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The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved

Page 6

by Marissa Honeycutt

  How could I forget? It was excruciatingly painful.

  “That’s what I used. It’s a rather effective punishment because you don’t see it coming. And it’s effective for both men and women. Done right, I can kill a man.”

  His eyes glittered and I blinked and stepped back in alarm. How could he talk so flippantly about killing people? He could use those anytime on me and hurt me again. I trembled as I stared at his chest.

  “Anna, I have extreme control over these. Since I learned to control them, many years ago, I’ve never had them go off accidently. I have to really concentrate to activate them.” I knew he wasn’t lying, but it did little to remove my apprehension.

  “You’re scary,” I said softly.

  He sighed and I glanced up at him. He had a pained expression on his face. “I don’t want to scare you anymore, Anna. It was necessary for a time, but I hope you’ve learned all you need to know and that I don’t have to be scary anymore.”

  I didn’t want to be scared of him either. I loved him. I wanted to please him.

  I took two small steps forward and knelt on the ground before him. I reached for his throbbing cock and wrapped my fingers around the base of the shaft, trying to figure out how to best please him without disturbing any of the metal. His skin was hot to the touch and he became harder at my touch. I kissed the tip softly and then licked away the precum that had appeared.

  “You won’t hurt me?” I asked, looking up at him.

  He smiled down at me, hunger in his eyes. “No, Baby. I won’t hurt you.”

  I opened my mouth and slowly sucked him into my mouth, squeezing the shaft with my hand. He inhaled sharply and then let out a moan as I took more and more of him into my mouth. “Oh, Anna...,” he groaned. He put his hands on the back of my head, pushing himself deeper into my mouth. I let him guide my mouth over him, taking a deep breath as he approached the back of my throat. He was big and he blocked my windpipe as he dipped into the back of my throat. I swallowed, and heard a deep moan above me. I sucked on him as I backed away slightly before thrusting forwards again. I reached up beneath him to caress his balls. I tugged gently and heard another moan, this time louder.

  I kept sucking and moving him in and out of my mouth, my tongue circling around the head and stroking the smooth metal. I held him firmly with one hand and caressed his balls with my other. His breathing was shallow and ragged, his moans deepened as he grabbed fistfuls of my hair. He pulled hard, but it felt good. I liked him controlling me. I could tell he was getting close when he yanked himself out of my mouth and pulled me up by my hair to stand in front of him.

  “Oh, Baby. You have been taught well.” Devin kissed me hard on the mouth and then pulled back. “But I want your body. I want to bury myself deep in your tight wet pussy and send you soaring into the stars.”

  He gently pushed me back onto the bed, pulled my jeans off and crawled up after me. He spread my legs apart and bent my knees up to my chest. The cool air on my wet pussy made me squirm. “Beautiful,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss the bare skin. “I love how smooth your skin is, Baby.” He straightened. “Oh, I can hardly stand it. I need you so much. My cock is aching for you.” He guided his cock to the entrance of my body and pressed forward in one swift movement.

  I tried to ignore the pain as his thickness penetrated my body faster than it could adjust. He was bigger than Jack and most of Jack’s friends. I blinked several times to hide the tears that sprang forth. I wouldn’t show him that it hurt. Instead, I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him towards me, making him grin.

  He leaned down and nuzzled my neck. “You are a little sex kitten aren’t you?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, concerned.

  “Not at all, Baby.” He thrust deeper and I gasped in surprise. “You feel incredible. Just like our first time together.”

  I smiled up at him as he began to move in and out of me. The pain had dissipated and his cock inside me felt incredible. I could feel the metal balls rubbing against the top of my sensitive channel. I thrust with him and a rhythm developed. I tightened and relaxed my vaginal muscles as he moved in and out, the resulting moan evidence of his appreciation. He kissed me as his movements increased.

  “Baby, I want to cum with you. Do you think you can do that for me?” His lips pressed to my neck and I could feel his ragged breath against my skin. I wrapped my arms around his chest, hugging him to me.

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Oh, yes, Devin. Please.”

  He increased his pace even more and I flexed my hips to maximize the friction against my upper channel. The fire built quickly and I ground my hips against his to bring forth my release. The pressure built and I exploded the next moment. I clung to Devin and cried out his name over and over again.

  I slumped back into the bed, breathing heavily. Devin’s skin was wet from the exertion and he panted against my neck. I hugged him and kissed his ear, which was the only part of his body my lips could reach. After a moment, he stirred and I unwrapped myself from around him.

  He rolled onto the bed next to me. “You are amazing, Baby. More than I’d hoped for.” He used his finger to trail lazy circles between and around my breasts for a moment before he fell back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

  “I have half a mind to take you home with me. I haven’t had sex like that in ages.” He ran his fingers through his dark hair and turned his face to grin at me once more. “Not sure how I’d explain that to the kids though. Well, Tyler would understand, but the girls wouldn’t.”

  I gave him a small smile, trying to imagine him as a father.

  “What time is it?” he mumbled and then glanced at his watch. “Fuck, it’s noon already? Damn it. I’m sorry, Baby. I have to leave. I have a meeting this afternoon that I can’t avoid and work to catch up on.”

  I pressed my lips together and nodded, masking my disappointment. After what just happened, I had hoped we’d spend the day together.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow to visit you, Baby.” He stroked my cheek and gave me a seductive smile before getting out of bed. “You are sexy as hell, Anna. So worth the wait.” He leaned down to kiss me before walking over to the table to retrieve his shirt and pants.

  “Rest, Anna,” he said, dressing quickly. “I know Jack’s been rough on you. There’ll be no more of that sort of stuff. You’re safe here.” He motioned around the room.

  I gave him a shy smile. “Okay.” I liked the sound of that.

  He kissed me on the top of my head as he buttoned the top button on his shirt. “I will have lunch sent up here to you and you can do as you please. No one will bother you or hurt you while you’re in here.”

  “Thank you, Devin.” I sat up and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Happy Birthday, Baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With that, he turned and walked towards the door, glancing back once to give me an affectionate smile.


  I stared up at the gilded ceiling as I lay on the bed, spent and happy from lovemaking. Devin had changed back to the person I knew as a child. He loved me! The thought spread over me like warm honey.

  Devin’s confession had amazed me. My harsh training had been a necessary evil. He didn’t like to see it. He let Jack take care of it so he didn’t have to. To prepare me for what was next.... Whatever that meant.

  I smiled and looked out the window. The sky was blue above the high hedges with a few fluffy white clouds. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this happy. My heart wanted to leap out of my chest and dance around in the sunshine.

  A knock at the door yanked me out of my quiet revelry and I jumped. I pulled on my clothes and went to open the door but the knob wouldn’t turn. I tried again, turning harder and the knock sounded again.

  “Mistress?” came a female voice from the other side.

  “I can’t open the door.” I pulled again but there was no change.

  “It’s all right, Mistress. I can
open it. Step back so I don’t hit you.”

  I took a step back and the door opened. A girl about my age stepped through the opening with a tray of food. She was a few inches taller than I was, with long blond hair and brown eyes. A long, flowing purple dress fluttered gracefully as she moved across the room. She wore a plain silver collar around her neck.

  She put the tray on the table and turned to greet me with a bowed head and slight curtsy. “My name is Maggie, Mistress. It is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to serving you.” She gave me a cheerful smile, though her eyes betrayed a tinge of fear.

  “Hi, Maggie,” I said shyly, bowing my head as she did. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” I stood awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to do.

  She must have sensed my discomfort because she motioned towards the table. “I’ve brought you some lunch, if you’re hungry.”

  My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t had breakfast. “I’m very hungry. Thank you.”

  “Please sit,” she said and lifted the covers off the plates.

  Steam rose from the plate and my mouth watered at the aroma of chicken and vegetables. I hadn’t seen a meal like this in years; Jack wasn’t much of a cook and I had lived on frozen meals and cereal. It looked and smelled delicious. “Oh, this looks so good!”

  “Is there anything else you require, Mistress?”

  “Um, no,” I said, not sure if there was something else I was expected to need. “Not that I can think of.”

  Maggie smiled. “I will return later to collect your tray.” She gave a small curtsy, went to the door, and knocked. She turned to me as it opened. “The door is locked for your protection, Mistress. Wandering around the Manor alone is not wise.” She glided through the door and it closed behind her.

  I was too hungry to consider her words and proceeded to devour my lunch. It was as good as it smelled, but too soon it was gone. Then again, if I had eaten any more, I probably would have gotten sick.

  I picked up my iced tea and explored my room a little more thoroughly. Two closets filled the space between the fireplace and windows. One was empty but the other held several dresses, similar in style to what Maggie wore. Several were sheer and white.

  I wandered over to the bookshelf, sipping my tea as I scanned the leather-bound books. Classics: the complete works of Jane Austen, my favorite author; Sherlock Holmes; Alice in Wonderland; Little Women; Wuthering Heights, several Charles Dickens novels; Cranford; Middlemarch; Les Misérables, and others.

  Oh, I couldn’t believe all these books were here. I had been an avid reader as a child, devouring book after book any time I had the chance. Jack hadn’t brought any of my books when I moved in with him. He had promised to buy me new ones, but never did. Instead, he distracted me with sexual touch every time I asked.

  But now I had two shelves full of them! This truly was the best birthday I’d had in years. What more could I ask for than a kind Master, precious books and the permission to dance more? I didn’t dare hope for anything else.

  I pulled down the crisp, unused copy of Pride and Prejudice and lay down on my bed. It crackled as I opened it and I smiled. I quickly lost myself in the story and almost didn’t hear the knock on the door a while later.

  “Come in,” I said, sitting up and pulling the ribbon bookmark into place.

  Maggie walked into the room. “I’ve come to retrieve your tray, Mistress. Is there anything else you need?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “There are toiletries and all sorts of bath oils and soaps in the cabinet in the bathroom. The tub is very nice to relax in.” She smiled. “If you desire companionship tonight, you may request someone using the phone there.” She indicated the nightstand next to my bed.


  “A man...or a woman if you prefer. Our men here are very good lovers.”

  “Thank you. I think I’ll be okay on my own.” The idea of sleeping alone and unhurt was a delicious thought.

  “As you wish, Mistress. I will bring your dinner around six. Would you like a snack between now and then?”

  “No, thank you.” I shook my head. “I’m not used to eating so much,” I added.

  “I will see you at dinnertime.” She curtsied and left the room.

  I had a whole day all to myself. No men. No being hurt. Quiet. I could read or watch TV as I pleased. I hardly knew what to do with myself. After wandering around the room for a few minutes, I picked up my book and went outside. Once again, I lost myself in the story and didn’t come up for air until dinnertime. I hadn’t even realized it was getting cool.

  Chapter 5

  I’d never seen this room before in my dreams. It looked like a study of some sort. The sheer curtains filtered the morning sunlight, making the room appear foggy. Dark wooden bookshelves lined the walls on either side of me. A dark wood desk stood right in front of me. A tall man with blond hair and broad shoulders blocked the view from the window. I knew him. I knew if he turned around, I would see kind, cobalt-blue eyes.

  I had dreamed of him many times since my parents died. His were the eyes I visualized on my worst days. My dreams of him brought me comfort. Was he a real person? I had no idea, but I wished he were. He seemed so strong, so capable. If anyone could save me, he could. I never told anyone about him, save the one dream I shared with Devin. He stayed with me, hidden away in my heart.

  One time, more recently, I saw him kneeling on the floor of his bedroom. He’d been crying. It had shocked me to see a grown man cry. He’d looked up and our eyes met. I wanted to weep at the misery in his eyes. He’d spoken in a broken voice, in a language I didn’t understand, and reached out for me. But as soon as he touched me, the room vanished from my sight. That had been my last dream of him.

  Until now.

  He turned and looked at me. He had matured since the last time I’d seen him. His eyes widened and he spoke earnestly, his deep voice melodious in whatever language he was using. My heart fluttered in my chest. He knew I was there with him. I nervously stepped forward, yearning to be close to him, to immerse myself in his comforting presence.

  He stepped forward with a soft smile, gazing at me with eyes full of affection. He reached out towards me and I leaned forward, eager for his touch. I felt his gentle hand on my cheek and looked into his eyes for a moment longer before the room vanished like it always did.

  I sat up in bed and touched my cheek. I could still feel the heat from his hand. Anna, that’s silly. He’s not real.

  I shook my head, trying to shake away the vision of him. In my dreams, I felt such comfort from his presence. When I woke, my longing for him was unbearable.

  Chapter 6

  The days passed by quicker than I expected and I decided I liked being in Devin’s Manor. No one hurt me. No one yelled at me. It was relatively quiet. Devin had visited me several times throughout the course of the week, each time showering me with love and devotion. Wednesday night he even stayed with me the whole night.

  Ian drove me to my ballet classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and I danced better than I had in a long time. Even my teacher seemed impressed. I spent my free in my little yard reading. Could life get better than this?

  Friday afternoon, Maggie and another girl came to my room to help me get ready for my first Gathering. The other girl was a few years older than me, with bright blue eyes and light brown hair tied back with a purple ribbon at the nape of her neck. The color purple seemed significant.

  “Mistress, this is Sarah. She will also be serving you.”

  Sarah bowed her head and curtsied as Maggie had before. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mistress. I look forward to serving you.” Her voice was as soft and sweet as Maggie’s was, though her eyes had the same edge of fear in them. She smiled a sweet smile and I liked her instantly, as I had Maggie.

  I bowed my head in greeting. “Hi, Sarah. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  “Did you enjoy your lunch, Mistress?” Maggie asked, walking towards the table. S
he picked up the tray, walked to the door and knocked.

  “Yes, it was delicious. Thank you.”

  The door opened and Maggie handed the tray to someone unseen in the hallway. The door closed and she turned back to me. “Shall we begin?”

  “Begin what?”

  “Pampering you.” Sarah walked into the bathroom and a moment later I heard water running.

  The words took a moment to register. Pamper me? I remembered Devin saying something about it the previous day but it hadn’t sunk in.

  Maggie led me into the bathroom and I wondered, for the hundredth time, why it wasn’t cold. I asked Maggie about it.

  “The floor is heated,” Maggie explained. “Nothing worse than stepping onto a cold floor in the middle of the night when you have to relieve yourself.” She giggled and so did I.

  A wave of unrecognized tension flew out of my body as I allowed myself the luxury of a giggle. How long had it been since I had giggled with another girl? Years. Tears sprang to my eyes as I realized how something so simple felt so good.

  “Are you all right, Mistress?”

  “Yes. I...” How could I explain how I felt? Would she understand? Had she gone through the training as I had? “It’s been a long time since I’ve been around other girls and...laughed.” I shrugged, embarrassed.

  Maggie reached for my hands. “It can be a difficult transition, moving from training back into everyday life in the Manor. I can imagine it’s even more difficult for you because you weren’t raised here.” She squeezed my hands and looked at me tenderly. “It will be okay, Mistress.”

  I sniffed and held back my tears. “Thank you, Maggie. You’re so nice. I’m not used to ‘nice’ anymore.”


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