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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 4

Page 6

by Jones, L. A.

  The only benefit to Aradia failing all her classes was now she had an excuse to get a tutor and it just so happened that the boy who was hailed as the smartest kid in school was her boyfriend. Ross had initially refused to such an arrangement, but upon seeing Dax's own grades, he had been forced to consider a compromise. If Dax were to tutor her in all her classes and Aradia was to pass then he could continue tutoring her. However, if she were to fail one assignment...

  So almost every single night, Dax came over and tutored her in every subject.

  "Now, now, behave yourself love," Dax said after Aradia started nuzzling his ear. "We still got three more subjects for you to study tonight."

  "Sorry," Aradia said reluctantly, "I maybe an over three hundred year old survivor of an extinct race, but I am still a teenager with hormones."

  She turned back to her math assignment and handed it to Dax who took one look at it and grimaced.

  Aradia laughed softly. "One thing for sure though I am better lover than a student."

  "Oh I wouldn't go that far pet," Dax teased earning him a playful punch on the shoulder.

  It had taken them two hours, but eventually they helped to finish Aradia's homework and get her to understand several of the concepts. Now they had adjourned to her living room and couch where they cuddled with the lights off and the TV on.

  "If you ask me I think it's kind of stupid," Aradia said while leaning against Dax who, almost on instinct, wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  "Be more specific," He requested before picking up the remote to change the channel.

  Aradia chuckled and said, "Unless I want to be an engineer or something why the hell should I take math at all? Let alone pass it."

  Dax sighed. "They are just testing you love to see if you are as tough as you say you are."

  "What do you mean?" She looked up to his pale face, positively glowing from the glare of the television set.

  "The people who raise such expectations for you or anyone," Dax explained, "They do so to see how determined you are to succeed. I mean if hard subjects are enough to make you give up then what chance do you have in the real world?"

  Aradia shrugged. "True, but it still doesn't change the fact that matter what I do I am still a lousy student."

  "Yeah well," Dax whispered as he turned to kiss the top of her head. "You got to be bad at something if you are going to be perfect at everything else."

  "God," Aradia sighed, "Is it any wonder why I adore you?"

  Dax smiled.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Saul skulked outside the house and peered into the window. Seeing Aradia and Dax kissing on the couch made his stomach twinge with jealously. Saul sighed because it did bother him a bit, getting her to join the side of the very hidden leader who had had her people destroyed, but if it would help her avoid being killed then he would be willing do it. Saul knew that Aradia was clever, but he couldn't believe that she didn't realize that by becoming the Witch Queen how much danger she had put herself in. In the world of the hidden race, many things were different but one thing was universal and that was power. Aradia had achieved it in only four years when it took most hidden leaders entire lifetimes. She may have been accomplishing changes in Salem, but in other towns and overseas many hidden leader's were beginning to see her as a huge threat.

  And we all know what people do to threats, Saul chuckled bitterly to himself, it's funny that one of the criticisms she has of our world is that we are not like humans but in many ways, we are. Such as the fact that we use violence as a method to eliminate their enemies. Aradia, unfortunately, would be no exception.

  I'll have to act fast, Saul thought, if I want her to join us but how can I get her away from Dax? They are always together!

  I'll think of something, Saul finally determined to himself, when the time is right.

  "Are you sure you have to go?" Aradia bemoaned as Dax shrugged on his brown leather coat.

  He chuckled as he tipped her chin to look at him. "I know your father is okay with me helping you study, but I think he draws the line at me spending the night."

  "Jesus! I don't know who's more determined to sabotage my social life my father or you?" Aradia asked.

  She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him playfully.

  Dax chuckled again as he claimed her lips in a quick kiss. "Look the fact is your mum and dad is going to be back any minute now and if I want them to keep liking me then I have to continue to play the role of the perfect gentleman."

  She just shrugged, not wanting their conversation to escalate into an argument.

  "Good luck. I will see you at school and we'll study again around the same time tomorrow." Dax blew her one more kiss before turning on his heel to walk out the door.

  He waved at her as soon as he got to his car and Aradia watched longingly as he backed out and drove away.

  He didn't get far though. He barely drove two miles down the road before he stopped the car completely and got out. For a few tense silent minutes, he stood next to his car not even moving an inch.

  Until finally, he said aloud, "I thought it was you mate, but I was hoping it wasn't."

  "Yeah well you know what Dax, life is full of disappointments," said the vampire that stood behind him as he lit another cigarette.

  Dax chuckled darkly as he turned to face him.

  Considering how long it had been since Dax had last seen him, Jack hadn't changed much. However, since Jack was also a vampire Dax supposed that he shouldn't have been too surprised. His dark brown hair was still scruffy and yet now had more of an edge to it. The top was spiked, the sides were uneven, and the back was almost completely shaved down to the skin. His goatee had become more of a beard and covered almost his entire face. He wore a blue jacket, dark blue jeans, and dark blue sketchers. A diamond earring sparkled from one of his ears while a gold watch shone from his wrist, reflecting the dim moonlight in the darkness of the night.

  He took the cigarette from his lips as he exhaled the smoke. "How long has it been Dax?"

  "Who cares?" Dax snapped.

  Jack snickered. "Not me, I can assure you. If it makes you feel any better I would have been fine if we never saw each other again."

  "Like you said Jacques, life is full of disappointments." Dax said.

  The two of them stood facing one another in the middle of the dark road. The sky was pitch black and nothing moved except the wind that blew softly through the tree branches making the leaves rustle. However, despite the lack of light Dax could still see Jack as clear as day and for a while the two of them stood silently glaring at one another.

  Until finally Dax said, "So are you ever going to tell me what the hell you are doing here or do I have to beat it out of you?"

  Jack chuckled. "Like you could."

  "Either way Jack, I want to know what you are doing here and I want to know now!"

  "Or what Lord Bedford? What are you going to do to this poor fisherman's son? Have me thrown into the tower of London?" Jack said mockingly.

  He raised an eyebrow sneeringly as he took another drag.

  Dax's expression wavered to that of a man who had just been kicked.

  "I wish you wouldn't bring that up," Dax said slowly.

  Jack just threw his head back and laughed. "Good Lord Dax! You have not changed at all."

  "You make it sound as if I was the one who needed to change," Dax grumbled with a bit of a smirk showing.

  Jack scowled as he took yet another drag.

  Amazingly, Dax found this humorous. "You are never going to quit smoking are you?"

  "Being a vampire does have its advantages," Jack said with a cocky grin.

  "Like not having to breathe?" Dax countered.

  "Yeah that and seeing the shocked look on someone's face right before I rip it off," Jack exhaled a few more breaths of smoke as he grinned.

  Dax, however, was not grinning. "You have not changed Jacques. You are still the same sadistic bastard who never seems to have
any reason for doing half of the terrible things he does."

  Amazingly, Jack sobered up at this and his expression turned solemn.

  "Oh I have plenty of reasons Dax," Jack argued, "Although as much I hate to admit it I got bored with just the senseless killing so instead I decided to start my own business so to speak."

  He chuckled as he brought the cigarette once more to his lips. "Funny. My father always did say I would make a good merchant. When he wasn't drunk and beating me that is."

  "I think that was the only thing we had in common Jacques," said Dax, "Love-hate relationships with our fathers."

  "Maybe a small part of you loved your old man, but I always hated mine," said Jack. "In fact, I can honestly say out of all the people I have killed he was the only one that I truly enjoyed killing."

  "However," he added, "It's not like I didn't enjoy whacking my other victims as well."

  "Whacking?" Dax repeated, "Huh! Just when I figured that your personality could not get any more obnoxious."

  Jack opened his mouth to retort, but Dax cut him off. "But spare me the further insults Jack. The fact is I sincerely doubt the reason you are here is that you want to see me. Therefore, you must have a bloody good reason for being here and I want to know what is! Immediately!"

  Jack exhaled smoke through his nose. "Now Dax, as much as I like to believe otherwise, you are pretty smart so do you honestly think I would just tell you my reasons for being here?"

  Dax sighed.

  "No," he reluctantly admitted.

  Jack just chuckled.

  "But if you were not planning to tell me something why show yourself to me?" Dax raised an eyebrow.

  Another few silent minutes passed before Jack turned on his heel to leave. "Believe it or not, I just wanted to say hi."

  "You are right, I don't believe you," Dax snapped.

  Jack shrugged before saying, "And I couldn't care less."

  Dax reached out to grab Jack in one final attempt to get the truth out of him, but he was too late. Jack disappeared in to the night in a whirlwind of dark blue.

  For a while, Dax just stood by his car and not moving an inch.

  Until finally, he pressed his hand against his face.

  When he raised his head again was when he started muttering to himself, "You may not have told me your reason for being here Jack, but I can take a wild guess."

  He then slammed back into his car, buckled himself in, and turned the key.

  As he did a squealing U-Turn on the road, leaving tire marks, he continued muttering to himself, "And there is no bloody way I am letting you touch her."

  Chapter Fourteen

  "Not that I am complaining Dax, but what are you doing in my bedroom?" Aradia asked.

  She smiled almost sleepily as she saw Dax standing over her.

  Dax also smiled as he gazed down upon her. "Love, I really wish I could phrase this better but can I sleep with you tonight?"

  Aradia shot straight up in her bed. "What?"

  "Look," Dax said as he sat down at the foot of the bed. "I know I have been acting weird lately, but you see...remember how I told you that I wasn't always such a good guy. When I became a vampire, I did many horrible things. I also met many horrible people. Unfortunately, I just saw one of them tonight and I doubt they are here to catch up on old times. Therefore, if they are not here to see me they must be here for another reason."

  Aradia sat up straighter and drew her knees to her chest.

  She sighed and said, "Life is not easy is it? Whether I am a hidden or human, my life will always be complicated. However, I bet if I was human I wouldn't have to worry about people jumping out of nowhere and trying to attack me."

  Dax chuckled. "I wouldn't be sure Aradia love, seeing as you are the Salem D.A's daughter or at least you are going to be."

  "And," he added with a playful smile. "Considering your mother is an art teacher she is bound to piss people off too so..."

  Aradia tossed a pillow at him.

  Dax titled his head and dodged it easily.

  Aradia laughed before saying, "So when you say sleep with me do you mean..."

  "Aradia," Dax interrupted, "I won't deny that I want to have sex with you but..."

  "The thing is Dax," Aradia interjected, "We may know that with regular humans you can't get them pregnant. However, the fact that I am a hidden witch..."

  She trailed off and her head drooped a bit.

  When she raised it again was when she asked, "Has there ever been any record of a vampire conceiving a baby with a different member of the hidden race?"

  Dax just sat stunned into silence.

  Eventually, he managed to say, "Aradia love, need I remind you that in the hidden world the hatred that exists among the races runs so deep that it makes the Middle East look as a good a place to vacation as Hawaii?"

  "Why is that anyway?" Aradia asked.

  Dax simply shrugged. "Sometimes I think people just need to hate something. I guess whether you are human or not, hatred is something that stays with you."

  "Maybe so," Aradia said, nodding.

  But remembering the real point of the conversation, Aradia went on. "Anyway it may be very unlikely, but I still don't want to take that chance. Therefore, I think that when we...finally do something." Aradia couldn't help, but blush at this point. "We should use condoms and I should be on the pill."

  Aradia could swear that she could see that in the pitch-black darkness of her room, Dax was blushing as well.

  Regardless, he shrugged. "Okay."

  An awkward yet sensual silence passed between them before Aradia concluded, "Well at least we got that out of the way."

  Dax laughed softly.

  "So what's the plan for tonight?"

  Dax shrugged again. "I just don't feel safe leaving you alone. I figure the best place to protect you is staying in your room."

  "You could sleep on the floor you know?" Aradia said titling her head playfully.

  Dax cast his eyes towards the bedroom floor that was littered with clothes, books, papers, and several other items. "How?"

  Aradia laughed. They heard a creak in the hallway and almost instantly, she shut up. She and Dax stayed perfectly quiet, hoping to God that it wasn't Aradia's parents.

  After a few more minutes of waiting, Aradia turned back to Dax. "Okay you can Uh...for lack of a better phrase 'sleep with me' tonight Dax."

  She blushed again while Dax chuckled.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dax lay on top of the covers with his arm folded under his head and Aradia rested her head on her pillow, the covers tucked under her chin, with Dax softly tracing his finger down her face.

  Before Aradia drifted off to sleep she mumbled, "I just remembered something Dax, you never gave me a birthday present."

  "Not yet I haven't," he said.

  "What do you mean?" Aradia asked.

  Dax chuckled softly under his breath. "Tomorrow, I will take you to the woods and show you your birthday present."

  "Show me?" Aradia asked sleepily. "How can you 'show me' my birthday present?"

  "You'll see Rai. You'll see," He said with another chuckle. "Now go to sleep."

  "I still don't see how you can you make me a birthday present and leave it out in the woods," Aradia said while gripping Dax's hand.

  He didn't answer her. Instead he quietly, but quickly led her down numerous wooded passages that slowly began to turn the scenery from ordinary to something out of a storybook. The sun began to shine more brightly, the air started to get warmer despite it being the middle of September. Aradia began to hear birds chirping and see numerous flowers blooming as well. A sort of dreamy hazy atmosphere also began to envelop them.

  "What is this place?" Aradia couldn't help but ask.

  "Ever wondered where Tristan and his fellow fairy folk live whenever we don't see them?"

  Aradia shrugged.

  Dax went on, "This is where they usually live. These parts of the woods are known as part of fae ter
ritory. I don't know what the name of the woods is and to be perfectly honest I don't think I could pronounce it."

  Aradia laughed.

  Suddenly, her face grew worried. "Won't the fae be mad that we are on their territory?"

  Dax smiled as he turned to face her. "Before you came to Salem the fae used to be willing to kill anyone who trespassed on their territory. However, ever since you became the Witch Queen and started implementing laws everything has changed. Now the fae have decreed that people are allowed on their land. However, if anyone takes so much as a flower off their property not only is they allowed imprisoning them but they are also allowed to take their life in revenge."

  Aradia's gasped. "Whatever happened to just posting signs that said "Keep Out! Go Away?"

  Dax threw his head back laughing, making his whole body shake. "It's just as well. If they were lethally serious about enforcing territory laws I would never be able to show you this."

  "What Dax? Show me what?" Aradia couldn't help but inquire.

  "Like I said love, you'll see," said Dax.

  Dax had wrapped his hands over her eyes.

  When they squatted down onto a branch Dax said, "Open them."

  Aradia did this quickly, but was disappointed seeing that all Dax had done was bring her to an ordinary looking glen.

  "This is it?" Aradia asked Dax.

  Dax smiled and said, "Just watch."

  Aradia groaned exasperatedly and then reluctantly turned to where Dax was pointing.

  This was when she heard the distant sound of hooves. Intrigued, Aradia squinted her eyes to see what was galloping towards them. As they slowly came into view, Aradia's mouth dropped open.

  "Oh my god Dax, are those really..." she stammered.

  "Yep," Dax said grinning.

  From out of a background of bright sunshine amongst the wooded trees, two Unicorns galloped down the glen, and began to splash around in the water.


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