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Worst Case Scenario

Page 20

by Chenell Parker

  “I guess you can do that when you’re the boss,” Remo laughed.

  “Stori got me on some cuddling shit like a lil bitch. I ain’t never been into no shit like that with nobody else,” Nas admitted.

  “That’s how you know that she’s the one. Before Kalani, a bitch was liable to get a bullet if they even tried to kiss me. The right one will make you think twice. What’s up with her ole punk ass husband? Nigga dropped out of sight like the hoe he is,” Remo said.

  He was happy as hell when Nas told him about what happened with Gavin. Remo wanted him to find out and things played out even better than he thought they would. Having Gavin catch Nas and Stori in the act was priceless.

  “I don’t even know. Nigga ain’t been to the shop in a few days. Lil bitch ass is probably scared to face me. I’m good on him though. I got who I want, so he can breathe easy,” Nas replied.

  “That nigga gon’ die when he finds out that you’re his new boss,” Remo laughed.

  “I haven’t even been back to the shop since we made shit official. I might go in there Saturday and let them niggas know what’s up. I’m not changing the name or nothing, but we do need to update a few things if we plan to rent out the salon part of it,” Nas said.

  “We need to go up on them niggas booth rent too. That shop is a hot commodity and it’s always poppin’,” Remo replied.

  “Mr. Herbert just hit a nigga with a twenty-five dollar increase a few months ago. We need to wait on that,” Nas reasoned.

  “Alright bro. You know more about that shit than I do,” Remo said.

  “I’m pulling up now bro. I’m on my way in,” Nas said as he pulled up to Jarvis’ house.

  The lawyer that Latrice had hired was worth every penny that they paid him. He was making shit happen sooner than they thought he would. He sent some papers home for them to sign and they met by their brother’s house to do it. As soon as he walked on the porch, Latrice opened the door for Nas to come in.

  “Hey, my love. How’s it going?” Latrice asked, as Nas leaned down to hug her.

  “I’m good sis. Where your gay ass husband at?” Nas questioned.

  “Stop talking about my husband nigga. Trust me, ain’t nothing gay about him,” Latrice replied.

  “Nigga, I know you ain’t still in pajamas,” Remo laughed as he eyed the Ralph Lauren pajama bottoms and t-shirt that his brother had on. Nas threw on a pair of wheat colored Timbs and left the house in exactly what he had on.

  “I told you that I was in the bed. Stori finished doing hair early and we laid up for the rest of the day until it was time to get Toi from school,” Nas replied.

  “You must really like her,” Latrice observed.

  “That nigga been wanting Stori for a minute. My bro is in love,” Remo beamed.

  “Like a muthafucker,” Nas acknowledged with a smirk.

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Naseem and Kareem Donaldson in love at the same damn time. I feel like a proud guardian,” Latrice laughed.

  “Oh shit bro, I forgot to show you this,” Nas said as he handed Remo something that he pulled out of his pocket. Remo looked over what Nas had given him before he jumped up from the sofa.

  “Man, I’m happy as fuck right now. Congrats bro,” Remo said as he pulled Nas into a tight hug.

  “What’s going on?” Latrice asked. It always warmed her heart to see the close bond that Nas and Remo shared.

  “I’m about to be a muthafucking uncle!” Remo yelled as if he wasn’t an uncle already.

  “Oh, my God! Congrats Naseem,” Latrice smiled as she gave her brother-in-law a hug.

  “I hope it’s a boy. I want that lil nigga to be bad as fuck,” Remo said excitedly.

  “Don’t say that Remo. We had enough of that with you and Nas. Stori doesn’t deserve to go through the same thing,” Latrice replied.

  “Why didn’t you tell me when me and Kalani came over there yesterday?” Remo asked him.

  “We didn’t check the mail until after y’all left. We talked to Toi about it first though,” Nas replied.

  “What did Toi say? You know she’s been Stori’s only baby for a while,” Remo noted.

  “I know but she’s happy as hell.” Nas smiled.

  “Me too nigga. Shit happened mad fast but I can’t wait,” Remo said as he grabbed Nas around his neck again.

  No one was more excited than Nas was but, in his heart, he already knew. He was experiencing the same pregnancy symptoms as Stori. He didn’t have the morning sickness but he slept and ate just as much as she did. Although Stori and Gavin tried to conceive for months, it had never happened. As soon as she started having sex with Nas, she popped up pregnant and he didn’t think it was a coincidence. It was meant to be and her getting pregnant so soon confirmed what he already knew. Stori was his soulmate and he felt the connection years ago when he first laid eyes on her.

  Toi was so happy that she actually cried. She loved babies and that was proven by how well she cared for Summer. She was excited to know that they would have a baby under the same roof. Stori wanted to wait until it was confirmed before she said anything. She didn’t mention it again but Nas had a feeling that she wasn’t going to get rid of it no matter what the test said. Her conscience was eating her up and the guilt was starting to consume her. He could see that she was relieved though. Not having to deal with Gavin anymore was the best part of it all.

  “The fuck are y’all in here making all that noise for?” Jarvis asked when he walked into the living room.

  “You’re about to be an uncle baby,” Latrice said with a bright smile.

  “Aww no! Fuck no man! Which one of you niggas got somebody pregnant?” Jarvis yelled.

  “I did nigga,” Nas spoke up excitedly.

  “Please don’t tell me it’s Stori,” Jarvis said.

  “Okay, I won’t tell your sensitive ass then.” Nas shrugged as Remo laughed.

  “This shit is crazy. How do you even know that the baby is yours? The girl is still married,” Jarvis pointed out.

  “You trying to call my girl a hoe?” Nas frowned.

  “Nigga what? I know she ain’t no hoe but you have to admit that the entre situation is complicated. That’s a legitimate ass question,” Jarvis replied.

  “It’s his nigga. We got the paperwork to prove it,” Remo said as he threw the papers at Jarvis.

  “Damn man. I feel sorry for Stori already. That damn girl don’t deserve that shit. You niggas did not need to have kids no time soon,” Jarvis said as he massaged his aching temples.

  “Don’t say that baby,” Latrice replied as she took a seat next to him.

  “Are you serious right now Latrice? Them niggas took us through hell. I’m surprised I didn’t stroke the fuck out. What can they possibly teach a child? Most of the bad habits that our kids learned came from them two. It ain’t even fair that they get to reproduce,” Jarvis sighed.

  He knew that he and his wife would have to be there for Stori every step of the way. She was never going to get rid of Nas now. God forbid if she had a boy. She would probably lose her mind just like he’d almost done. His prayer from that day forward was going to be for a little niece.

  “The fuck is wrong with you, bruh? You need a hug or something?” Nas asked him.

  “Fuck a hug. I need a damn vacation,” Jarvis replied.

  “Book that shit and let us know how much. You need to relax and stop being so uptight,” Nas said, as Remo nodded in agreement.

  “Let’s go to Paris baby!” Latrice yelled excitedly. The twins paid for every vacation that she and Jarvis had ever taken. They spared no expense and they always gave them more than enough spending money to enjoy themselves.

  “Book it sis. We got you,” Remo said, making Latrice squeal in delight. She jumped up and ran to her bedroom for her laptop.

  “What’s wrong with you, nigga? You’re about to be an uncle for the first time and you don’t even seem happy about it,” Nas said as he sat down and looked at his older brother.

  “I’m very happy about it, but I’m worried too. Having kids is a big responsibility Naseem. You can’t be out here on the same dumb shit that you’re on now. You need to leave all them hoes alone and do right by Stori if that’s who you plan to be with. She’s already proving to be better than Milan’s trifling ass. You ain’t never been with a broad that even thought about helping you build your credit. That alone should make you see that’s she different from the rest. It’s fucked up how y’all got together but it is what it is. I know y’all think I fuss a lot but I just want y’all to do better. Niggas out here dying for less than the shit y’all be out here doing. I already had to bury mama and daddy. I don’t want to have to bury my little brothers too. Don’t do that to me, bruh. That shit will kill me if something happens to y’all,” Jarvis confessed.

  “I understand bruh but we ain’t been on no dumb shit. I’m done with all them hoes. It’s all about Stori now,” Nas swore.

  “Yeah man, I’ve been chillin’ too. I can’t tell you the last time I had some new pussy but I’m good with that. Dealing with one woman makes my life much easier,” Remo replied.

  “What’s up with that nigga Gavin? I don’t want him to be a problem for you either,” Jarvis said while looking at Nas.

  “Gavin!” Remo yelled as he twisted up his face in anger. “That pussy never was and never will be a problem for us.”

  “Stop underestimating people Kareem. In his mind, he lost his wife to his best friend. Nas might not have considered him a friend but he obviously felt otherwise. Always be prepared for the worst case scenario. It be the ones that you least expect that become the biggest problems,” Jarvis warned.

  “Worst case scenario here is he gets a bullet to the head and our problem will be solved.” Remo shrugged.

  “Just be careful Naseem,” Jarvis said while ignoring what Remo had said.

  “Always.” Nas nodded, right as Latrice walked back into the room with her computer and a file folder.

  “These are the papers that y’all need to sign. I read over everything for y’all already,” she said as she handed Nas the folder and an ink pen.

  “I need a cut too bruh. I was supposed to swing by the shop earlier,” Jarvis said as he ran his hand over his hair.

  “I wasn’t there today but I got you,” Nas replied.

  “What’s going on with that anyway? Are y’all making any changes?” Jarvis asked him.

  “Not really but some things need to be updated before we can rent out the hair salon side of it. And speaking of that, I got something else that we can get into,” Nas replied while looking at Remo.

  “Something legal I hope,” Jarvis said as he looked at his two hot headed little brothers.

  “It’s legal,” Nas replied.

  “What’s good bro?” Remo asked him.

  “So, Stori has been trying to find a hair vendor and I think she finally found one that she likes. I was thinking about opening up shop and selling that shit. We can make a fucking killing. She’s getting some of that clear shit that she be using to lay their hair down and some fake eyes. That shit is a for sure money maker. All we have to do is give her the money to get started and find a decent spot to open up shop,” Nas replied.

  “First of all, it’s called edge control and lashes. But, that’s a great idea. Hair and lashes will definitely generate some good revenue,” Latrice spoke up, sounding like the lawyers that she work for.

  “It is a good idea and much better than opening a hookah bar. But again, who’s going to run it?” Jarvis questioned.

  “We’ll figure that shit out later. I don’t give a fuck if we gotta get grandma to sell some bundles. We gon’ get that money,” Nas replied.

  “Facts.” Remo nodded as he gave him dap.

  “I better start praying for my niece or nephew right now,” Jarvis said while shaking his head.

  “How many months is Stori?” Latrice asked.

  “Three,” Nas replied.

  “Damn boy. How long have you been fucking with her?” Jarvis asked.

  “Three months nigga. My shit is potent. I wasn’t playing no games,” Nas replied as he and Remo laughed.

  “I’m happy it was her and not Milan.” Latrice frowned.

  “You and me both,” Remo replied.

  “I need to go see Stori,” Jarvis said.

  “For what? Fuck around and Latrice be going to Paris by herself.” Nas frowned.

  “What you mean for what? She’s family now nigga. That’s my first niece or nephew that she’s carrying,” Jarvis pointed out.

  “Me and Kalani have to plan the baby shower.” Latrice smiled.

  “Her mama might do all that shit.” Nas shrugged.

  Stori told Lady about the baby when she called earlier that morning. She was excited about having a grandchild but she was shocked to find out that Gavin wasn’t the father. After having two kids by two brothers, she didn’t try to judge her daughter for the decisions that she made. She told Stori that she was coming to visit soon and she wanted to shop for Toi and the baby.

  “Go get my clippers baby. I don’t want this nigga to leave without cutting my hair,” Jarvis said.

  “We gotta talk about some shit bro,” Remo said as he looked at Nas.

  “Come on man. That shit is rude,” Jarvis fussed when they started doing sign language.

  He regretted not keeping up with the alternate language like his brothers did. He remembered a few things but they did the shit too fast for him to even figure it out. He didn’t have a reason to learn it again, so it wasn’t that serious to him anymore.

  “That’s what’s up.” Nas smiled after he and Remo had silently talked for a while.

  “Soon.” Remo nodded, right as Latrice walked back into the room with her husband’s clippers.

  She got on her laptop and looked up some info for their next vacation while her husband got his hair cut. Jarvis was excited about becoming an uncle. He couldn’t wait to find out what Stori was having, but he kept referring to the baby as “her” like he already knew what the sex would be. He made Nas call her so that he could congratulate her and everything. He was praying that Stori and the baby would slow Nas down and hopefully Kalani could do the same for Remo. He knew that all it took was for one of them to do better and the other would follow. Just like always, they were two bodies with one heartbeat.

  I t had been an entire week since Gavin learned of Nas and Stori’s affair. He hadn’t been to the shop since then but he wasn’t running from anyone. He had moved into his apartment and was getting everything together. His place was fully furnished and he had everything in place. He foolishly thought that he and Stori would get back together, so he signed a month to month lease. Now that he thought about it, that was a stupid move on his part. Stori wasn’t that kind of chick. To think that she would take him back after he’d made a baby on her was insane. When she called him a few days ago, Gavin got excited until he found out the reason for her call. Stori had gotten the results of the paternity test and he was not the baby’s father. She even took a picture of the paper that the lab mailed to her and sent him a copy. Gavin had no words, so he hung up in her face right after she gave him the bad news. If Stori was trying to hurt him, she exceeded her expectations because he was devastated.

  Gavin was heartbroken and angry. Granted, he did cheat on her first but Misty wasn’t her friend. People were always saying that he wanted to be like Nas, but it was obviously the other way around. Stori was very beautiful but she should have been off limits to Nas. As angry as he was, Gavin still had something to be thankful for. Although he wanted a child with his wife, he was grateful for the one that he already had. Summer was a beautiful baby and his parents were enjoying getting to know her. Gavin was getting to know her too since he didn’t have to hide her anymore.

  “The fuck is going on now?” he questioned himself aloud when he pulled up to the barber shop. Mr. Herbert’s car was there along with lots of others.

  Gavin was dreadi
ng going inside but he really had no choice. It was work and he needed to make money. When he got out of his car and walked into the building, he paused when he saw the crowd of people standing in the back. Carlton and another barber were the only ones working because everyone else was in the hair salon part of the shop.

  “Damn bruh, I thought you quit on us. You ain’t been here in a minute,” Carlton said when he saw Gavin.

  “Nah man, I had a lot of business to handle,” Gavin replied.

  “Cool, well welcome back. I’m sure you’ll be happy with all the changes that’s been made,” Carlton said.

  “What changes?” Gavin asked as he took a seat at his work station.

  “Your boy didn’t tell you?” Carlton asked.

  “Tell me what?” Gavin countered.

  “Shit, I thought you would have known before anybody else,” Carlton said, still not getting to the point.

  “I’m lost,” Gavin replied.

  “Mr. Herbert sold the shop to your boy, Nas. Him and his twin are the new owners. Shit ain’t gon’ be quiet around here no more,” Carlton laughed, as Gavin’s heart plummeted in his chest.

  He was just saying how he didn’t want to have to find another job. Now, it seemed as if he didn’t have a choice. Nas being his boss was bad enough, but Remo would go out of his way to make his life hell. Gavin just couldn’t win for losing. He always did hate Remo, but he never imagined that he would one day feel the same way about Nas. Some niggas just kept winning, even if they didn’t deserve to. Gavin made a stupid mistake but he wasn’t a bad person. The thoughts that were running rampant in his head wanted him to be though.

  “What are they doing back there?” Gavin questioned.

  “They got Mr. Herbert a retirement cake and shit. I’m happy his old ass is leaving. We can’t even play music up in this bitch when he’s here. We needed some young leadership,” Carlton replied.

  He wasn’t a hater and he was happy for Nas and his brother. The shop afforded him many luxuries and he was good as long as he had a job. He’d worked at other shops before but he’d never made as much as he was making now. The area was always busy and that helped out too.


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