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Meet Me at Oakham Mount

Page 14

by Melanie Schertz

  Finally, Darcy had bid farewell to their guests, with the exception of Jane and Bingley, who would be staying on the third floor of Darcy House, in the guest wing, far from the family wing on the second floor. The Bingleys had already made their way upstairs to their rooms. Darcy felt a twinge of jealousy at his new brother’s freedom, while he was host who had to wait.

  As soon as the door shut behind the Bennet family, Darcy took his wife into his arms, kissing her lips in such a manner as to leave no confusion where his thoughts lay.

  Leading Elizabeth to their rooms, he opened the door to her dressing chamber. “Shall I give you some time to change clothing?”

  “Give me an hour.” She replied, in a nervous voice. “William, I have to ask, would you prefer for me to wear the wig or one of the hair coverings?”

  “I would prefer you wore neither, but I wish you to be comfortable. You may choose whatever you wish.” Darcy said, leaning in for one more kiss before he turned towards his own rooms.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Darcy knocked on the door to Elizabeth’s rooms, and, when there was no answer, he opened the door and peeked inside. Not seeing Elizabeth, he walked over to the dressing chamber, where he had left her an hour before. He knocked lightly on the door and received no answer. He opened the door, finding the room vacant except for Elizabeth sitting in front of the vanity. She had taken the wig off, and placed one of her wraps on her head.

  Elizabeth looked up into the mirror, seeing his reflection there, looking at her with such love and devotion. It was clear to see her fear rising in her, nearly overwhelming her.

  “Lizzy, my dearest, what is wrong?” Darcy quickly made his way to his wife and knelt beside her. “I want to start our marriage correctly, without holding back the truth, but I am frightened that you will run away from me and wish to never see me again.” Elizabeth said, her hand involuntarily reaching for her head.

  “I wish to see you, to see how you look. Nothing could disgust me, nothing could cause me to run away or wish to never see you. If you are willing, I would like to see your head.”

  Reluctantly, Elizabeth nodded her head, her hand shaking as she reached it to the cloth and tugged on the fabric until it came off her head. It had been long enough that there was hair beginning to grow, and was about as long as the first joint on his index finger. The right side of her head was filled with curls, as the weight which was released when Elizabeth cut the hair on that side of her head had unleashed the unruly curls. Darcy was sure that the left side would begin to curl soon, as it grew longer. He reached his fingers up, allowing them to roam through her hair, caressing her head. He could feel the scars from the surgery, could feel where the bone had been punctured by the surgeon’s efforts to save her life. Darcy did not care. This was his beautiful wife, the woman he loved more than anyone else in the world. She was his life, and she was his wife.

  “Elizabeth Darcy, my beloved wife, you could not be more beautiful. I love the wild and untamed nature of the hair on the right side. I would place a bet that it will not be long before the left is in the same state of curls. You have no way of knowing just how long I have wished to run my fingers through your hair, feel your curls wrap around my fingers. It is everything of which I have ever dreamed. I love you, Elizabeth. You are beautiful, remarkable, intelligent, and the most amazing young lady I have ever met. I am grateful to have you as my wife. Now, let us spend some time in our sitting room. The fire is roaring, there are some refreshments waiting there for us, and I thought you might enjoy my reading to you for a little while. We are both nervous, and it would do us both good to spend some time, just the two of us, talking as we used to.”

  “How is it you know just what I need?” Elizabeth smiled. “I like the suggestion of talking.” “Come with me.” Darcy took hold of her hand, leading her to the sitting room. The two cuddled together, in front of the fireplace, sharing the treats the kitchen had prepared for them, talking and reading, for nearly three hours.

  Darcy ended up with his wife in his arms, seated on his lap and his arms wrapped around her. His lips found the tender skin of her slender neck irresistible, and could not be contained any longer. The kisses started gently, as Darcy kissed and tasted his wife’s neck, ear, and jawline. Her head turned instinctively, her lips searching for his. The first kiss was gentle, though grew desperate, wanting more. While his lips took possession of hers, his tongue gently persuaded her lips to part, allowing him to taste the delights of her mouth.

  All the while, his hands began to wander the curves of her body. Surprisingly, he realized that her hands had also craved to discover more of him. Breathless, Darcy pulled back from her barely. “My love, perhaps we should make our way to the bed.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head. “William, I am ready to become your wife.”

  ~~ ** ~~ For the next three days, the household only knew their Master and Mistress, as well as their guests, were in the house due to requests for bath water and refreshments. Neither of the newlywed couples came from their suites, only their personal servants were allowed into the area. Finally, on the fourth day after the wedding, late in the evening, the couples came from their suites. They had planned to attend the theater with their family members that evening, and dine at Lord and Lady Covington’s house afterwards.

  Reluctant to leave their rooms, Darcy and Elizabeth had a difficult time even parting as long as it took to prepare for the evening. Jane and Bingley were nearly as bad, though they were more covert in their behavior.

  When they arrived at the theater, the Bennets, Gardiners, and Carringtons had already arrived. Mr Bennet and Mr Gardiner smiled behind their hands as they saw newlywed men and the longing looks they gave their wives when everyone greeted each other. Mr Bennet walked over to his new sons clapped each on the shoulder and whispered, “You have the look of men who are deeply in love. Now, allow the rest of us to give our girls a moment of our time and you can have them back.”

  Darcy blushed readily. “Is it obvious?” “Son, you look as if it has been weeks since you last held Elizabeth, yet it has been a few moments that she has been embracing her family members. Yes, it is obvious to not only me, but to anyone here who has ever felt the arrow from Cupid’s bow.” Mr Bennet smiled before chuckling. “Have no fear, it is actually heartwarming, as it affirms your love for my daughter. I take it all is well between you.”

  Dimples were clear for everyone to see, as Darcy grinned from ear to ear. “I would say that everything is so far beyond well. And I have even been able to convince her not to wear the cloths on her head when we are home. When you next visit, do not be shocked to see your daughter’s short hair rather than the cloths or the wig she is donning at this moment.”

  “That is indeed a magical feat. I am pleased to see Elizabeth feeling more confident and more like her old self. You have worked wonders in restoring her. After all that happened, she could have been

  destroyed forever.”

  “I feared that happening, though I believe she is stronger than the rest of us can even imagine. We are planning to do some shopping next week. I was surprised to see her willingness to accept this. I told her I wish to see her with a proper wardrobe, and that means more than a dozen or so gowns. She needs to have a larger selection available to her and warmer clothing for when we travel to Pemberley in a few weeks. We decided to leave on the fifteenth of January, so we will be here for a little over a fortnight.”

  “Would it be too much to ask that we visit in the summer, for I look forward to seeing this vast estate?” Mr Bennet asked.

  “You are always welcome, though I believe it is the library at Pemberley to which you look forward to seeing, rather than the estate.” Darcy laughed. “The Bingleys will be joining us in July, perhaps you could come with them. The Gardiners are even thinking of making the trip this summer, as Mr Gardiner is looking forward to some fishing and Mrs Gardiner wishes to visit some of her friends in Lambton.”

  “Fishing? My, it has been years since I h
ave enjoyed a bit of fishing. Perhaps Edward and I could try our hands at some fishing.”

  Darcy smiled. “The ponds are well stocked and the streams are usually quite active that time of year. We keep a supply of poles and gear for fishing, so there is plenty for all of us men to use.”

  “Mrs Bennet might be difficult to remove, once she sees the grand house. She has been pleased with the sight of Darcy House, so if the estate is even half as nice, you may regret having your mother in law visit.”

  Shaking his head, Darcy chuckled. “Never could I regret Mrs Bennet’s visit. After how she treated my wife after the attack, the loving manner which she gave my dearest Elizabeth courage and strength, I will be forever in your wife’s debt. It is pleasing to me to see how much love mother and daughter share. Though I have heard, so many times, that Elizabeth is so very much like you, I think there is a bit of Mrs Bennet in Elizabeth as well.”

  “Her kind and generous heart is her mother, Fanny has always been a caring lady. Most people have not seen that side of her, so they do not know the real Fanny Bennet.” Mr Bennet smiled at his wife, who in turn gave him a familiar look with an arched eyebrow.

  Darcy smiled at his own mother and stepfather. Knowing about his parents having a loving

  relationship, and that the love Lady Anne held for each of her husbands, had made a difference in how her son saw her current relationship. Seeing Anne and Albert sharing smiles, and innocent looking touches they shared, Darcy was pleased to know that his mother was deeply loved. He also knew that his father would have wanted Lady Anne to be happy.

  “Well, shall we make our way to our box?” He asked everyone. All agreed, and they started towards the stairs leading to the upper level. Suddenly, Darcy noticed to his right, were Caroline and Geoffrey Goodman. The sneer on Caroline’s face spoke of her displeasure in seeing the Bennets with her brother and Darcy. She stepped towards her brother, with her husband close behind her.

  “Charles, we meet again. You are being seen in public, with those people?” Caroline spoke just above a whisper.

  “Caroline, may I introduce you to my wife. Jane and I were married on Christmas Day, in a double ceremony with Darcy and Elizabeth.” Bingley gestured towards his wife.

  “I will never acknowledge that chit as my sister, and that family will be the ruin of everything our parents and grandparents built. How could you betray the Bingley family name in such a manner? And ruin your friend at the same time? You have no consideration towards the way your actions will affect so many others.”

  “Caroline, my dear, let us go to our seats.” Goodman said, taking hold of his wife’s arm. “I cannot stand by and allow my friends be ruined because my brother is incompetent. That family is evil, they will be the ruination of all they touch.” Caroline hissed.

  “My love, we should make our way to our seats. Or would you prefer to return home?” Goodman could see the fury building in his wife. Never having seen this aspect of her, he was concerned for her wellbeing.

  “I will not give them the pleasure of running me off. We came here to enjoy the performance, and we shall do just that.” Caroline took hold of her husband’s arm and walked off, though not before giving Elizabeth a look of daggers being thrown at the new Mrs Darcy.

  Seeing the look given his wife, Darcy quickly ushered his family up the stairs and to their box. There were two rows of seats, and he led Elizabeth to the seats to the furthest right side on the front row. Darcy took the seat next to his wife’s, and held tightly to her hand. “Forget her, my dearest Lizzy. Caroline is a sick woman, and her husband has yet to see what we have for so long.”

  Elizabeth looked him in the eye. “William, I was just thinking. Everyone believes that Wickham was hired by Anthony. What if it was not Anthony, but Miss Bingley…I mean… what is her name now?”

  “Mrs Goodman. She does have a better flow of funds than Anthony, and we were concerned with her possibly attacking you after the Assembly. I will speak with Bingley after dinner tonight.”

  “Thank you, my dearest. Now, let us both put it from our minds and enjoy the performance. I have been excited all day to come tonight, and I refuse to allow anyone to ruin my happiness.”

  Darcy lifted her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it, which left no doubt as to where his mind was more pleasantly wandering.

  From a box across the way, the newlyweds were being watched. “They will pay for their treachery.” Uttered a whispered voice, to no one.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  CHAPTER 15 At dinner, Lady Anne informed her son of a recent letter she had received. “Catherine has made her disapproval well known. First she was upset with Anthony being disowned and sent away from Matlock. She has always doted on him. I am actually shocked that she did not assist him financially when he could not acquire the funds from you.”

  “I do not think Lady Catherine’s estate is as financially set as she wishes everyone to think.” Darcy said.

  “I know she still harbors resentment that her dear Anne died several years ago, as she wished young Anne to marry you. I believe it was to combine the two estates, bringing Rosings under your protection.”

  “Mother, I have never considered Cousin Anne to be a potential wife for me. She was sickly and not a kind person. Lady Catherine did her daughter no favors, indulging the girl in fantasies.”

  Lady Anne nodded. “Well, in Catherine’s mind, you should be mourning your long lost betrothed, even though you were not betrothed. This brings me to her other complaint. She is furious at me for making no attempts to destroy the wedding between you and Elizabeth. As a matter of fact she was furious over the connection between you and Lizzy, especially after the rumors which circulated after Wickham’s attack.”

  Darcy nearly choked on his bite of potato. “What would she have me do? Would Lady Catherine prefer me to abandon the woman I love due to someone hiring Wickham to ruin me? Was I to just abandon Elizabeth, leaving her alone in the world, while I remained destroyed by her loss? I love my wife, and would move heaven and earth to protect her and keep her close to me.”

  “You know how Catherine is, she has always been difficult to please. I believe she will never be happy until everyone else is as miserable as she is.” Lady Anne said.

  “Is she still at Rosings?” Darcy asked. “She was planning to spend the holidays with her poor, exiled nephew. Richard has not sent me any news, so I am not sure if she went to Norfolk.”

  “Anne, let your son enjoy his meal. There is time later to discuss such matters. Do not give William digestive problems by speaking of your sister.” Lord Albert said with a smile.

  Lady Anne chuckled at her husband. “You are correct, my dear. William, Lizzy has told me she will do some shopping before you leave for Pemberley. I am so pleased to hear such news. Where do you intend to shop?”

  “We will go to your modiste and to Johnson’s for footwear. I was trying to decide to which furrier to take her, which do you suggest?”

  “Lawrence’s is the best, though I find Jameston’s to be better quality stitching and their prices are better. You should take her to Wilson’s for other supplies she will need. Elizabeth will need hair accessories, gloves, handkerchiefs, bath scents, personal stationary, and such.” Lady Anne rambled off the list.

  “Could you do me a great service, Mother, and make a list of what Elizabeth will need? I know my wife well enough to believe she will never tell me, for she will believe I am spending too much on her needs.”

  Lady Anne smiled. “Of course, William. After dinner, I will go to my study and prepare a list. I know Lizzy is concerned with the cost, but she needs many items she never did before. She is now Mrs Darcy of Pemberley.”

  “I have already spoken to her on that fact. But you know how she is. I married a country miss, not a lady of the ton. And she does not appreciate the wealth that is now at her fingertips.” Darcy looked down the table to his wife. Elizabeth was in a discussion with her father and mother, all three of them
smiling and laughing.

  ~~ ** ~~ Lady Anne excused herself from the other ladies when they removed to the drawing room. “I will join you shortly, I need to take care of something first.”

  The other ladies all nodded their heads, as discussions of Twelfth Night were held. The Darcys would be joining the Bingleys at a party which was being thrown by a friend of Bingley’s late parents. It was highly anticipated, and the first time the new wives had attended such an event.

  Upon her return to the drawing room, she found Elizabeth looking at the sheet music. “Lizzy, will you honor us with a song this evening? William has informed me of your talent at the pianoforte, and he said your voice is quite pleasant.”

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and looked at her mother in law. “Your son exaggerated my talents, Lady Anne. My skill is mediocre at most, and my voice is far from being pleasant, unless you consider shrieking cats to be pleasant.”

  “Do not believe her, Mother, she has always undervalued her talents and worth.” Darcy said as he entered the drawing room, walking straight to his wife.

  “William, I must say you are prejudice when it comes to my talents.” Elizabeth said.

  Lady Anne laughed. “Very well, I insist you perform a song so I may judge for myself.” “Very well, but I must insist that my husband endure my performance at my side at the pianoforte, as I will require his aid to turn the pages.”

  “Such torture, Wife, however will I survive such agony?” Darcy smiled as he leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek.

  Elizabeth’s performance was enjoyed by all, especially those who could see the love which radiated from the newlywed couple, especially in the stolen glances and slight touches.

  Shortly after the song was over, the Darcys decided it was time to return to Darcy House. They left the Bingleys to enjoy their family, with the Bennets promising to deliver their eldest daughter and her husband safely to Darcy House.


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