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Ecstasy, Colorado, a town full of beauty and secrets...Jane Silver has a past that rivals horror stories, but she prevails, because with the Holden twins by her side she knows she can get through anything. The only problem is she loves not one brother, but both.Two brothers in love with the same woman...William and Rys Holden, twins, have been in love with Jane since they were young. But the brothers know she deserves so much more than what they can give her. With one brother reserved and the other the town playboy, a platonic relationship is the safest for all of them. But soon the three are involved in a love triangle with no intent on stopping. When a scandal threatens their newfound relationship, the brothers will do anything to make sure nothing stands in the way of claiming Jane Silver as theirs.Be Warned: menage sex (MFM), anal sex, light bondage, public exhibition