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A King's Ransom

Page 12

by Shawn Bailey

  There were several bedrooms. One was very large.

  “This is the master bedroom.”

  Andy spotted his and Ae-Jong’s luggage by one of the closets. This would be the room they would sleep in tonight. It wasn’t bad. It had two huge closets, a setting area with a chaise lounge and a dinette set. There was a balcony outside where they could have tea. “What’s this room?” Andy asked. It was on the other side of the en suite.

  “The royal nursery,” Ae-Jong replied. “But I’m afraid the Lee line ends with me.”

  Andy heard the sadness in his voice. “It doesn’t have to, Ae-Jong,” Andy said, pulling him into his arms. “There are ways.”

  Ae-Jong pulled away from him. “Sorry for not telling you all of this before I dragged you here and ruined your weekend.”

  “You haven’t ruined my weekend. In fact, it’s the best one I’ve had in a very long time. I’ve traveled all around the world, and most of the time I was traveling on the weekend. If you want to be king in six years, then be the best king you can be. And if you haven’t had me killed by then, I would be honored to be your Prince Charming.”

  The tears twinkled in those adorable brown eyes but stubbornly refused to fall.

  So Ae-Jong Lee Kim wasn’t a badass after all, just a young man struggling between doing what was right for his country and trying to make the best of the next six years. Andy hugged and kissed him. Afterward, they went down to the second floor. It was where the servants and guests stayed. The antique furniture was exquisite but not as precious as the guy walking at his side.

  Ae-Jong’s cell phone rang. He answered it. “Hello? Okay. We’ll be right there.” He disconnected the call. “Lunch is ready. I’ll show you the rest of the grounds later.”

  “Is there a pool?” Andy asked as Ae-Jong escorted him to the dining room.


  They ended up in a small dining room right off of the kitchen. Delicious aromas filtered in every time the server came through the door. The young woman smiled at Ae-Jong the first time she entered. She bowed to both of them.

  “She didn’t smile at me,” Andy said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ae-Jong said, smiling arrogantly.

  “Of course, you don’t, handsome single Lord of the Land.”

  “I know you’re not jealous.”

  “I wasn’t until a young woman started showing some interest in you.”

  “You know I need to keep my options open. This land needs an heir, and you said so yourself that there were ways.”

  Andy frowned at him. “Not that way. You wouldn’t even know what to do with that.”

  He heard Ae-Jong mumble something under his breath. “I know more than you know.”

  The young woman entered again with more food. She was pretty, but Andy doubted that she would be willing to be a surrogate for two guys, no matter how good Ae-Jong looked to her at the moment. “What is this?” Andy asked, looking down at the food.

  “Tteokbokki. It’s stir-fried rice cakes, boiled eggs, and scallions in a spicy sauce. There’re some other ingredients, too. Usually, there are fish cakes in it, too, but the cook knows that I am a vegetarian.”

  Several other vegetarian and side dishes arrived. Andy ate until he was stuffed. After lunch, he and Ae-Jong went for a walk. He saw the pool of his dreams and a place to entertain friends. There was even a mini opera house on the property where Dazed could entertain. Of course, one of the outer buildings was a recording studio. Andy had a feeling it had recently been added. There was also a horse stable, minus the horses, storage sheds and a huge car garage filled with lots of expensive cars. Then he saw the gardens and imagined him and Ae-Jong planting flowers when they were married. “There is plenty of space for kids to run around.”

  “Kids?” Ae-Jong asked blushing.

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “And how many kids will I father?”

  “At least ten,” Andy said, trying not to smile at Ae-Jong nervousness. “They will all have blond hair and blue eyes.”

  “The last time I checked there were no natural blue-eyed blond South Koreans.”

  “We could use several surrogates. Unless you let me try to impregnate you.”

  Ae-Jong scowled at him. “Just because I wear makeup doesn’t mean I’m a female, remember?”

  Andy loved teasing him. Later on, that night they slept in the master bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” Ae-Jong asked him.

  “Trying to make an heir,” Andy answered. He never heard Ae-Jong laugh so much. He eventually stopped, and they made love for the first time in the royal marriage bed.

  * * * *

  “How was your trip?” Ra asked Ae-Jong as he and Andy got off the train on Sunday afternoon.

  “Very relaxing. Andrew wants ten children.”

  “Ah, so you told him,” Ra said.

  “He saw the nursery.”

  “That will do it. He does understand you still have six years to work before you can take over the White Palace.”

  “He let me sit on one of the thrones,” Andy said as he put his luggage into the SUV. “I made him giggle.”

  “Jongie giggles?” Ra asked.

  “Apparently he does,” Andy said.

  They all got back into the SUV. Jung-Woo sat in the front passenger seat. “How was your trip, Jongie?”

  “The spa was so relaxing. We soaked and walked around at night looking at the stars and…”

  “You know what I mean,” Jung-Woo said as Ra started up the car.

  “He means did you take him to the White Palace,” Ra said.

  “Yes,” Ae-Jong answered. “Andy has agreed to consider being my Prince Charming.” He paused. “If I don’t have him killed before then.”

  Jung-Woo smirked. “I am so glad he is at least considering growing old with you.”

  “He wants ten kids,” Ae-Jong threw in.

  Jung-Woo laughed. “Just be glad you are a guy, Jongie, and won’t be expected to give birth.”

  “That’s not going to stop me from trying,” Andy muttered.

  Ra laughed as he drove away from the curb.

  Chapter Twelve

  Once again, Ra was reduced to babysitting the kiddies. Not that he didn’t have enough with Jongie, Chika, and Hanako. Now he was tasked with looking after their Japanese counterparts, Akira Maki and Daisuke Abe. He would have had Noel and Tommy, too, but Noel had a sinus headache and decided to stay in his hotel room and sleep it off. Tommy had gone out to dinner with his manager slash husband, Luke Austin.

  Also joining them for the evening were those two devious Chinese princes, Fai Haung and Deming Ang. Emperor Kim and Jung-Woo were hosting several African kings who shown up and messed up the family’s dinner plans. And it was all Ae-Jong’s fault. The kings were there to place an offer on Ae-Jong’s hand in marriage. Andrew Green would be joining them once he arrived. Unc had insisted on showing him how much devilment Jongie could get into.

  “What do you guys do for excitement around here?” Daisuke asked.

  The Japanese singer was taller than Jongie, but a couple of inches shorter than Ra. At the moment he was back to wearing his natural black hair and brown eyes, but Ra had seen photographs of him as a blue-eyed blond.

  “You mean besides palace stuff?” Hanako asked him.

  Four heads nodded.

  “Do you guys have any good clubs in Seoul?” Akira asked. “I’m in the mood for dancing.”

  Like his friend, Akira was also tall, but he’d dyed his hair a light brown and wore light brown contacts.

  Ae-Jong looked at Ra.

  Ra knew that look. It said, let’s show these guys a real good time. “Yes,” Ra answered. “But you might not like it. There’s this place called the Royale Host Club.”

  “I know that place,” Deming said. “I had a ball there the last time I was in town.”

  Ra bet. Deming Ang was a notorious party animal. Fai, too. Both guys were exceptionally handsom
e and tall. Fai was starting to grow a little mustache and had some facial scruff. As kids, they were two of the roughest and toughest guys he knew, and Ae-Jong idolized both of them. He remembered Ae-Jong following Deming around like a puppy until he discovered Cheng Ang.

  “Do they allow dancing?” Daisuke asked.

  “Yes, but it’s a private club. I would have to call to get you losers in.”

  “You said it was a host club? Male or female?” Daisuke asked.

  “Does it matter?” Ra asked.



  “Oh,” Daisuke replied, looking at Akira.

  “Backing out?” Fai asked him.

  “No, I’m down. If you guys can hang out there, I’m sure I can.”

  Ra smirked. Those two needed to stop pretending. Their asses were just as gay as the rest of them. Well, he wasn’t sure about Akira, but Daisuke definitely dated guys. What was the old American saying, birds of a feather flocked together?

  “Please call,” Fai said. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out clubbing.”

  Against his better judgment, Ra took out his cell phone and dialed Yong Rhee. “This is Ra Day. Please reserve us two big tables in the VIP section. Party of eight, all level threes. Thank you.” He hung up and dialed another number. “This is Ra Day. I’m going to need escorts and a driver. Eight, all level threes.” Thank you. He hung up.

  “Who was that?” Akira asked.

  “I just made arrangements for security to accompany us.”

  “What does level three mean?”

  “It means we are hot stuff,” Fai said playfully.

  “It’s a high level of security since you guys are entertainers and we have these three pesky princes with us.”

  “Hey,” Ae-Jong said.

  “Excuse me. Two pesky princes and one troublemaker.”

  “Are you expecting trouble?” Deming asked Ra.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t travel without backup. And you know trouble always follows Ae-Jong.”

  “It does not,” Ae-Jong said.

  Chika and Hanako’s heads bobbed up and down quickly in agreement.

  “See, even your best friends agree with me.”

  “Andrew doesn’t think I’m troublesome,” Ae-Jong muttered.

  “He’s been your manager less than a month. We’ve known you all our lives. He’s in a meeting right now with Unc and your father trying to keep several African kings from making you their bride.”

  “What?” Ae-Jong asked.

  Akira and Daisuke looked at Ae-Jong, and then each other and then shrugged.

  “Oh, did I forget to tell you. Three kings showed up at the palace door demanding your hand in marriage.”

  Prince Fai chuckled wickedly. “Marry me, Jongie and you’ll be worshipped in my father’s palace.”

  “Don’t be silly, Fai,” Deming said. “Ae-Jong has promised to marry me.”

  “He was five when that happened,” Ra said.

  “So, it still counts,” Deming said like a child.

  Both Akira and Daisuke stared at Ae-Jong again.

  “Don’t try to figure it out,” Ra said to them. “He has some type of animal magnetism that makes males fall for him.” His phone rang. “Hello?” Okay, thank you.” He hung up. “That’s our ride, fellows. Let’s bounce.”

  “How are we going to make it out of the palace without someone seeing us?” Daisuke asked Ra.

  “Simple. We’re going through Jongie’s wing. It has a secret escape route.”

  “It is not a secret anymore,” Ae-Jong said, following them.

  “Ooh, is that your bed, Jongie,” Fai asked as they passed through his suite.


  “Isn’t that the teddy bear I gave you when you were six?” Deming asked.


  Deming chuckled wickedly. “I knew you’ve been in love with me all these years.”

  Ra just shook his head. He would text Jung-Woo their whereabouts just as soon as he got into the car.

  * * * *

  Andy had no idea why dinner had been canceled and why he’d been summoned to the palace. All Jung-Woo said was that he would explain it all later. The older prince was there to meet him once he got past security. Andy bowed to him. “Has something happened to Ae-Jong?”


  Jung-Woo reminded him of Ae-Jong and no doubt the younger prince would still be handsome into his forties and fifties, maybe even older than that. Jung-Woo had on one of his palace costumes, a deep crimson blazer over a pair of black pants. A picture of the crown was embedded on the top left pocket. He’d appeared to have a fresh haircut and a shave. Andy was so glad that he’d worn a suit. Andy and Luke’s advice about personal grooming of a manager stuck with him.

  Jung-Woo led him toward what Andy recognized as one of the receiving rooms. “You’re right on time.”

  “For what?” Andy asked.

  “To get my son out of hot water.”

  Andy frowned. He’d heard a lot of Ae-Jong’s horror tales from both Edward and Ra. “What has he done?”

  Jung-Woo opened the door to a room once they arrived. Everyone inside looked in their direction when they entered. Andy recognized the royal heirs, Princes Doh and Bae and the emperor, but not the three young black men. They too were dressed in suits.

  The emperor waved them forward. “Gentlemen, this is my brother Prince Jung-Woo, Ae-Jong’s father and Ae-Jong’s manager Andrew Green.”

  The three younger men bowed. He and Jung-Woo returned the bow.

  Rin continued the introduction. “This is King Kashmi, King Bello, and King Contee from Zimbabwe.”

  Jung-Woo pointed to the throne next to Prince Doh for Andy to sit on. Jung-Woo sat on the other side of him. Andy still didn’t understand why he was there or what Ae-Jong had done. Rin pressed something, and a screen lowered in the room. A slideshow of Ae-Jong appeared.

  The three kings began arguing loudly in their native language. Andy knew South Korean and English. Everything else was Greek to him. Occasionally one of the men would point to the screen and moan lustfully, and then they’d start arguing again. He leaned toward Jung-Woo. “What are they arguing about?”

  “Ae-Jong’s hand in marriage.”

  Andy gasped, and then he regained his composure. Both Doh and Bae laughed at him.

  “Cute, isn’t it?” Doh asked.

  Andy shook his head. These guys were serious. “No.”

  “Gentlemen, I appreciate the offer, and you have all been very generous. Any other time I would have jumped at diamond, sapphire, ruby mines, and horses, but Ae-Jong is not for sale.”

  “Diamond mines?” Andy asked aloud.

  “Yes,” Rin answered. “Several to be exact. Each is offering a king’s ransom for him. Apparently, they saw him in China recently when he went to visit his godfather, Emperor Ang and fell in love with him.”

  “They do know that Ae-Jong is a guy, don’t they?” Andy asked.

  The guys started arguing again.

  “Yes, they know,” Jung-Woo answered. “That is why the dowry is so high. A beautiful male is worth more to them than a female.”

  “Why is that?” Andy asked.

  “Because they can get females for free. That’s why most of them have more than one wife. They are the ones who have to bear the kids, but a young male is…”

  “Yeah, I know,” Andy replied. “What did he do to catch their attention?”

  “Nothing,” Rin answered. “Emperor Ga said he just walked into the receiving room when he arrived, and these three saw him. That’s when the bidding war began.”

  “What’s the highest bid?” Andy asked.

  Jung-Woo looked at him oddly.

  “I’m just curious.”

  “Three diamond mines, two ruby mines, and one sapphire mine. Also, ten Arabian horses.”

  “Are you sure you guys want to turn down ten horses?” Andy joked.

  “Quite sure,”
Jung-Woo answered. “My son is going to marry for love as he keeps telling me. Besides, Ae-Jong is worth at least twenty.”

  He’d held him trembling passionately in his arms. Ae-Jong was worth at least a hundred. “Yes,” he answered. “Where is the little troublemaker?”

  “At the Royale Host Club.”

  “What’s he doing there?” Andy asked.

  “Relax, I own the place. He’s not there alone. He’s with Dazed and Ra, two of the members of Yukizumi, and Prince Ang and Prince Haung,” Jung-Woo answered.

  “Which Prince Ang?” Andy asked.

  Doh chuckled. “Ah, so you do know there is a difference between the royal brothers?”


  “Deming,” Jung-Woo answered.

  “Ah!” Andy gasped.

  “Did Ra tell you that Deming has been engaged to Jongie since he was five?” Doh asked.

  Andy shook his head. “No, just that Deming likes him in that way.”

  “He proposed twenty years ago, and Ae-Jong accepted.”

  “He was five,” Andy reminded him.

  “Yes, but Deming has not forgotten and is insisting on making Ae-Jong empress when he becomes emperor.”

  Why was Prince Doh fucking with him? Did he not know that Ae-Jong wants him to be his Prince Charming? Andy almost laughed out loud, but he had the feeling that Deming Ang might be serious.

  “Do you have something to say to these fine gentlemen, Mr. Green?” Rin asked.

  Andy rose. “Sorry, gentlemen. Ae-Jong Kim cannot possibly marry any of you, because he is engaged to me.”

  “How much did you offer for him,” King Kashmi asked. “I will double it.”

  The guy looked barely twenty-five, and he could understand and speak English.

  “I will triple it,” King Contee said.

  “I have already taken his virginity, and we are planning to raise a family in the future.”

  All three kings got angry and marched out of the room.

  “Does Jongie know you’re in love with him?” Prince Bae asked after they watched the kings leave the palace on the video screen that once played Ae-Jong’s slide show.

  “No,” Andy answered. “And you guys better not tell him, or about anything that was discussed here. I’m sure he would be quite embarrassed.”


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