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The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved

Page 5

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Eliminate them?”

  “I’m sure you know what I mean, Anna. There is no benefit in keeping a useless slave. I have had to eliminate very few girls for that reason. I need cooks and maids, too.” He shrugged. “Everyone who works here was born here. Everyone who was born here is a slave. The men provide security and make sure the house is running properly. ”

  “So Ian’s a slave?”

  “Yes. My most trusted slave and I do consider him a friend; he is in charge of things when I am not here. But, yes, he is a slave. Slaves are marked. Well, everyone involved in the Brotherhood is marked. Slaves are marked in a particular way. I’m even marked. As is Jack.”

  I frowned. I don’t remember seeing a mark on my guardian’s body.

  “Haven’t you ever wondered about that double ring that pierces the head of his cock?”

  In truth, I’d never thought about it. It had always been there. It was on the top side and spanned the crown of the head of his cock. It consisted of two rings, about a centimeter in diameter connected by a thin metal bar. I knew not to catch my teeth on it.

  “That is the mark of a Brother.”

  “Oh.” Some of Jack’s friends had them and others didn’t. “I never thought much about it.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to, Anna. Common brothers are marked with the double ring. All slaves are marked with rings through both their nipples. Female slaves have a belly ring and a ring on their left outer pussy lip. Slaves that are extra special to their Masters have their clits pierced.”

  “Wow.” I winced. It sounded painful.

  We arrived at pair of large polished, wooden doors and he pushed them open. “This is the Great Hall.” His voice echoed in the dark room. I heard a series of clicks and lights flickered on above me.

  The Hall was enormous. Two levels of balconies circled the entire room. Closed doors were located intermittently around the room and in the balconies as well. A deep red carpet covered the floor except for a four-foot wide wooden border around the perimeter. Five massive crystal chandeliers hung down from the gilded ceiling. Clusters of chaise lounges and easy chairs were scattered throughout.

  In the far corner of the room was a gigantic statue of a golden eagle, wings slightly open, whose head was as high as the top balcony. Its legs were separated and tall enough for a man to walk through without stooping. The talons jutted forth onto a wide, raised dais. An elaborate throne-like chair sat in the middle of the dais.

  I felt a curious energy coursing through the room as I stood there. Something I could only describe as power. I closed my eyes and the force flowed through my body, melding with my own spirit. The room’s spirit and my own shared a common source; I belonged here.

  As I opened my eyes, I saw a flash of light in the corner of the room near the statue. Or, at least, I thought I did. It looked like...a glowing man disappearing? No, that wasn’t possible, was it?

  I glanced up to see Devin watching me with keen interest.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  For a moment, I would have sworn that he wanted to devour me, but I blinked several times and the look was gone.

  I glanced back at the corner. It was dark and empty. Had I imagined the man? I looked up at Devin. “I....” My mind must have been going into overload. Men didn’t disappear into thin air. And they certainly didn’t glow. “Yes, Devin.”

  “Generally when we are out of your room, you should act, speak and stand in a submissive manner,” Devin warned. “Especially in this room.”

  “I’m sorry, my lord,” I said softly, lowering my head.

  Devin pulled me close and kissed me. “It’s all right. You didn’t know. Besides, there’s no one here right now, so it’s not much of an issue. I just wanted to warn you. Disobedience is punished, and punished harshly.” He trailed kisses down to my jaw and ran his tongue down my neck to my collarbone. I took in a sharp breath and tilted my head back. “Good girl,” he murmured into my neck, biting gently. “Let me lead.”

  “Oh!” My body tingled from his kisses. I wrapped my arms around his chest and sighed. He responded with another nip at my collarbone.

  “Like that?”

  “Mmm,” was all I could muster as he ran his hands up my ribs. He moved under my sweater and caressed the sides of my breasts. I inhaled sharply as his thumbs brushed my nipples. They hardened instantly and I arched my back into his hands, wanting more.

  He pulled away abruptly and I stumbled from the sudden lack of support. “We should go back to your room,” he said, his voice slightly husky. “Remember your demeanor, Anna.” He flicked off the lights and opened the door.

  Chapter 4

  The moment the door closed behind us in my room, Devin pressed himself against my back, wrapped one arm around my waist, and kissed the side of my neck with a hunger that I could feel. He tugged at my braid until it loosened and he ran his fingers through my hair to comb out the twisted strands. I could smell my shampoo as he swept my damp hair over my shoulder and kissed the back of my neck, sucking the skin and making me gasp. His hands slid down my ribs and then up under my sweater to my breasts.

  “I like that you’re not wearing a bra.” He caressed my breasts gently and then took my nipples between his fingers and pinched them. Enough to cause pain, but the pain felt good and I gasped.

  “Like that?”

  “Yes,” I sighed.

  He pinched again and then rolled them between his fingertips. I rolled my head back to rest on his shoulder and he began sucking on my neck again. “I love how responsive you are, Baby,” he whispered in my ear, pinching my nipples again. “I love how you put aside the years of hurt and melt into my arms. You are such a good girl.”

  My body tingled all over, from his words and from his touch. No one had said such nice things to me in as long as I could remember. The best I ever got was “Yeah baby, I love fucking you,” or “You are such a good fuck,” or “Damn, you’ve got great tits/ass/pussy.”

  I soaked up the praise, feeling loved for the first time in years. I turned to face him and kissed him on the lips, trying to demonstrate how I felt. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to form coherent words to express my feelings.

  “What is it, Baby? Why the tears?” He stroked my cheek with his thumb and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “I...I....” I began, but was fearful to say what I wanted to. The last time I’d tried to show affection towards him, when I was sixteen, he responded by backhanding me. I shook my head and tried to step away.

  He held me so I couldn’t move away. “Anna, tell me, please,” he said in a gentle voice.

  The adoration I’d had for him as a child welled up inside of me. I looked at him, desperate for him to understand. “I...I love you, Devin.”

  Devin gazed down at me in a way I hadn’t seen in four years. He looked at me like he did before...before everything changed. My heart soared.

  “I love you too, Anna,” he said in a hoarse voice. He appeared overcome with emotion-a situation unheard of with him. He continued speaking, softly, as if afraid to hear his own words. “I’m so sorry for what I put you through, my love. If there had been any other way....” His voice trailed off. “Every scream that came out of your mouth broke my heart. Every bruise, every tear. I hated doing it. That’s why I didn’t visit often. I couldn’t bear to see it. But it had to be that way, Anna. You had to be prepared. You had to be toughened up. Otherwise they’d devour you before you knew what was happening.” He sucked in a ragged breath. “I’m so, so sorry, Baby. But it had to be that way.”

  The tears spilled over onto my cheeks, my heart aching for him. Knowing that in a way he’d suffered along with me made me love him more.

  He pulled my head to his chest and held me tightly. “I do love you, Anna. I love you so much. And I’m so proud of you. You are so strong and so brave. You have become everything I’d hoped for. More than I’d hoped for.” He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I struggled against my instincts to look
away. “I want to make it up to you, Baby. For the lost years. Is there anything in particular you can think of that I can do?”

  Images flitted through my mind of happier times. Ballet classes as a child; performing in The Nutcracker Ballet with my parents on their last night alive. I swallowed and took a deep breath. “Ballet,” I said after a moment. “Could I take a few more classes and... maybe perform again?”

  He tilted his head, his gaze not leaving mine.

  “Or,” I added, “I don’t have to perform, but maybe, I dunno, one more class a week or something? I just want to dance more. I don’t care where. Maybe even just a room here that I could use and a CD player with some music and I could dance on my own.” I looked down at his chest, scarcely daring to breathe, hoping against all hope that he would let me.

  My two ballet classes had been my only anchor to reality the last few years. Dancing reminded me of my parents and the happy times I had growing up. The last year I hadn’t put much effort into it, though. What was the point? But now...was it possible that there might be a chance to perform again? The idea of being on stage, of losing myself in the characters...I felt like a drowning person, seeing the surface of the water an inch above their face. To me, dancing was life.

  Devin didn’t say anything for a moment. I looked up warily into his face. He stared off into space, as if lost in some memory. I didn’t move, not wanting to anger him and lose all possibility of my dream.

  After a few minutes, he still hadn’t spoken. I blinked away tears and prepared myself for his disapproval. My heart ached in my chest. How could I have even dared to make such an audacious request? I should have taken more time to consider-

  “Yes, Baby. I think I would like to see you perform again, if the Ballet Master thinks you’re able.” His smiled. “I’ll give him a call next week and see what I can find out.”

  My heart soared. “Oh, thank you, Devin! Thank you!” I stood on tiptoe and kissed him hard on his mouth. I could hardly contain myself. He looked pleased and kissed me back. Hard.

  Instantly the mood changed. He pulled his fingers through my hair and forced his tongue into my mouth. I opened my lips willingly, wanting to please him with my best sexual techniques, but remembering his advice about following the man’s lead. I kissed him back, our tongues dancing around each other’s. I could feel the heat of his passion radiating out from his body. He reached for the bottom of my sweater and pulled it over my head in one swift motion. I felt his erection press against my belly as he pulled me against him once more. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He picked me up and carried me towards the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him passionately. We fell onto the bed, his body pressed above mine. My desire for him made it difficult to breath.

  His lips trailed down my chin and down to my neck. I lifted my chin and he continued the downward trail, veering to the side to kiss my breast. He trailed little kisses around the circumference of one breast and then did the same to the other. I wanted his mouth on my nipples but he seemed to kiss my breasts everywhere except there. I squirmed and he sucked on the lower edge of one breast. I pressed my hips into his, moaning desperately. He chuckled, and then slowly, agonizingly, trailed his tongue up to my nipple and took the hardened bud into his mouth. An electric current shot straight down to my clit.

  “Yes, Devin, please...,” I begged. He sucked hard and then brought his teeth together to bite, almost to the point of pain. I pressed my head back into the mattress, mouth open in ecstasy. He repeated the teasing on the other side as I wiggled beneath him.

  My body was going crazy. My pussy ached for touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his thick black hair. In the back of my mind I expected him to get angry at my touch, but the anger never materialized. He continued teasing and cajoling my breasts until he began a slow path down to my belly, licking and kissing the whole way down. When he reached the waistband of my jeans, he undid the button and zipper, but didn’t remove them. Instead, he pulled it apart and kissed my hip just above the hipbone. My hips jerked at his touch.

  I moaned loudly and clenched my stomach muscles as he nuzzled the skin. He lay on my legs so I couldn’t move, making his touch even more enticing. He trailed kisses across my lower belly to my other hip and sucked on the skin above my hipbone, once again drawing an involuntary flex towards his face.

  Devin chuckled and looked up at me with dark, impassioned eyes. “You’ve always liked it when I kissed you there. Even when you were little. Do you remember?”

  I remembered lying on Jack’s couch and Devin kissing me in the same spot. “Yes,” I hissed, wanting more. More of everything.

  Suddenly his weight was gone. I opened my eyes to find him standing next to the bed looking down at me, eyes full of passion and pants bulging.

  “Undress me.”

  I scrambled off the bed and began eagerly undoing the buttons on his blue dress shirt. I made quick work of them and pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  “Don’t throw the shirt on the floor, I need it later,” he said in a husky voice. I carefully placed the shirt on the back of a chair and returned to him.

  He was lean and fit. The muscles were firm and distinct, but he clearly wasn’t interested in bulking up. A scattering of dark hair covered his chest. I ran my fingers through it and smiled, enjoying the coarseness of it. I’d laid my head on his bare chest countless times as a child, but never appreciated it fully until now. My fingers trailed down his chest to the dark line of hair that led down into his black dress pants.

  I knelt before him to remove his shoes and socks and then reached for his belt, licking my lips. As I unzipped his pants, I suddenly realized I’d never seen his cock before. I’d felt it through his pants before I began training, but never with my bare hands. He’d only been fully undressed in front of me twice; once when he was punishing me for attempting suicide, and the other when he took my virginity. Both times, I’d been too out of it to pay attention to what he looked like.

  My heartbeat quickened at this realization and I worked quickly, eager to see him in all his glory. I carried the pants over to the chair where I’d laid his shirt and quickly returned to stand before him. I glanced up and gave him an eager smile before I reached out to remove his black boxer-briefs. Before I could touch him, he snaked his hand out and grabbed my wrist.

  I flinched and tried to pull my hand away. What had I done?

  “Anna, before you...proceed, I need to tell you something so you don’t get scared.”

  My eyes widened as a million thoughts ran through my head. Was he crooked? Was he covered in tattoos?

  “Baby, remember when I told you I was marked too?” I nodded, still staring into his face, fearful of what he was going to say. “I am a leader in the Brotherhood; I’m what’s called an Elder. I am one of seven Elders in this country. We...control the country, shall we say. All Brotherhood markings are done with piercings. We also wear rings to identify ourselves on our right little finger.” He raised his finger, showing me the large diamond ring that I’d played with on countless occasions as a child. I didn’t know that there was a significance to it before now. “Elders wear diamonds. The common Brothers wear sapphires. Deacons, those who help me do what I need to do, wear emeralds.”

  I nodded. What did this have to do with his cock?

  “Elders also have their cocks pierced. Multiple times.”

  I winced at the thought. “Why?”

  “Oh, many reasons. To distinguish us from the masses. To show that we are willing to do what needs to be done, despite the discomfort it may cause us. Also for sexual pleasure.”

  “Sexual pleasure? It feels good to you?”

  “No, for the woman.”

  My brows arched. Why would he care if a woman enjoyed sex with him?

  “Pleasing a woman is an art form. The piercings are placed in certain areas and are of a type that has the potential for extreme pleasure for a woman. Sexual
potency is an important quality for powerful men.” His eyes glittered and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips. “Also, in the extreme case of an unwilling subject, seducing his wife in front of him and making her scream in pleasure is a most effective motivator. Certain piercings can also be used for punishment, but not all Elders go through the trouble of getting those.”

  “Okay.” I glanced down at the bulge in his underwear. Did his cock look like a pincushion?

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I wanted to see him. I wanted him inside my wet pussy. Curiosity overcame my fear and I once again reached out for him. I paused and looked up at him as my fingers made contact with the soft cotton. He nodded and I pulled at the fabric until his beautiful cock spilled out in front of me.

  It was large, thick and long, dotted with metal balls that I now understood to be the marks of an Elder. I looked closer and could see that in addition to the double rings like Jack had, there were four barbells on the top resulting in two lines of four metal balls that spread along the length of his cock. On the bottom side were two more barbells that made two rows of two balls each, similar to what was on the top. Seven piercings.

  In addition to the barbells, a thin band of metal about a centimeter wide spanned the top half of his cock. It sat right behind the head, with several tiny dots running the length.

  “What’s this?” I asked caressing the band.

  “That, my love, is for punishment.” I looked up at him, not understanding how it could be painful. He closed his eyes, appearing to concentrate for a moment, and then opened them again. “Look.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath as I looked down. Six small spikes, about a centimeter long, had appeared where the dots had been. They looked very sharp. “How did you do that?”

  They retracted back into the metal band. “It’s connected to some nerves that can be trained to control the spikes. Do you remember when you were brought here after you tried to kill yourself?” I nodded, not really wanting to think about it. “Do you remember when I raped you and you said it felt like I was ripping your insides to shreds?”


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