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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 29

by Drew Sera

  “Sydney, I’m so proud of you for bidding and winning the rope evening with Anthony.” Matt reached across the table and gave her hand a supportive pat. Matt really did adore Sydney, and he watched over her like a big brother or best friend of her Doms would.

  “Thank you. I was nervous but very happy I took that step.” She brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear and looked at Anthony and then back down at her coffee cake. “I hope that I will be a good subject for him.”

  I was going to say something but Anthony had tilted her chin so she’d look up at him. He stared into her blue eyes and spoke softly while cupping her cheek.

  “I wouldn’t want anyone else. You’re perfect, sunshine. You made me so happy last night. I’m honored that you’d trust me enough to bind you with rope.”

  Sydney smiled at him and leaned into his hand. I wonder if Sydney understood exactly what she does to Anthony and I. It was powerful.

  We headed out and next stop would be the cabin. I checked my phone, and the temperature in Brian Head was showing as twenty-six. Fuck that’s cold. Anthony and I would have to make sure that we kept our girl warm.

  On our drive, Anthony and I played with Sydney some. Meaning while I drove, Anthony verbally played with her. It was sexy and made me hard. He’d give her explicit instructions that she followed perfectly.

  “Sunshine, unbutton and unzip your jeans.”

  Anthony didn’t even bother turning around but had a wicked smile on his face. Sydney said “yes, Sir” and I could hear her zipper lowering.

  “Good girl. Run your hand over that pussy.” He gave her a few moments and then continued. “That’s good. Push your hand down inside those panties and cup your pussy. Now, push your finger in. I know it’s nice and wet, sunshine. Finger yourself. Now, let me see that finger.”

  Sydney leaned forward and presented her finger to Anthony. He lowered his head and sucked on it. He opened the glove box and pulled out a fluorescent green dildo that had a set of jiggly balls on it and held it up. I saw him carry it out of the room this morning but had no clue he was putting it in the car.

  “Sunshine, work this into your panties and let me know when it’s all the way in your pretty cunt.”

  The sound of her moving around trying to get the dildo into her panties was quite the turn on. Fuck, I was getting hard.

  “It’s in, Sir.”

  “Good. Now I want you to rub on that clit until you come, and I want you to fill this car with the sound of you coming.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Anthony and I listened to Sydney like she were a radio playing the most sought after song. She went on and on playing, and just as she sounded like she might be getting close, Anthony told her to stop. He did this a number of times and after she’d stop, he suck on her fingers. He brought her to the edge several times and never did let her come. It was too bad because I was looking forward to hearing her come in my car.

  We were at the last turn off before we headed up the mountain. Anthony stopped messing with her and told her to zip up so she could enjoy the scenery of the snow and trees. She kept commenting on how pretty it was. I was rock, fucking hard knowing she was soaked in the backseat and had a green chubby dick stuffed in her.

  Anthony pulled his phone out and started messing with it. The cabin was set up on home automation, so he could control just about all of the technical things from his phone. He was adjusting the heat and lights.

  “It’ll be warm by the time we get there,” he said as he slipped the phone back in his pocket. “Just like our little kitten, Col.”

  Traffic started to slow, and as we came around the curve we saw the highway patrol stopping cars.

  “Probably to make sure we have four wheel drive,” I said to Sydney. I saw her relax in the rear view mirror.

  Highway patrol was turning some cars away but others were allowed to pass. We came up to the officers and I rolled the window down.

  “Morning,” I said as the officer glanced in the SUV at my passengers.

  “Morning. This rig have four wheel drive?” he asked me.

  “It does.”

  “Alright. Be careful please. It rained last night and there’s some ice on the road. You guys just driving through or staying the night?”

  “Staying until Christmas. We have a cabin up in the Summit area.”

  The officer nodded and motioned for me to go ahead and pass. The chill from the icy air outside had crept it’s way into the car. I adjusted the heat some and checked in the mirror on Sydney. Anthony knew I was checking on her.

  “Sunshine, are you warm enough?” Anthony turned around in his seat to get a visual while I concentrated on the road.

  “Yes, Sir. I have my seat warmer on.”

  “Good girl. Colin and I will warm your seat later as well.”

  We began climbing the winding roads to get to the cabin, and I switched the setting of the car to snow and ice conditions once the paved roads turned into snow covered roads. This SUV was very capable and safe, and I had no doubts in its climbing capabilities. Matt’s Mercedes SUV was capable to maneuver the mountain as well, however I will give him shit over it at first opportunity.

  And there it was - Anthony’s little prize in the form of architecture and technology. The cabin was somewhat traditional on the outside, but the inside was a technology lover’s wet dream.

  Anthony opened the front door and ushered Sydney inside and out of the cold. I stood on the porch and took several deep breaths of the fresh mountain air while I waited for Matt and Gina to get out of the car. Time to tease Matt about the Mercedes.

  “I began to worry that the highway patrol wasn’t going to let you pass with the Mercedes.”

  Matt laughed and as he walked by me, he slugged me in the arm. I followed them inside and shut the door on the cold air. Everyone was getting out of their coats, and Anthony had gone over to the fireplace to start the fire. I went to the touch screen display on the wall and selected the floor option. Anthony’s cabin had heated floors. I called Sydney over to my side and showed her the grid of the cabin on the screen.

  “Baby, the floors on both levels are heated. You can select the floor area by room or by level. Then there are levels of how warm you make it. While we’re here, we usually keep them warm all of the time. You’re going to love it the most in the bathroom.” I kissed her forehead and smiled as she whispered how neat it was.

  “Anth, show your sunshine around while Colin and I bring in the stuff from the cars,” Matt said as he and I headed towards the door. I gave Anthony a look suggesting that he take that green dildo out of our girl so she doesn’t get sore. Matt and I headed outside to start bringing in the bags and groceries. Anthony and I had brought her gifts to wrap, and Matt had picked up wrapping paper.

  By the time we unloaded the two SUVs, Anthony was walking back down the stairs with Sydney in hand. Like Anthony, I was itching to touch her.

  It was going on 1:00 in the afternoon, and we needed to get some lunch in Sydney. Anthony pulled Sydney down to sit on his lap. He cuddled her and gave her kisses. Gina had started making sandwiches, and I tried to help her. Matt came over and pushed me to go over to be with Anthony and Sydney. I nodded my thanks to him and sat down next to Anthony. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Anthony so happy here.

  He swung Sydney’s legs over to drape over mine. I leaned in and kissed her deeply. I let my thumb dip under the neck of her sweater, and I ran my thumb over her collar. Ours. I was so fortunate that Anthony didn’t have an issue with sharing her with me. I pulled away from Sydney once I heard Matt and Gina sit down with sandwiches and chips.

  Anthony kept her on his lap, and he fed her chips in between them eating their sandwiches. She was the center of his world, and I never had to worry about him not paying attention to her needs. I knew he’d always be on top of it.

  We made plans to go get the Christmas tree after dinner, and we’d decorate it tonight. Anthony and I took Sydney upstairs to our room and snuggled up wi
th her for a nap. A naked nap.

  As Sydney settled down for the nap, she quickly realized that Anthony and I had something else in mind. We began kissing her, and soon our erections were bobbing against her delicate skin.

  Sydney was flat on her back and Anthony was propped up on his bent left arm, and his other arm was straight and locked at the elbow on the other side of her, as to not put his whole body weight on her. We’ve been trying to be very careful of that. He was making out with her in this position.

  I took a back seat for the moment and let my eyes roam up and down her body. Lots of small wounds still remained. Most of her cuts had healed up but many still hung around. I looked at her hips. The bastard had just about shaved off her skin with sandpaper, leaving a pinkish layer. I remembered her having to keep gauze over it, and Anthony and I kept cleaning the wounds multiple times a day. Those hips, though. God, that made me angry every time I think about it.

  I calmed my mind with snacking on her wet pussy. We took her to the edge of an orgasm but stopped there. Anthony sat up and leaned against the headboard and pulled her to sit on top of him. I lubed her ass up to prepare for me. Sydney had only taken both of us completely a few times at the same time. Since it was still new for her, we were trying to make it pain free for her. So the rule was a decent amount of lube for now. Eventually we’ll get to the point where we use a little less lube. It’s nice for the little sub to feel everything back there.

  Anthony pulled her cheeks apart and I pushed in. She moaned and yelped out loud and then slapped her hands over her mouth and stilled. Anthony pulled her hands away from her mouth and put them on his chest.

  “No, sunshine. You keep your hands on my chest. No hiding your pleasure. You know the rules.”

  “But…” Sydney turned and looked at our closed bedroom door. She was worried about Matt and Gina.

  “Baby, I can guarantee you that they aren’t offended. Nor will they fear that Anthony and I are hurting you.” I nipped at her shoulder and started to thrust in rhythm with Anthony.

  “Ah, fuck! She’s clenching down on me. Feels fucking fantastic, Col.”

  Sydney was quietly moaning and enjoying the ride. I saw her hands start to come off Anthony, and I reached around and put my hands over hers, holding her to him and keeping them there. My entire body weight wasn’t pressed down on her, but her back was taking on some pressure. I got more turned on by the visual of me holding her to Anthony, and I knew that he liked the pressure.

  Anthony’s gaze was intense as he stared into her eyes. He reached up and pinched her nipples, and it sent Sydney over the edge.

  “Come for us, sunshine,” Anthony encouraged while Sydney was moaning. He must have started pinching harder because her moaning got louder. “Good girl. Colin and I want to hear you.”

  “That a girl, baby.”

  As she was coming, her ring of muscles in her ass grabbed and gripped me hard causing me to shoot my load. I grabbed and squeezed at her hands while we came. Anthony had tipped his head back and let out a nice, loud, guttural moan. I could see his ab muscles contracting as he started bending in the middle. He was still holding onto her nipples and she had handfuls of his chest hair. I knew this because I felt the chest hair between her fingers against my palms.

  We settled down, and I got off the bed to go get myself cleaned up. Sitting on the bathroom counter was that green dildo, and I let out a laugh. When I came back, Anthony had just covered her up but had left the sheet turned down on my side of the bed. I crawled in next to Sydney and she set her head to rest on my shoulder while Anthony cuddled her from behind. A nap was welcomed and needed.

  The three of us relaxed for a few hours and then got up to get ready for dinner and our search for the Christmas tree.

  “I’m starving, come on Anth.”

  I begged Anthony to hurry it up as he was finishing getting ready for dinner. After our sex and nap, the three of us took a shower. We played with Sydney some more in the shower but didn’t let her come. Anthony had helped Sydney get ready after the shower. Now all of us were ready except for him. This was typical for us.

  Matt and I were leaning on the breakfast bar with our girls leaning against us. Finally, Anthony came down and we took my Range Rover to dinner and to get the tree.

  “Glad we brought your car, Col. Your roof is much more suitable for a tree,” Matt said.

  “Of course, Matt. I’d hate to see a tree up on top of the Mercedes. Not sure it would be up for the task.”

  The girls were giggling while Matt and I were teasing each other. The sound of their laughter brought smiles to our faces.

  During dinner, Sydney was very talkative with Gina. After we ate at the lodge, we headed over to the Christmas tree lot. Sydney was so funny during dinner with how excitedly she spoke about being able to help pick out a Christmas tree. Gina and Matt were good sports about it. Anthony and I told them about how badly Sydney has always wanted a Christmas tree.

  The lot was busy with it being a couple days away from Christmas. Matt, Gina, and I walked behind Anthony and Sydney as we made our way through the maze of trees. Anthony had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and he was pointing to a few trees.

  “Oh, look at this one!” Sydney exclaimed as she broke from Anthony’s grip and trotted over to a tree.

  She looked it up and down and walked around it assessing it’s form. She melted my heart. We reached the tree, and I spent more time just watching Sydney than I did looking at the tree. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her checking out the tree.

  “This one is so pretty, huh? Isn’t it Gina?” Sydney was looking at all of us, waiting for someone to say something.

  Sydney didn’t know it, but we had planned on letting her pick the tree. Unless it was hideous and missing branches, we were all going to go along with it. This one actually looked nice and was full. Sydney looked up the tree again, winced, and then wrapped her arms around her abdomen. I knew Matt caught it too and I started to walk forward, but Anthony was on top of it. Maybe she was just chilled. It was cold out here for a girl who grew up in Vegas.

  “Come here, sunshine.”

  Anthony held his hand out towards her, and she eagerly walked into his open arms. He rubbed on her arms and titled her chin up so he could look in her eyes. He pulled her against his body and turned to look at us.

  “I think we found our tree.”

  Sydney pulled back from him and over at us. She was excited that we agreed on the tree that she liked. She leaned her head back on Anthony’s chest, and he wrapped her up in his arms. I hit the remote start on my fob for my SUV so it would start to heat up.

  “Matt and I can take care of the tree from here. Maybe you should take the girls back to the warm car,” I suggested to Anthony. I was concerned over these stomach pains she seems to be having too frequently. I know that Matt saw her grimace and grab at her stomach as well.

  “Matt,” I started to say, but he cut me off.

  “I know, Col. I saw. I think we may need to have her see an internist when we get home. The way she grabbed at her stomach made it appear that the pain just snuck up on her. I don’t think it’s a constant pain or a dull ache but more like a sharp, sporadic pain.”

  Matt and I went to find the lot attendant while I watched the girls and Anthony head towards the SUV.

  “Col, if it’s okay, when we get back to the cabin, I want to push and feel around on her abdomen.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t want her in pain.”

  Soon we were back on the road heading to the cabin. It was pitch dark out. Sometimes I forget how dark it gets up here. We’re so far away from the glow of lights. Anthony’s cabin is up a steep mountain, surrounded by thick trees. Sydney was quiet in the car, and Anthony tried talking with her.

  “Sydney,” Anthony started to say. Anthony was sitting in the back seat between the girls. I glanced in the rear view mirror, and Matt had turned to face the back.

  I could see Sydney shifting toward
s Anthony now but was looking downward. Anthony had put his arm around the back of her seat and said that “it was ok.”

  “Sunshine, eyes. Talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry.’s...really dark out.”

  Fuck. I remembered from her yes/no/maybe list that there was a fear of the dark and having been left cuffed to a fence, naked in the dark winter. I should have had Anthony keep her in the middle seat back there. The passing thick, pitch dark blanket outside was creeping her out a little, but she was trying to be brave. The fear of the dark was something we haven’t tackled head on yet.

  Sydney was quiet on the rest of way back, but I knew Anthony had her in his arms, and that she was in good hands. Anthony took the girls inside and got the tree stand ready while Matt and I carried in the tree.

  “It’s perfect! Oh, it smells so good!” Sydney was so excited, and the rest of us were happy to have shared this with her.

  Gina went to the kitchen to pop some of those break off cookies into the oven. We were going to start decorating the tree, but first, I wanted Matt to look and feel her stomach.

  “Baby, come here.” I caught Anthony glancing over and motioned him over too. I wrapped my arms around her and waited until Anthony was near us. “Baby, Matt is going to feel around on your stomach. We saw you grab at it while we were looking for trees.”

  Sadness took over her facial expression and it broke my heart. She looked at the tree. I think she was afraid she’d miss some of the decorating festivities.

  “Sunshine, we won’t start on the tree until you’re back down here and until we have cookies made.” Anthony bent and gave her forehead a kiss. The four of us went upstairs to our room. Sydney kept her head lowered, and I hate seeing her like that. But fuck, if she’s in pain, I want to know and I want it to stop.

  Sydney was on the bed and flat on her back. I sat on the other side of the bed and held her hand while Anthony stood at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed at his chest. I pulled Sydney’s shirt up so that it rested just below her bra. It exposed enough of what Matt needed to see. He tugged on the top of her pants and looked up at me. I unbuttoned and unzipped her pants and tugged the fabric open some to give him access to her lower abdomen.


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