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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  “Gladly.” It was a soft kiss, a barely there caress. His tongue soothed over the cut left by Logan’s fist. “You kiss me. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “No pain, no gain.” She cupped the back of his head, rose on her tiptoes and took his breath away. It was a gentle, lingering touch of the lips, a hesitation, a memorizing of the shape and taste of his mouth. Lilibet kissed him as if it were for the first time.

  She teased him, pleased him, backed up and he followed, asking for more. She granted his wish, nibbling at his lips, their tongues dancing back and forth until Kane pulled away a fraction, needing a moment to gain control. There was nothing he’d rather do than lay her down and love her all night long, but there was something else he needed to do. And he didn’t plan to wait another hour. “God, I love you. Did you know that?”

  “Yes, and I love you just as much.” Lilibet was so happy. There was no way she was going to play coy today. Too much had happened.

  Kane took her by the hand. “Come over here.” He led her to the bed. “Sit down. I want to ask you something.” It wasn’t where he had intended to pop the question, but what better place than the bed where she took him to paradise every night.

  What was he up to? “Is it about the case?” Sitting primly, she folded her hands in her lap. “Do I need to go down to the courthouse and make a statement?” He stood over her looking serious.

  “Not right now, we’ll take care of that later.” She looked so pretty sitting there, such a lady, yet such a little hell-cat in bed. “I like that little bit of black lace you’re wearing, Little-bit.” She was nervous. He decided to play with her just a tad. “There is something I need to ask you, something important.” He saw her take a deep breath, stealing herself for what was to come. “Do you have any idea what it is?”

  It must be about Brien. “No, but I do have some information you will be interested in.”

  “I bet you do.” Dang, he’d left the flowers in the living room. Oh well, he’d give those to her in a minute. They’d been left in his truck when he’d driven up the first time and saw Logan’s car sitting in his drive. “Miss Ladner?” She looked up at him, eyes wide, her breasts rising and falling with every breath.

  “Yes?” God, he looked so serious. It must be bad news. She wished he’d just say what he had to say and get it over with. As she searched his face, looking for a clue as to what was coming, he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. Good Lord! It was a ring box. Her heart skipped a beat, and the last time they’d made love sprang to mind. Over and over again, she had replayed the scene in her head. It was no dream, he’d asked her to marry him and she’d said yes. But all of her old insecurities kept haunting her, making her doubt the possibility a man like Kane could ever truly want a future with a woman like her.

  Kane dropped to one knee in front of her.

  Her. Lilibet Ladner.

  She felt tears forming in her eyes. God, she wished somebody was here with a camera. This was one image she’d never forget, but one she would love to have blown up poster size and hung over her bed.

  “Kane? Are you sure?”

  “Lilibet, would you do me the honor of being my wife?” He opened up the box and took out a ring, not flashy, but beautiful in its simplicity.

  She didn’t answer right away. Instead, she left her seat and joined him on the floor, down on her knees in front of him. “Do you really mean it? You want to marry me? Why?” This was too important, for both of them. She had to know. “What do I have to offer you? I’m not educated or sophisticated. My body is far from perfect, and I don’t exactly fit the mold of a good sheriff’s wife.”

  “Wait.” He had to make her understand. Taking both of her hands in his, he set out to convince the woman he loved that she was absolutely perfect—for him. “Not everything worth knowing is learned in a classroom. You’re smart as a whip, and you have an inborn wisdom that makes you kind, compassionate and giving. Sophistication is highly overrated. You, my Lilibet, have an innocence of spirit and a quiet elegance which is much more appealing.” She started to say something, and he stopped her with a kiss. “I’m not finished. Let’s talk about your body for a moment.” He let go of her hands and ran them over her curves, appreciatively, making her nipples peak and her skin tingle with arousal. “I’m a man, Honey. Your body is exactly what a woman’s body is supposed to look like. You are beautiful, rounded in all the right places and, more importantly, you know how to use this body to make a man happy.” She was blushing by this time, but he wasn’t through. “And you will be a perfect sheriff’s wife. Don’t you think I know about all the times you’ve helped people? You do it quietly, sometimes anonymously, but you’re always the first to send food to a grieving family or visit a shut-in. Rex Driscoll told me about the time you put in down at the women’s shelter. His wife works there and she told him you visit at least once a week and take the children out for ice cream. Baby, you are damn near perfect and if you don’t agree to marry me, you’re gonna break this poor ole’ Cajun’s heart.”

  Lilibet was crying. He was the sweetest man in the world, and he belonged to her. “Yes, Kane. Yes, I’ll marry you.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He disengaged himself long enough to put the ring on her finger. “Now, I have something to ask you.”

  “What’s that, or can I guess?”

  “I want you to take me dancing.”

  Kane broke out in a happy smile. “Dang, Baby! I thought you were going to ask me to take you to bed.”

  “Oh, I want that, too. But first, I want you to hold me in your arms, let me sway to the music, and celebrate the fact that I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

  * * *

  Kane pulled up in front of The Cattleman’s restaurant, the best steak house in Kerrville. The popular eating establishment also had a bar with a live band for dancing. Tonight, the place appeared to be jumping. “Here we are. Are you ready to celebrate?” He opened the door, caught Lilibet around the waist and swung her around to stand on the ground in front of him.

  Laughing happily, she held on to his shoulders to steady herself. “Thank you for bringing me Kane. I’ve never been here before. This looks like a nice place.”

  “You’re welcome, Sugar. I’m going to enjoy showing you off.” Taking her by the hand, he led Lilibet up on the sidewalk. A car honked to get his attention. “Look, there’s Joseph and Cady. I sure didn’t expect to see them here. I guess he’s improving by leaps and bounds.” Kissing her on the forehead, he showed her to a bench not far from the front door. “Wait here, I want to go out to the car and congratulate him on his progress.” The fact that daredevil Joseph McCoy was able to walk again after his near-tragic accident had made the news. Not that Kane was surprised. After all, he’d been the one to tell Joseph about Cady and what she could do. Cady Renaud was from Kane’s hometown, New Orleans. And in the Bayou country, everyone knew the Renauds and their extended family had powers, healing powers. They were traiteurs, Cajun healers and practitioners of hoodoo. Not that you could tell by looking, for Cady was as sweet a girl as Kane had ever known.

  Kane opened the passenger door of Cady’s car. “Hey, you old son-of-a-gun, I can’t tell you how good it is to see you without that wheelchair.” Cady had driven and Joseph was riding shot-gun.

  As they talked, Cady joined Lilibet. “You look pretty. I love your outfit. That lace camisole looks so good on you.”

  “Thank you, I like that red dress on you, too.” Lilibet patted the bench and Cady joined her. “You’ve done a marvelous job with Joseph.” They both watched as Kane and Joseph walked side by side from the car. One was using a crutch, but both were tall, dark and handsome, any woman’s fantasy. “Look at them, how did we get so lucky?”

  “Lord, if I know.” Cady sighed. “I keep pinching myself. I must be dreaming. Women like me don’t get to keep company with men l
ike Joseph McCoy.” Looking back at Lilibet, she noticed the bruising on her face. Concerned, she asked. “What happened?”

  “Kane didn’t do this,” Lilibet hastily offered.

  “I know.” Cady always knew things. “Do you remember what I told you that night at the BBQ?”

  Lilibet remembered all too well. “You told me to be careful, that I was in danger. And since that night I’ve been attacked, twice.”

  Cady took her hand. “Yes, once by a stranger and the other by what you thought was a friend.”

  Running her thumb over the palm of Lilibet’s hand, Cady closed her eyes, as if to listen. “It’s not over for you. I still see danger in your future.”

  Lilibet would’ve asked if Cady could see details, but Kane walked up about that time and she didn’t want to spoil their evening.

  “Cady, did Lilibet show you her ring?”

  Lilibet held out her hand and Cady admired the beautiful ring.

  “How wonderful! Congratulations.”

  “I’d ask you two to join us, but this is a private celebration.” Kane offered his hand to his fiancé and helped her to her feet.

  “I can understand that, Cady, and I need to spend a little time together, too.”

  The two couples entered the heavy double doors and were immediately met with cool air, toe-tapping music and the smell of prime beef being flame grilled over a pecan fire. “Man that smells good.” Kane led Lilibet to a table near the dance floor, while Joseph and Cady were led to a private booth over in the corner.

  “Come on, Baby.” He pulled her into his arms and they joined about a dozen other couples slow dancing in the romantic shadows. “Do you remember the last time we danced? You stood on my feet and trusted me to take care of you.”

  Laying her head on his shoulder, she cuddled close. “You’re still supporting me, Kane. Your arms offer safety and your presence makes me strong.”

  “And I turn you on.” He stated matter-of-factly.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “You turn me on.”

  Kane held her like she was a precious treasure. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through. I haven’t done a real good job of keeping you safe. Logan and your brother...”

  Lilibet looked up into his face, anxious to tell him the truth. “Brien had nothing to do with the scorpions, Kane. I asked him when he came this afternoon. He told me he’d lost his knife in a poker game. He seemed to know who was responsible, but he didn’t get a chance to tell me. Logan came and Brien ran, and now I have no idea what to think.”

  Moving slowly to the music, Kane led her in a waltz, careful of her precarious balance. He didn’t say it, but he suspected Brien was in trouble or he wouldn’t have run. “You know, at first, I suspected my ex-wife of planting those stinging lizards, but she had an alibi and the footprints belonged to a man. I even considered she’d hired someone to do it for her, but I couldn’t find a speck of proof.”

  “Let’s not worry about it. It’s over and I’m safe.” She didn’t tell him Cady was still warning of impending danger.

  “I hope so. I plan on keeping you that way, if it’s in my power.” Giving her a squeeze, he made a quick subject change. “So, when are we getting married?” He was ready for the typical female response, that she needed time to plan and shop and dream. Instead, Lilibet surprised him.

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Really?” Kane laughed. “You don’t want a big wedding?”

  “No, I’d rather we keep it small.”

  “Well, we do have to have a preacher and at least a couple of witnesses.”

  “Okay, I’d like to invite the McCoys, your brother and mine and whatever other family you would like to include.” As they danced, she rubbed her hand over his shirt, enjoying the feel of the warm, hard muscles of his chest.

  “How about your stepmother?”

  “She wouldn’t come.” Lilibet sounded positive. “Kane, could we sit down for a bit?” Leaning close to his ear, she whispered. “I need to go to the powder room.”

  Leading her to their table, he nodded his head toward the booth where Joseph and his date were seated. “Why don’t you ask Cady to go with you?” He knew how women were. They didn’t like to go to the bathroom alone.

  “Okay, that’s a good idea.” He followed Lilibet, and as she and Cady left to take care of their feminine business, he sat down with Joseph. “Who would have thought our lives would bring us to this night, with these women? You’re on the mend and I’ve found someone to share my life with.”

  “We’ve both experienced miracles, you old reprobate. I never thought a woman would get her hooks into you.” Joseph lifted a beer in salute to Kane.

  “I took one look at Lilibet and fell like a ton of bricks. How about you and Cady? What’s going on with the two of you?”

  Joseph didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Cady’s my friend. I owe her my life.”

  “Are you interested in her?”

  “Kane, I’ve been to hell and back. By some miracle, I have a second chance. I’m not ready to settle down, not even with someone as wonderful as Cady.”

  Kane looked over to where the women would emerge from the restroom. Cady came out and was immediately surrounded by young, randy cowboys with more than dancing on their minds. “It’s a good thing you don’t feel possessive. Cady’s attracted a crowd. I’d say you have a bit of competition, my man.”

  Joseph looked over to where Cady was being invited to take a whirl around the dance floor by at least five different cowboys. “Damn!” There was no way she could dance, not yet.

  “I think I’ll mosey over that way and head my little filly off at the pass before she gets corralled by those bow-legged cowpokes.” Kane took off and Joseph sat there with a distinct scowl on his face.

  Approaching the ladies, Kane parted the gathering crowd of single men like Moses parted the Red Sea. As he got nearer, they separated and stepped back, knowing they were no match for the sheriff of Kerrville County. Offering his arm to Lilibet and the other to Cady, he led them back to safety and their respective tables. Watching Joseph fight a bout of unexpected jealousy was something he wouldn’t have missed for the world. The man was going down, and that made Kane smile. He was in love and he wanted the whole world to be as happy as he was.

  “So, I called Peterson to come in from traffic duty and take over Logan’s assignment. He’s already making rounds.” Talking and sharing with Lilibet felt good.

  “What will happen to Logan?”

  “He’ll go through the system, the case will go before the grand jury and they’ll listen to the evidence. There’s no doubt in my mind that the case will go to trial and he’ll go to jail for a long, long time.”

  She didn’t ask any more questions, and Kane was glad. He wanted tonight to be a celebration, not a rehashing of the sordid events of the evening. “Look, Joseph and Cady are gone. I didn’t see them leave.”

  “Do you think they’re going to get together?” Lilibet asked as she took a bite of baked potato.

  “I don’t know.” Kane thought about the best way to say what was on his mind. “Joseph has always been popular with the women, and he’s lived a life on the fast track. Cady is a different type of woman than what he’s used to.”

  “I think she’s one of the nicest women I’ve ever met,” Libby defended her friend. “She’s been very good to me. And she’s in love with Joseph. Anyone can see that.”

  “I think he cares more for her than he realizes,” Kane surmised as he considered his friend.

  “What do you think it will take to make him realize that she’s perfect for him?”

  “I don’t know.” Kane caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “It sure didn’t take a two-by-four to my head to make me recognize a good thing when I saw it.”

bsp; “Are you talking about me?” She laughed.

  “Yes ma’am, I am.” The steak was tender and delicious and Kane was amused when Lilibet began playing footsie with him under the table. He loved to see her face as she became aroused and tried to hide it from the people seated around them. “Do you want some dessert?”

  “No, that’s not what I want.” She grinned at him mischievously.

  “I bet I know what you want.” He put his hand over her foot that had found its way between his thighs and caressed her delicate arch.

  “I bet you don’t,” she teased him.

  “Okay. We’re playing a game, I see.” He pretended to be deep in thought. “I think you want a massage with a happy ending.” He offered with a wink.

  “No,” she drawled out the word, seductively.

  “Hmmm, let me see. I would say that you want me to run you a hot bath, crawl in there with you, soap you up until you’re all warm and slippery and then do the bathroom boogie.”

  Hearing him say the word boogie sent her into a fit of giggles. “No, no bathroom boogie. You look cute when you say the word boogie.”

  “All right.” He pretended to be offended. “So, what do you want? To be tied up and blindfolded?” She shook her head. “To play doctor or cowboys and Indians?”

  “Actually, I would like to do all of those things with you, just not tonight.” She grew a little bit serious. “I want to park under the stars and hold hands. Can we do that?”

  What a simple request. Lilibet never asked for expensive things like Lisa. His ex-wife had made a game out of seeing how much she could get out of him. “Your wish is my command, Princess. Let’s go.” He paid the check and escorted her out, carefully depositing her into his official vehicle. “How about we drive up to Parker’s Point? Did you ever go parking there when you were a teenager?”


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