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Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1)

Page 9

by Lynn Coppersmith

  He had absolutely no intention of accepting money from her. “That’s not necessary,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Of course it is. I can’t allow you to work for free.”

  He met her eye, and arched a considering brow. “How about we trade services again? Would you be willing to preserve some more of our vegetables as they are harvested? We usually pay a local woman to do that for us, but I would prefer to have you do it, if you are willing.”

  Her expression brightened once again. “That’s a wonderful idea. I would be pleased to do that. Thank you for the offer.”

  “Good, that’s settled.”

  They lapsed into silence for a brief period. Aidan pondered her independent spirit and her refusal to accept his help without giving something in return. That was yet another way she was different from all the other young women he had met. It was one of the many things he loved about her, but he would have to be careful not to tread on her self sufficient toes.

  “Tell me about my other neighbors,” Naomi prompted.

  Aidan set about pointing out the boundaries of the various surrounding farms as they drove past them. He told her amusing stories about the local residents, and he was rewarded by her musical laughter. The remainder of the drive passed quickly.

  They arrived in town, and he parked the wagon beside Thompson’s general store. He lifted Naomi down and set her on her feet.

  “You should be able to find most of what you need here,” he said. He took her elbow and led her inside.

  Mr. Thompson looked up as they entered, and he beamed at the pair of them. “How nice to see you again, Mr. McKenzie. Ma’am.”

  Aidan nodded his head in greeting. “Good morning, Mr. Thompson. You remember Mrs. Tisdale from church?”

  “Of course, of course! How could I possibly forget such a beauty?”

  Naomi smiled at the shopkeeper. “You are too kind, Mr. Thompson.”

  “He’s an incorrigible flirt,” Aidan muttered with a grin.

  Mr. Thompson merely laughed and shrugged. “As a happily married man, occasionally flirting with a beautiful lady is the only entertainment allowed to me.”

  “As long as that is all you do, Stuart,” came a high pitched voice from the back storage room.

  All three of them laughed, and Mr. Thompson shrugged again. “My wife keeps me on a very short leash. Now what can I do for you today?”

  Naomi gave him a charming smile and stepped up to the counter. She presented him with a list of supplies.

  “I was hoping to purchase these items, if you have them, sir.”

  “Of course,” he said with a nod, looking over her list. “We have all these things.”

  While he began to gather the items she had requested, Aidan spoke quietly near her ear. “I have a few things I need to get, but not from here. Why don’t you stay and finish your shopping, and I’ll come back in just a little while.”

  Naomi had to fight back a shiver as his warm breath feathered her neck and jaw. When she answered, her voice was slightly breathless. “Certainly. Take your time. I’ll wait for you here.”

  Aidan gave her a nod and turned toward the door. “I’ll be back soon,” he said, nodding to both her and Mr. Thompson.

  As soon as Aidan had left, Mr. Thompson turned a broad grin toward Naomi and winked. “I hope you won’t mind my saying so, ma’am, but you shouldn’t let that one slip away. He’s a good man. Definitely one of the best.”

  Naomi blushed lightly and shook her head. “Please don’t get the wrong idea, Mr. Thompson. Mr. McKenzie and I are just friends.”

  Mr. Thompson nodded his head, but his expression told her that he clearly did not believe her statement. “If you say so,” he said skeptically. “Now, let’s see what else you have on your list, shall we?”

  Mrs. Thompson appeared from the storage room at the back of the store. She was a plump, middle aged woman with graying black hair and a round, cheerful face. She smiled warmly at Naomi.

  “Mrs. Tisdale, how nice to see you again.”

  Naomi returned her smile. “And you as well, Mrs. Thompson.”

  “It’s not often we get newcomers to town at this time of year.” Mrs. Thompson gave her a wink. “And it’s been an age since anyone as pretty as you has shown up around these parts. You’re sure to cause quite a stir among the eligible bachelors in the area.”

  Naomi blushed lightly and shook her head. “I doubt it, ma’am.”

  “Mark my words,” the older woman said, helping her husband to gather the items on Naomi’s list. “I’m surprised you haven’t been mobbed already. Now tell me, what brings you to Oregon?”

  Naomi shrugged. “I’m just looking to make a fresh start. I was tired of city life.”

  “Which city is that, dear?”

  “I moved here from San Francisco.”

  Mrs. Thompson raised her brows and nodded. “My goodness, you’re a long way from home now. But don’t worry. You’re sure to love it here. Especially since you’ve caught Mr. McKenzie’s eye. Now that you have his attention, you’re sure to be the envy of every other young lady around these parts. Tell me dear, do you like to do quilting?”

  Naomi thought about correcting the woman’s assertions about her relationship with Aidan, but she decided to let it pass. Denials would only confirm the woman’s suspicions. Naomi made a mental note not to be seen in town with him again, lest rumors about them begin to spread. The last thing she wanted was for Aidan to either feel pressured or to get the wrong idea himself.

  “I don’t know anything about quilting, I’ve never tried it,” Naomi said with a shrug and a smile.

  Mrs. Thompson returned her smile. “Well, we shall have to remedy that. We have a quilting circle that meets once a month, and I insist that you join us. It’s the best way to meet all the other ladies from the surrounding area. You must get lonely living all alone. It will be good for you to make some friends.”

  Naomi thought it was charming that Mrs. Thompson flitted from one topic to another like a restless bird. Naomi suspected she would be a very good person to make friends with. She seemed to have a knack for ferreting out information without being rude or pushy.

  They continued to chat amiably for quite some time, even after they had finished gathering the items she had requested. They tallied up her purchases, and she counted out the necessary money.

  A tinkling bell above the door had them all turning toward the entrance to the store. A strikingly handsome man entered and immediately turned his smiling gaze toward Naomi. He was dressed smartly in a white shirt, black vest and breeches. He was very good-looking, with blue eyes, sculpted cheeks and a wide smile.

  Yet Naomi was not attracted to him in the least. She had seen his type before. He was full of himself, arrogant and cocky. He couldn’t hold a candle to Aidan’s natural appeal or understated confidence.

  “Uh oh,” Mrs. Thompson muttered beneath her breath. “Here comes trouble.”

  “Mrs. Tisdale, how nice it is to see you again,” the man said as he approached Naomi. He stopped in front of her and removed his hat. “I thought I saw you driving by this morning.”

  Naomi gave him a polite but cool smile in return. “Good morning. I remember seeing you in church, but I’m afraid I don’t remember your name, sir.”

  The man procured the hand she hadn’t offered and lifted it to place a kiss on her gloved knuckles. “My name is Matthew Lawrence,” he said with a warm smile, “and I am ever so glad to see you again. You honor us with your fair presence.”

  Naomi retrieved her hand and her lips tightened slightly. She didn’t know this man, but she could instantly sense she wouldn’t like him. He was far too suave.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Lawrence.”

  Mr. Thompson cleared his throat and looked at him expectantly. It was clear to Naomi that the shopkeeper did not like the man’s flirtatious manner toward her. “Is there something I can do for you Mr. Lawrence?”

  Naomi inwardly
grinned, realizing that the shopkeeper didn’t want the man to linger any more than she did. Mr. Lawrence continued to stare at her while he answered.

  “Not at all, Mr. Thompson. I simply wanted to speak with Mrs. Tisdale again.”

  The bell over the door jingled again, and three more young men entered the store. Mr. Thompson gave a humph and a frown before he shared a knowing glance with his wife.

  The three newcomers crowded around Naomi, all jostling for a position closest to her as they introduced themselves. Naomi was used to being pursued by men, but it had been several years since she was the center of so much male attention. She felt more than a little overwhelmed.

  They pressed close around her on all sides as they began questioning her with avid curiosity. Their male voices created quite a din as they all began to speak at once, talking over one another and vying for her attention.

  “How long have you been a widow?”

  “What brings you to Oregon?”

  “Did you buy Mr. Hatcher’s farm?”

  Mr. Lawrence leaned in close and whispered suggestively in her ear. “Are you living here all alone? A beautiful woman such as you should never have to live alone, my dear.”

  Naomi shuddered with distaste as she leaned away from him. “Gentlemen, please! You are giving me a headache from all the noise.”

  Mr. Lawrence grinned down at her. “Mrs. Tisdale is right, boys. Ma’am, perhaps you would allow me to escort you home,” he said, with one brow raised.

  He let his gaze drop briefly to her bosom. Naomi felt her skin crawl beneath his suggestive glance. She shot him a quelling frown.

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. Mr. McKenzie has been kind enough to give me a ride, and he will be back shortly to escort me home.”

  Mr. Lawrence gave a dismissive snort. “He’s always busy working,” the man insisted. “In fact, that’s all he ever does … work, work, work. I’m sure he would be happy to have someone else take you home, and that way he can return to his farm that much sooner.”

  “You heard the lady … that won’t be necessary,” came Aidan’s growling voice from just inside the door.

  With all the chatter, none of them had heard him come in. He strode over to them and elbowed his way to Naomi’s side, forcing the others, including Mr. Lawrence, to take a step back. Naomi instantly released a sigh of relief.

  “Mrs. Tisdale already has a ride home. Now, I’m sure you men have work to do yourselves. You should probably get back to it.”

  Aidan bent the full weight of his stare on each man in turn, and they each looked down and began shuffling their feet. They shot him resentful glares from beneath their brows, but they seemed reluctant to argue with him. He was an intimidating presence. Aidan stood several inches taller than any of them, and with his well muscled frame, it was obvious that none of them was keen to challenge him directly for Naomi’s favors.

  Mr. Lawrence was the only one who seemed determined to persist. “We should let the lady decide for herself, McKenzie.”

  Naomi edged closer to Aidan and frowned at Mr. Lawrence. “I’ve already told you, sir. I will return home with Mr. McKenzie.”

  Mr. Lawrence looked perturbed, but he relented with relatively good grace. “Another time then, Mrs. Tisdale.” He donned his hat and touched the brim in a brief salute. He dared to send Naomi one more smile. “It was a pleasure to see you again, ma’am.” He assumed a frown as he nodded to Aidan. “Good day to you, McKenzie.”

  Aidan’s eyes narrowed fractionally, but he nodded politely in response. His low voice was edged with steel. “Good day, Lawrence.”

  The men filed out of the store, and Mrs. Thompson gave a satisfied humph. “I’m glad you came back when you did,” she said with a smile. She winked at Aidan. “I was certain that Mr. Lawrence was about to steal this lovely young lady right out from beneath your nose.”

  Aidan smiled down at Naomi, and her cheeks flushed charmingly. “She looked like she had matters well in hand,” he said.

  “Nevertheless,” Mr. Thompson added, “if you know what’s good for you, you’ll marry this sweet young thing before word spreads any further.”

  Naomi’s blush turned even brighter red. “Really, Mr. Thompson. I’ve told you that Mr. McKenzie and I are just friends.”

  The Thompsons exchanged another knowing look, while Aidan snared her gaze. His expression remained impassive, and he didn’t say anything, but she sensed that her words had not pleased him.

  “If you are finished here, we should get going. We still have to stop at the feed store,” Aidan said.

  “Yes, I’ve got everything I came for,” Naomi replied.

  “Let me help you carry these things out to your wagon,” Mr. Thompson said.

  The two men loaded Naomi’s purchases into the wagon while she and Mrs. Thompson said their farewells. The older woman came around the counter and held both of Naomi’s hands in hers as she smiled at her warmly.

  “I know you say you are just friends, my dear, but trust me. Aidan McKenzie is a treasure. He looks at you like I’ve never seen him look at any other young lady. Snatch him up, dear.”

  Naomi never got a chance to answer, because the two men chose that moment to enter the store once again.

  Aidan tipped his hat to Mrs. Thompson with a smile. “Thank you, ma’am. Have a wonderful day.”

  “You too, Mr. McKenzie. I look forward to seeing you both again very soon.”

  The older couple watched as Aidan led Naomi out to the wagon and lifted her onto the seat. Mrs. Thompson released her breath on a satisfied sigh.

  “Now that is a match made in heaven, if I ever saw one.”

  Her husband wrapped an arm around her shoulders and grinned down at her. “Ever the match maker, aren’t you Mildred?”

  She gave him an answering smile. “Those two don’t need me to do anything. It’s as clear as day that they are both smitten with one another.” She elbowed him in the ribs with a broad grin. “Now, stop gawking and get back to work.”


  Aidan parked the wagon in front of the feed store and lifted Naomi down. The owner, Mr. Templeton, smiled at them as they approached the large wooden barn doors.

  “Good morning, Mr. McKenzie, ma’am.” He nodded politely to Naomi before turning his attention back to Aidan. “What can I do for you?”

  Aidan shook his proffered hand and returned his smile. “Mrs. Tisdale needs to buy two bags of oats and six bales of your best alfalfa.”

  “Certainly,” he replied. “Help yourself to the hay. It’s stacked just over there.”

  He went to fetch the oats while Aidan began loading the bales into the back of his wagon. A simpering female voice had Naomi turning toward the store once more.

  Louisa Templeton, the spiteful blonde that she had met in church, came sauntering over to Aidan, ignoring Naomi completely. Louisa looked feminine and pretty in a dress of sprigged muslin, and the square neckline showed off her creamy bosom to perfection. Naomi despised her on sight.

  “Hello, Aidan,” Louisa cooed. “What a pleasant surprise!”

  Aidan barely looked at her as he continued loading the bales of hay. “Good morning, Miss Templeton.”

  She stepped into his path, smiling up at him beguilingly. “Won’t you come in for a glass of tea? Or even better, stay for lunch.”

  “Thank you for the offer, but I’m afraid I must get home. Both Mrs. Tisdale and I have a lot of work to do today.”

  Louisa sent Naomi a tight smile, but it didn’t reach her glittering eyes. She refused to be so easily deterred. She reached out and stroked her fingers along Aidan’s forearm suggestively. “We would love to have both of you join us for lunch. You must eat, after all.”

  Once again, Aidan sidestepped her to retrieve the last of the bales of hay. “We really can’t,” Aidan said evenly. “We must be getting home with these supplies.”

  Louisa pouted prettily and gave a disgusted humph. “Well another time then. You know you have an open
invitation whenever you like. I make the most delicious cherry pie.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Aidan said. He came to stand beside Naomi, placing her between himself and the persistent blonde.

  Mr. Templeton returned with the bags of oats and set them in the wagon. Naomi counted out the payment, and he smiled at her.

  “Thank you, ma’am. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.”

  They quickly said their farewells, Aidan lifted Naomi onto the wagon bench once again, and they headed home. Mr. Templeton returned to his work, but Louisa stood glaring after them as they drove away. Naomi leaned over to whisper to Aidan.

  “Drive faster! I can still feel Louisa shooting daggers into my back.”

  Aidan grinned down at her and slapped the reins to urge the horses into a brisk trot. “Don’t worry about her. She’s just a silly, conceited little girl.”

  Naomi was pleased with his answer, and she returned his smile. “So you aren’t interested in tasting her cherry pie?”

  Aidan dropped his gaze to Naomi’s breasts. They were jiggling enticingly as the wagon rolled down the road. His grin widened, and he met her eye once again with one rakish brow raised.

  “The only thing I’m interested in tasting is you, and when I get you home, I’m going to devour every inch of you.”

  Naomi blushed with pleasure and nibbled her bottom lip. “Well, can’t these horses go any faster?”

  Aidan threw his head back and laughed, and then he slapped the reins again. “Yah! Giddyup there!”

  The horses broke into a run, and Naomi clung to his arm as they raced down the road. She couldn’t wait to be devoured.

  They had to slow the horses once they reached the turnoff to her farm, but they still reached her cabin in record time. Aidan jumped down and lifted Naomi to the ground. He pressed her up against the side of the wagon and kissed her long and thoroughly. When he finally raised his head, they were both breathing raggedly.

  “Let me unhitch and settle the horses, and then I can bring these things in for you.”

  “I’ll help,” she offered with a smile. “Hurry.”

  Aidan needed no encouragement. He was already dying to get her inside. While he saw to the horses, Naomi carried the smaller purchases into the cabin and quickly put them away.


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