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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 4

Page 7

by Jones, L. A.

  Aradia's breath was caught in her throat. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and was tempted to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. The two Unicorns were truly a magnificent site to behold. They were larger than regular horses, but only height wise and their bodies were so white that they seemed almost luminescent. Their manes matched the color of the bodies, hung low, and swayed in the wind as fine as silk. Threads of silver dangled from their manes giving it a glow that shone like the moon. White hair dangled from the ankles of their thick sinewy legs and around their golden hooves. Their golden colored horns curled upwards from their foreheads as thick as ropes and shone in the sun in an almost blinding way.

  The two Unicorns pranced in a playful dance, splashing each other, as if they were lovers in a mid day romp.

  Aradia just stared at them, stunned. "My God Dax, they are beautiful."

  Dax's smile grew even wider as she saw the lady of his heart gaze at the sight of the Unicorns with blissful tears gathering in her eyes.

  "Happy Birthday Aradia."

  The two of them were so caught up in their moment that they never could have realized that only a few feet away stood Jack and Caiden.

  "Kolton's getting kind of anxious," Caiden grumbled to Jack. "He wants to snatch the witch up and do the ceremony quickly. The thing is though the only way we could ever hope to snatch her is if we overpower her, which is only possible if she is alone. The problem is she's never alone! I mean wherever she goes either she is with her boyfriend or being guarded by God knows whom else. How the hell are we going to snatch her?"

  "I think I know how," Jack sneered.

  Caiden looked at him, curiously. "What are you planning Jack?"

  "Let me ask you something Caiden," said Jack, "You once told me you would be willing to do anything to help your brother achieve power?"

  "Yeah," Caiden agreed cautiously.

  "Well I have a plan that will help you and your brother achieves power in more ways than you can imagine. However, it is risky and if we fail...well since we are immortal it takes a hell of a lot to kill us. Meaning if we were caught and sentenced to die, most assuredly our eventual deaths would be quite prolonged and painful."

  Caiden lifted his head to stare at Jack straight in the eyes.

  After a while, he said, "So what?"

  Jack smiled and said, "Well in that case stand back."

  He then set his satchel down and pulled out a bow and an arrow.

  "They are so beautiful..." Aradia started to say.

  Dax just nodded with satisfaction.

  At least, until Aradia suddenly said, "I am going to go pet one of them."

  His look of pleasure then abruptly turned into a look of terror as he reached out to grab Aradia's hand. Alas, she was too quick for him.

  "Aradia, no!" Dax whispered in a worried tone.

  Hearing the concern in his voice made her pause and look back. However, the temptation to touch the Unicorns was too much for her so Aradia smiled apologetically at Dax before turning back. Treading softly on the light emerald green grass, Aradia crept softly towards the Unicorn mare and stallion that had stopped prancing. As Aradia got closer, they turned to stare at her with their night black eyes, standing as timid as a deer and yet looking right at her as steely as a lion. Aradia's breathing became erratic, she was too scared to move forward, but far too tempted to stop. Looking at them with a blissful and slightly frightened smile, Aradia reached out one hand towards the nose of the stallion. Amazingly, the stallion moved his head forwards so Aradia could fully rest her hand upon him. Cautiously, Aradia petted the stallion's forehead and nose and for a few magnificent moments, Aradia felt the whole world melt away.

  By that time, Jack had already loaded the arrow into the bow. He tried to pull it back, but Caiden snatched his arm.

  "What are you doing?" he whispered angrily.

  Jack stifled his scowl of annoyance before leaning forward and whispering into Caiden's ear.

  Caiden then drew back in shock. He opened his mouth to protest, but was quickly silenced with one angry look from Jack. Jack nodded with satisfaction and began to draw the bow back again. Once more, Caiden's arm shot out to stop him. However, instead of arguing Caiden held out what looked to be a blowpipe and a dart.

  Jack smiled before taking it and saying, "You know I am beginning to see why your brother trusts you so much."

  Aradia was still petting the stallion, which seemed to be growing quite fond of Aradia's touch, as Jack put the pipe to his lips. Then without another moment of hesitation he blew the dart out, flying swiftly and as unseen as a deadly mosquito carrying the West Nile Virus. It sped towards the Unicorn stallion and landed thickly in its neck. Rearing on its hind legs in sudden pain, the stallion knocked Aradia down. Frightened, Aradia swiftly tried to scoot away to avoid the heavy and thunderous hooves. The stallion seemed to pay no attention as he broke away and took off into the thick of the forests with its mate following him. Aradia sat in shock at the sudden turn of events. Eventually, she was able to stand up and tried to walk back to Dax.

  "Dax? Where are you?" she called out.

  Fearing he was angry with her and had left her, Aradia continued to cry out, "Dax, I am sorry but it was so lovely. It felt magical! It was..."

  "It was forbidden! What you did Aradia, is break one of our most important taboos. More important than even the taboo of staying hidden from the human world," Dax's voice thundered, echoing off the trees.

  Aradia quickly spun around, but still Dax was nowhere to be seen.

  "Why?" She couldn't help but ask.

  "For the love of God Rai, even in the hidden world there are some things we consider sacred. As if humans are not supposed to hunt certain animals because they are endangered, we dare not touch the Unicorns. Amongst all our creatures, they are the ones who are considered the purest. To touch one is to commit sacrilege! Blasphemy!"

  "Dax, you are overreacting..."Aradia tried to say.

  "Overreacting?" Dax's voice thundered even louder. "For crying out loud, Aradia you wouldn't touch the bones of John the Baptist would you? The same rules go for the Unicorns! What you did...My God! You risk your soul! Your very life!"

  "I only wanted to pet it!" Aradia pouted.

  "Pet it? Rai..." Dax began again but Aradia cut him off, "I meant no harm Dax! I did nothing wrong! I committed no crime! All I did was pet him! Where is the harm in that?"

  "The harm?" Dax cried out as he finally showed himself by stepping out from behind a tree. "You wouldn't burn down a synagogue or spit on the cross that Jesus was crucified on for fear of the harm it would cause. The same goes for touching a Unicorn."

  "Look I am sorry okay," Aradia said while putting her hands on her hips. "I am sorry for what I did. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry!"

  Hearing the passion in Aradia's voice made Dax finally stop in his scolding's. He sighed heavily and looked away for a few seconds. When he looked back again at Aradia, he could see the hurt in her eyes.

  Aradia didn't wait for a reply from him though.

  She just sauntered up to him and said soothingly, "I am sorry Dax. I am so very sorry."

  She then slipped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his shoulders.

  Dax slowly took her hands in his. "God Aradia, I love you with all my heart, but sometimes I think you are too reckless in your actions. You never estimate nor realize the consequences of what you do."

  "Consequences?" Aradia repeated in wonder. "What consequences?"

  "See what I mean?" Dax couldn't help but point out.

  Aradia sighed, and said, "Look I am sorry if I upset you Dax. Really I am."

  Dax sighed, took her hand, and lead them both out of the forest.

  The Unicorn stallion raced through the woods in almost a blind panic as the poison began to run through its veins. The mare followed him, but with such hesitancy, that it seemed as if she knew something was wrong. Jack and Caiden also followed at break neck speed on foot, both grin
ning as hunters about to collect their prize. Jack was in the lead and smiled even wider as the stallion began to slow down. Soon it staggered and fell onto the ground! Jack and Caiden wasted no time in circling it. Although the mare tried desperately to save her husband by charging at him, she was still no match for Caiden as he slashed her neck. Thick bleeding scratches appeared as she staggered. He kicked her one more time to make her leave, which she did so reluctantly and not without one last mournful look at her mate.

  Jack drew a sword with a black hilt made of onyx from out of his pack. Chuckling, he twirled it in his hand and around his wrist as he walked towards the stallion. Licking his lips with satisfaction, he seized the sword in both of his hands and raised it high above his head. He took no notice of the stallion that looked at him with its large black eyes silently pleading for its life. Jack swiftly brought the sword down in a flash of silver. A loud crack and boom erupted from the sky as he grabbed the unicorn's horn and raised it triumphantly into the sky. Caiden hung back as he saw the sky beginning to grow dark spots as if it were mold growing on a light blue tree.

  He then said, barely audible amidst the deafening claps of thunder, "Now what do we do?"

  Chapter Sixteen

  "I am going to get a drink. Do you want anything?" She shouted to Dax who just shrugged impassively.

  Annoyed, Aradia shoved herself out of her chair and started to walk over to the bar but not without casting one last glance at the table where she and boyfriend sat.

  Dax didn't even seem to notice that she had left.

  Or maybe he just doesn't care, Aradia thought bitterly.

  Aradia squeezed her way through the crowd of partygoers to the bar where Calvin, like always, was serving drinks. Although she was in a hurry, Aradia couldn't help but glance around. Seeing the various crowds intermingling helped to lift her mood greatly. She was pleased to see several hiddens who were supposed to be mortal enemies either talking with each other, laughing, dancing, drinking, or even making out.

  "I guess Xian and Brenna were just the beginning," Aradia muttered to herself, chuckling.

  She then waved out her hand to get Calvin's attention. "Hey Cal! I'll have two colas otherwise known as coca-colas please!"

  "Why not just call it coke and be done with it?" a stranger from the right of her asked.

  Aradia turned to see another tall blonde vampire wearing a black t-shirt and pants that made it seem as if he blended into the darkness itself.

  He's cute, was Aradia's first thought, and he looks somewhat familiar too.

  "I just think," Aradia explained, "the name 'cola' is a lot more politically correct and considering that my dad's the D.A...Well hopefully you can see where I am going with this."

  The blonde vampire threw his head back laughing. When he was done, he dropped his head onto his hand and gazed at Aradia dreamily. Calvin handed her the drinks, grinning slyly as he walked away.

  "You alone?" Was the next thing the blonde vampire asked?

  Aradia shook her head coyly and tilted it in Dax's direction. "I have a boyfriend."

  Surprisingly, he grinned as he turned and leaned against the bar with his elbows on top of the counter. "Are you sure?"

  Aradia turned her head in confusion. This was when she saw Ginevra in a skintight black dress slide into her chair, and lean against Dax.

  At first, Aradia just laughed. "That's his sister."

  The blonde vampire lifted an eyebrow. "The funny thing about foster sisters is you may think of them as family, but it doesn't change the fact that you are not blood related."

  "So?" Aradia argued.

  "So," He said as he turned back to reach over the bar and pluck a soda bottle from under the shelf. "Oh. I don't know. Maybe the difference is bigger for guys than girls especially from the rumors I hear about those two."

  "Rumors?" Aradia's ears perked up a bit. "What rumors?"

  "Ask your boyfriend," he said after taking a swig and chuckling.

  Aradia looked one last time at Ginevra who was still leaning too close to Dax for comfort.

  Aradia shook her head before finally saying to the blonde vampire, "Not all rumors are true you know?"

  "Want to bet?" He didn't wait for her reply before disappearing into the crowd.

  Aradia just stood in silent confusion. Once more, she shook her head before carrying the drinks back to the table.

  She stopped, however, as soon as she saw Ginevra plant a quick peck onto Dax's mouth.

  Shock shot through her veins as Aradia saw Dax chuckle when Ginevra drew back.

  Aradia's expression changed further from shock to anger as soon as she saw Dax look at her, still smiling.

  Wanting with all her might to run out into the streets crying, Aradia gritted her teeth and forced a smile as she continued walking to the table.

  "Hiya Ginevra! How are you doing?" Aradia called out a bit too loudly to sound casual.

  Her expression didn't even change as she looked up to see Aradia.

  "Hey Rai, how are you doing?" she responded.

  "I am okay, thank you," Aradia said, lying through her teeth.

  "But," She interrupted Ginevra before she could speak. "If you don't mind, you are sitting in my seat."

  Ginevra raised an eyebrow. Nevertheless, she raised herself out of the chair, whispered one last thing into Dax's ear, blew him a kiss, and walked off. Dax continued smiling as she left. Aradia, however, was not smiling at this point. She slumped back into her chair and roughly handed Dax his drink. If he noticed her bad mood, he chose not to say anything.

  He just gave Aradia a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thanks love."

  Aradia forced an appreciative grin on her face. "Dax, can I ask you a question?"

  "What?" he replied as he began to sip his drink.

  "Were you and Ginevra ever an item?"

  Dax's eye grew wide before he spewed his coca-cola across the table.

  "What?" he managed to gasp after a few choking breaths.

  "Were you and Ginevra ever an item? You know a couple. Did you two ever go out?"

  All this, she said innocently while fixing Dax with an expectant look.

  "What brought this on all of a sudden?"

  "Just be straight with me ok?" Aradia snapped.

  "Well," Dax began in an embarrassed tone, "It was a long time ago Aradia, but I guess...if you want to look at it that way I suppose we were once an item."

  Aradia's face now matched that of a lioness intent on killing something.

  This Dax did notice and he held up both his hands. "Now, now, Aradia. Like I said it was a long time ago, over a hundred years to be precise, nothing really clicked between us and besides it was too bloody strange for us to be dating, living in the same house, and still be considered 'siblings'."

  "So," he finished with a shrug. "We decided to keep being 'brother and sister.' Ironically, it was us being a couple and the awkwardness that came afterwards that made me okay with her moving to New York."

  "A hundred years ago?" Aradia began in disbelief.

  She looked down and shook her head. "But she just kissed you..."

  "You kiss your father don't you?" Dax pointed out casually.

  "Not on the lips..."

  "It's wasn't like a French kiss or anything. She just gave me a slight kiss on the mouth. It didn't really mean anything besides sisterly concern."

  Aradia opened her mouth to argue, but Dax cut her off. "Now this kiss, however, means something and way more than 'concern' I can assure you."

  "What kiss?"

  Dax wrapped his arm around her neck and drew her close not even wasting a second, before claiming her lips with his own. It started out simple, but soon the kiss deepened as Dax's tongue began to caress her own and he rested his hand on her cheek. Aradia's eyes drifted shut as the kiss lingered on.

  When it ended (too soon in Aradia's opinion) Dax almost immediately said, "That kiss."

  "Oh," She whimpered dreamily.

  Saul hung in the bac
kground, hovering behind a corner. He crunched his soda bottle in annoyance as he saw Dax draw her into another kiss.

  Okay, he thought to himself, this might be harder than I thought.

  Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder was heard outside the club. Indeed, it was so loud that it could be heard by all the partygoers over the music. It was so sudden and shocking that even Everrett became freaked enough to stop the music. Everyone froze as well and looked up towards the ceiling. The worst part of there being no windows in the club was when something was heard outside the only thing available to describe it was their imagination. What was more frightening was the fact that they were in a basement so the sheer atmosphere was enough to create a horrible tension in the room. Aradia stood up, went to the stage, to face the crowd and calm them down. However, before she could even get a word out another clap of thunder echoed outside like that of a bomb exploding.

  Aradia's fear now matched that of the others as she shouted, "As much as I hate to cut the party short guys. I think we should really start heading out before the storm breaks."

  "I have heard of East Coast weather being strange, but bloody hell! There is absolutely no reason for the weather to be this freaky!" Dax mumbled as he stood up.

  There was a rush of people moving to where the coats were hung. As everyone barreled up the stairs, it gave Aradia the impression of an ocean wave getting ready to crash on to the beach. Another clap of thunder erupted, which seemed to concur with Aradia's comparison. Soon the only two people who remained in the club were Dax and Aradia. The thunder and lightning echoed outside where heavy drops of rain could now be heard.

  "The weather has been pretty unstable lately," Dax said but not to anyone in particular.

  Aradia just watched as he paced around, running his fingers through his hair.

  "I have lived in over three different states all along the east coast, which is notorious for its crazy weather and yet I have never seen it be as erratic as it is now."


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