Book Read Free

Falling Hard

Page 16

by Shelly Bell


  I held the camera out to snap a picture of us against the setting sun. He took it from me, positioning me before taking a few. I did the same to him until the darkness claimed the day.

  “What else, baby?” he asked, pressing his chest against my back. His strong arms encircled me. I could feel the flex of his muscles even with the uniform.

  “What else what?”

  “What else would we do in the summer?”

  “There’s a field not far from here. We could have a picnic. You should see the flowers that bloom there.” I bit my lip because he would see them next year. I wouldn’t. I kept going, my breaths materializing physically in the cool air. “There are roses and hydrangeas and…”

  “Lilies? Are there lilies?”

  “Stargazer lilies. Do you know what those are?”

  He shook his head.

  “They look like pink stars bursting open. They’re lovely.”

  “Are they tall?”

  I tilted my head back, eyeing him curiously. “Not really. Why do you ask?”

  “Cause I want to know if we can fuck in that field without being found out.”

  I spun around, facing him. He feigned an innocent look while I stabbed my finger against his chest. “I can’t believe you transformed my beautiful fantasy into soft-core porn.”

  James leaned his forehead against mine, his mischievous smirk causing my panties to dampen. “There is nothing soft-core about me. Besides, your fantasy was making me grow a vagina.”

  I stared at him for a second before breaking out into a full-on laugh attack. I think we laughed hard enough to wake the sun back up.

  His hand shifted to my lower back. He bent his mouth close to my ear. “I don’t know a damn thing about flowers, but I can tell you without a doubt there is no lovelier Lilly than the one I’m holding.”

  Okay…so that just happened.

  Before I could respond, he moved he moved his mouth toward mine. My reflexes weren’t as sharp as normal, but I managed to press my hand against his lips. “You can’t kiss me, James. Not here.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why the fuck not, Lilly?”

  “There is a legend that says lovers who kiss on this bridge will be bonded for life.” I backed away from him. “I think we have enough crap going on without tempting the fates.”

  His laugh died when he saw my stern, serious expression. “I don’t believe in curses and myths…”

  “Not myth, a legend.”

  “Same diff. But I agree, it would be foolish of us.” Even as he said it, he was inching closer, closing the gap I’d made between us.

  I took a step back. “Behave.”

  “Kiss me good-night, lover. I want to fall asleep with the taste of you on my tongue.”

  Note to self: boys who took English lit could melt a girl’s panties right off.

  “I won’t.” I jabbed my thumb toward my apartment. “I’m going this way. And you go the other way, back to your place.”

  “I’m gonna walk you home.”

  I started walking backward. “I’m right past the bridge. I’ll be fine. I’ll text you when I get home.”

  “It’s dark.”

  “The lampposts are on. Good-night.”

  He shook his head, watching me as I got farther away.

  “Go,” I yelled.

  “No. I’ll stand on this spot and wait for my kiss.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long time.”

  “Good thing I’m a patient man then.”

  “I need you to go.” My voice sounded forced and angry…angry with myself because I fought my own body with each step.

  He didn’t move, not even an inch.

  Didn’t he realize how hard this was? So what if he didn’t believe in curses and spirits and legends? I did. If not kissing him on this bridge would make things easier for me then why couldn’t he just let me have that? I turned, almost running the rest of the way. I was about to step off the bridge onto the pavement when I heard his voice, soft and wistful like the wind itself.

  “I want to be with you tonight. I thought a night away from you would do us good…do me good. But I can’t, Lilly. I’m going to let you go when the time comes. But tonight is not that night. Don’t say good-bye…not yet. Please angel, come back and kiss me.”

  Something broke inside of me. I pivoted. He took the first step. I took the second. It wasn’t long before we were running. I jumped into his arms like I did after I’d gotten used to a partner and had a strong level of trust. He caught me as if he’d trained for the moment. My legs wrapped around his hips as my arms swung over his shoulders.

  He paused, searching my face for permission.

  “Fuck fate,” I whispered.

  He smiled his charming, completely disarming smile. “I’d rather fuck you, Miss Franklin.”

  James crushed his mouth against mine. There was something hungry and primal about us in that moment. The wind blew wisps of loose hair around my face. He tangled his fingers through it until he had a handful. He twisted my locks, yanking my head back until I stared at his face. His lips ran the length of my neck, until they hovered just above my ear.

  “I’m gonna kiss you all night until my lips own the memory of your perfect body.”

  “Okay, sounds like a plan.”

  His laughter vibrated on my skin. We made out on that bridge until our lips were chapped and the wind howled at us to leave. He took my hand in his. I never wanted him to let go.

  Chapter 12


  I wanted our last night to be perfect. Yesterday, I drove Lilly to visit her parent’s grave. She’d planned to go alone, but no way in hell I’d let my girl get on a bus for a three hour ride by herself. She’d tried to hide her emotions to the point of being distant. That’s what Lilly did with her pain, and it killed me. I wanted to take it from her, but even I knew pain like that stabbed its way out of your flesh until you bled from every pore.

  We’d spoken in hushed tones on the way home, talking about weather and other nonchalant things. When her voice had finally wavered, I’d pulled over to the side of the road.

  “Cry, Lilly. It’s just you and me and a stretch of empty road. My shoulder is strong enough for you to lean on whenever you need it. And baby, I know you need it right now so make me feel useful.”

  “I’m trying to be brave like you.”

  I’d tilted her chin, kissing the salty tear away. “You don’t think you’re brave? I’ve always had my mom and Colton. You had no one. You could have turned into a horrible statistic or pitied your life away, but you didn’t do any of those things. You took all that heartbreak and danced your way through with grace and dignity. I admire you, Lilly Franklin. I am amazed by your strength and courage.”

  Her first sob had torn at my heart, but you had to break something to heal it. I’m not sure how long we’d stayed in the car, locked in each other’s embrace. I never wanted to let her go.

  But I’d made a vow not to hold her back. I swallowed down my own grief, its bitter taste sweetened by her kisses.

  That was yesterday. Tonight there would not be any tears. Our last night was going to be all about tender moments, laughter, and passion.

  Okay, we were gonna fuck each other’s brains out.

  If only my roommates would cooperate. Mitch was staying over at a girl’s house, but I had to bark like a drill sergeant to get Blake and Grayson to haul ass.

  “Slow your roll, GI Joe, we’re out,” Blake said, grabbing his jacket.

  “I don’t ask for much, gentleman, but this I demand.”

  Blake looked around the room once, whistling low. “You’re making us look bad, Hutchinson.”

  “Rest assured it’s not a very challenging task.”

  He did a double-take before breaking out into a grin. We gave each other shit, but I had to admit, I’d found friendships here I’d never expected to have in the civilian world.

  Lilly arrived just as they walked out the door. They both turned
to witness her reaction. I slammed the door before they could. Some things were private. I pulled her against me before she saw the room.

  “Hiya, handsome.”

  “Hey yourself, pretty girl.”

  She looked me over, from my baseball hat, to my Eminem concert T-shirt to my cargo shorts. I normally wouldn’t wear shorts, even on the hottest days. People stared.

  “Eminem, really?”

  “Yeah, I enjoy a variety.”

  “You look hot in shorts.” The girl smacked my ass.

  “Cut it, before I retaliate. My hand is heavier than yours.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember.” She rubbed her behind, pursing her lips in a sexy pout.

  She shrugged off her coat, throwing it the couch. “I feel overdressed,” she said, tugging on her sweater.

  “We can fix that real quick,” I said, tugging at her sweater.

  She laughed as I tickled her side. Then she gasped when she caught sight of the room. My heart skipped a beat, clashing with the music I’d chosen, a selection of Indie artists we both liked minus Colton Keyes. No way was my brother barging into my fantasy night with Lilly.

  Her eyes darted everywhere, taking it all in. White string lights hung off the ceiling, illuminating the walls. The very large room felt cozier with the crackling fire and bouquets of flowers that lined all the edges. She clapped her hand over her gaping mouth.

  “Where did you find Stargazer lilies in October?”

  “Blake’s mom knew a florist who grows them all year.”

  “They must have cost a fortune.”

  It was worth every penny for that reaction.

  “They offered a generous military discount.”

  She walked over to a vase, spilling over with the pinkish-orange flowers. She sniffed in the scent, closing her eyes.

  “They’re gorgeous.”

  “Not as gorgeous as you. I’ll get us drinks.”

  I returned, handing her a large glass full of frozen cocktail complete with a tiny umbrella spearing a maraschino cherry.

  “This…this is the orange-lemon zesty thing from Billy’s. I thought they didn’t make it this time of year.”

  I gave silent thanks to Mitch’s friend Hazel for remembering the cherries. Watching Lilly pop one into her mouth and chew slowly made me wish I had put more on the end of that umbrella.

  “They don’t, but Mitch works there, and he knew the recipe. Blake owns a machine that I’m pretty sure could blend metal. I made them, but they were a little girly for me so I took some liberties.”

  “Liberties?” she asked, sipping from the straw, taunting me by licking her lips slowly. Naughty girl…what was I going to do with her?

  I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. “I added vodka. Thought it was an improvement.”

  “Wow, that’s really strong.” She winked at me. “You trying to get me drunk, sailor?”

  “First, it’s less than a jigger—you’re a lightweight.” I rolled out the blanket. “Second, I’m a Marine, not a sailor.”


  “No problem, but third and most importantly, hell yes, I’m trying to get you sloshed.”

  She laughed, holding her glass toward me in a toast.

  “What’s this?” she asked, reaching for the wicker basket on the fireplace.

  “A picnic basket,” I answered

  “But what for?”

  Mitch and Hazel had come through on that account, too. It was good to have friends. “We’re having our summer tonight, starting with a picnic.”

  A soft blush crept across her cheeks. “Corporal Hutchinson, you sure know how to woo a girl.”

  Not just any girl…my girl. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “When will your roommates be back?”

  “Late tomorrow. We have the place to ourselves tonight.”

  “In that case, let me get more comfortable.” She kicked off her shoes and shed the sweater. Underneath, she had a simple V-neck white T-shirt, which gave me a very nice view of her black lace bra.

  “Not another stitch. If you take off anything else, I won’t make it through the meal.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I am?”

  She pouted her lips. “We should eat. We’ll need our energy.”

  I loved it when she got flirty. We sat on the hearth, the fire warming us. We gorged on barbeque chicken, potato salad and apple slices. She fed me carrot sticks, which I honestly was not a fan of. She popped more cherries in her mouth, which I definitely was a fan of. We laughed and talked and ate.

  I had never tried this hard for anyone. I didn’t do romance, but Lilly was a romantic. She deserved a fairy tale, and I damn well wanted to give her anything, everything, I could.

  “Tonight is wonderful.”

  “It’s nothing, Lilly. I just wanted to make it special for you.”

  “Mission accomplished.”

  I reached into the pocket of her jeans for the digital camera I knew would be there. I snapped a picture of us.

  The playlist ended. I turned on the campus radio station.

  My girl surprised me again when “Lose Yourself” by Eminem came on, and she rapped right along with him, not missing a beat. She grabbed the baseball hat from my head and spun it backwards on hers, her arms flailing as she performed the song for me. I had a strong urge to grab her, but I was enjoying the performance too much.

  “You like Eminem too, huh?”

  “Hell yeah, who doesn’t love Slim Shady?”

  Oh Lilly, you’re such a cute drunk.

  I picked up our plates only to have her take them from me. “I can do that. It’s the least I can do.”

  She paused at the open shelf housing Blake’s collection of superhero figures.

  “His mom had that shelf put there for bowls or some shit, but Blake uses it for his dolls.”

  She cracked up, staring at the positions Mitch and I had put them in to fuck with Blake, definitely more X-rated than X-Men. “Boys and their toys.”

  I pushed her against the counter just as she turned. The plates clattered but didn’t break when I slid them down the counter. I lifted her onto the granite.

  I took a step back, my hands gripping the hard edge on either side of her. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  Her ankle flipped over my right shoulder, curling around my neck. She pulled me until she closed the gap between us. “Then don’t.”

  I caressed her ankle that showed no signs of discomfort as it rested on my shoulder. “Damn, you’re freakishly strong and so damn flexible.”

  “You have no idea.”

  I smiled, stopping just shy of crushing my lips against hers. “Then give me a fucking idea.”

  I unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. I pulled them down her long legs, along with her panties. She hitched her ankles on my shoulder and slid them down my back. My hands cupped her plump ass. I went down on her…or maybe she went up on me. She reached her hands for the shelf, pulling herself higher, lifting her delicious pussy at an easier angle. In some amazing feat, Lilly rested her elbows on the shelf to brace herself. I would have made a remark about her remarkable position, but my mouth was otherwise occupied. She moaned while my tongue danced around her clit.

  “Oh, god.”

  I ripped her shirt, fondling her nipples while my mouth worked. Her legs tightened against my neck. My tongue delved deeper.

  Several things happened so fast they felt simultaneous. Lilly came, my name echoing from her mouth. A nail popped on the shelf. I pulled back, dropping her only to catch her and get us out of the way just as the heavy piece of wood snapped free from its brackets, taking every superhero and villain with it. It crashed against the counter, breaking into three jagged pieces.

  “You okay, baby?” I asked, searching her face.

  “Yeah,” she said, still shaking.

  “You sure?”

  She smiled, wrapping her arms around me. “My hero.”

  I laughed, carrying her to my bedroom.r />
  “We broke Blake’s shelf.”

  “He’ll probably be more upset about his dolls.”

  “What are you going to tell him?”

  I shrugged, setting her on the ground. “How about the truth? The truth is pretty fucking fantastic.”

  She slapped my chest. “Don’t you dare!”

  “We’ll figure that out later. Right now, I want you in my bed. I want your smell, our smell, on my sheets. Then when we’re done, we’ll—”

  “Fix Blake’s shelf?”

  “Fuck Blake’s shelf.”

  She fell to her knees before me. “I’d rather fuck you.” She unbuttoned my shorts, sliding the zipper with her teeth.

  I groaned as her hand jerked my dick. “Yeah, please do that.”

  My heart raced so fast I doubted any blood could reach it. That was probably good since another appendage was claiming it all right now.

  I held her silky hair in my hand, watching her. Her pretty lips curled around my dick. I garbled some words that affirmed my appreciation of her talents, but I doubt they were intelligible. She cupped my balls, rolling them in her hand while she sucked me off.

  I pulled her up, unable to withstand another minute of not being inside her. I kissed her hard.

  “Why did you stop me? You didn’t like it?”

  I would have laughed if she weren’t being so sincere.

  “I fucking loved it,” I growled. “But I want to pace myself. The things your mouth can do is going to make this a short sprint. I want to run a marathon with you, Lilly. An honest to goodness goddamn Fourth of Ju-ly Marathon.”

  She smiled, the pink blush returning to her skin. “I’m glad we stretched first.”

  “Let’s get you naked, lover.”

  When there wasn’t a stitch of clothing between us, I touched her. My hands slid down the contour of her body, a body I could never tire of, over her breasts, her round ass, her curvy hips. I walked us backward until I sat on the mattress.

  She straddled me, her blue eyes widening as she sank onto me. She hung onto my shoulders moving slowly. I grasped her hips, increasing our rhythm. The sound of her lusty moan was one of the sweetest songs on our soundtrack.

  I held her tight when I picked her up and pivoted us so she was lying on the mattress. “I need to lead.”


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