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Page 18

by Shameek Speight

  A room with bright lights was ahead of Michael, Envy, Rachel, Kema and Tiffany. They entered it to see machines and equipment to make soda. Then women butt naked cooking cocaine into crack and wrapping it up. With seven of Black Ice’s gunmen watching over there every move with Uzi’s in their hands. Michael ran up to one from behind and snaps his neck as another henchman aims at his head. Rachel raises the sawed off pump shotgun and squeezes the trigger twice.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’ The henchman drops his gun and screams in agonizing pain.

  “Ahhhh!” Everybody looked on in horror as his face sizzles up, from what looks like fat from meat and it cooked into his skin, covering his eyes.

  “What the hell did you shoot him with?” Envy asks the question that was on everybody’s mind.

  “I filled the shotgun shells with bacon fat. My grandma once told me she caught her husband cheating, so she filled the shotgun shells with bacon fat and shot him in the ass. The fat sizzled and cooked into his skin and he was never able to remove it. He never cheated again.” Rachel said with a smile on her face as all hell broke loose.

  The other five henchmen in the room aim and send a hail of bullets in their direction. Then more henchmen run into the room. Kema fires back killing two as she try to duck for cover, but was too late. Bullets from an Uzi rip through her thigh then her face. Envy looked on in horror as tears filled her eyes.

  “Kema! Kema! No they killed my sister no!”

  She screams as tears ran down her face like a waterfall.

  She aims and sends a burst of automatic fire, swinging her arms wildly. Bullets rip and tore through four henchmen, making their bodies shake as they die.

  More and more henchmen enter the room. Michael ducks and rolls to the floor and stood up, sending bullets into six henchmen’s knee caps as they drop to the floor.

  He sent bullets into their heads, popping open there skulls like a pumpkin. Mike looked around the room then an idea came to his head.

  “There out number and my family will be killed but I know a way to help.” He said to himself as he ran back to the direction they had come from with Tazz by his side. He reaches the door they entered from and could still hear the group of hyenas outside the door laughing. He pushes open the door and a hyena charges him. Mike swiftly throws two knives in its open mouth, killing it instantly. The other hyenas sniff Mike and sense Black Ice evil presence inside him. They lower their heads in fear, as they walk pass him and Tazz into the Coca Cola factory and begin to run when they smell blood mixed with bacon fat in the air.

  Rachel pumps the shotgun repeatedly, sending bacon fat slammed in henchman’s stomach and face burning into the skin. They hollered in pain.

  “We’re out numbered!” Michael yelled as bullets whistled past his head and he returns fire blowing off the top of two henchmen’s forehead, sending splatters of bones and brains in the air.

  Envy looked behind her, down the hallway and couldn’t believe her eyes, as she wipes her tears and stops firing for a second. A larger group of hyenas were running down the long hallway toward them and in the middle of the group was Mike. He could be seen running with them with Tazz by his side.

  “Holy shit, run!” Envy shouted as she jumps up from behind metal equipment used to make soda and ran towards the group of henchmen firing.

  Tiffany, Rachel and Michael did the same thing.

  The group of henchmen, jump out there way, ducking for cover with a confused look on their faces as they ran pass them. They start to fire at their backs.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” A henchman screams as hyenas jump onto his back, ripping chunks of his flesh off and ate him alive.

  The other henchmen try to run but it was too late, as hyenas came out of no were, devouring them.

  Envy looked back and knew she couldn’t out run the hyenas as they chase her and was closing in on her.

  She fire shots behind her and then seen a door on her left and push it open, running inside then shutting it.

  Tiffany trips and gets up and could see the hyenas gaining on her. She shot a henchman in the head that was guarding a door ahead of her. She aims and was ready to shoot his partner, until four hyenas attacked him.

  “Go! Get in to this room!” Michael yelled pushing her inside the closet room near them and shutting the door.

  “Where are my mother and Mike? I saw Envy run into another room.” Michael said.

  “I don’t know where anybody is at right now, all I know is that we need to find our children and get the hell out of here fast.” Tiffany replied.

  When she turned her head a chill went down her spine and fear made her body shake. The room they were in was designed just like the one she had found Star and Yasmin in a few months ago. Thick white crack smoke covers the air. Women were chained to the wall, smoking crack and crying, while others were being rape by Black Ice’s henchmen.

  Michael checks his Mp5 9mm sub-machine gun to see that he was out of ammo.

  “Tiffany I’m going to handle the men. You try and break free as much of the women you can.” Michael said as he drops the Mp5 9mm sub-machine gun.

  He started to take out his twin desert eagle from his holster but had a second thought as he pulls out the double blade machete from the side hostler on his thigh.

  Michael walks over to three men that were butt naked, taken turns on a woman that was crying. Two of the men were inside her at the same time. One in her ass while she rode the next one, then one man was standing in front of her, pushing his dick down her throat. Tears pour down her cheeks. As she try not to choke. She closed her eyes and prays.

  “God please help me, I can’t take this pain and torture no more, set me free lord please.”

  “Ahhhh!” The sound of the man in front of her stuffing his dick down her throat screams echo through the large room and made her open her eyes.

  She looks in horror as he back pedals holding his groin area where his dick should be but it wasn’t, it was still in her mouth. Michael had swung the sharp machete hard and fast with skills detaching the man from his penis.

  “Ahhhh!” He screams in excruciating pain.

  Michael walks up to him and stuck the Machete into his chest piercing his heart killing him instantly. The woman didn’t know if she wanted to scream or smile as she spit the man’s penis out her mouth.

  Before the other two men inside her could realize what was going on Michael swung with all his might taking off the top of the man's head that was behind her, fucking her in the ass. The top part of his skull went flying into the air, spinning around in a circle then hits the ground. His eyes rolled into the back of his as he falls backwards and his dick slides out of the woman’s ass. Then he hits the floor and his brain rolls out of his skull. The man the woman was riding tries to push her off of him, but it was too late as Michael stuck the machete in to his face and twists his wrist. The man's face split open in half. His arms and legs were still moving.

  “Ahhhh!” The woman screams at the sight of it and hops off of him.

  “Get out of here! You’re free! Make it to the big blue boat outside!” Michael said as he creeps into the darkness of the room chopping up henchmen after henchmen.

  The henchmen screams echo throughout the room as Michael move in the cover of the darkness and thick clouds of white crack smoke. A henchman ran butt naked to grab his gun that was by his jeans on the floor.

  Michael swung the machete, chopping his arm off from the elbow down.

  “One thing I can’t stand is a woman abuser and a rapist!” He yelled as he chops the henchman’s head off as one runs up behind him and tries to grab him.

  Michael spins around stretching the machete out cutting open the henchman’s chest, then cuts upwards splitting open his stomach.

  “Ugghh! Ahhhh!” The man screams as his guts and insides pour out to the ground. He tried to stuff them back inside as he falls face first and dies.

  After killing twelve men Michael sees two more and quickly went to work on them, choppi
ng off their arms and feet.

  “Now die slow fuckers!” He shouted as he watched the men squirm around screaming and crying on their stomachs with no arms and legs.

  “Hahahaha!” Laughter echoed throughout the room that Michael knew all too well.

  “Boy they were child’s play come test your skills on me if you want your son back.” Michael heard the voice boom.

  He looks in the direction of were the voice had come from and could see a steel door half way open on the far side of the room and took off running.

  “Give me my son back you bastard!” He shouted then stopped running as he reaches the door.

  He pulls out his 50 caliber desert eagle from the holster under his arm with his left hand. He aims the gun and let it lead the way as he enters the room. In his right hand he held his chrome double blade machete. He felt the presence of his father along with more hyenas than he could count. Their red glowing eyes shines through the darkness as their laughter fills the room.

  “Shut the fuck up!” He yelled.

  The hyenas quickly got quite sensing the evilness in his blood as he walks deeper into the room.

  His eyes meet with Black Ice’s who was standing in the middle of the room holding Evan in his arm while he was crying. Black Ice had his 44 twin bulldog revolver to the baby’s head as Michael steps closer. He now stood five feet in front of Black Ice.

  “I see you are my son, Evil. My pets don’t listen to no one, and devour all, that’s why I let a lot of them out to play in the woods, but I guess they smelled my blood in you and they knew I'll eat their asses if even one looks at me funny. I have done it. Hahahaha!” Black Ice said then laughs his evil laugh.

  Michael looks around checking his surroundings and now could see the hyenas had circled around him and Black Ice. He lost count of how many glowing eyes he could see.

  Chapter 30

  Tiffany moved as fast as she could, shooting the chains off on each of the kidnapped women’s feet.

  Run! Run!” She shouted.

  Some of the women got up and took off running.

  Others just looked at her funny and continued to stuff there glass pipe with more crack, that was in a plate in front of them and smoked.

  “You’re free you stupid bitches, run and get to the boats outside!” Tiffany yelled as she realizes she’s wasting her breath and energy, along with bullets trying to set free some of the women. She digs in one if the dead henchman’s pocket that Michael had chopped up and found a master key to the locks of the chains.

  “Just in time shit I’m out of bullets.” She said to herself as she drops the mp5 9mm sub-machine gun and pulls out a 3.80 ruger from her holster on her waist.

  “Unchain yourself if you want to be free and pass the key around and run to the boats outside and try to get passed the hyenas. They’re in the hallways and outside, just use the dead guard’s guns and shoot a path through and don’t stop running no matter what.” Tiffany said.

  Thank you! Thank you!” A woman said and wipes away her tears and unlocks the chain on her foot then picks up one of the dead henchman’s gun and pass the key down until there was a group of women running out the room and shooting there way outside. Only a handful of them made it as the hyenas jump them and ate whoever their jaws locked onto.

  Tiffany moved around the large room still helping to free women when tears streams down her face.

  “Star! Nooo!” She screams as she ran to a wall and recognizes her best friend Star.

  She looks down at Star legs to see almost all the meat and flesh had been stripped off and her left foot gone. Blood was oozing out and her bones were showing.

  “Star! No! No! God please no!” Tiffany said with her facial expression balled up in disgust as her heart aches.

  “Star why?” Tiffany shouted and cried hysterically and bends down in front of her and buried her face in the palm of her hands.

  “I knew you would come for me Tiff.”

  Tiffany removed her hands from her face and almost jumped back as she seen Stars eyes open.

  “You’re alive! Thank god! I’m going get you out of here. You’re going to be okay.” Tiffany said with tears in her voice.

  “No Tiff, not this time, I’m done for, my friend.

  I only held on this long because I knew you would come for me and I refuse to let that bitch Yasmin get my daughter.” Star said in a weak voice with her back leaning on the wall with blood leaking from her mouth and rushing out of what was left of her legs.

  She opens her arms to reveal her new born daughter sleeping in a small blanket.

  “Here Tiff, take her and take care of her for me.

  I named her after you like you name your daughter after me. They will be best friends like us.” Star said with her arms stretched out with her daughter in it.

  Tears stream down Tiffany’s face as she took the new born baby out of Star’s arms.

  “I love you Star.” She said with her facial expression balled up in pain and heartache like it never had felt before.

  “I love you too Tiff, please let my daughter know all about me and that I loved her, bye my best friend.” Star said as she closed her eyes.







  “Awww! Isn’t that sweet, I bet your ass didn’t even cry like that over me when y'all thought I was dead.

  Now did you bitch?” Tiffany heard a voice say as she felt the barrel of a gun on the back of her head.

  Tiffany held Star’s daughter close to her breast.

  She looked down to see her 3.80 ruger on the floor a few inches away from her hand. She had put it down when she had started crying.

  “Bitch you was our best friend, we grow up together and you crossed us, that crack really changed you or just really showed your true colors of who you really are!” Tiffany shouted.

  “So the fuck what, it is what it is! I was looking out for myself that’s all that mattered! Fuck Star and fuck you! She deserved what she got!” Yasmin shouted and push the barrel of the gun harder into the back of Tiffany’s head.

  “How can you say that? We were all best friends until that night Black Ice and his men grabbed us. Star was there for you when your mother would drink all night and your brother would feel on your body and tried to rape you. It was her place you would escape to when you were hungry. It was Star who would feed us all. Yes she had a mouth on her and never held her tongue, but that was Star and she loved you and so did I.” Tiffany stated.

  Yasmin’s mind began to flash back to all the things Tiffany had mentioned and more. How great there friendship was before crack and Black Ice entered their lives. She lowers the barrel of the gun off Tiffany’s head. Tiffany slowly reached for her gun.

  “Well that was then and this is now!” Yasmin yelled as she raised her gun and pulls the trigger three times.

  The first two bullets slam into Tiffany’s back and the last one into her left shoulder.

  “Owww! Ahhh! Ahhh!” Tiffany screams as the impact of the gunshot sends her flying forward on top of Star. She rolled over and looked at Yasmin then looked down at her own chest and was shocked that the two bullets that hit her in the back didn’t go through the bullet proof vest she had on and kill Star’s baby that was crying in her arms.

  Yasmin smiled.

  “I’m high as hell right now I meant to shoot you in your head best friend.” She said and squeezes the trigger.

  The bullet ripped through the meat of Tiffany’s thigh.

  “Ahhh!” Tiffany screamed in pain.

  “Damn I’m smoking too much crack. That shot should have killed Star’s baby.” Yasmin said while laughing.


  The sound of a gunshot rang out and her laughter stops.

  Yasmin looks down to see a smoking hole in the center of her chest. She gasps for air as she lifts her head up to see Star holding a smoking gun.

smiled. “I got you bitch!” She said as her body went limp and she let out a loud breath and died.

  “Damn hoe.” Yasmin mumbled as she falls backwards.

  Mike entered the room and seen Tiffany hurt in a corner and other women smoking crack. Some running out the room, most of them were getting devoured by the hyenas out in the hallway running around the factory.

  Mike ran over to Tiffany.

  “Are you ok Tiffany?” He asks.

  Tiffany took her gun out of Star’s hand.

  “Yes, but I’m hurt real bad.” she replied and jumped back at the sight of Tazz by his side.

  She started to raise her gun and aim at him.

  “No, that’s Tazz. He can help you get to the boat if you follow me and stay close to us.” Mike replied.

  “But Mike, I have to find my daughter. I can’t leave without her.” Tiffany cried.

  “You are bleeding Tiffany you won’t be no help to her. My brother or Envy will find her, but if you bleed too much and those hyenas smell your blood I won’t be able to stop them from attacking you.” Mike stated.

  Tiffany looked at Mike and all kinds of thoughts ran through her mind. He has Black Ice’s killing side, but Michael’s heart and knows too damn much for his age. How in hell he's telling me what to do. She thought to herself and shook her head. She rips a piece of her shirt off and ties it around her thigh.

  “Okay I stopped my leg from bleeding, but can’t do anything about my shoulder. I have to get out of here.

  I promised Star I'll take care of her daughter and you’re right I’m useless right now, so how are we going to get pass those damn creatures in the hallway.” Tiffany replied.

  “Easy, just hold my hand, but first help me with her.” Mike said.

  Yasmin continued to gasp for air as she went in and out of consciousness. She opened her eyes and felt herself moving or more like being dragged. She looks up and could see Tiffany and a little boy pulling her out of the dark room. She lost consciousness once more.

  Something ripping into her stomach and upper thigh made her open her eyes.

  “Ahhhh! Noooo!” She screams as she looks at hyenas surrounding her body and ripping into her.


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