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Meet Me at Oakham Mount

Page 15

by Melanie Schertz

  Upon arriving at Darcy House, both Darcy and Elizabeth dismissed their servants for the night. Darcy was more than pleased to be his wife’s maid that evening, as Elizabeth was a more than willing valet for him.

  ~~ ** ~~ Caroline Goodman was furious, and she would not stand for what she perceived as a slight given by Darcy and her own brother. Geoff had tried to calm her, especially after they returned to their home. Nothing would sooth her anger, she could not wait until she could exact some punishment on the two newlywed couples.

  Taking out paper and pen, Caroline began to write a letter. She was determined to contact someone who could come to her aid, someone who would do anything she asked, so long as there is a good sum of funds available to him. He had been her lover for several years, but he also had expensive tastes. Since her marriage, she finally had access to the funds to satisfy his needs.

  Finishing the letter, Caroline smiled. Ah, yes, that will do nicely. He will come to my aid.

  ~~ ** ~~ Lady Catherine was furious when she received a letter from her sister. Lady Anne complimented the young lady who had tricked, Lady Catherine was certain it was trickery of some sorts, Darcy into marriage.

  How can my sister be such a fool? Does she not see that her son has been lured into a trap, and by a woman of questionable reputation? The rumors that have spread about the chit were clear, speaking of the use of her arts and allurements to ensnare the Master of Pemberley.

  Anthony had described the situation to Lady Catherine, how the country nobody had stolen Darcy’s heart with her loose ways. He also pled his misery being at the hands of Darcy, as his cousin had refused to come to his aid when Anthony needed it the most. In his pleas of wrong doing towards him, he accused the new Mrs Darcy of prejudicing her husband against helping Anthony.

  Lady Catherine was beside herself, her beloved nephew had been tossed from his home, his heritage, and robbed of his inheritance due to this country whore who had trapped Darcy. Her influence had spread, like a plague, throughout their family. Lady Anne, Lord Matlock, Richard, and others, all influenced by the deception of someone who was unworthy of their notice.

  Sitting at the desk in Anthony’s study, Lady Catherine pulled out paper and pen. She began a letter to a man she had known for most of her life, a man who held all of her secrets, as he was the man who did Lady Catherine’s bidding. He would come to her aid once again. She was sure of it, especially if she offered him a handsome reward. Lady Catherine knew what that reward would be. And it would be a reward to herself as well.

  ~~ ** ~~ Mr Culiver had been nervous since the debacle with Wickham and Darcy. Though there had been rumors surrounding Darcy and his new bride, the Master of Pemberley had been able to deflect the major damage to his reputation when it was proven that Wickham was responsible for the attack against Elizabeth Darcy, nee Bennet. Fortunately, Wickham was dead, and it did not appear that he had given Culiver’s name to Darcy.

  He knew it was only a matter of time before his employer contacted him again, as they would wish completion of the assignment. Culiver was

  attempting to plan another attack, and who to use, but it would be difficult to get close to the newlyweds. For several months, Culiver had attempted to find someone employed at Darcy House or Pemberley who would be vulnerable to blackmail into doing his dirty work, but Darcy’s employees were devoted to their master.

  Finally, Culiver found someone who would be perfect to keep him updated on the Darcys, their comings and goings, and their preferences. He would soon move forward with his next plan to ruin Darcy. For Culiver knew that if he did not act soon, his own employer would soon find someone to eliminate Culiver.

  ~~ ** ~~ Richard was in his study at Matlock, when there was a knock on the door. A footman was bade to enter, and he was carrying an express.

  Opening the letter, Richard began to read.

  Colonel, As you requested, I have been investigating your brother. You were correct in your assumptions that your aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, has been aiding your brother financially. Recently, she deposited ten thousand pounds in an account for Mr Fitzwilliam to use. I have also learned that your brother has been drinking heavily, and in his inebriated state, is making threats against you, Lady Anne Carrington, and Mr Darcy. It also appears that Mr Fitzwilliam has put out the word of his desire to hire someone to assist him in making his threats come to life. His housekeeper is turning away anyone who is not on the list you gave her, though Lady Catherine has interceded many times when guests have arrived at your brother’s house in Norfolk. I will continue to investigate and keep you informed of any developments. Please keep watching over your shoulder, Colonel. Your friend, P. Randall

  Richard wrote a letter to Lady Anne and another to Darcy, informing them of the news of Anthony’s activities. He knew it was coming to a time that it would be necessary to confront Lady Catherine, and it would take all of them to deal with the Mistress of Rosings.

  Richard then walked down the hall and up the stairs, arriving at his father’s bedchambers. Lord Matlock had improved immensely in the past fortnight, and he was pleased to know that Darcy and Elizabeth were recovered and happily married.

  “Good morning, Father. How are you today?” “Better.” Lord Matlock stated. “Ate well, and walked down the hall twice. My hand and arm are stronger as well.”

  “I am pleased to hear this. I knew you would recover, especially with the nurse we hired. She is quite knowledgeable in her field.” “Indeed, she is. Now, what is the latest from London? You have that look about you which tells me that something is wrong.”

  Richard chuckled. “You have always known how to read me, Father. It was not news from London which has me concerned. I received word from my investigator. He had news from Norfolk. It appears that Anthony is making threats against the Darcys, Aunt Anne, and myself. I would not trust him not to threaten you as well.”

  “But he has no access to funds to enact his threats.” Lord Matlock was concerned. “Let me guess, Catherine is sticking her nose in the middle of everything and supporting Anthony’s habits.”

  “How did you know?” Richard was surprised. “My sister has always stuck her nose where it was not wanted. Does Anne know?”

  “I sent expresses to Aunt Anne and Darcy. I pray that they will be safe.” Lord Matlock pulled back the covers of his bed and sat up. “Richard, have the carriage prepared. We are for London.”

  “Father, you are not strong enough for such travels.” “Be a good boy and do as you are told. I am strong enough to make the trip and to be at my family’s side as we contend with Catherine and Anthony.” Lord Matlock called out for his valet to have his trunks packed for the journey. The valet was as shocked as Richard was, though, after seeing the determination of Lord Matlock, both men did his bidding.

  ~~ ** ~~ The Carrington family dined at Darcy House on New Year’s Eve, welcoming the New Year with joy. A footman entered with two expresses, one had been redirected from the Carrington townhouse. Lady Anne and Darcy took their letters and began to read. Once everyone learned the news of Lady Catherine’s involvement and Anthony’s threats, the situation was discussed. All agreed it was wise to remove from Town after Twelfth Night. Lady Anne asked her husband if they could spend some time at Pemberley, as she wished to be of assistance to Elizabeth as she was learning her position as the new Mistress. Albert was not of a mood to deny his wife, he loved her dearly and was pleased with the change in his relationship with her son.

  “If William and Elizabeth invite us, Anne, I am more than happy to visit Pemberley. But remember, they are newlywed, they may wish for some time alone.”

  “Nonsense, Lord Covington.” Elizabeth replied. “You are always welcome at Pemberley. Is that not correct, William?”

  Darcy smiled. “Indeed, my love. Mother, you and Lord Covington, and of course, Georgiana, are welcome to join us at Pemberley. Though I will state that if we disappear from time to time, you will not hold it against our hosting abilities.”

nbsp; “William, I insist that you and your wife call me Albert. I cannot abide my stepson and his wife calling me by my formal title.”

  “And you must call me Elizabeth or Lizzy.” The new Mrs Darcy declared. Bingley and Jane had been planning to travel after Twelfth Night, and they decided they would join the party making their way to Pemberley. As the main house at the estate was quite large, and the dower house was available for the Bingleys to enjoy some privacy, the second newlywed couple felt certain they would be able to enjoy their stay.

  Mr and Mrs Bennet would be visiting Pemberley in the summer, and decided it would be best to have some time at home to bring peace and quiet to their family, after all that had happened the previous months.

  Kitty was invited to travel with the Darcys, and she was overjoyed when her parents agreed to allow her to make the journey. It was decided that she would travel in the carriage with Lady Anne, Lord Albert and Georgiana. Darcy and Elizabeth would ride in their newest carriage, and the Bingleys would travel in the Darcys’ other carriage. Bingley needed to meet with his business partner the day after Twelfth Night, in the morning, so he and Jane would leave by midday.

  Kitty and Georgiana would keep each other company when the couples enjoyed the ball for Twelfth Night. The ball was being held at the home of Lord Sherman Malcolm. Lord Malcolm had remarried a year ago, after being a widower for two years. He had no heir, and his estate had been suffering financially from several years of bad crops. His second wife was a young lady whose fortune had been derived from trade, her father being one of Bingley’s father’s friends from their younger years. It had been many years since Bingley had seen the Jefferies, and had been unable to attend the wedding of Arabella to Lord Malcolm, so he looked forward to introducing his wife and family to Mr Jefferies. Lord Malcolm and the Carringtons had known each other for many years, and Lord Albert was looking forward to introducing his stepson and new daughter to his friends.

  The ladies had already ordered their gowns made for the ball, and were excited to attend. Elizabeth had finally regained her former zest for life, her strength and personality had been restored. The harm which had been plunged upon them by Wickham had been dealt with, and was now in the past, and the future as Mrs Darcy of Pemberley was a very exciting time for her.

  ~~ ** ~~ The arrival in Town of Lord Matlock and Richard was surprising to their entire family. As preparations were being made for everyone to journey to Pemberley, the men were also keeping close tabs on where Lady Catherine and Anthony were and what they were doing. A messenger arrived, just hours after Lord Matlock, at Darcy House. The messenger brought news that Lady Catherine and Anthony were traveling to London, planning to stay at her townhouse. They would be arriving in Town the following day.

  This was news which the family was pleased to hear, as it would allow them all to confront Lady Catherine and Anthony at one time, a united front against the pair.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 16 Lady Catherine was surprised to see her brother and sister, as well as Richard and Darcy, at her townhouse. “I do not wish to speak with you, as I have many appointments today.”

  Lord Matlock stepped towards his elder sister. “Catherine, we know you are involved in assisting Anthony, and we need to discuss it immediately. My eldest son is ill, and he requires treatment to keep him from harming himself or others.”

  “Anthony would never harm another person. I am sure that Darcy and Richard have filled your mind with all sorts of lies about my dear nephew, for they are jealous of him. Richard has even gone so far as to take his brother’s title and inheritance from him. Poor Anthony has been ill used, and I cannot believe you have taken Richard’s lies and acted against your heir.”

  “Richard has not lied, Catherine. Anthony has nearly destroyed all that our father and grandfather built. With his gambling and spending habits he has nearly bankrupted me. I had to sell off part of our estate to cover his last spree.”

  “And Darcy was selfish in refusing to come to Anthony’s aid to cover the debts. Pemberley is financially sound. There is no reason for Darcy not to come his cousin’s aid.”

  “I did assist Anthony, Lady Catherine.” Darcy stated. “I assisted him many times. It never made a difference, as Anthony would only go out and spend more and gamble more. I will not lose my estate to support Anthony’s habits.”

  “You selfish boy. And what of you, Anne? Your husband is wealthy and could surely afford to come to Anthony’s aid. Why did you not plead our nephew’s case before Lord Covington?”

  “As my son said, no amount of assistance to Anthony would have helped the situation. He only continued the behavior over and over, no matter how much help he was given. And why should we be the ones to continuously bail Anthony out? Why did you not come to his aid each time he was in need? You are pitying him now, but where were you when our brother had to sell part of our father’s estate to cover Anthony’s debts? What you do not understand is that William did come to his cousin’s aid, as he was the one who purchased the land, to keep it in the family. He could not allow our heritage to be destroyed.”

  Lord Matlock was surprised. “William, you purchased the lands?”

  “I did, I had Mr Farnsworth do it for me. I thought you would be upset in my doing so outright.” “I wish I had known, my boy.” Lord Matlock shook his head. “I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you.” “There is no need, Uncle. You would have done the same for me, if the situation were reversed.” Darcy did not like being in the center of attention. “The point is that the land is still part of the estate, and Richard will see that I am repaid as the estate is returned to its previous glory. We have already discussed the matter.”

  “Now, Catherine, let us return to the matter at hand.” Lord Matlock stated, turning his attention to his sister. “Anthony is out of control, and he has become dangerous. The attack against Darcy’s wife was done after someone hired Wickham. Wickham was hired by someone to discredit Darcy, to make him a laughingstock in society. The plan was to blame Darcy for the attack against Elizabeth. It could have worked, but fortunately there was plenty of evidence to contradict Wickham’s version of the event. Three men are now dead, Darcy and Elizabeth were both critically injured. You may not care about the new Mrs Darcy, but Darcy nearly died from the fever he took after being shot by Wickham. Does that mean nothing to you?”

  Lady Catherine scrunched up her forehead as she scowled. “You are lying. I heard no such information, only that the chit had taken advantage of the situation and forced my poor nephew into marriage. He was honor bound to marry the country nobody, as the rumors were abounding.”

  “I beg to differ, Lady Catherine.” Darcy was attempting to control his anger. “I was courting Elizabeth when Wickham was hired to perform his vile duty. I was planning to ask her to marry me the very morning of the attack, only to arrive to find her beaten near death. The woman I loved, on the ground, battered and broken, with three men preparing to violate her. They attacked me, forcing me to shoot the first two. Then Wickham and I struggled over the other gun, and I was shot. The scoundrel accused me of vile behavior, stating I had violated Elizabeth, and that I had been carrying on an affair with her for some time. She was still pure until we married, and I am grateful that the vulgar deed had not been accomplished. It was proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was Wickham and his friends who were the perpetrators of the attack, and he finally admitted the truth. I would not save his sorry carcass from the noose, so he would not admit to the name of his employer, though he claimed it was a relative of mine. There are only two relatives who would treat me in such a manner, the first one is Anthony, and the other…well, we are well aware of your feelings towards me, Lady Catherine.”

  “How dare you, to accuse your poor cousin of such a foul action. You should be ashamed of slandering the good name of such a fine young man. Anthony has always acted in a proper manner, I have kept a close watch over him all of his life.”

  “A proper manner?” Lady Anne exclaimed.
“Is it proper to gamble away the family fortune and to fornicate with every young lady he meets? Is it proper to spend money as if it grew on trees, all the while ignoring the conditions of the estate which supplies the funds which supports his living? I am ashamed to call you my sister, if this is your idea of what is proper manners.”

  “You think your son is so perfect, Anne, you always sided with him over Anthony and even Richard. Why, I remember when the boys were little, and your son accused Anthony of killing the cat which was my dear Anne’s favorite. Anthony swore to me that he had done nothing to harm the cat, as he knew how dear the sweet animal was to his beloved cousin. I am certain that it was your son who committed the vile act, putting the blame on his cousin.”

  “You are a fool, Sister.” Lord Matlock bellowed at Lady Catherine. “I overheard Anthony laughing at his being able to pull the wool over your eyes. Anthony has always known how to manipulate you, and you protect him. That makes you a simpleton, believing such nonsense from the mouth of my eldest son. Anthony laughs at you, behind your back. He ridicules you and belittles you, knowing full well that you will continue to believe him.”

  “Anthony is a dear boy, he has always looked after me. Especially after my Anne died, he kept in touch with me and came to see me.”

  “You are daft if you believe he came out of the kindness of his heart, Lady Catherine.” Richard stepped forward. “He only came there to see what he could get from you to cover his debts. You may not be aware of it, but he stole several pieces of art from you and sold them. The landscape that hung in the blue parlor and the statue of the maiden with her water pitcher, they were stolen by Anthony. I have the signed statements attesting to who sold the items to the pawn broker, and how much Anthony received for the pieces.”

  “My former footman stole those items, I learned later that he stole some of Anthony’s clothes and posed as my nephew to sell the items.” Lady Catherine was furious.


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