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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  Lilibet scooted just as close to him as she could. “No, I never went parking. You know my experience with men is non-existent, Kane. You are my first boyfriend.”

  “First and last boyfriend,” he informed her as he slid an arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Should you be driving with one hand?”

  “I’m the sheriff. I have special privileges.”

  “Do tell.” She didn’t doubt it a bit.

  Chapter Nine

  Parker’s Point was just on the outskirts of town—a high bluff overlooking the lake. Kane pulled the truck to the lookout area, opened the back window to let some air in and cut the engine. “Now, come here, Pet-baby.” He pulled her over into his lap and began kissing her face. “Did you want to get out and walk around?”

  “No, I want to sit here and neck with you.”

  Her response made him chuckle with pleasure. “That can be arranged.” He leaned over to capture her lips.

  “No, wait, let me.” Instead, she licked a hot trail up the strong column of his neck, making him shiver.

  “Damn.” He threw back his head and let her play.

  She loved his reaction to her nips on his neck, the scraping of her teeth, and the random sucking kisses which she feathered across his skin. Both of them shivered, goose bumps popping up over their flesh as they writhed a little in each other’s arms, both more than hungry for the other. “I love showing you how much I want you,” she whispered. “You always give me so much. I want to make you feel desired and worshiped.”

  Kane nearly lost his mind when she began tearing at the snaps on his shirt. She wanted him. There was no doubt about it. Lilibet reveled in him. She licked his skin, inhaled his scent, rubbed her face in the hair on his chest, and when she took his nipple in her mouth, he groaned. “God bless me.” His cock was full to bursting and he pumped his hips up, telling her without words that he needed more than kisses.

  Lilibet immersed herself in him. She was relentless; laving, teasing, rubbing the other nipple even as she bathed the first one with her tongue. Her pussy was crying for relief and just as she started to suggest they shed some clothes and take their petting to the next level a sharp rap on the window caused her to jump out of her skin. “Police. Open up.”

  “Hell fire,” Kane drawled. “We’ve been busted.” He eased Lilibet off him and tried to button up his shirt.

  “Police. I have to ask you to exit your vehicle.”

  If this didn’t beat all, Kane blew out a frustrated breath. How many times had he stood outside a steamed up window waiting for the girl to adjust her clothes before the necking couple surfaced? And here he was trying to get presentable before facing his own employee. Would he ever live this down? One more rap and Kane jerked the door open. “Hell, Peterson. It’s me, Sheriff Saucier.”

  The stunned young officer didn’t know what to say. “Sorry, Sheriff. I didn’t recognize your truck.”

  Lilibet wasn’t laughing, but she wanted to. Kane was still getting his clothes in order and the younger man was as nervous as a cat. After a few words, their official interrupter left them alone. She slid over to the far side, not knowing what kind of mood Kane would be in. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I guess I got carried away. They’ll give you a hard time about this down at the office, won’t they?”

  Kane snorted, hauled her back in his lap and kissed the living daylights out of her. “Honey, I don’t give a damn. Some things are worth a little ribbing, and baby, you’re definitely one of them.”

  “Is this one of your special privileges?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m privileged to make love to you.” And he did.

  * * *

  Lilibet was happy. Even though she was uncertain about her brother and still shook up over her run in with Logan, she was walking on air. Kane loved her, she wore his ring and nothing else really mattered. Work started early this morning. She’d cooked breakfast for twenty-two hungry cowboys who could eat Aunt Jemina out of house and home. They did love her pumpkin pancakes, however. Little did she know they were Aron McCoy’s favorite or she would have made him his own full serving. He’d been sorely disappointed to find them gone when he arrived. She’d offered to make more, but he smiled and told her Libby had fed him well with sausage, eggs and biscuits.

  Leaning in the huge freezer, Lilibet almost fell in headfirst trying to dig out a couple of big beef roasts. “Hold on there,” Lance Rogers, the Tebow foreman caught her by the jeans pockets and pulled her to safety. “Good thing I came along. We’d have had a pretty popsicle for dessert tonight.” He dug the big frozen pieces of meat from the freezer and shut the top, securely.

  “Thanks, Lance.” She brought along some frozen vegetables and followed him back to the kitchen. “What can I do for you?” Lance was a handsome man. Not as handsome as Kane, of course. She couldn’t understand why he was alone. He always seemed lonely, which saddened her. She knew what it was like to be alone, and she wouldn’t wish that sad state on anybody.

  “Well, do you have a sister?” He was teasing her, she could tell.

  “No, unfortunately, not.”

  “What I really came to tell you is that we wouldn’t be in for lunch. We’ve got to go all the way over to the Cinnamon Creek section to bring in a herd that needs to get the full treatment. Jacob wants to sell off some of the younger bulls for breeding purposes and they all need to be vaccinated. So, I have a favor to ask you. Could you fix a bunch of sandwiches I could send Blue back for and then maybe fix us something really special and hearty for supper?”

  This was her job. Of course, she didn’t mind. Lilibet took a mental inventory to make sure she had enough supplies. “How about hearty chicken salad sandwiches for lunch and a huge beef stew with cornbread for supper?”

  “That sounds great. I knew I could count on you.” He tipped his hat. “Pity about that sister, Miss Lilibet. She’d be a looker if she favored you.” By the time he left, Lilibet was already putting foil in pans to roast the chicken. She looked at the clock. It would be a smart thing if she called Kane and told him she needed to work late today. Since he’d lost Logan, all the deputies were pulling double duty. So, she didn’t want him to come all the way out here until he had to. Kane had enough worries without her adding to them.

  Tebow had its own problems to contend with. A vandal had been cutting fences for weeks and remained elusive. There’d been at least two wrecks. So far no one had been killed, but it had everyone on edge. Other things had been happening as well and everybody was looking over their shoulder, wondering where the next problem would arise. One of Jacob’s gas wells had been tampered with and someone had broken into Isaac’s bar. The McCoys were beginning to feel cursed.

  Lilibet certainly didn’t want to add to their problems, so she was determined to do all she could to help. They paid her well and she counted them all as friends. Sprinkling olive oil and spices on the chicken, she wiped her hands and grabbed her cell phone. Her heart started beating faster, knowing she would hear Kane’s voice any second.

  “Hello? May I help you?”

  Lilibet paused. This wasn’t Kane. This was a woman. She knew their secretary was on vacation. Kane had said so. In fact, he’d complained about it this morning saying he would have the office to himself today and be burdened with all the paperwork. Perhaps, Kane had got a temp for the day. “Is anyone there? I don’t have all day, you know.”

  The voice was snippy, not exactly the image the sheriff’s department should have. She hoped this woman wasn’t taking advantage of Kane. “Yes, this is Lilibet. I’m Sheriff Saucier’s fiancé. May I speak to him please?”

  “Well, well…” The woman’s voice had taken on a strange tone. “So, you want me to give Kane a message? I don’t think so. He’s a little busy. In fact, right now, he’s emptying the garbage can. He does that every time we have sex. No use
leaving those used condoms for the janitorial staff to find. You know how people talk.”

  Lilibet swallowed hard. “Who is this?” Not that it mattered. She didn’t believe a word this woman was saying. She trusted Kane with her life. He wouldn’t cheat on her—no way—no how. But why would someone do this? What could they gain from talking to her this way?

  A laugh came over the phone which sounded haughty and mean, like this woman had contempt for not only Lilibet, but Kane as well. “You know me, we’ve met before. I remember you, poor cripple little Lilibet. Kane has a soft heart. He’s letting a pity fuck turn into a full blown charity case.” And then she let her voice drop to a hateful snarl. “He comes to me, Lilibet. You’ll never give him what he needs. He may marry you, but he’ll fuck me every chance he gets.”

  “Who are you?” Lilibet asked again, panic in her voice.

  “This is Lisa, Kane’s wife. You remember me, don’t you?”

  Lilibet slammed the phone shut. What was she going to do now?

  * * *

  Whistling, Kane came into his office and stopped in his tracks. “What are you doing here?”

  Lisa sat perched on his desk like a buzzard waiting for something to die. “I’ve come to see you.”

  “What do you want?” He didn’t have time for this. “Are you here on official business?”

  She’d dressed provocatively, a low-cut sheathe which clung to every nook and cranny of her body. “I’ve come to see you, darling.”

  “Get up. I need to put this file away.” He shook a folder at her. She moved, barely, slinking around to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Kane continued. “I can’t think of a thing in the world we could have to talk about.” Lisa was like a foul smell seeping out from under a public restroom door. You hated to get close enough to actually see what was creating the stench, and you didn’t have to, shit was recognizable by the smell.

  “We have personal business, Kane—important, personal business.”

  “Lisa, you left me. You walked off and I haven’t seen you in over a year, not until you stalked me out by the lake the other day. Why have you come back now? What we had is over, and I can’t be clearer about that. I’m with Lilibet and I’m happy.”

  She didn’t act like anything he said was sinking in. “When I left, Kane, I took something of yours with me.”

  “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Whatever you took, I didn’t miss, so you’re welcome to it. When we were together, you didn’t value anything we had. All you wanted was money, something I couldn’t give you.”

  The mention of money fired her up. “We could have had more, Kane. Your family is rolling in money. All you had to do was join your daddy’s firm. You have a law degree like your brother. We could have been rich.”

  “Zane didn’t join Daddy’s firm either. We wanted to make it on our own. Is that a crime?” Kane didn’t know why he was arguing with her. It was an exercise in futility. Lisa was a gold digger and she’d never be anything else. “So, tell me…what did you steal from me before you left? Or do I want to know?”

  “I believe you’ll be interested in what I have to tell you. There’s one thing about you, Kane. You’re predictable.”

  She seemed pretty sure of herself, which made Kane nervous. “I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re talking about.”

  Lisa got a smug look on her face, and then she let the hammer down. “A few weeks after I left, I discovered I was pregnant with your child.”

  * * *

  Lilibet’s mind was frozen, her hands were shaking, and all she could think about was Lisa. What had she been doing in Kane’s office? It wasn’t like she believed anything Lisa said. She didn’t. So why did it hurt so badly?

  Trying to shake the uneasy feeling off, Lilibet returned to her cooking. She had a big meal to put together. Kane loved her, and they were going to get married. Whatever Lisa was up to, it wasn’t going to work. Lilibet wouldn’t let it. It was her turn for happiness, and she was going to grab it with both hands.

  * * *

  “You bore my child?” Kane was taken aback. “I don’t see how that’s possible! You never let me touch you without a condom.”

  “Condoms aren’t always one hundred percent effective. You know that.”

  Lisa was a cool cucumber. Kane had to give her that. If she was lying, she was doing it with a straight face. Hell!

  “Lisa, pardon me, if I have my doubts. But we don’t have the best history in the world. Honesty has never been one of your strong suits. And you had an affair. How can I believe anything you have to say?” All the time he was talking, Kane’s mind was racing. Could she be telling the truth? Did he have a child?

  “I have a child. And he is a Saucier, and therefore entitled to be part and parcel of the Saucier family.”

  Kane could read between the lines, what Lisa was saying was the child was ‘entitled to a part and parcel of the Saucier fortune’. Still, he had to ask. ”Is it a boy or a girl?” Not that it would make any difference to him, if it were his child.

  “It’s a boy.” She had come armed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a photo of a little boy who, even to Kane’s eye, looked enough like him to be his son.

  “I insist on a paternity test.” Knowing Lisa, he could ask for nothing less.

  “Done.” Lisa had expected this, but she had a secret. Dwayne was a Saucier, no doubt about that. Even though she hadn’t been able to deliver Kane back into the Saucier fold, she’d spent enough time with Preston Saucier to get what she needed, an heir, a baby. So when the paternity test was done, there would be enough DNA point matches to create doubt. She had Kane Saucier by the balls.

  Her willingness to have the child tested unnerved Kane. He was expecting her to back off, make excuses, come up with a reason to put off or avoid the procedure altogether.

  But, she hadn’t.

  She sat there looking as innocent as an angel. Lisa was a beautiful woman. Once upon a time, she’d had him on his knees worshiping at the altar of her body. But he’d learned her soul wasn’t nearly as beautiful. Lisa loved herself, no one else. She wasn’t capable of loving anyone, not even a child of her own womb.

  “All right. I’ll make the arrangements. But it will be a doctor and a lab of my choosing.” If the child was his, he wanted to know. Kane knew himself as well as he knew Lisa. He would love that little boy with everything in him. And that little boy would need him. No child deserved a mother like Lisa.

  “Whatever it takes,” she assured him. “I want you to be confident Dwayne is our son. I’ve told him all about you, and he can’t wait for his mama and daddy to live together and be with him all the time.”

  God, the woman was a bitch. “Lisa, just hold on a minute. If Dwayne is my son, I’ll take care of him till my dying breath and I’ll love him with all my heart. But nothing…” Kane rose up to stand over her. “Nothing will ever make me take you back. I can give the boy everything he needs from a father, but I will not marry you again. Am I clear?” The anger rose in Lisa so plainly he could see the heat crawl up her skin.

  “We’ll see about that, Kane. We’ll see.” Throwing her hair over her shoulder, Lisa left in a huff of disdain and a cloud of expensive perfume. Pausing at the door, she threw one last dart. “Oh, by the way, I answered your phone while you were out. Your little secretary went to the restroom and I covered for her. I enjoyed talking to your little fiancé. She thinks you walk on water. Doesn’t she? It’s a pity she’s going to learn you’re a flawed human being, just like the rest of us.”

  “Damn, damn, damn.” Kane felt like he’d just been pushed through a meat grinder. This whole mess was going to hurt Lilibet. There was no two ways about it. Throwing his hands up, Kane wondered what in hell could go wrong next.

  * * *

  He hadn’
t gotten her number. Kane couldn’t believe he’d let Lisa walk out of the office and neglected to get her cell phone number or find out where she and the little boy were staying. He hated to go out chasing her, but he didn’t have any choice. Grabbing his hat, he took off after his ex-wife. Who would have thought he would have ended up hot on her tail, again? As he flung the door opened, he almost plowed into his secretary.

  “Where are you off to, Sheriff?” She laughed as they spun around in an awkward waltz.

  “I’ve got to catch my ex-wife. She just left and I forgot to get her phone number.” That wasn’t much of an explanation, but it would have to do. “I won’t be gone long.”

  His secretary gave him a funny look, but she didn’t say anything. As he took long strides to his truck, he punched in Lilibet’s cell number. He had to talk to her. After Lisa had made her parting shot, throwing it in his face that she had talked to Lilibet, Kane was imagining the worst. There was no telling what his ex-wife had said to Lilibet. He hoped to hell she hadn’t dropped the same bomb on his fiancé that she’d hit him with. Kane still couldn’t believe it. He’d never been more torn about anything in his life. If that little boy was his, Kane would move heaven and earth to be a good father to him. And he had no doubt his Lilibet would love the little tyke as if he were her own. But, he wanted to be the one to tell her. Kane wanted to explain it to her in his own way, in his own time.

  Climbing into the truck, he started it up and pulled out. She couldn’t have gotten far. He’d noticed she was still driving the silver Lexus, and a car like that should be easy to spot. Damn, he had more to do than he could say grace over. Logan’s trial date had been set and he had to work with the prosecutor to make sure the case was put together properly. And the ongoing investigation concerning the McCoy problem had hit a road block. It didn’t seem to matter how many men or how many volunteers he put out there. The vandal had managed to elude all of their efforts.


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