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Secrets (Sea Crest Book 3)

Page 4

by Carrie Banks


  “Come in!” I yell, just as I save the document, I’ve been working on for over an hour in Google Drive.

  “Hey.” Gabby comes in and flops on the bed next to me. “Why did you run out of Hill’s Head this morning? Did it have something to do with the two hotties brawling over you last night?”

  “You heard, too?”

  “Someone posted the video to YouTube.”

  “You’re joking.”

  She takes my laptop and enters my password. In less than a minute she turns it around and there it is. Me, wobbling half-drunk watching as Ry gets in Ty’s face. “I’m such a loser. I look like such a hot mess.”

  “You’re the envy of every girl in Sea Crest over fifteen.”

  I groan, bashing my head with my pillow. “We need to get this down before my mom finds out.”

  “What really went down?”

  I shrug. “Too much testosterone? I was a hot mess and Ry got pissed… I’m scared, Gabby. He’s leaving soon. I doubt he’ll drive down here to see his high school girlfriend every weekend when he starts his first semester at Harvard.”

  “You can’t think about that now.”

  “I have to. We-I let him…without a condom.”

  “What? Why?” She screeches.

  My hand slaps over her mouth. “Keep it down. I don’t need my mom freaking out on me.”

  “I called my OBGYN and picked up the morning after pill. I actually feel a bit sick that’s why I’m in bed already.”

  “Damn girl. I hope it works. Or you’ll be a whale senior year.”

  “OMG. I can’t even. I just can’t.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’re not.”

  “I know. It’s just that it got me really thinking about my future plans…I love him Gabby. I do. But I can’t stop deluding myself into believing our summer love doesn’t have an expiration date.”

  She sighs. “I know. I’ve been feeling the same way about Barron. I pretend to be all confident, but I’m not at all. Sometimes, I think he doesn’t even like me at all.”

  “That’s not true. He adores you.”

  “Anyway. What are you working on?”

  A wide grin splits across my face. “Making someone… actually…hopefully a lot of little girl’s dreams come true.”

  She arcs an eyebrow. “And how are you going to do that?”

  I texted Barron and Ry and asked them if it’s okay for me to bring Katie from across the street to Hill’s Head tomorrow to visit Cody. She’s never had a chance to meet a pony and the popular girls at her school all ride.”

  She shakes her head at me, “You always had a soft heart, Tessa. That’s why I can’t stand it when it gets crushed. But I think it’s a great idea.”

  “There’s more. I want to start a charitable foundation, but I need help. I want to surprise Ry. I need someone who knows about these things…,” I bite my lip, “Someone like Charles.”

  “Okay. I can help with that. I’ll set up a meeting in his Outlook Calendar. But Tess, we can’t just walk in there. We need a business proposal, a name, a logo—a plan. We also need to file for 501 status with the feds as a tax-exempt business.”

  “I know. I’ve already got a name, Abby’s Angels.”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “I know. I want to find people willing to donate lessons, time, even riding equipment and gear to girls in need. Girls whose parents can’t afford it. Girls like you and me.”

  “Ryan is so going to fall in love with you if he hasn’t already.”

  “It’s not about that. It’s about doing something good, something that makes sense and spread Abby’s light so that can live on.”

  “It’ll look good on your resume, too. Starting a charity is a big deal, Tess.”

  “I know. So, are you in?”

  “Absolutely. Is this a surprise?”

  “I’d like it to be. I don’t even want Barron to know.”

  “Ok. Great. Abby’s Angels a place for girls to find their unicorns. Too cheese?”

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing at her. “A little? How about…Abby’s Angels… forwarding the endless love a girl had for her horse.”

  Now, it’s Gabby’s eyes that are bright with unshed tears. “It’s perfect Tessa. Just like you.”

  “Oh, stop,” I smack her arm. “You know that’s not true. Besides, you’re the one with the prefect life right now dating Barron Foster.”

  “I know. I keep waiting to wake up one day and just be the immigrant’s daughter from South Sea Crest.”

  “Hey. Stop that. You are a freaking goddess with or without Barron Foster. Stop putting yourself down.”

  She shrugs. “It’s an illusion. All of it. I’m driven and determined but the rest is just bravado I fake. I’m not confident at all, Tess. That’s my biggest secret. On the inside I’m scared I’m the chubby Latina girl with coke bottle glasses and a mouthful of braces.”

  I squeeze her arm. “You haven’t been that in years. Besides, I thought that was me… minus the Latina part.”

  “Spill. What’s your secret?”

  My face turns red. A piece of my hair sticks to my sweaty cheek. I brush it aside. “Fine. My deepest secret is…maybe I’m into voyeurism and exhibitionism.”

  “What?!” She shrieks.

  “It was hot. Hearing you and Barron in Block,” I swallow looking away. “When I first saw Ry at Kittens, his hands slid up the back of my thighs. I couldn’t breathe as I waited and wondered if he’d touch me.”

  “Did he?”

  “No. But I wanted him to.”

  We both burst into giggles before Gabby declares she’s starving and wanders down to the kitchen.

  Can I do this? Pull off a charity dedicated to Abby using her beloved pony? Deep down I truly believe she’d want that. I never met her, but Ry’s told me so much about the sister he loved.


  My kitten heel taps the carpet nervously. My sweaty palms smooth the crease of my pencil skirt.

  “Relax. He’s going to say yes. It’s a charity for Ryan.”

  “I know. It’s just that it’s CHARLES!”

  “He’s not so bad. I don’t know why everyone is so freaked out by him.”

  I stare at her as if she has two heads. “Do you…have a crush on him?”

  “Ha. But he is definitely in the silver fox category.”

  I roll my eyes just as the door opens. “Ladies.” He nods stiffly. He is hot. In an older dad, George Clooney kind of way. Or maybe it’s his arrogance and old money that clings to his tailored suit.

  He glances at his wristwatch, it no doubt costs as much as my car. Maybe more.

  “You have five minutes. So, pitch me ladies. Afterall, you are here to hit me up for some money. Am I right?”

  Anger seethes in me. He just sees this…us…as two poor townie girls looking for a handout. “That’s not what this is.” I pop out of my chair and place my business plan on his desk, using my pointer finger to go over everything as I speak.

  “I want to start a charitable foundation in the memory of Abigail Stone called, ‘Abby’s Angels.’ The purpose of the foundation will be to brighter the lives of underprivileged or special needs children using equine care therapy. We already have one pony. He’s in your stable. I’ve already printed dozens of studies showing the benefits of equine therapy on a range of individuals from Veteran’s to handicapped children. The thing is…, sir—I have no idea where to begin. How to legally do this.”

  He sits back in his butter-soft leather chair, pinning his ice-blue gaze on me. The room stills.

  “Seems to me you’re halfway.” He smiles the devil’s smile and my pulse quickens. He is hot. For an older guy and all. “Have you ever played chess?”


  “Watch and learn my little lovelies. I just played with Ryan a few weeks ago,” he winks as he picks up his desk phone, motioning us to be silent.

  “Everett. Charles Foster here. I’m having my PA
email you over the business plan for a non-for-profit charity. File the appropriate paperwork with the Feds to get tax exempt status. Open up a business bank account, get the whole damn ball rolling by the end of business today.”

  He ends the call then dials another number, tapping his fingers on his polished desk as he waits for whomever he called to pick up.

  “Darling, how are you? It’s Charles. Yes, well…I have a solution. A new charitable foundation has inquired about Cody. It’s an equine charity for kids. It gets Cody officially off your books and legally not your responsibility even though Ryan has physical custody of the pony. I went along with it but between you and me—I have no desire to permanently stable him,” he says all this while winking at us.

  “Good. I’ll have the company’s attorney send the necessary paperwork to your attorney.” He makes small talk for a few minutes before hanging up.

  “That’s settled. By the end of today Cody will officially belong to Abby’s Angels. Now we need a chair and a board of directors to ensure no one steals money or contributions to the foundation.”

  I gasp. “That’s horrible.”

  “I know. But in my circles, I’ve seen it all. Your charity won’t get far without a formidable board. One that certain wallets will have no problem opening for.”

  I slump back in my seat. “I don’t know anyone like that.”

  He frowns, clearing his throat.

  “You would?”

  “No. I’m going to be your first donor.” He opens his drawer and writes out a check from Foster Sailing and slides it across my desk. “Gabby. After we’re done here, take Ms. Andrews to Sea Crest Credit Union. Get Abby’s Angels a proper account.”


  “Ms. Andrews, I nominate you Chair and Gabby co-chair of Abby’s Angels with the Board consisting of Ryan and Barron.”

  I bite my lip. “What if…what if things don’t work out. I want this charity to be her legacy.”

  He frowns, “Right. Well, you’re almost an adult. Just keep acting like one the way you are now. Don’t let the good work this could do, be de-railed by a summer crush. That goes to the both of you and both ways to the boys. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” we reply in unison.

  “Good, because your five minutes is up.” He stands and motions for us to exit his office.

  I move to gather my materials. “Leave it. I’ll need this to tie everything up. I need a logo and your final tag line. Have Gabby email it to my marketing department. We’ll get T-shirts, mugs, you name it made and I’d like to personally host a kickoff even for this charity at the Hill’s Head House. I trust you girls can plan all that?”

  “Piece of cake,” Gabby winks.

  “Did you just wink at Charles?” I practically screech when we’ve shut his door.

  She sways her hips. “He’s a big teddy bear.”

  “More like a Mako shark. I couldn’t stop staring at his teeth when he talked. They’re so white and perfect. Capped. Definitely all capped.”

  “I hear he has a new girlfriend.”

  “Is she legal?”

  “Charles isn’t a pervert. She’s classy and older. Besides, shouldn’t you be grateful to the man? He took what you had on paper and turned it into something real.”

  “I know. I’m going to personally write him a thank you. Old school. Like him,” I smirk. “I’ll see you on my lunch break. We can meet at the bank?”

  She flips me the bird as I let myself out of Foster Sailing. I practically skip back to my car. Everything is finally right. Or as close as it could be. Katie’s eyes were as big as the moon when I took her to see Cody two days ago. I just know this charity will do so much for so many girls and boys. And in the meantime, I get to host a party at the Foster’s house. The only question is: Will my mom make the list?



  “What…in the actual fuck?”

  I pull past the valet and slam my Rover into park. Barron didn’t mention he was having a party when he frantically phoned me earlier telling me to get my ass down to Hill’s Head and that it was urgent; something to do with Cody.

  A large, white tent is pitched on the lawn. It’s a fucking cougar croquet party. Older women dressed like they’re still twenty, strut around holding glasses of rosé while wearing huge sunhats.

  I smile, on autopilot used to scenes like this while hiding my disdain behind my reflective aviators.

  More than one, try to catch my attention as I walk through the crowd looking for Barron.

  “Don’t be mad. She loves you.”

  I turn finding Gabby standing behind me.

  “Why would I be mad at my girl?”

  “Ummm, I don’t know. Because you’re kind of unpredictable?”

  I snort. “Not anymore.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “She did this for you.”

  “Did what?”

  “You’ll see.” She passes me a cold drink and indicates for me to follow her to a reserved table closest to the small stage.

  Charles walks up the steps and takes the microphone. “Thank you everyone for coming on such short notice. When two remarkable young women managed to get ahold of my Outlook calendar and mark themselves in, I was a bit annoyed. But then these two bright, young ladies floored me with what they had planned. I’d like to welcome Tessa Andrews and Gabby Cruz up to the stage.” I’m still a bit confused and also a bit amused as the crowd claps for my girl and Gabby.

  “Th-thank you.” Tessa is nervous but as our eyes meet and I wink, she squares her shoulders and steadies her voice.

  That’s right baby. You got this. Whatever “this” is.

  “I’m Tessa. Tessa Andrews. We are all here today to recognize someone very special who is no longer with us, but her light will always shine and her love of ponies will always live on and spread so much joy…”

  A lump forms in the back of my throat.

  The sheen in my eyes are shielded behind my aviator’s. “I love you,” she mouths before continuing. “Today is the official unveiling of Abby’s Angel’s.” A curtain is lowered. Then I notice the clicker in Tessa’s hand. A projector is showing me Abby and Cody. In pink script above them is “Abby’s Angels.” Below is a tagline: bringing girls and ponies together.

  “I have started a charitable foundation in her memory dedicated to transforming the lives of children with special needs or disabilities whether economic, or otherwise. We will bring them together with these gorgeous ponies to help heal their hearts or make them explode with happiness. Our first pony, Cody is already available for therapy sessions. Mr. Foster, our first patron, has generously given us the funds to hire a trainer familiar with starting up such programs. Hopefully, with your generous support, we can buy more ponies and start a summer camp next year.”

  She pauses as clapping breaks out. My hands shake. Somehow, I swallow the lump clogging my throat and stride up the steps. I don’t care who sees how much I’m into this girl. My arms lift her inches above the ground as I sweep her into my arms and hold her tight. “Thank you so goddamn much, baby.” My voice is hoarse against her throat.

  “So, was it a good surprise?”

  “The best.”

  Cameras click.

  Lightbulbs flash.

  We ignore it all as I hold her in our little bubble. For now, it’s just the two of us sharing a tender moment. One I wish could last.

  “You’re not mad?”

  “How could I be? When you’re so full of goodness, it shines from you. Your light’s a beacon. I knew it that first night on the beach. But Tessa—I don’t deserve you. My insides are still full of ugly things that should never touch you.”

  She pulls back as I lower her back to the stage. Her soft hand cups my cheek. “Nonsense. That is complete crap. I see so much when I look at you…it takes my breath away.”

  Gabby clears her throat as we’re forced to return to moment. She holds the mic and announces the arrival of the VIP guests. “Cody e
scorted by Katie.” More clapping erupts as a girl who looks to be about the age Abbs would be, leads Cody down the main aisle.

  He looks regal. His mane is brushed out; his coat gleams. She leads him to the base of the stage. Tessa’s fingers rest on my forearm, “Here.” She hands me a garland chain made from fresh daises and wildflowers. I accepted it and walk down the stage. Unclipping his lead, I look Cody square in the eyes, “She’d be proud of you, boy.”

  “She’d be proud of you, too,” Charles responds from where he stands to my left.

  “Thanks,” I barely choke out as I lift the garland and place it over Cody’s head where it hangs around his neck.

  “You’ve got a keeper in that girl.”

  “Thank, Charles. I know.” My eyes meet Tessa’s and I raise my hand indicating she should join me.

  I take Cody’s lead from the girl and clip it back on. With the horse in one hand and Tessa in the other, my heart feels almost full again. We walk back down the aisle. When we reach the back, I lead us toward the open field.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you. You amaze me.” I lift her hand up to my lips, kissing her knuckles one by one.

  “Honestly, I’m just relieved. Katie, the girl, is my neighbor. She never pet a horse before she met Cody…it sparked an idea and well Gabby and Charles helped me figure out the rest. I-I know your parents have been giving you a tough time about Cody.

  You have him here, but they still legally owned him. Charles was able to guide them into signing him over to the charity. The charity owns Cody free and clear now and I’m the chairwoman. You are on the board of directors—” My kiss interrupts her. This girl. This girl is a gift and in this moment—I know exactly who sent her to me. I swing her up. Her arms cling to my neck as I twirl us in a circle as Cody munches grass a few feet from us.

  “Thank you. Thank you for showing me it’s okay to love again.” I place her down. Her eyes shine bright as the sun overhead. “Do we need to go back?”

  She shrugs, “Not really. Charles, Gabby and Barron are schmoozing the crowd, raising donations. My parents are working otherwise they’d be here.”


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