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Drowning in Love (Written in the Stars Book 6)

Page 5

by Kelsie Rae

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I deflect.

  “Sure, you don’t,” she mutters under her breath before jabbing me in the red pin attached to my dress. “This.” Jab. “Right.” Jab. “Here.” Jab.

  “Oh, this ol’ thang?”

  Crossing her arms, she gives me a look that tells me, I’ve got all night. Spill.

  I cave in ten seconds flat. “Fiiine. Gage and I were chatting––”

  “During the entire speed dating event. Yes, I saw that. Go on.”

  “Aaand…we hit it off.” I shrug like it isn’t a big deal when I know she’s about to lose her shit if I don’t spill every tiny detail in the next three Mississippis.

  Scowling, she threatens, “So help me, Nora, if you don’t spill every tiny detail in the next three seconds,”––Called it––“I will bribe the staff to leave your towels origami free, you hear me?”

  I gasp. “But my seals and my cute puppy with sunglasses––”

  “Yup. You can kiss them all goodbye.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.”

  With a scowl that would make a mob boss cower, I give up the goods. “Fine. But there really isn’t much to tell. We started chatting. He touched my hand. I felt a spark.”

  “Ooo, a spark! Really?” Her face lights up like the Fourth of July.

  “Yes, a spark. Now, will you stop interrupting me?” I snap.

  The girl has the decency to look bashful as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Oops. Proceed.”

  “I found out he’s a fellow Cancer and….”


  As soon as the sign slipped out of my mouth, I knew I’d made a mistake. Gage is the furthest thing from a Cancer. It’s like calling a lion a gazelle while expecting a zoologist not to recognize the differences.

  “A Cancer? Really?” she questions, her head tilting to the side as she studies me like a damn detective.

  Freaking Geminis and their joy of puzzles. I just placed a big whammy right in front of one.

  “Yeah.” I clear my throat. “Crazy, right? But anyway, we got to talking about the eclipse and our aspirations for this upcoming year and…I guess we just fit. I like him. He likes me. We figured, why should we keep looking around when we really just want to see where this particular spark takes us?”

  Her eyes narrow. “And you’re okay with that? Seeing where the spark takes you?”

  “Yup. I mean…that’s what you wanted, right?”

  “Well, yeah, but––”

  “But, you didn’t expect me to actually listen?” I tease.

  “I mean, Cancers are known for being a little stubborn sometimes….”

  “But we’re also loyal and enjoy taking care of those around us. And I care about you, Gem. So, if you think I should tempt fate during this eclipse then…I guess that’s what I’m going to do.”

  I’m also going to hell for lying to my best friend.

  But I keep that part to myself.

  “Well…I’m proud of you then,” she decides with a single nod. “I think you might be surprised by how awesome love can be. Or so I’ve heard. So, tell me more about your cousin ‘cause you’re not the only one in desperate need of a potential soulmate candidate.”

  Grinning back at her, I pull her into a quick hug, then guide her onto the back deck that leads to our rooms. “Well, he just moved down from New York after finishing his internship at some big shot corporation. I don’t think he enjoyed how fast-paced it is up there, or at least that’s the vibe I got from him. Oh, and he’s an Aries,” I add.

  “Aries, eh? I can work with an Aries. Now that you and Gage are a pair for the cruise, and hopefully into the distant future, will I be hanging out more with this Aries?”

  “I think I can make that happen,” I reply with a wink.

  “Yes! I knew you were my best friend for a reason! So, when will you see Gage next?”

  “Tomorrow, I think. We didn’t really set up anything specific.”

  Soon, I hope, a little voice whispers inside my head, but I bite my tongue.

  “We’ll be in Jamaica tomorrow. Do they want to join us for the dolphin excursion?”

  “Uh, maybe?” I shrug. “No idea, but I’ll ask Gage the next time I see him.”

  “Deal. Just make sure he brings Conner,” she reminds me in her usual bossy tone.

  “With the way he was looking at you earlier today, I’m going to go ahead and assume that won’t be a problem.”

  Her happiness is contagious as she pulls me into another quick side hug, then stops me at the railing to enjoy the view. The inky waters are relatively calm but still seem to crash along the ship as it glides through the ocean. The breeze is gentle as it kisses my cheeks and melts away the anxiety and stress from earlier today. And the soft rocking from the waves is enough to lull me to sleep right here and now.

  “I’m exhausted,” I admit.

  “You and me both. Thank you, though. For coming with me, for supporting me, and for putting up with me as your best friend. I love the crap out of you, Nora.”

  “Ditto. Let’s get some rest because tomorrow, we get to swim with dolphins!”



  It was Gem who delivered the initial proposition during breakfast. Nora was helping a few old ladies with their seasickness medication, which I’m pretty sure is against the rules since she isn’t a nurse, but I let the misdemeanor slide.

  Now, I’m in a pair of red board shorts with a white T-shirt, waiting near the excursion boat for the ladies of the hour. Conner is beside me, but Justin and Ben decided to sleep off their hangovers in their rooms. I was right in my assumption. They were both drunk off their asses and spent the night puking.

  “Hey, gentlemen,” Gem greets us on the dock. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  Conner is the first one to reply, while I hang back and do my best to mirror the other Cancer in the vicinity who looks as gorgeous as ever in a thin, white cover-up that showcases her slender frame.

  “Hey, Beautiful. Thanks for letting us tag along.”

  “We’re glad you could make it. Right, Nora?”

  Nora finally chances a glance over at me before smiling shyly. “Yeah. I’m glad you guys could make it. Umm….” Fidgeting with something in her hand, she offers me another red pin that’s identical to the one from last night. “Here you go. Gem thinks it would be a good idea if we made it clear, again, that we’re not actively looking for anyone else…at this…moment…in time.”

  She’s adorable when she’s nervous. Pretty sure her cheeks match my swimsuit, but I cut her some slack and don’t point it out.

  Taking the offered pin since I was an ass and left the original in my room, I stick it on my T-shirt. “Better?”

  She nods, then rocks back on her heels. “Yup. Just peachy. Are you guys ready to go?”

  “Yeah. They’re going to start boarding any second to take us to the island.”

  And sure enough, the line finally starts to move as the passengers board the ferry. The seating is a little sporadic by the time we make it onto the boat, but I catch a pair of seats on the second level. Entwining our fingers for Gem’s benefit––or at least that’s what I tell myself––I tug Nora over to them.

  “We’ll meet you on the island,” I call over my shoulder. “Grab a seat where you can.”

  The rocking from the ferry makes the short trip to our seats an eventful one. Losing her balance, Nora practically barrels into my chest, but I catch her in the knick of time.

  “Whoa there. You okay?”

  She tries to stand before collapsing against me. “Ouch. I think I twisted my ankle.”

  Concerned, I attempt to get a closer look at her foot, but the boat starts to move, so I pick her up and cradle her to my chest before sitting down in our seats.

  “Let me see.”

  As I inspect her injury and softly graze my thumb along her ankle, she winces.

  “Shit. Sorry. How d
oes it feel?”

  Her eyes gather with tears before a soft laugh escapes her. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine,” I argue. “Nora, you’re crying.”

  Another pathetic laugh that sounds more like a whimper than anything else slips past my defenses. “Seriously, I’m fine. Welcome to fake dating a Cancer. We cry. A lot. But it’s not from the pain this time.”

  “Then, what would it be from?” I challenge, not the least bit convinced.

  “Embarrassment?” she offers before burying her tear-streaked face in her hands. “So much embarrassment that it’s not even funny.”

  “Why are you embarrassed?”

  “Because I just tripped in front of everyone on this boat. Including you, I might add.”

  “And that’s embarrassing because…?” I let my voice trail off before grabbing her hands and pulling them away from her face.

  “I don’t know! Don’t ask me to be logical right now. I’m more of a go-by-your-feelings type of girl.”

  “And what are your feelings telling you?”

  “That I just looked really stupid in front of a hot guy who then decided to be all macho by carrying me to my seat like a superhero?” Her cheeks turn even redder.

  Unable to help myself, I laugh. Hard.

  “Stop laughing at me!” She smacks my pec, but it only encourages me.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just….” Another laugh rumbles through me.

  “What?” she pouts, offended by my boisterous laughter that she thinks is at her expense. If only she knew how adorable she is.

  Sobering slightly, I explain, “I don’t know what the astrology experts are smoking. That’s all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You told me that a Leo and a Cancer can’t work because of communication issues, but you’ve also said that a Leo likes to have their ego stroked, which you just did perfectly, by the way. Personally, I think they’re full of shit ‘cause if I could have my soulmate look at me like I’m a superhero”––I puff out my chest––“then I’d be a pretty happy sonofabitch for the rest of my life. Just sayin’.”

  “Aaand there’s the ego,” she teases, her tears drying. “But I can definitely see the appeal. It would be nice to have someone look at you like you hung the moon, ya know?”

  “Yeah. I agree. Have you ever had anyone look at you like that?”

  “The closest I’ve ever gotten was you at the football stadium, and since that was a total ruse, I’m gonna go with no. That’s never happened to me. How ‘bout you?”

  I clear my throat, hating how quickly I just dove into dangerous territory without even knowing it. “I’ve, uh, I’ve never really been into the whole commitment thing. Life is too short to attach strings to a specific person. And like that stupid list from last night, I can be a little…selfish. But I’m sure it works for a lot of people. I’ve never really felt like it would be a good fit for me.”

  “My brother’s a Leo, so I get it. He was dating the most perfect person ever for him. Then he broke it off for no good reason.”


  “Nope. I mean, he says he had a good reason, and that it’s none of my business, but…if you love someone enough, you should be able to get through anything. And trust me, his ex, Saylor, loved him more than anything else in the world. She would’ve given up anything for him, but it still wasn’t enough to keep him.”

  “That’s….” I don’t even know what to say. That sucks just doesn’t quite seem to suffice, and your brother sounds like an asshole probably wouldn’t be appropriate, either.

  “That’s rough,” I finish.

  “It is. I think that’s probably one of the reasons relationships freak me out so much because if they couldn’t make it, how the hell could I?”

  “So, you do want to find your soulmate?” I ask, surprised how interested I am in her response, though I try not to let it show.

  “I mean…yeah, I think so. Not right now, obviously, but I want to find love. I want to grow old with someone. I want to have kids one day and a dog and a white picket fence. I want someone to rely on me and to support me. I want all of that. Just….” She licks her lips, then looks out at the ocean surrounding us before repeating, “Just not right now.”

  I don’t notice I’m still holding her hand until I look down to inspect her ankle again. Clearing my throat, I untangle our fingers, then brush my thumb along the curve of her foot another time.

  “Does it still hurt?”

  She shakes her head. “Not really. It’s a little tender, but it definitely could’ve been worse.”

  “Let’s make sure you take it easy for the rest of the day, okay?”

  “Okay, Dr. Gage.” Her button nose scrunches up with a light laugh before she asks, “I just realized that I don’t even know your last name or what you do for a living. Are you an actual doctor? Because that would be slightly embarrassing while also very convenient.”

  “No. I work with Conner, remember?”

  “Good point,” she concedes, her face threatening to blush all over again.

  Giving her a break, I explain, “I handle marketing, while he does a lot of the finances for Guttenburg Enterprises.”

  “Ah, yes. Now I remember hearing something about that. What’s your last name?”

  “White. Yours?”


  “Well,” I offer her my hand. “It’s nice to officially meet you, Nora Daniels.”

  “You too, Gage White. So, have you ever swam with dolphins?”

  “Actually, no. Would you think I’m less macho if I admitted that I’m excited to try it? It’s always been on my bucket list.”

  “If anything, it only makes you sexier. In fact, it’s a very Cancer thing to do. We like to talk about our feelings.” She presses into my shoulder, playfully.

  “Oh, no. That means you’re rubbing off on me.”

  With another light laugh, she whispers, “Now if only I could get you to rub one off on me.”

  “Did I just hear an innuendo come out of that pouty mouth, Nora?”


  “I’m beginning to think that I’m rubbing off on you too.”

  She grins. “I think you might be right.”



  The entire atmosphere screams paradise. From the tall palm trees to the white sandy beach, I’m in heaven. Plain and simple. With a sigh of contentment, I let the water lap at my ankles then drop my head back toward the sky.

  Hello, sunshine. How I’ve missed you.

  “Never took you for a beach kind of girl, but now that you’re in your element, I can see it,” a deep voice rumbles behind me.

  I peek over my shoulder and catch Gage checking out my butt. “You just like me in a bikini.”

  “Every guy on this beach likes the sight of you in a bikini. Trust me. But I like the smile on your face too.” Inching closer, he grabs my waist with a gentle but firm grip. The intimate touch makes my stomach tighten, and I catch myself glancing down at it for a quick inspection. Long, calloused fingers with trimmed nails. Weathered skin that hints at how capable and hard-working they are. I’ve always been a sucker for a strong set of hands.

  Licking my lips, I peek back up at him. There’s a confident smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he pulls me closer to him. I’m pretty sure it’s permanently etched onto his face, and I kind of love how contagious it is.

  “Someone’s confident this morning,” I razz while a swarm of butterflies assaults my stomach.

  “Well, I am wearing the red pin that says I’m off the market for the time being. I might as well soak up a few of the perks, right?”

  “Oh, so this little presentation has nothing to do with the fact that I was helping a few single guys find their way to the scuba diving meet-up point a few minutes ago?”

  He growls low in his throat before bending closer to my mouth. There are still a few inches of distance, but the space is closing a little bit m
ore as every second ticks by.

  “Did you just growl at me?” I laugh.


  Another inch closer.

  “Do you think girls like it when you growl at them?”

  Chest rumbling, he presses his forehead to mine. “You tell me.”

  “Pretty sure when you look at them like…,”––I lick my lips. Again.––“That, you can do whatever you want, and they’d be cool with it.”

  “So, if I kissed you right now…?”

  “I mean, I’m wearing your red pin, aren’t I?”

  He grins. “Good answer.”

  There’s an electric pause before his breath fans across my cheek, and I’m positive I’m about to melt into a puddle at his feet if he doesn’t kiss me. Right. Now.

  “Nora! They need you to sign something before we can get started!” Gem shouts from a little bungalow on the beach as the water laps around our ankles.

  Another growl. But this one is much lower and filled with so much disappointment and sexual frustration I could drown in it and die a happy girl. There’s just something about the rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins at the knowledge that this guy wants me.


  Sweet, shy, Mama Two, Nora Daniels. Is wanted by a man who is practically sex on a stick.

  Shaking off my insecurities the best that I can, I pat his cheek. “And that’s what Gem calls cockblocking. You’ll have to return the favor the next time she and Conner are in the same room. Wanna come with me or…?”

  Rearranging himself through his board shorts, he mutters, “I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Like tonight? Or…?” I razz, surprising myself with the innuendo I just tossed at him.

  With another groan, he smacks my ass, and I squeal in surprise before scampering toward the bungalow to stay out of his playful reach.

  “Don’t tempt me!” he yells at my retreating form.


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