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A King's Ransom

Page 13

by Shawn Bailey

  Emperor Rin sighed wearily. “Not our Jongie. If he could, he would shout it to the world.”

  Andy felt his own cheeks heat, much to the chagrin of the other four males. His mind drifted to the Royale Host Club, wondering what the princes and the singers were up to. He left the palace shortly to go find out.

  * * * *

  The Royale Host Club was jumping. There were several live bands performing, and both the upper and lower decks of the lounge were filled. Ra hadn’t seen Ae-Jong dance so much in a long time. Both Deming and Fai were excellent dancers, especially after a few drinks. And both were very popular with the hosts. Daisuke and Akira, too. Everyone was back at the table and doing gelatin shots. Well, everyone, except him, Hanako, and Chika. The palace was very strict on them recently about getting drunk and disorderly in public. The bands went on break, and a disc jockey took over.

  “I like this number,” Deming said as a slow song played.

  “That’s Tomahiko’s favorite song,” Akira uttered as a blond-haired host plied him with whiskey.

  “Who is Tomahiko?” the host asked.

  Ae-Jong chuckled.

  Akira looked positively shocked. “What planet have you been on? He’s a famous J-Pop and R&B singer.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” the host asked him.

  Akira shook his head. “No, we sing in the same group. Maybe you’ve heard of us, Yukizumi.”

  The host shook his head this time. “No. I don’t listen to foreign music much.”

  Ae-Jong, Chika, and Hanako laughed.

  The host continued to bait Akira. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Ra smirked. The host apparently had his sights on being Akira’s fantasy guy for the evening.

  More gelatin shots arrived at the table. They were brought over by one of the hosts. Ra had seen him around before. He was slender, tall, and had exemplary looks. Ra believed his club name was John.

  Both Fai and Deming checked him out. Ae-Jong took the gelatin shot Fai offered him.

  “Down the hatch,” Fai said to him.

  Ae-Jong downed the contents of the small plastic cup.

  “Let’s boogie, Jongie,” Deming said as soon as the music started up again. The DJ had put on BTS’s, “Fake Love.”

  Ae-Jong allowed the taller prince to lead him to the dance floor. Ae-Jong ended up dancing circles around Deming.

  Ra watched Deming pull Ae-Jong into his arms and slow danced with him to George Michael’s “Father Figure.” Their bodies rolled against each other sensually, like they were making love. The song ended, and Deming headed back to the table.

  Fai was ready for some attention. The two Chinese princes had always been very competitive. Ae-Jong edged himself into the booth and accidentally landed on Fai’s lap. The other prince took advantage of the situation, put his free arm around Jongie’s waist and kissed him on the back of the neck.

  Both Hanako and Chika attempted to move in their direction to free Jongie, but Ra held up his hand to stop them. Fai and Demin were drunk, yet they would never do anything to hurt Ae-Jong,

  Fai maneuvered Jongie to face him. And kissed him on the lips.

  Ae-Jong slapped Fai’s face and slid off his lap.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  “Lordy,” Ra heard Hanako say.

  Ae-Jong looked around. His new manager stared down at him. He had arrived at the table with Jung-Woo’s business partner Yong Rhee. Andy turned on his heel and walked away. “Andrew, wait, I can explain.” Ae-Jong tried to stop Andrew from leaving, but Fai held on to him.

  “What do you care what this Andrew person thinks? He works for you, not the other way around.”

  Ae-Jong pushed Fai away. He looked like he wanted to cry.

  Ra sighed. Once again, Jongie had dug himself into a very deep love hole and fallen in.

  * * * *

  “What happened?” Tory asked Andy as they sat at the bar in the lounge of the hotel where Andy no longer stayed.

  “Nothing,” Andy lied. “Why would you think something is wrong?”

  “You’re sitting here drowning your sorrow in very expensive bourbon. My guess is that you have idol trouble.”

  “Why would you guess that?”

  Tory chuckled weakly. “I’ve been through this several times before with each of my managers. What happened, he didn’t live up to the fantasy?”

  “I caught him kissing on another guy.”

  “Yeah? Who was his kissing?”

  “Does it matter?” Andy asked.

  “Not really,” Tory said as he nursed the drink the bartender had put before him. “It hurts just the same. So, is it over between you two?”

  “I don’t play sloppy seconds,” Andy said. He threw back the rest of the contents in his glass. It burned all the way down.

  “Technically the other guy is the one getting sloppy seconds,” Tory said.

  “You’re not helping,” Andy said. He really wanted to be alone to drown his sorrows as Tory had put it.

  “Who was the other guy?”

  “One of those princes who is visiting for Emperor Rin’s celebration. The one with the hair down to his shoulders, nice mustache, and facial scruff.”

  “Ah, Fai Haung. He’s really not such a bad fellow once you get to know him and Deming Ang is a lovable buffoon.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “These guys have known each other since they were infants. If there is anything going on between any of them, you wouldn’t have gotten near Ae-Jong. I told you that the little troublemaker was a handful. My guess is that this isn’t the first time he’s kissed another guy, and knowing him, it won’t be the last. But you have to talk things out with him since legally you are still his manager.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll still keep up my end of the bargain,” Andy said. “But all access to me and my cock is not open for negotiations.”

  Tory spat some of the drink. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and cleaned the bar. “You and Eddie are definitely related. But at least he lasted a little longer than you when Noel pissed him off.”

  “Those two had problems before?” Andy asked.

  “Yes, I won’t go into details, but he left the tour in France or one of those places and came back to New Orleans. In fact, he looked pretty much like you do now, and wanting absolutely nothing to do with Red again.”

  Andy wondered what had happened to spook Eddie. “What happened?”

  “Love is funny. Eventually it wins,” Tory answered.

  “Not this time, I’m afraid,” Andy said. He stood. “I better get my ass home.”

  “You’re not driving, are you?”

  “No,” Andy said. He pointed toward the door. His driver Ji-Hu had returned for him.

  “Don’t forget that we’re having dinner with the in-laws tomorrow night.”

  “I don’t think they’d be too disappointed if I can’t make it,” Andy said.

  “Sorry, you don’t have a choice,” Tory said. “You can’t insult the family by not showing up. They did not do anything to you.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Andy said.

  “What are you going home to do?”

  “Change the locks,” Andy answered. Ae-Jong’s father’s property or not. If Ae-Jong wanted to come over, he could ring the doorbell like any other visitor.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you nervous about seeing Andrew after what went down last night?” Ra asked Ae-Jong as he watched the stylist put the finishing touches to Ae-Jong’s outfit for the evening.

  “No, he was the one who jumped to conclusions. Plus, what was he doing at the club anyway?”

  “Apparently looking for you,” Ra answered. “After all, you snuck out while he was with Unc trying to keep you from becoming a South African bride.”

  “How did that turn out?” Ae-Jong asked. Ra was such a worrywart.

  “How should I know? I was with you.”

  The stylist went away. Ae-Jong looked at himself
in the mirror. Purple looked good on him. Tonight, they wore their royal dinner uniforms. His came with a black sash. Ra’s uniform was black with a purple sash, signifying that he was a high-ranking elite in the Kim family. The honor usually went to heads of departments, sons-in-law, personal guards, and in Ra’s case, royal consort of Prince Jung-Woo.

  Chika and Hanako appeared, dressed like Ra. They both had fresh haircuts and were clean-shaven.

  “It’s about time you two got here,” Ra said. “Where have you been?”

  “Making sure we have enough guards on hand for the evening,” Chika answered.

  Normally that was Ra’s job, but his assistant had been busy with the visiting prince demons Fai and Deming. “Have the guests started arriving yet?” Ae-Jong asked as he checked his face in the mirror. “I have to remind Jun-Na not to use so much mascara. It makes your eyes look big,” he said, mimicking his personal stylist.

  Hanako and Chika chuckled.

  “You sound just like him,” Ra said. He looked at his watch. “We better get to the dining room.”

  They left Ae-Jong’s personal wing, meeting up with Prince Fai and Deming. They were dressed in black suits with red sashes.

  “Can I sit by you for dinner?” Fai asked Ae-Jong.

  “You mean in Cheng’s seat?” Ae-Jong asked.

  “That brat is not here,” Fai reminded him.

  Normally the seat on the right went to the prince’s spouse or consort. “I don’t know. Jae-Ha uses placards, and you’re supposed to sit where she puts you.” Jae-Ha was his aunt and the empress of South Korea.

  “I bet she wouldn’t notice if I did a little switch.”

  “You’re still not too old to spank,” Ra said, eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “I was three,” Fai reminded him. “And neither of you were born yet, and I was the favorite. Or I was until I broke Jae-Ha’s vase.”

  “How many times were you told not to touch it?” Ra asked.

  “Does it matter?” Fai asked.

  “About a hundred times,” Deming answered. “I got fussed at, too. And for the record, I’m Jae-Ha’s favorite.”

  “Both of you losers are wrong,” Mee-Yon said as she arrived in the dining room behind them. She was with her husband, Chul. “I’m mother’s favorite.”

  “You’re the favorite girl,” Deming insisted. “And only because she gave birth to you.”

  Mee-Yon was just a year younger than Fai and Demining, but at twenty-nine she still looked like a teenager. “Not so. It’s because I was such an adorable child.”

  Ae-Jong made a face. “Isn’t vanity a sin?”

  Mee-Yon poked her tongue at him. “Says the guy who has his own makeup case.”

  Ra chucked at the slight.

  “It’s not a makeup case, it’s a valet case. Anyway, I can’t be caught looking less than perfect,” Ae-Jong ordered.

  Princess Choon-Hee and her husband Bon-Hwa arrived. “I taught him that,” she bragged.

  “That is not a good thing,” Ra replied. “He was the only teenager at the entertainment agency who knew how to arch his eyebrows.”

  Deming looked at him. “You look picture perfect.” He kissed Ae-Jong on the forehead.

  Ae-Jong took a step away from the handsome prince. “Will you guys stop kissing me?” He was in enough hot water playing around with him and Fai.

  The rest of the royal family began arriving in the grand ballroom, along with the invited guests. Things got pretty busy as people looked for their seats. Ae-Jong found his.

  “Lucky me,” Deming said as he sat to the left of Ae-Jong. “Who has the seat to your right?”

  Andy peeked at the name. Oh! “My manager.” His royal consort. Who else? His folks did not know what had happened last night, and it was too late to do anything about it.

  Fai appeared. “At least I’m at the same table.” His seat was on the other side of Andy’s. He peered down at the other placard. “Who is Andrew Green?”

  Ae-Jong frowned at him. Fai knew very well who Andrew was. “My manager.”

  “The blond guy who’s always around you. I suppose he won’t mind if I change seats with him.”

  “Yes, I would,” a deep voice said.

  Ae-Jong looked up. Andrew! His heart began beating rapidly, and his palms got all sweaty. His lover was much taller than Prince Fai and had more muscles. He looked sensational in black.

  Ra appeared like a gift from the gods. “Good to see you,” he said to Andrew. “Ae-Jong, have you introduced your new manager to our friends?”

  Ae-Jong shook his head. “He just arrived.”

  “Andrew Green, I’d like you to meet Prince Fai Haung and Prince Deming Ang. Fellows, this is Andrew Green, Dazed’s new manager,” Ra said.

  All three men bowed.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Andy said.

  “Who sat him to the right of Ae-Jong?” Fai asked rudely. “Isn’t it the seat to the right belongs to the royal consort?”

  “Yeah,” Ra said walking away.

  Andy sat.

  Fai looked over at Ae-Jong curiously. He sat to the right of Andy.

  “You and I have to have a nice long talk, Jongie,” Deming said. He sat to Ae-Jong’s left.

  The only person Ae-Jong wanted to talk to was Cheng, but unfortunately, his best friend was off on location shooting his new movie. He and Deming sat.

  The servers arrived with carts loaded down with food and began putting bowls of side dishes on the table. The main dish followed. Both Fai and Deming and most of the other guests got Peking duck. They also got Dazhu gansi, a soup dish made with tofu, chicken, ham and bamboo shoots. Deming rolled a piece of the duck, scallions, cucumber, and sweet bean sauce together with a steamed pancake and ate it.

  Andy and Ae-Jong were served stir-fried vegetables and ramen noodles with just vegetables.

  Deming looked at the two vegetarian dishes and then at Ae-Jong. “Is there something you’d like to say?”

  Ae-Jong shook his head and began eating. He added chili oil to both his and Andrew’s ramen. Andrew nodded at him. All through dinner he felt Andrew’s muscular thigh pressed against his. Andrew did not try to make conversation with him, not that he blamed him. Had the shoe been on the other foot and he’d caught Andrew kissing another guy, he’d be upset, too.

  Dessert was matcha ice cream and cake. Andy pushed his over to Ae-Jong.

  “Thank you.”

  Fai and Deming both leaned forward and looked at each other at the kind gesture.

  Andrew left shortly after that without saying one word to him. Ae-Jong did not like being ignored. He was going to apologize for messing around with Fai, but now he didn’t think he would. But then Ae-Jong had trouble falling asleep after all that ice cream and cake. Normally he’d hop into his car and drive over to Andrew’s for some mind-numbing sex, but not this time. He’d show his manager that he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. At three o’clock in the morning, he was still wide awake.

  * * * *

  “You look like you haven’t slept a wink,” Ra said to Ae-Jong as he escorted him to temple the next morning.

  “I didn’t,” Ae-Jong admitted. “I think I had too many sweets.”

  “And the answer to your dilemma left early.”

  He didn’t even say good-bye,” Ae-Jong said.

  “What did you expect? You were making out with another man. And, not just any guy, another prince, one who wants you for his mate.”

  “Fai is just a friend, and I wasn’t making out with him. He kissed me. Did you not see me slap him to get him to stop?” He paused. “Randy bastard.”

  “Andrew doesn’t know that. And we’re not kids anymore. There’s no doubt that Fai and Deming would gladly share you if you gave them the opportunity.”

  “Both of them at once?” Ae-Jong asked, trying to imagine it.

  Ra nodded. “Don’t even entertain the idea. Andrew is a nice man. You gave him your virginity. Next time think before you act.”
  Ae-Jong frowned. Ra was always right when it came to such things. Yet he couldn’t get the image of him and the two sexy princes out of his mind.

  “If you choose either Fai or Deming, you will have to leave South Korea to be with him.”

  Leave his home and live in China? Ae-Jong never thought of that. Hong Kong and Shanghai were nice to visit, but he was a Seoul man. He chuckled at the pun.

  The driver dropped them off, and security escorted them to pray in the temple and back to the car later. All the other sinners were just waking for breakfast when they returned, except Fai and Deming.

  “What’s on your agenda for today?” Jung-Woo asked Ae-Jong.

  “I think I will go over to the dojo for a little workout. I need to expend some energy.”

  “Are you having trouble sleeping again, Jongie?” his aunt asked.

  “Yes,” Ae-Jong answered. “I have to stay away from sweets. I think martial arts might help me.”

  “Who will accompany you?” Doh asked.

  Ra raised his hand. Chika and Hanako hesitated but lifted theirs, too.

  “Good. Make sure you three keep him out of trouble,” the older prince said.

  Ae-Jong opened his mouth to protest but closed it. There was no used in arguing with Doh. He was not only older but bigger.

  “After martial arts, you guys need to work out at the gym next door to limber up some,” Ra said. “You’re having your first performance in two years, and you need to be in top condition.”

  Ae-Jong hated going to the public gym. A lot of old guys hung out there, and they looked at him strangely. Ra liked the place only because he was into older guys.

  “Do you think I should call Tomahiko to see if he and his cronies would like to join us?” Ra asked.

  Chika and Hanako nodded furiously.

  “No,” Ae-Jong said. “They’ll just get in the way.”

  Chika and Hanako looked at him.

  “You guys have nothing to worry about. I’ll take it easy on you.”

  Ra chuckled wickedly. “Sucks to be you guys.”

  “Are you going to take Fai and Deming with you guys to the dojo and the gym?” Prince Bae asked.


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