin of her belly. Jane started feeling the tendrils of arousal seeping into her and settling in the junction between her thighs.

  Rys’s bedroom door opened behind her. A moment later Rys spun her around and kicked the door shut. Her breathing becoming labored, Jane closed her eyes and let the sensations wash through her. “Where’s William?” The words were thick as syrup, and she had to force them past her lips.

  “Working late.” Muffled words vibrated against the back of her neck as Rys’s mouth made slow work across her body. “Don’t worry, baby. He’ll be here soon enough, and then we’ll really have some fun.” He made quick work of removing their clothing. “Go on, lie on the bed, and let me see that sweet little cunt.”

  Her breath stalled at his words. Climbing onto the bed, she lay on her back, and without taking her eyes off his, she gripped behind her knees and pulled her legs to her chest. They had done this before, and the submissive act was highly arousing. Just seeing him watch her, his eyes trained on her exposed pussy, had everything inside of her tightening. Yes, these were the times she looked forward too.


  Rys’s mouth went dry, and he licked his lips, trying to draw enough air into his lungs. His Jane was laid out flat on their bed, her body gloriously naked, and her legs drawn up to her chest. The soft pink lips of her cunt were lightly parted, showing the tiny opening into her body and her little clit peeking out from its hood. His cock gave a mighty jerk, growing hard. He was unable to pull his eyes away from her, unable to think clearly when every part of her was exposed to him.

  “That’s it, baby. You listen so well, please me so much.” Rys was a dominant man by nature, and although he tried to tame his baser urges to have her submit to him, there were some times seeing her like this had every part of him wanting her to give it all up. He didn’t expect to tie her up, have her call him Sir and only speak when spoken to. Well, not all the time at least. They had done some of those, and he had slowly eased her into what he liked. She had given him so much, bared her body and soul to him, and because of it he would give her the world. Jane Silver was theirs.

  “Touch yourself, baby. Reach between your thighs and finger yourself.”

  She listened so well, did exactly what he said without any hesitation. Seeing her finger slide through her wet folds and push into her pussy had his shaft growing even harder. Already he felt like he was going to explode, and he hadn’t even gotten into her yet. Memories of her sweet little pussy gripping his cock, milking him until he came so hard he feared he would pass out, assaulted him. A groan left him, and he crawled into the bed with her. Her pussy was heavenly, but tonight he wouldn’t be fucking her there. He heard the front door opening and closing and heavy footfalls made their way to the bedroom. William pushed the door open and stood there, his gaze immediately seeking out Jane. Rys and Will looked at each other and, without saying anything, Will started stripping.

  When he was nude, he walked over to Jane, who had watched him undress, and lay in front of her. His twin attacked her mouth, and Rys settled on kissing her bare shoulder while his hand trailed down her side. Her ass curved toward him, as if she knew exactly where this was going. They hadn't done double penetration yet because they both thought it would be too much for Jane to handle, but she had been the one to ask for it and they weren't about to deny her. The lube was already in his hand, and he spread some on his finger before tossing the tube away. He knew she was wetter than hell, but she was going to need all that lubrication to take his brother into her sweet pussy. Continuing to kiss her shoulder, Rys slipped his fingers between her cheeks and ran the lubed digit over her puckered hole.

  “Bear down for me, baby. Let me get your ass nice and wet for my cock.” Instantly she did as he asked, and he penetrated her, letting his finger slide deep inside of her and nearly
groaning when the inner muscles of her rectum clenched down on him. “That’s it, Jane. God, yes.”

  Thrusting his hips forward, he started dry humping her as he fucked her ass with his finger. He added another one, and then a third, stretching her wide, preparing her for his thick cock. “Straddle Will, baby.” He placed his hand on the middle of her back, urging her into position. Will and Jane broke their kiss, and she swung one leg over his brother’s hip. Rys sat there and watched as the woman he loved grabbed his twin and positioned him at her pussy. In one move she covered Will’s cock. Both of them groaned, and Rys couldn’t wait any longer. Moving behind her, he spread her ass cheeks wide and groaned when the tight, pink hole of her anus came into view. Will and Jane started kissing again, the sound of their wet lips moving together adding an eroticism to the deliciously wicked thing they were about to do.

  He placed the tip of his cock at her asshole and told her to bear down again. Pushing into her, Rys gritted his teeth and tensed as the tightness of her body encased him. Heavy panting surrounded him, but he didn’t know if it came from him or Jane. Her tight, hot little body took all of his hard inches. When he was fully inside of her, he gave her a moment to adjust to his size. He tore his eyes from where his shaft was buried and looked at Jane. Her head was bent, resting on Will’s chest. His brother’s eyes were closed, his jaw clenched tight. He knew damn well how hard it probably was for Will not to move inside of Jane. Her pussy was just as sweet as her ass. Rys pulled out slowly, watching his wet dick leaving her tight hole. When just the tip was poised at the entrance of her anus, he slowly, almost torturously, pushed back in. The skin surrounding his erection was stretched wide, trying to take all of his girth. Groans left him uncontrollably and a light sheen of sweat coated his chest from the strain of not plunging in and out of her. When he bottomed out in her, Will started to pull out. Jane held onto Will’s shoulders, bracing herself as they fucked both holes. When Will pushed back in, Rys pulled out. Their movements were perfect, one pulling out while the other pushed in. Over and over they fucked her, picking up speed until the sounds of sloppy sex and pleasure-filled moans and curses rang through the air.


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