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Page 17

by Shameek Speight

  “Ahhhh!” Star screams and cried along with her baby as the hyena tore into both her legs, ripping away the flesh and meat off it.

  Star hollered in excruciating pain.

  “That’s enough! I want her to stay alive!”

  Yasmin yelled.

  The henchman pulls the chain and tries pulling the hyena away, but it was no use.

  “See I told you that we shouldn’t have taken it out that room. They only fear and listen to Black Ice!”

  The henchman shouted that was standing next to Yasmin.

  “Shut up and help him pull the chain!” She orders.

  The next henchman grabs the chain and helps his partner pull the chain, pulling the hyena away but not before he rips off Star foot and chews and swallows it in three bites. He turns around then jumps up in the air, locking onto one of the henchman’s face crushing his skull with his mightily jaws.

  “Oh shit!” The next henchman yelled.

  Yasmin panics and doesn’t know what to do.

  She pulls out an electric Taser and presses it on the hyena’s neck, shocking him, sending 1000 high-voltage electrical shocks through his body, but the hyena refuses to release its grip on the henchman’s head.

  “Ahhhh!” He screams and dies as his skull pops open and his brain oozes out into the hyenas mouth.

  Two naked henchmen that were rapping a woman rush over and help pull the chain with the hyena on it, but the hyena didn’t release his grip on what was left of the henchman’s face. They drug them both across the room and opened the door where the hyenas were kept and toss them in and quickly shut the door.

  Yasmin walks over to Star stepping in a pool of blood and felt like she wanted to vomit. All the meat on Star’s legs and thighs had been completely ripped off, leaving nothing but a pool of blood and bones. Star had stopped screaming, her eyes rolling in the back of her head as she fought to hold onto her life. Yasmin bends down and reaches for the baby in her arms to only have a fist slam into her left eye knocking her backwards to the ground.

  “I told you! You will not touch my daughter, over my dead body bitch!” Star said in a weak voice as blood rush out her body.

  Yasmin held her eye. “Fine bitch have it your way.” She said rubbing her eye and got off the floor.

  Then she heard gunshots coming from outside of the Coca Cola factory.

  Chapter 28

  Michael walks over to his two hired security guards.

  “Listen, no matter what happens tonight I want you two to protect those three women with your life.

  Don’t worry about me or the military men. They have their own mission and it’s not about us, but some damn machine Black Ice stole. So protect the women, do you understand me?” Michael said.

  The look in his eyes wasn’t normal and scared the two security guards.

  “Yes sir.” They both replied.

  Michael moves his head to the slide to, feel two fingers on his forehead and looks down at his mother.

  “Oh Lord! Not now mom.”

  “Boy don’t you be using the Lord’s name in vain, and you need a blessing and prayers, we all do.”

  Rachel said as she pours holy oil onto two fingers and made a cross on his head.

  Then she does the same to herself along with Envy, Kema and Tiffany who looks at her strange.

  Rachel walks over to the military men and place holy oil onto one of their foreheads and was about to the same to the rest of them until they all started to say, no thank you miss.

  “We don’t need that, we have all the protection we need right here.” One of the military men said while lifting up his gun and touching it.

  “Fine but that won’t protect you alone against the devil. You will need the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. That’s the strongest weapon against evil.”

  Rachel said and walks back to the other side of the boat.

  “Hold hands so we can pray my child.” She said.

  “Mom, come on, really!” Michael replied.

  “Boy I’m not going to tell your ass again. I don’t care how grown you are I’ll still take this belt off.” She said meaning every word.

  Michael smiled and held her hand. Then Envy held Kema and Tiffany’s hands. They lower their heads.

  “Dear heavenly Father, please guide us and protect us from the devil, for he has many names and one of them is Black Ice. Let us stop the Devil that cause our lives and so many others pain and let us return my grandchild Evan back with his loved ones and family.

  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the day of my life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen”

  They all said simultaneously. Michael opens his eyes then kisses his mother on the cheek and Envy on the lips.

  “You both stay on point I really don’t want you two here, but I couldn’t stop you if I wanted to. I tried but I can’t have anything happen to you two, or I’ll lose my mind.”

  “Everything will be okay. We just need to get Evan back, that’s all that really matters. We will make it through this.” Envy stated.

  Michael picked back up the night vision binoculars and watched Tiwan and his men dock on to the island and get off the boat.

  Tiwan looks around with his 10mm handgun in his hand and knew something was wrong, so did Smoke by looking at him.

  “Tiwan what’s going on? Where are the rest of your men you said you had?”

  “They will meet us at the loading dock before we begin our attack.” Smoke said.

  “I don’t know, they were supposed to be here.”

  Tiwan said as they walk deeper into the island.

  Tiwan felt something under his feet besides the dirt. He looks down to see tore black uniforms that he and Black Ice henchmen wore shredded to pieces and blood everywhere. Tiwan sniffs the air and could smell a cigarette mixed with crack in the air.

  “Tiwan what the hell is going on!” Smoke yells, then heard laughter coming from the dark woods that surrounds them and the whole island.

  “It sounded as if a group of people are laughing.” One of Smoke’s men said.

  “Those aren’t people.” Smoke replied.

  They look all around their selves and in the woods they see an enormous amount of red glowing eyes, more than they could count.

  “Tiwan what are they?” Smoke asks nervously, as fear ran through him and his men bodies.

  Their hearts beat fast. Smoke turn his head and Tiwan had disappeared and was no longer in front of them.

  “Hahahaha! You actually thought you could sneak up on me and kill me? Hahahaha! There isn’t shit I don’t plan for and know. Smoke and J-Rock, you two are the last of my lose ends. You should have stayed your asses in hiding instead of thinking you can ever pull one on me. Hahahaha!” Black Ice said and his laughter sent a cold chill through their spines.

  Then everything got silent. Smoke and J-Rock shook and was terrified.

  “Ahhhh!” Smoke screams as more than seventy five hyenas come out of the woods like a giant pack of wolves.

  Smoke aims and fires his Uzi. Bullets shredded a few hyenas in half as they jaws lock onto Smoke and J-Rock’s men.

  “Ahhhh! Ugghh!” They scream in agonizing pain as the hyenas fought over their body parts ripping their legs, arms and heads off their bodies.

  “Tiwan! Tiwan! Where are you! Help us!”

  Smoke screams while continuing to fire.

  He looks straight into the darkness straight ahead and could see Black Ice standing there smoking a cigarette mixed with crack. Next to him stood Tiwan, his eyes met his cousin Smoke’s eyes. He lower’s his head.

  A hyena jumps onto Smoke ripping into the jugular vein of his neck. The hyena rips him apart in a matter of seconds.

  “I did good right Boss? I betrayed my cousin and killed al
l his men, and told you which one of our men was thinking of crossing you. I proved my loyalty with no reason or doubt.” Tiwan said.

  “Shut the fuck up fool, you didn’t prove shit. I knew you were thinking about crossing me and just got scared at the last damn minute. I can’t prove it, but when I do you will be the next meal i feed to my pets.”

  “But Boss, I’ll never cross you.” Tiwan started to say and turned his head around to see Black Ice was gone.

  Chapter 29

  “How in the hell are we going to get on that island and to that Coca Cola factory with all those dogs?” One of the military men said.

  “Those aren’t dogs, there hyenas.” Envy replied.

  As she remembers her last encounter with them.

  “I have a way.” Michael responded.

  “How?” Envy asks.

  “A solar power animal repeller, I had gotten it for the house when I saw it on T.V. one night. It lets off a high pitch sound only animals can hear it. Dogs, cats, squirrels, raccoons and any other animals and drive them away.”

  “Baby you’re a fucking genius.” Envy said kissing him.

  “Yea I hope so.” Michael said as the speed boat pulls into the loading dock.

  Michael turns on the green animal repeller. The sound of seventy-five hyenas could be heard crying and whimpering. They could see the hyenas running away that were feasting on J-Rock and Smoke and what was left there men. Mike had heard what his brother had said and looks at Tazz crying loudly and out of control.

  “Shhhh boy!” He said as he covers Tazz ears with his hands.

  Michael took off his black T-shirt just leaving him in his Kevlar bullet proof vest.

  “Damn I know this isn’t the time to be getting turned on but how can I not.” Envy thought to herself as she stares at Michael’s huge arms hanging out the vest and a 9mm Mp5 sub-machine gun in his hand making him look like a sexy muscular action hero.

  “Here hold the solar power animal repeller.”

  Michael said handing it to one of the military soldiers as he puts his 9mm Mp5 sub-machine gun in between his legs and checks the twin desert eagle handguns that were on the holsters under his arms making sure they was cocked and loaded.

  Rachel smiles seeing that he had the guns she had given him. She looked at Envy’s waist to see the twin 40 caliber with the purple handles, she given to her also. Then her smiles quickly disappeared.

  “The Devil is here! He’s watching us!”

  “What?” Envy responded.

  Michael felt his father’s presence as they walk towards the Coca Cola factory. He looks all around, then into the dark woods that surrounded them for any sight of him.

  “Stay on point Black Ice is close.” He stated.

  “You people are fucking crazy. Talking about the devil is here and Black Ice is close. How in the hell can you figure that out? There’s something wrong with all of you.” The military soldier that was holding the solar power animal repeller said causing the other five soldiers to bust out laughing.


  A shot rings off and then the laughter stopped, causing everybody to get on point. They all turned and looked at the military soldier that was holding the small solar power animal repeller. He gasps for air as blood leaks out his mouth, then he looks down, a bullet rips through the small animal repeller and tore through his stomach, hitting his spinal cord. He looks back up at everyone then falls backward onto his back.

  “Hahahaha! I let my pet out to play, it’s no use if they can’t have fun, let’s see how much you really are my son Evil.” Black ice shouted and his sinister laughter echoed throughout the dark woods.

  “Hahahaha! Envy, Mom, Tiffany and Kema get ready to fire.” Michael shouted as glowing red eyes could be seen in the woods surrounding them and hyenas rush out, running towards them.

  Envy squeezes the trigger to her Mp5 9mm sub-machine gun sending a burst of automatic five, sending bullets flying into a group of hyenas.

  Tiffany, Kema and Rachel got back to back with Envy. And they all let off a hail of bullets into the charging hyenas.

  “Ahhhh!” Two of the military soldiers scream as a group of hyenas attack them, ripping there limbs apart then devours them.

  Michael sent a hail of bullets flying left and right killing hyena after hyena. “There’s too many of them!”

  He screams over the gun fight, as a military soldier fires as a hyena jumps in the air towards him to only have one sink his teeth into the back of his shoulder.

  “Ahhhh!” He hollered in pain and fear as he was dragged into the woods and the hyena devours him.

  A hyena jumps in the air in Envy’s blind side.

  She turns her head and knew she was done for and this was the end of her life, until the hyena made a whimpering sound as a knife flew into its neck. She looks down at it and emptied her clip into its head. She presses a button on the side if her gun, releasing the old clip and put a fresh one in, cocking her gun and looks up and couldn’t believe her eyes.

  Mike was running through the group of charging hyenas with Tazz by his side. He was aiming and tossing and throwing knives at their necks that he had. The throwing knives Michael had given him and also from the room he wasn’t allowed in and took all the throwing knifes he could carry with him. He strapped them to a vest holster that was on him and he put some in his belt and pockets.

  He jumped and rolled onto the ground and popped up, tossing four throwing knifes two in each hand, into four different hyena’s chest then runs next to Envy.

  Envy saw the baby hyena by Mike’s leg and aims at it, then stops as it jumps into the air, ripping the face off another hyena.

  “Get them Tazz!” Mike shouted.

  A hyena ran towards Tiffany’s thigh and Tazz jaws lock onto his back leg chopping it off. Then Mike throw’s three knives into it, finishing it off.

  Michael stops firing when he notices that the hyenas weren’t really coming after him but after everyone else. He watched them run pass him with their heads down out of fear. One stood in front of him, laughing.

  “They must think I’m Black Ice.” He thought to himself as the laughing hyena in front of him, leaps up in the air.

  Michael drops his Mp5 sub-machine gun and catches the hyena by the neck and twisted it hard snapping it then bites into the side of his neck, ripping fur and a huge chunk of its flesh out. He spit the flesh mixed with fur out of his mouth as blood pour out the hyenas neck and dies. Michael raises the hyena high above his head and screams.

  “Ahhhh stop!”

  The other hyenas that had seen what he had done had stop and most of them ran back into the woods.

  Envy, Rachel and Tiffany along with everybody else looked at Michael as if he lost his mind as he drops the hyena to the ground and wipes the blood off his lips and face with back of his hand.

  “Come on we need to get to the factory, that only scared half of them off, the rest are still hungry and hungry means they won’t stop until they die or their stomachs are filled with us, no matter how scared they are.” Michael said as he picks up his gun and runs towards the Coca Cola factory with everybody following and shooting behind their selves at the chasing hyenas.

  Five of them jumped onto a military soldier.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” He screams as he got knocked to the ground.

  Envy fired at the five hyenas that were eating him alive and killed three of them to only see a group of hyenas eat the dead hyenas and continue to devour the military soldier.

  “Huh!” She covers her mouth with one hand, in horror.

  Michael kicks in a side door to the factory by the woods and ran in along with everybody else. They quickly shut the door and could still hear the laughter of the hyenas outside.

  “Okay let’s get a head count. Is everybody still here?”

  “Yea we're good Michael but we lost one of the security guards.” Envy responded.

  “What, how?” Michael asks.

  “I don’t know there was too m
uch chaos going on. And you Sergeant Justin how many men have you lost?”

  “I lost all of them but one. Fuck!” Sergeant Justin said while his face turns bright red with her anger.

  “That’s because the rest of your men laughed and didn’t let me pray for them and put Holy oil on their foreheads, like I did with everyone else. God will keep us safe, the father the son and the Holy Ghost is the only weapon against the Devil.”

  “Mom this isn’t the time.” Michael said and looks down with confusion at Mike standing next to Envy smiling.

  “Boy what are you doing here and what the hell is that doing by your leg?” Michael said as he aims his Mp5 9mm sub-machine gun at Tazz.

  “No don’t shoot Tazz, he's my best friend and he's good not like the other bad ones. He will help us and I wanted to help Michael. This is my family too.” Mike said as he jumps in front of Tazz.

  “That’s what he’s been keeping in that damn book bag and your ass thought it was a kitten. I told you, your family isn’t normal for shit.” Envy said seriously.

  “Ugghh! We will finish this discussion later.

  Mike the last time we was in a situation like this, you shot me and almost killed me. Please don’t shoot me again and know who your family is. We’re the ones that take care of you and love you.” Michael stated.

  “I know Michael, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. I love our father but you and Envy loves me more so I know what’s important.” Mike replied.

  “Good, because now I need you to watch over Envy and the women for me, making sure nothing happens to them okay?” Michael said.

  Mike shook his head up and down in agreement.

  “Okay now that you’re done with the family reunion can we get back to the damn mission before we all get killed?” Sergeant Justin said with an attitude.

  Michael stared at him and he flinched out of fear.

  “We’re going to have to split up, but remember to stay on guard and ready.” Michael said as they walked down a long hallway.

  “Good because my man and I will go search for the machine.” Sergeant Justin responded as he turned and walk in a different direction.


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