Worst Case Scenario

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Worst Case Scenario Page 35

by Chenell Parker

  “Let’s go,” he said once Stori was done with the impromptu photo shoot. Since they lived so close, they locked up their house and walked over to Lady and Richard’s place.

  “Where is Kalani and Remo? She’s not even answering her phone,” Stori said as she tried to call her best friend again.

  “You know they’re always late for everything. The damn party might be over by the time they show up,” Nas replied.

  “Where is my mama? How the hell can they have a party and lock the door? They probably can’t even hear us knocking with that loud ass boring music on,” Stori fussed as she rang the bell at Lady’s house.

  They had some kind of jazz music playing and it was loud as hell. The catering truck was parked out front, along with lots of other cars. They obviously had a lot of people there but it was crazy for them not to be out front to greet their guests. Stori was ready to go back home and get back in her bed. She was just about to call Toi’s phone when Nas stopped her.

  “Let’s go around the back,” Nas suggested as he grabbed her hand.

  “This is crazy,” Stori fussed as she followed her man.

  She had a frown etched on her face as they walked around the massive house to enter through the rear. As soon as Nas opened the gate, Stori stopped walking to take in the scenery.

  “You gon’ stop playing with me so much. I wish I would wait all that time for you to marry me. We’re about to do this shit today,” Nas laughed as he took in the shocked expression on Stori’s face.

  They had a huge tent set up with a bunch of white chairs underneath it. Remo and Jarvis stood up front holding the twins, as Kalani and Toi stood next to them. Latrice walked over to Stori and took her purse. She handed her a beautiful bouquet of flowers before she rushed off to take her seat at the front of the yard. Stori didn’t want to ruin her makeup but she couldn’t help it. Everything was beautiful and she couldn’t stop the tears from cascading down her cheeks. Her entire family was there, as well as all the employees from the shop. She couldn’t believe that Nas had put an entire wedding together without her knowing about it. Everyone there was dressed in all white and it was amazing to see.

  “I love you so much Naseem. I can’t believe that you did all of this without me,” Stori said as she wiped her eyes.

  “Come on baby. Let’s go make this shit official,” Nas said as he grabbed her hand and walked her over to the pastor who was standing near the decorated altar.

  “Baby, wait! I don’t even have your ring,” Stori whispered.

  “I got my own shit. I was tired of waiting on you,” Nas said, making her laugh.

  Stori hadn’t been that happy in a long time and she couldn’t stop smiling. Apparently, everybody knew that she was getting married that day except for her. Nas had been planning it since she was pregnant and everyone helped him. He originally planned to rent out a hall but Lady and Richard offered to do it at their house. Their yard looked like a football field and that was even better. They rented a dance floor and had all the food catered. There was an open bar and servers were there to keep everyone full and happy.

  Once the ceremony was over with, Nas and Stori took pictures and mingled with their friends and family. Everybody wanted to hold the babies and they were being passed around from one person to the next. The food and drinks were in abundance and everyone partied until late that night. Stori was happy that her family and Lady got along, at least for a little while. Once she saw her grandmother and aunties off, she sat under the tent with Nas and his family.

  “Were you surprised Stori?” Toi asked when she and Eric walked over to them.

  “Hell yeah I was. I can’t believe that y’all did all this without me knowing.” Stori smiled as she continued to stare at her ring.

  “I’m just happy that the shit is over with. Me and Toi had to go through all your paperwork just to help Nas get the marriage license. I really thought you were going to figure something out. This was the hardest secret that I ever had to keep,” Kalani laughed.

  “We gotta get packed up baby. We’re leaving day after tomorrow,” Nas said as he pulled Stori onto his lap and kissed her cheek.

  “Leaving to go where?” Stori asked him.

  “On our honeymoon. We’re going to Fiji for a whole week.” Nas smiled excitedly.

  Besides when he traveled from one prison to another, Nas had never really been out of town. Latrice was helping him step his game up in a major way. It was her idea for him to rent the yacht for Stori’s birthday and that was the kind of boss shit that he liked. It was crazy that he was nearing thirty years old and had just gotten a passport for the first time. A lot of stuff was new to him, including having a wife. Although he was married to Milan before, it wasn’t the same. They didn’t have a ceremony or a honeymoon. He didn’t take his vows or his marriage seriously at the time. He wanted to do everything right with Stori and he promised himself that he would. Milan was his mistake, but Stori was his destiny. From the first day he laid eyes on her, he knew that she would one day be his. Gavin was in his way at the time but Nas still got what he wanted.

  “What’s wrong friend?” Kalani asked as she took in the somber expression on Stori’s face.

  “I don’t know if I want to be away from my babies that long. Who’s gonna watch them for an entire week?” Stori questioned.

  “Stop playing with me girl. You know I wasn’t leaving my kids with just anybody,” Nas replied.

  “We’ll have the boys, sis. Me and Latrice took a week off to stay at y’all house with them and Toi. Our oldest girl will get her sisters to school for us,” Jarvis spoke up.

  “And me and Remo will be there every day to help too,” Kalani noted.

  “Aww, y’all are so sweet. At least I’ll be able to enjoy myself without worrying so much,” Stori smiled. She was just as excited as Nas was now that she knew that Toi and her boys were in good hands.

  “And don’t be trying to sit there and hold them all day Jarvis. Nigga be at home sleeping good while me and my wife have to deal with two spoiled ass babies,” Nas fussed.

  “Fuck you, boy. That’s my only two nephews. I’m spoiling all of my nieces and nephews the same way I spoiled my own,” Jarvis replied.

  “I’m trying to make you some more bro but I don’t know what’s up with that. This sneaky heifer must be on a plan b diet or something. I’ve been putting in too much work for her not to be pregnant yet,” Remo said as he looked over at Kalani and frowned.

  “Divorce him friend. That nigga play with you too much,” Stori laughed as she looked at the serious expression on Remo’s face.

  “Let him keep acting crazy if he wants to,” Kalani said as she gave him a warning glare.

  “Don’t let Stori get you fucked up out here. Remember your vows sweetheart,” Remo replied.

  “Ain’t no divorce. This shit is until death,” Nas said while looking at his new bride.

  He didn’t have to throw hints at her because they were good. Unlike her first time with Gavin, Stori’s marriage to Nas felt right. It felt good to actually love and be in love with her husband. That was something that she couldn’t say before. She was also happy to be married to the father of her kids. That was something else that she’d always wanted. It didn’t happen the way she wanted it to but she was satisfied with the end result.

  “Let’s go baby. Congrats again guys. We’ll be here and ready to work day after tomorrow,” Latrice said as he gave Nas and Stori a hug.

  “Yeah, we’re about to go too. We need to get started on baby number three,” Nas said as he winked at Stori.

  “Boy, if Stori gets pregnant again before my wife, I’m going to jail. I put that shit on mama and daddy’s grave,” Remo swore as they all walked out of the yard together.

  “Bye y’all,” Kalani said as she gave her friend and brother-in-law a hug.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow friend. We might need to hit up the mall before I go,” Stori said as she saw them off.

  Remo and Kalani gave E
ric a ride home while Toi, Nas and Stori got the twins and went inside. Once they gave the babies a bath and put them to sleep, Nas and Stori took a shower and opened up a bottle of wine. They discussed their upcoming honeymoon, as well as their future together. After they were done talking, they made love for the first time as husband and wife before they both drifted off to sleep.

  M ilan wiped her teary eyes as she continued to look at the pictures that Nas and Stori had posted. She couldn’t believe that they were really married. The ink had barely dried on their divorce decree and he had remarried already. Having a husband was something that Milan always wanted. Being married and having kids was always a dream that seemed to elude her. Her ex back in Texas had her believing that he wanted the same thing but he was a lying womanizer who couldn’t stay faithful for more than a week. When he broke up with Milan, she felt like she was losing her mind. She terrorized him and his new girlfriend and they didn’t have a moment’s peace. It wasn’t until he got the police involved that Milan got her mind right. She lost her job and that was one of the reasons that she decided to move to New Orleans.

  Meeting and marrying Nas was one of the best things to ever happen to her. Granted, Milan wasn’t the best wife but she was trying to do better. Nas never even gave her a chance before he up and left. Then, to make matters worse, he married and started a family with a bitch that she knew. Stori had been her stylist for a little over a year. That was unacceptable and Milan just couldn’t seem to let it go.

  “You need me to do anything else before I leave?” Brandon, Milan’s male companion, asked when he walked out of the kitchen.

  He had moved the last of Milan’s boxes into her new house and put them where she needed them to go. Milan had moved yet again but she was in a two bedroom house instead of an apartment. Brandon had paid her deposit and her first three months of rent. Milan could finesse her way in and out of any situation and men did whatever she wanted them to. Well, most men did. The man who she had given her heart to was in Fiji celebrating his union to another bitch.

  “No boo but thanks for everything. As soon as I get settled in, I want to prepare you a romantic dinner to show my appreciation. Call me when you get off from work. Maybe you can swing by later tonight,” Milan cooed seductively as she massaged his manhood through his jeans.

  “Damn. Yeah, I got you, baby. I’ll call you when I get off,” Brandon said as he kissed her cheek and walked away.

  Milan rolled her eyes when his back was turned. She walked him to the door and locked it when he left. Brandon was cool for money but the dick was trash. He worked and sold dope, so he didn’t mind breaking her off whenever she needed something. Thanks to Corey’s incompetent ass, Milan ended up moving again. The two dummies who they paid to snatch Toi fucked up just like his cousins did before. It was even worse that time because those assholes went to Nas and Remo’s club with Toi in the car. Granted, they didn’t know of Toi’s relationship to Nas but that was besides the point. They weren’t supposed to stop anywhere. The plan was for them to take her to the spot that Corey had provided. Because they knew where she lived, Milan didn’t trust staying in her old place anymore. She knew how much niggas talked when their backs were against the wall. They were young and dumb and she was sure that they would sell her out like it was nothing.

  “The fuck is he calling me for?” Milan questioned out loud when she saw Corey’s number pop up on her phone screen.

  She should have kept it all business with him but she just had to let shit get personal. Corey was a fuck up and Milan saw exactly why he never got ahead in the dope game. He was useless and the niggas that he ran with were even worse.

  “What do you want Corey?” Milan snapped when she answered her phone.

  “What kind of games are you out here playing? How the fuck you move and don’t tell a nigga?” Corey asked.

  “I don’t have to tell you shit. You ain’t my man. Besides, I don’t want them grimy ass lil niggas that you be running with nowhere around me,” Milan replied.

  “Them niggas are locked up. The fuck is you scared for? Them dudes ain’t trying to do nothing to you,” Corey barked.

  “I don’t give a fuck about them doing nothing to me but I know how it is. The minute Nas and Remo roll up on them, they’ll be selling me out to save their own asses,” Milan replied.

  “You act like them niggas are God or some shit,” Corey argued.

  “The grim reaper is more like it,” Milan pointed out.

  “Why do you keep trying to fuck with them if you feel like that then? I only wanted to rob the niggas. You were the one on that murder and kidnapping shit. I’m just out here trying to get this money,” Corey pointed out.

  “Well, you ain’t trying very hard,” Milan said sarcastically.

  She honestly didn’t know why she kept going at Nas but her wounded pride wouldn’t let her give in. She was hurt and she wanted to hurt him too. There was no way that she could let him and Stori live happily ever after. Seeing their sons was a constant reminder of all the unfulfilled promises that he made to her. Nas and Stori’s sons looked exactly like him and Remo and that made her sick to her stomach. She was supposed to be the one carrying his babies and living in the big house. The wedding that he gave Stori was the same one that he promised her when he was released from prison. No, Milan couldn’t let go when she had so much that she was trying to hold on to. Nobody in her family was speaking to her and Nas was all that she had left.

  “Where you posted up at now? Let a nigga come see you,” Corey requested.

  “Fuck no! I don’t want you and none of them incompetent lil niggas nowhere around me,” Milan snapped.

  “I’m riding solo. Stop acting like that girl,” Corey replied.

  “I’m good on you, Corey. Thanks to you, I had to spend money that I don’t even have. I’m out of almost nine hundred dollars since I had to move,” Milan said, lying effortlessly.

  “I got you, baby girl. I’m trying to hit this lick and I should be straight for a while,” Corey replied as he drove to his destination.

  “Boy bye,” Milan said as she laughed at what he’d said. She’d never seen a nigga hit so many licks and walk away empty handed.

  “Nah baby girl. This is some real shit,” Corey swore.

  “Yeah okay, just like always,” Milan said as she rolled her eyes up to the sky.

  “Give me about an hour and I got you,” Corey swore.

  “Bye,” Milan said as she hung up the phone in his face.

  Corey put the phone on the seat next to him and pulled out his burner phone. He parked his car on the side of the building and kept it running so that he could make a quick getaway. He didn’t need his car stalling when he was trying to make a move. Once he was out of the car, Corey pulled out his gun and made a call on the phone that he’d just purchased.

  “Yeah!” a man yelled when he picked up the phone. The music was loud and Corey could barely hear him.

  “I’m outside fam. I got a hundred to spend,” Corey replied in a tone that was deeper than his own.

  “Come inside then nigga,” the man barked angrily.

  “I don’t have my ID on me and you know security ain’t having it,” Corey noted.

  “Who the fuck is this?” the man yelled over the music.

  “This is G,” Corey said as he called out a random but common name. He knew at least four dudes in the hood who they called G and he was sure that the other man did too.

  “I’m on my way nigga,” the man said before he hung up. Corey slipped the phone in his pocket and got in position. As soon the door to the club opened, he rushed over and put the gun up to Eno’s head.

  “You already know what it is nigga. Give it up or lose your life,” Corey gritted.

  “Relax fam. You got that,” Eno chuckled.

  “You find something funny nigga?” Corey questioned angrily.

  Eno was taking him for a joke and he was ready to make an example out of him. Before he could do anything, the door to
the club flew open and a big dude came out with a gun aimed at Corey’s head. Eno ducked and the other man started shooting. Corey dropped down to the ground and started returning fire.

  “Fuck!” Corey yelped when he caught a bullet to the arm.

  He was happy that he kept his car running because he jumped inside and hurriedly sped away. He ducked as he drove when his back window was shot out. He didn’t know why he listened to Dame and his brother. They told him that robbing Eno would be an easy lick but they obviously didn’t know what they were talking about. They grew up with Eno and they claimed that he always had money and weed since he worked for Nas. The brothers had planned to rob him themselves but they got locked up before they could. As soon as they got released, they put Corey down and he was ready to take Eno for whatever he had.

  Now, instead of walking away a little richer, Corey had a bullet in his arm. He needed to get to the hospital but he couldn’t tell them what happened. Thinking fast, Corey called one of his baby mamas from the burner phone and told her what happened. She agreed to take him to the hospital, so he headed straight to her house. All he had to do now was come up with a believable story as to why he got shot.

  “I guess the honeymoon is officially over,” Nas said as he sat in the office at the club and looked at the camera footage.

  He and Stori had only been back home from Fiji for two days when Eno and Bee hit him and Remo with some bullshit. Remo voiced his anger but Nas was calm as they watched it all unfold on the monitor. Eno used his head when he went to look at the camera before going outside to serve Corey. He knew that something wasn’t right and he had Bee on standby. They were thankful that no one heard the gunshots because the loud music in the club drowned out the sounds. Once Bee and Eno left the office, Nas sat there deep in thought.

  “I’m tired of dealing with all this bullshit bro. It’s like a nigga can’t catch a break. All I wanna do is enjoy life with my wife and make some babies. Is that too fucking much to ask for?” Remo questioned as he paced the floor angrily.


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