Worst Case Scenario

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Worst Case Scenario Page 37

by Chenell Parker

  “You ready to do this bro?” Remo asked as he looked over at him.

  “Always.” Nas nodded as they both exited the car.

  Although it was dark outside, he and Remo weren’t trying to be discreet. Nas was tired of the back and forth and he just wanted it all to be over and done with. They had their guns in hand as they walked up to the front door. They didn’t even think about knocking. Nas lifted his foot and kicked the door in, making it slam against the wall.

  “Ahhh!” Drina yelled when both men rushed into the house.

  “Where is your punk ass husband?” Remo asked as he aimed the gun right at her head.

  Drina had a bottle of apple juice in her hand that fell to the floor and shattered. She was terrified and she had every reason to be. This was the second time that the two men had entered her house and she was afraid that they weren’t going to leave her alive again.

  “He’s not here. We’re separated,” Drina replied in a shaky voice.

  All she and Carlton did was argue and she was over all the cheating and lies. The last time the twins were there, they put her on to her husband’s cheating ways and they weren’t lying. Drina had followed him a few times and saw everything that she needed to see. She was in the process of moving out and she had already filed for divorce. Carlton had cheated in the past and she forgave him. She wasn’t willing to keep doing the same thing though.

  “I need you to understand a few things before you lie to me. My patience are nonexistent at this point and I won’t feel bad if I had to do you dirty. We lost our mother at a young age and I would hate to take you away from your kids,” Nas warned.

  “I swear that I’m telling you the truth but my husband wasn’t. He knew that Corey was involved in what happened to you. That’s another reason why we’re not together. He tried to protect his cousin and put our lives in jeopardy in the process,” Drina said as her hand continued to shake nervously.

  “Come sit down and let’s chat,” Nas said as he motioned towards the sofa.

  He had to put fear in Drina in order for her to fully cooperate but Nas would never do anything to her. She was innocent and so was her husband. She was also one of the only people who could get them exactly what they needed in order to make something happen.

  “Tell us everything that you know,” Remo requested as he sat on the arm of the sofa that Drina was seated on.

  “I really don’t know anything,” Drina replied honestly.

  “I have a few questions that I need answers to. Now, you might not have the answers but I’m giving you a week to get some. And please, do us both a favor and don’t try to play no games. I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime,” Nas sighed in frustration.

  “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. Fuck Corey! If leading you to him means keeping me and my family safe, then it’s done. Carlton and I are separated but he’s still the father of my kids. I don’t want anything to happen to him,” Drina said as tears burned her eyes.

  “You and your husband are not on my radar and you never were. If he wasn’t related to the nigga who I really want, you probably would have never even seen me again,” Nas assured her.

  “Your husband is a fuck boy for even trying to protect his no good ass,” Remo chimed in.

  “I agree. Corey doesn’t have a good bone in his body and we all know that. He’s stolen from everybody in their family and nobody can trust him. Hell, I don’t even think anybody will shed tears when he dies. We’ve all been expecting it to happen for years,” Drina replied.

  As crazy as it seemed, she felt very comfortable around the two of them. She knew that if they wanted her dead, she wouldn’t have been sitting on the sofa talking with them right now. She was no fool though and she would take whatever happened to her grave. They could put a bullet in Corey’s head right there in her face and she would get on the witness stand and lie on their behalf. Some people were just rotten to the core and Corey was one of them.

  “Here’s my number. Make sure you use it,” Nas said as he handed her a business card.

  “Okay,” Drina replied while nodding her head.

  “Sorry about your door. Here, get that fixed,” Nas said as he handed her a stack of money. He and Remo walked out of her house and back to their car. They were silent until they drove away.

  “I don’t know about ole girl bro. You’re better at reading people than I am. Do you think she’s gonna come through?” Remo questioned.

  “Absolutely. She hates that nigga Corey more than we do. Shit, if you ask me, she hates her husband too. Her kids are the only thing that’s saving his ass. She probably would have asked us to kill him too,” Nas laughed.

  “So, now what?” Remo wanted to know.

  “Now, we wait,” Nas replied as he pulled a rolled blunt from his pocket and lit it.

  If nothing else, he was patient. Remo wanted microwave results but that wasn’t always possible. Nas didn’t mind waiting for something that he really wanted. After all, that was how he got Stori too.

  Milan looked at herself in the full length mirror and smiled at what she saw. She had on a short silk nightie and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She had a light coating of makeup on her face to cover the fading bruises that she’d received two weeks ago. Physically, she was just about completely healed. Emotionally, she wanted Stori’s head on a silver platter for what she had done. Milan wasn’t a slacker when it came to fighting but she was caught off guard that time. As small as Stori was, her licks felt like they came from a grown ass man. Milan was laying low for a while but it was far from being over.

  She had told Corey what happened and he assured her that he had her back. Milan had finally let him come over to her house a few days ago and that was only because he gave her some weed and money. Now, she was expecting a visit from Brandon. He worked a lot, so Milan didn’t see him as much as she wanted to. She got excited when he called and told her that he had something for her. Milan was hoping that it was dick or money because she was in need of both at the moment. When her doorbell rang, Milan sprayed on some perfume and rushed to go let him in.

  “Hey handsome.” Milan smiled when she opened the door. Her smiled faded a little when she saw that he was standing there with his cable company uniform on. She was hoping that he’d just come from work and wasn’t about to go.

  “What’s up beautiful?” Brandon smiled. He handed Milan a colorful arrangement of flowers before giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Aww, thanks boo. That was so sweet of you. Come in,” Milan said as she moved to the side for him to enter.

  “I can’t baby. I’ve been called in to work to do some overtime,” Brandon replied.

  “This late?” Milan asked skeptically.

  “Yeah, that means more money,” he replied with a shrug.

  It was only a little after eight but that was still too late for the kind of work that he did. That was exactly why Milan preferred to date street niggas. They didn’t have a clock to punch and they made their own schedule. She had to get her shit together and find her a few more sponsors. Brandon was okay but she needed a few more players on her team.

  “I guess I’ll be spending another night alone,” Milan pouted.

  “Not necessarily. Close your eyes,” Brandon demanded.

  “Why? What do you have for me?” Milan asked excitedly.

  “Just close your eyes like I told you to.” Brandon smiled.

  “Okay, they’re closed,” Milan said as she shut her eyes tight. Brandon reached under the chair that was on Milan’s porch and grabbed the bag that he kept out of view.

  “You can open them now,” he said as he held the bag up for her to see.

  “Oh, my God! A toy poodle! She’s beautiful!” Milan squealed excitedly. She’d always wanted a tiny toy Poodle but she was never home enough to take care of a dog. Now that she had lots of free time on her hands, she was happy to finally have what she’d always desired.

  “Her name is Fendi, just like you wan
ted. The breeder said that she’s paper trained and she responds to her name.” Brandon smiled. Milan was overcome with emotion when he said that. To know that Brandon actually listened to her was worth more than any gift that he could ever give her. He would never be her one and only but he would definitely rank higher than all the rest. After Naseem, she swore to never fall in love with anyone else ever again.

  “I love her already. Thank you so much boo. I wish you didn’t have to work. I’d been in here swallowing your babies all night,” Milan flirted as she planted a juicy kiss on his lips.

  “I’m off for the next two days. I’d be happy to let you,” Brandon smirked.

  “Well, it’s a date.” Milan smiled as she pulled him closer and stuck her tongue in his mouth. She kissed him long and hard while massaging his erection through his slacks. Milan was horny as hell and he was going to get the royal treatment the next time he came over. He wasn’t all that good in the bedroom but she knew what to do to get herself off. Besides some head action from Corey a few days ago, Milan had been in a sexual drought.

  “Damn baby. Let me get going before I don’t make it to work at all,” Brandon said when they finally pulled away.

  Milan watched him lustfully until he pulled off and out of view. Once he was gone, she took the dog out of the carrier and cradled her in her arms. Her fur was snow white and she had a pink bow at the top of her head. The carrier had the dog’s name engraved on it and so did the blanket and brush that were inside. Milan was in love already. She grabbed her phone and posted a picture of her new best friend on Instagram. After that, she made a list of things that she would need to get from the pet store. The dog had gone to sleep, so Milan ate and took a shower. Once she was done, she saw the puppy peek her head up from the blanket that she was napping on.

  “Hey Fendi. I’m your new mommy. I’m gonna spoil your pretty ass to death,” Milan said, right as her doorbell rang. It was after eleven that night and she didn’t know who could be coming to her house so late. Only a handful of people knew where she lived, so she was baffled as to who was there at all. When her phone rang, she picked up when she saw that it was Corey calling.

  “Open the door scary,” Corey laughed once she answered for him. Milan was livid as she hung up the phone and stomped to her front door. She frowned when she opened it and saw Corey’s smiling face standing there like he had an invite.

  “How many times do I have to tell you not to pop up at my damn house? You are not my man. You don’t know if I have company here or not,” Milan fumed.

  “Man, I’m not trying to hear all that bullshit. If a nigga was in here, you wouldn’t have answered the phone or opened the door,” Corey pointed out as he strolled in without being invited. The bottle of Hennessey that he was clutching was the only thing that got him in. Milan was in need of a stiff drink and all she had was wine. She closed and locked her door before joining him in her bedroom.

  “I hope you got something to smoke,” Milan said as she flopped down on the bed.

  “Always. Where did this ugly ass dog come from?” Corey asked as he pulled a rolled blunt from his pocket and handed it to her.

  “Fuck you, nigga. My baby is not ugly. And what the hell are you doing here anyway?” Milan questioned as she lit the blunt and took a long pull.

  “I’m making my rounds to see all my hoes before I go,” Corey laughed.

  “You must have me confused with the next bitch. If I am a hoe, I’m not one of yours. Besides good weed and head, you can’t do shit else for me,” Milan replied, making him angry.

  Corey felt played by how she always tried to handle him. Milan made him feel like a joke and no other woman had ever made him feel that way before. Truthfully, Stori was on a higher level than Milan and she was Corey’s girl for over a year. Milan always had her hand out but she never wanted to put out.

  “It’s all good. I’m leaving New Orleans and all these hoes behind. I’ll send for my kids once I get settled,” Corey replied as he opened his bottle of liquor and took a huge gulp.

  He was going to Dallas by his aunt and hopefully get a fresh start. His cousin, who had a hand in trying to rob Nas, was there and he seemed to be doing good. He had a job and was taking welding classes at night. Corey was ready for a change of scenery. He laid low after being shot outside of Nas and Remo’s club but he knew that he couldn’t hide forever. Corey’s car was a piece of shit but he sold it to a chop shop just to put some money in his pockets. He was using that money to take a bus to Dallas the following morning and hopefully start a new life. He wanted to be able to help with his kids when he needed to. Besides being their father, he had never really done anything else for them. He was happy that their mothers handled business because he never did.

  “Damn, I’m gonna miss that mouth more than anything,” Milan said as she laughed and choked on the weed.

  She grabbed Corey’s bottle and took a few big sips before sitting the blunt in the astray. After a while, the weed and liquor had her feeling good but she needed Corey to make her feel better. He obviously felt the same way and she was happy that she didn’t have to ask. He took the initiative and walked over to her before she could ask. He removed Milan’s clothes and spread her legs wide. She was still puffing on the weed when Corey buried his entire face between her legs. Milan arched her back and moaned as she grabbed the back of his head. She wanted him to make her cum and she didn’t want to wait. Milan held on tight to the back of his neck as she gyrated her hips and humped his face. She needed a release and Corey wasn’t disappointing.

  He kept up with her wild movements as he sucked her clit up into his mouth. Milan’s head was spinning and she knew that the weed and alcohol were the reason behind it. Corey was devouring her and she held on tight for the ride. When she felt her body start to shake and twitch, Milan grabbed on to the sheets and cried out as she came long and hard. She was still as she laid in bed but the entire room seemed to be rotating. She was sorry that Corey was leaving but that was the best going away present ever.

  “Damn girl. When was the last time you had some dick?” Corey asked as he got up and wiped his mouth.

  “Too damn long,” Milan said as her chest heaved up and down rapidly.

  “Let me help you out with that. No need to go without when I’m right here,” he replied while licking his lips.

  “I’ll pass. You just got me right so I’m good for a while,” Milan replied as she tried to get out of the bed.

  “Nah, see, I wasn’t asking,” Corey said as he pushed her back down. Milan cringed when she saw him pull down his pants and boxers.

  “Move Corey! Are you out of your mind nigga?” Milan yelled.

  “Yeah, I really must be to let you play me for so long. I’ve been giving your hoe ass money, weed and more head than all my baby mamas combined. You owe me bitch and it’s time to pay up,” Corey hissed. Milan tried to get up again but he grabbed her by her neck and held her down.

  “Corey stop. Please don’t do this,” Milan said as tears fell from her eyes.

  “Don’t cry now bitch. You didn’t cry when you were taking my money and weed. You never cried when I was eating your pussy two and three times a day like you begged me to. Fuck that. It’s time to pay up,” Corey gritted as he rammed his dick inside of her. He wasn’t trying to be gentle. He didn’t want to make love to her ass. He was trying to fuck.

  “No! Stop!” Milan screamed and cried. She had her radio playing softly on her nightstand but Corey reached over and turned it up louder. Milan lived in a house now but he still didn’t want anyone to hear her screaming.

  “I knew this pussy was gon’ be good. Stop fighting me and take it,” Corey said as he pumped in and out of her vigorously.

  “Please stop. You’re hurting me,” Milan whimpered.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch! I’m surprised that your hoe ass even got walls left,” Corey grunted.

  There was no need for Milan to fight any longer. Corey had her hands pinned above her head as he fucked he
r with no remorse. She cringed when she felt his hot tongue gliding along her exposed breasts. That was her spot but she was not aroused. When he stopped and pulled out of her, Milan released a breath of gratitude. When he entered her anally, warm tears spilled from her eyes as the searing pain enveloped her entire body. She’d been anally penetrated several times before but she always used some kind of lubricant. She was too dry but Corey didn’t seem to care.

  “Corey stop, please,” Milan cried and begged. Her cries of discomfort seemed to make him go even harder. He grunted and moaned as he picked up the pace and fucked her harder. Milan wanted it all to be over with. She had never felt so violated in her life. Even when she danced, she had never done anything that she didn’t want to do. She was never forced.

  “Ahh!” Corey yelled suddenly as he pulled out of her.

  Milan’s eyes popped open to see what was going on. She was terrified when she saw two masked men with guns standing at the foot of her bed. One of them had obviously hit Corey in the head with the gun because he was holding the wound that was leaking blood all over her comforter. Milan hurriedly covered her naked body with a sheet before scurrying to the top part of her bed. She rested her back against the headboard as her heart beat rapidly in her chest. When the two men took their masks off, she trembled in fear at the sight of Nas and Remo standing there.

  “This nigga was straight up taking the pussy. Where they do that at?” Nas questioned with a smirk.

  He was shaking his head at how pathetic Corey was. He and Remo heard Milan’s screams before they entered the house but they didn’t know what was going on. When the music was turned up, Nas used his gun to shoot the lock off the door for them to enter. Since the silencer was attached, no one ever heard when they walked in. They didn’t bust up in the room right away. They listened for voices to see how many people were in the house. What they didn’t expect to hear was Corey’s sad ass raping someone. As grimy as Milan was, Nas didn’t approve of that at all. Pussy was everywhere and it wasn’t hard to get. It wasn’t even that serious for him to be taking it.


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