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Drowning in Love (Written in the Stars Book 6)

Page 4

by Kelsie Rae

  “Ya know, funny thing…it didn’t come up during his fake proposal,” I retort before scanning the room a final time. There isn’t a single thing out of place. Two chairs are set across from each other with a set of heart-shaped pins and a laminated information card with questions, zodiac traits, and fun astrological facts typed on each of them.

  “Well, it should’ve before you fake said yes in front of a bunch of strangers, which is so unlike you, by the way.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. Tell me, are we done with this interrogation so I can open the doors and let the guests in? Or…?” My voice trails off as I place my closed fists on my hips, daring her to continue poking the bear.

  With pursed lips, she points her finger at me. “I won’t be finished with you until you can open your heart to love and accept what fate has in store for you. Besides, you were so bummed when Gage ghosted you after fake proposing. Why are you acting all weird about a commitment two weeks later?”

  “I thought a cute guy was interested in me. What girl wouldn’t want that? However, just because I’m attracted to him and thought it would be fun to casually date the guy doesn’t mean I thought he was my soulmate or even wanted him to be. I’m not ready for anything like that, and after the keynote speaker basically shoved the eclipse and its fortune down everyone’s throats for the past hour, I’m a little…testy, okay?”

  I can practically see the wheels turning in her head as she watches me like a hawk.

  Caving under her scrutiny, I demand, “Spit it out, Gem.”

  “Fine. If you aren’t willing to give Gage a shot, are you going to at least participate in a few of the dating games we put together? Please? For me?” She changes tactics from annoyance to begging in the blink of an eye, but both have the same effect on me.

  Cursing her under my breath, I mutter, “Fine. I’ll try to participate in a few of these things, but only if it’ll get you off my back.”

  “And you’ll be open to love if it smacks you in the face? Even though you’re positive that I’m smoking something right now?”


  “Promise me, Nora. Please? All I want is for you to be happy, and the stars are literally aligning right now to make that happen.”

  Massaging my temples, I mutter, “You, my friend, have polished one too many crystals.”

  She laughs before rubbing her thumb across a gorgeous gem that’s hanging from a silver chain around her neck. “You know, I could argue about this all night long. But for now, I’ll cut you some slack since we have a bunch of buzzed guests who happen to also be looking for their forever, and we’d be terrible people to keep them waiting.”

  I snort. “You’re terrible regardless of whether you keep them waiting or not.”

  “I’m a delight,” she counters before pushing the doors open. “And you’re in denial.”

  We both know I’m not about to start a debate in the middle of a bunch of strangers, but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to pinch her butt and make her yelp when she least expects it.

  “Hey!” she screeches.

  Ignoring her, I find a microphone tucked under a small podium and tap on the head to make sure it’s on. Satisfied, I clear my throat and dive right in. “Welcome, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the keynote speaker. I felt like he did a wonderful job explaining the magnitude of the eclipse and how amazing it is that we get to experience it while on a freaking cruise in the middle of the Bahamas.”

  The crowd applauds, and I wait for them to stop before I continue.

  “I’d like to introduce the brains behind this event. If it weren’t for her, none of us would be here. Please welcome, Gemini Matheson!”

  The cheers are deafening as she steps up to the microphone and takes over.

  “Welcome, you guys! And thank you, Nora Daniels, for the amazing introduction. She doesn’t give herself nearly enough credit. This might’ve been my brainchild, but without her, it would’ve stayed exactly where it started––in my head as a dream and nothing more.”

  More applause.

  “Now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? You’re in the heterosexual room, so if you’re looking for someone of the opposite sex to meet, then you’re in the right place! If you’re looking for someone of the same sex, it’s a few rooms down and doesn’t start for another hour. Now, is everyone in the right place?” A handful of people step out of the room while the rest bob their heads up and down in unison. “Great. If you’re familiar with the zodiac signs in regards to love, then you know some signs are much more compatible than others. Most dating sites don’t take this vital piece of information into account when choosing a potential partner, but on this ship, it’s the main thing we consider. Ladies, will you please take your seats on the left side of the tables.”

  All the women scuffle around the room to find their places. Some are giggling, others are pale as ghosts, but they’re all seated within sixty seconds flat. Gem wasn’t kidding. True love is exactly what they’re all looking for.

  “Perfect!” Gem praises them. “First, and most importantly, the pins. These are crucial for our singles’ cruise. If you see anyone wearing one, then they’re off the market until they decide to remove the pin from their clothing. We figured it’s the easiest way to commit to someone on the ship if you’ve felt a deep connection with them and want to pursue that connection instead of searching for it with someone else. Obviously, both partners need to agree to wear them, since it takes two people to form a healthy relationship. Now, if you’ll take a look at the laminated paper in front of you….” A soft scuffling sound echoes throughout the room as the women do what they’re told. “I want you to find your sign, then take a look at the signs that work well with yours. If you’re looking for someone with a specific zodiac sign, write it on the whiteboard, and the men who fit the bill will come to you. If you’re open to other options, leave it blank and see how you feel during the five-minute speed dating sprint. There’s a set of questions on the back if you run into any awkwardness, but remember to have fun because that’s why we’re here. Right, ladies?”

  They squeal their agreement, pulling a deep chuckle from the men who are scattered around the perimeter of the room.

  “Aaand that’s why alcohol makes dating so much more fun,” Gem teases. “Alright, let’s begin.”

  The women who have obviously done their research already have their whiteboards waving proudly through the air with signs like Aries, Taurus, and Virgo, while a few others keep them face down on the table and wait for men to approach them. A few stragglers are still hovering near the exit as if they can’t decide whether they want to stay or go. But if they leave, that would be bad juju for the Written in the Stars cruise. Squaring my shoulders, I dive right in.

  “Hey, if you’ll just follow me….” I nudge a guy into one of the open seats.

  “Yup, and if you’ll just sit right here.” Another one plops down.

  “There’s an open table near the corner.” I point to it until the guy with a deer-in-the-headlights look nods awkwardly. “Perfect. Head on over.”

  As things slowly start to settle, I do a quick head count and confirm that it looks like the people are pretty evenly matched. Gem’s voice echoes through the speakers, notifying everyone of the timer and how it works, along with a reminder that everyone has to move when it goes off unless they’re wearing the red pin.

  “So…I have a question.” I turn around to see a handsome Gage a few feet behind me. Dropping my voice low in hopes of not distracting anyone, I reply, “How can I help?”

  “Which table will you be sitting at?”

  I blush. “Oh, uh…I’m not sitting at any of the tables. I’m just here to make sure everyone is happy.”

  “There’s an open one over there, though.” He points to one that looks almost lonely because it’s been tucked in the corner.

  “That was just an extra in case anyone who hadn’t signed up decided to join last minute.”

  “Like…me?” he
prods with a devilish grin.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, positive that the evidence of my entertainment will only encourage him. “And?”

  “Well…what kind of host would you be if you didn’t set me up with a potential soulmate?”

  “I think your ego could take a hit or two.”

  Clutching at his chest, he fakes like I’ve wounded him, so I give him a playful shove and push him toward the empty table. Once we’ve reached it, we both take a seat across from each other.

  “Is this better?” I press.

  “Much. So tell me…what’s the deal with all this star stuff? I mean, I was at the keynote speaker event––you’re welcome, by the way––but was completely lost. What the hell is a Libra?”

  I snort before slapping my hand across my mouth in hopes of quieting my amusement. His eyes crinkle in the corners as he witnesses it firsthand.

  “You think I’m joking, Pretty Girl. But I’m not. I don’t even know what sign I am,” he admits in a conspiratorial whisper.

  With a gasp, I lean closer. “Ya know, if Gem heard you, she’d be very disappointed. How the hell did you end up on a cruise ship for zodiac sign gurus if you didn’t believe in this stuff?”

  “I already told you. My friend found a promo code.”

  Another snort.

  I can’t hide the smile that is practically splitting my face in two. “Okay, then…we’d better catch you up pretty fast. When is your birthday?”

  “July thirty-first.”

  Before I can stop it, I grimace. “You’re a Leo.”

  Sensing my reservation, he grabs my hand from across the table. “And I take it that’s a bad thing?”

  “No, it’s not.”

  He cocks his brow.

  “Seriously!” I push. “It’s not a bad sign at all. Look.” I flip over the laminated paper, then point to Leo traits. “You’re affectionate, warm, cheerful, generous––”

  “I’m also egotistical, demanding, intolerant…,” he adds as he scans the paper.

  “Every sign has its positive and negative traits. Here, look at mine. I’m a Cancer.”

  His gorgeous, chocolate-colored eyes continue perusing the list while his thumb casually rubs the back of my hand. I’m not sure he’s even aware he’s still touching me, but I don’t pull away.

  “Loyal, passionate, soft, caring,” he notes.

  “And emotional, stubborn, resentful. We all have our flaws, Gage. Trust me.”

  “True.” Pulling his gaze away from the paper, he asks, “So tell me…are these traits accurate for you?”

  I consider his question before giving him a hesitant nod. “Most of them. They’re pretty spot-on for Gem too. None of us completely fit into the mold, but after reading and even helping to write some articles with Gem, I can see a little bit of merit to this whole astrology thing.”

  “Then tell me this, when I gave you my birthdate, your face scrunched up like you’d smelled something bad. Why?”

  This is so embarrassing. How do I tell the guy it’s because I would never fit well with a Leo all because the stars said so? We’re on opposite sides of the spectrum. If I were to give myself over to the zodiac gods, I’d wind up with a Taurus, or a Virgo, or even another Cancer. But a Leo? Our communication would be shit.

  That is if I drank the Kool-Aid.

  Gage’s laugh brings me back to the present as he points out, “You look like you’re about to take a test you didn’t study for.”

  “Sorry,” I apologize.

  “Don’t be. However, you have piqued my curiosity with a reaction like that. What’s wrong with a Leo?”

  “Seriously, nothing’s wrong with a Leo. At all. We’re just…not super compatible as far as the stars are concerned.”

  “Ah….” He leans back in his chair. Gem’s timer has gone off at least two times, but neither of us has moved a muscle despite the single men who have approached our table. Gage simply cocked his head to the side, daring them to interrupt our conversation. None of them have. And I’m kind of okay with that.

  “So, who are you compatible with?” he prods.

  “Umm…supposedly, there are quite a few signs that would fit the bill, but––”

  “Leo isn’t one of them,” Gage finishes for me. “Tell me this, are you hoping to find your forever on this cruise ship? And if you do, what then? All of these people can’t honestly be from Florida, can they? Do you pick up your entire life for a guy you barely know just because the stars aligned? Do you expect him to move for you? I mean, I feel like that’s setting yourself up for failure, but what do I know? It’s not like I’m the poster child for healthy relationships.”

  No. I don’t think he is. Call it a hunch, but a few of those negative traits are glaringly obvious when I look at the guy across from me. Arrogant? Check. Stubborn? Check. But even those red flags don’t seem to outshine the positives I’ve seen come from him. My lower lip trembles when I consider what a great guy he could turn out to be if I got to know him a little more.

  Whoa, Nora. Back up a few steps. You’re not looking for that, remember? And neither is he. Which is…kind of perfect…especially because he’s a Leo.

  “I’m not expecting to find my soulmate on this ship,” I answer him after a few seconds of silence. “Honestly, I’m not even looking to find my soulmate right now.”

  “Then what are you looking for?” he pushes, clearly intrigued.

  “I’m not looking for anything. But Gem insists I keep an open mind because the experts are saying this eclipse could make or break a Cancer’s love life.”

  Nodding his understanding, he clarifies, “Okay. So, let me get this straight. Your best friend is trying to convince you to find the love of your life on this ship. However, you’re not interested in finding him because you feel like you’re going to be forced into something that you’re not ready for. All because of this magical eclipse and the power it has to make or break your love life, regardless of what you want. Am I right?”

  I hate being put on the spot, especially when he hits the nail right on the head, but he doesn’t move a muscle as he waits for me to reply. “Fine. Yes. I guess that pretty much sums it up.”

  Gah! I am so drinking the Kool-Aid.

  Satisfied with my grudging response, he rests his elbows on the table then leans forward. “Let me make a suggestion. We can both agree that, according to the astrology experts, you and I are not soulmates. Correct?”

  Even though my mouth is tilted up, my heart pinches with the knowledge that I might as well cross this guy off the list right now if I’m going to believe what Gem keeps telling me. Which makes me feel like a crazy person because…it’s Gem. And it’s astrology. And it’s a bunch of hoopla that makes me cringe as I consider giving any of it actual merit.

  “Yup,” I acknowledge. “According to the stars, you and I are not soulmates, so I guess that’s a pretty accurate statement.”

  “Well, then, what if we change my birthday for the week? Just to get Gem off your back. You can convince her you’re giving this whole soulmate thing a very hard try, you think you’ve found him, and everything is exactly as you dreamed it would be.”


  “And we’ll just enjoy our week together, then go our separate ways. That way, Gem’s concern for her friend’s love life will be put to rest, and we’ll both have a great week with the knowledge that it can’t turn into anything more because we aren’t compatible in an astrological sense. How does that sound?”

  I laugh. “It sounds like you’re trying to get laid.”

  He joins in before acknowledging, “I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t thought about what you look like naked since our fake proposal at the football stadium. I want you. Plain and simple.” My breath catches before he continues. “But if you weren’t interested, I’d still want to get laid, which puts me in a predicament too because I’m not a dick and don’t want to give any of the other girls on this boat false hope that I’m looking for something wh
en I’m not. And I assume you don’t want to give any sorry saps that Gem sets you up with any false hope, either. To me, my plan sounds like the perfect scenario.”

  I consider his proposal from all sides, wondering if there really is a downside to any of it. I get this gorgeous guy to myself for a week. I get Gem off my back. I get to enjoy my time here without the stress of running into my potential mate when I’m not looking for that kind of a connection right now.

  Honestly, I can’t see a downside. With another smile, I reach for the heart-shaped pin placed on the edge of the table and set it in Gage’s hand before pinning the second one to my black cocktail dress above my left breast.

  Confused, Gage asks, “What the hell does that mean?”

  “You really are a crappy listener,” I tease. “Didn’t you hear Gem explain it?”

  He shakes his head, not looking the least bit sorry.

  “It means I’m in. Let’s have a good week, and we’ll leave it at that.”

  “You’re serious?”


  His gaze heats. “Perfect.”

  Phone buzzing, Gage pulls it out and reads the message before grimacing.

  “Is there a problem?” I ask.

  “My buddy, Justin, can’t find his key and thinks he left it in my room. Pretty sure he’s just drunk off his ass and left it in the casino. At least we both paid for the wifi so he can reach me.” He wags his phone back and forth. “I gotta go and help him, though. Would you want to meet up later?”

  The hope in his eyes melts the last of my reservations. “I’m actually super tired. This whole planning thing is pretty draining. But maybe we can get together tomorrow?”

  “Deal.” Standing up, he presses a quick kiss to my cheek before casually running the pad of his forefinger against the pin on my left breast. “Sweet dreams, Pretty Girl.”

  “Sweet dreams.”



  “I’m sorry, what’s that?” Gem jumps right into the interrogation as soon as the room empties. Some of the speed dating participants left alone, while others left in pairs. Regardless, everyone was exhausted and has finally given Gem the privacy she was looking for to start her questioning.


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