by Jeff Chang
monopolies, 439–445, 447
misogyny, 326, 327, 332, 344–345, 413, 452
“neo-soul” marketing strategy, 445–448
“Planet Rock,” 170–173
politics, 413, 450–455, 464–465
polyculturalism, 421–422
race relations, 151–152, 154–155, 168, 425, 448–450
recording industry, 129–134
repression of, 455–463
self-consciousness in, 445–448
The Source, 410–415
South Bronx geography, 109–111
style, 109–125
b-boying, 114–118, 136–139
DJing, 109–114
graffiti, 118–125, 134–135
term of, 156
underground, 422–423
as urban lifestyle, 417–419, 423–428
War on Youth, 455–457
world tour, 182–184
Hip-Hop Generation, term of, 2
Hip Hop Summit Action Network, 454–455
Hitler, Adolf, 266
Hollywood/BASIC, 418
Holman, Michael, 162, 169, 194, 410
Holmes, Dewayne “Sniper,” 365, 386
Home Invasion, 399
Homies Unidos, 458, 459, 460
homophobia, 254–255, 327, 402–403, 413
Honeydrippers, 256
Hoover, J. Edgar, 24, 46, 222
Hopkinson, Nalo, 21
Horn, Trevor, 163
Hot Coochie Mamaz, 302
Hot Tuna, 111
housing complexes
Jamaica, 26
Los Angeles, California, 308, 358–359
South Bronx, 11
Howard Beach incident, New York City, 225–228, 247, 277
Howe, Neil, 1, 2
“How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise,” 179
Huang, Yong Xin, 456
Hudlin, Reginald, 249
Hudlin, Warrington, 249
Hudson, Keith, 35
Huey, Baby, 261
Huggins, John, 312
Hughes, Albert, 249
Hughes, Allen, 249
Hundt, Reed, 442
Hunt, Matthew, 386
Hunter, Catfish, 10, 16
Hurston, Zora Neale, 116
Hussein, Saddam, 437
“Hustler Convention,” 113
Hutton, Bobby, 46
“I Ain’t Tha 1,” 319
Ibrahim, Abdullah “Dollar Brand,” 240
Ice Cube. See Jackson, O’Shea “Ice Cube”
Ice Tea. See Marrow, Tracey “Ice T”
“I Don’t Want Nobody to Give Me Nothing (Open the Door, I’ll Get It Myself)”, 253
“I Know You Got Soul,” 259, 261
“Iko Iko,” 191
“Ill-Legal,” 300
Illuminai 666, 437
anti-immigration laws, 391
King, Rodney riots, 373–375
Los Angeles repression of, 458–461
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Los Angeles gangs, 458–461
“Impeach the President,” 256, 261
“I’m Your Captain,” 53
The Incredible Bongo Band, 79, 168
India.Arie, 446
indie labels, 443–444
“Industry Rule No. 4080,” 425
Infinity Lessons, 106
Infinity Machine (DJ unit), 237
Infinity Rappers, 183
Inner Circle, 37
integration. See race relations
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 32, 39
intifada, 267
Isaacs, Gregory, 4
Island Pictures, 408
Island Records, 27, 163, 408
Israel, 266, 267
“It’s Man’s World,” 446
“It’s Just Begun,” 139, 192
“It’s Like That,” 203, 241
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, 263–264, 272, 273, 280, 283, 341
“I Wanna Kill Sam,” 343
“I Want’
IZ. See Martin, Mike “IZ THE WIZ”
Jackson, Aziz, 101
Jackson, George, 304, 305, 306, 334
Jackson, Henry “Big Bank Hank,” 130
Jackson, Jesse, 217, 265–268, 276, 279, 293, 365, 395, 403, 451
Jackson, Jonathan, 304, 305, 306, 334
Jackson, Mahalia, 240
Jackson, Michael, 191, 228, 245, 418
Jackson, O’Shea 317–318, 319, 320, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331–337, 342–353, 414, 420, 424
Jackson, Reggie, 7–8, 9, 18–19
Jafa, Arthur, 271
Jam, Billy, 320
Jamaica, 21–39
DJ Kool Herc, 68
economy of, 32
hip-hop music, 22
politics in, 31–34, 36–37
Rastafari, 23–26
record industry, 26–30, 38–39
violence in, 32–33, 38
Jamaica Festival Song Competition, 23
Jamaican Labour Party (JLP), 23, 25, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38
James, Darry, 425
James, George G. M., 270
James, Rick, 172
James TOP, 15
“Jamming,” 38
Janis, Sidney, 198, 199
Janis Gallery, 198–199
Japan, 189–190
Jardim, Gary, 91–92, 171
Jas. Funk, 408
Javelins (gang), 42
Jay-Z, 447, 448
jazz, hip-hop culture, 147–148
Jazzy Jay. See Byas, Jayson “Jazzy Jay”
“Jazzy Sensation,” 172
JB, 260
JBC radio, 31
Jefferson Starship, 260
Jensen, Robert, 17
Jeru The Damaja, 448
Jewish Defense Organization, 267–268
Jhang-Park, Yumi, 350
Jim Crow laws, 390
Joe Gibbs Music, 132
John, Elton, 304
Johnson, Darrell “K-Dee,” 299
Johnson, Lyndon B., 379
Jones, Grace, 151
Jones, Lisa, 272
Jones, Louis Clayton, 196, 198
Jones, Pete “DJ,” 83, 112, 128
Jones, Quincy, 423, 424
Jones, Stan “the Guitar Man,” 318–319
jonkanoo style, 25
Jonnes, Jill, 13
Jordan, Michael, 252, 417
J-Ro, 316
Juicy, 242
Jung, George, 206
Just Allah the Superstar, 163
“Just 4 the Cash,” 300
juvenile justice system, 387, 452–453, 455–457
JVC Force, 256
KAGRO boycott, 351–353
Kam, 344, 381–382, 383
Kang, James, 373
Karenga, Maulana, 191, 264, 274, 310, 312, 334, 403
Karlin, Joyce, 352
Katz, David, 34, 39
“Keep on Pushing,” 13
Kelley, Herman, 139
Kelley, Robin D. G., 421
Kelly, Gene, 194
Kelly, Jim, 27
Kemp, Jack, 379
Kennedy, Lisa, 272
Kennedy, Robert F., 46
Keys, Alicia, 446
Khaddafi, Moammar, 253
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 253
Kid Frost. See Molina, Arthuro “Kid Frost”
Kim, Claire Jean, 294
Kim, David, 353
Kim, Gary, 341
Kim, Yang Il, 351
King, Albert, 374
King, Larry, 386
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 9, 13, 15, 46, 77, 203, 220, 233, 264, 268, 277, 347, 451, 452, 454
King, Rodney, 338, 348, 352, 357, 365, 366, 368–378, 397, 414
King Charles (DJ unit), 237
Kings of Pressure, 247, 256
King Tech, 441
King Tee, 316, 344, 350
“King Tim III (Personality Jock)”, 130
King Tubby (Osborne Ruddock), 29, 35–36
/> King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown, 36
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 217
Kitwana, Bakari, 2
“KKK Bitch,” 397–398
KK Rockwell, 186
Klein, Dave “Funken,” 411, 413, 418
Klein, Joe, 278
Klein, Naomi, 425
KMD, 418
Knight, Suge, 434, 452
Koch, Ed, 161, 181, 227, 228, 267, 293
Kool DJ D, 96, 97
Kool G Rap, 398
Kool Moe Dee, 133, 274
KOOR, 199
Korean-American Coalition (KAC), 349
Korean shopkeepers
Death Certificate, 348–350
King, Rodney riots, 372–373, 378–379
Los Angeles, California, 338–341, 352–353, 384
New York City, 293–294, 346–347
KOS, 144
Kostick, John, 196–197
Kraftwerk, 172
K-Rob, 200, 201
Kroll, Jack, 277–278
KRS-1, 248, 269, 274, 320
Kru-Cut Records, 300
Krush Groove (film), 192, 234
Ku Klux Klan, 307
kumina style, 25
Kuriaki, 137, 205
Kweli, Talib, 448
LADY PINK. See Fabara, Sandra “LADY PINK”
Lanier, Zambu, 101
La Rock, Coke, 78, 81, 82
La Rock, Scott, 248, 269, 274
Last Poets, 113, 249
L.A. Sunshine, 133
Lathan, Stan, 193
Lauper, Cyndi, 393
Lavoe, Hector, 191
Laylaw, 303
L Brothers, 114, 127
Leach, Robin, 221
Leadbelly, 407, 408
leadership (Black)
artists as, 268–270, 273–276
politics, 268–270
Leaders of The New School, 418
The Learning Tree, 192
Lee, Bruce, 27, 29, 249
Lee, David, 368
Lee, Edward Song, 373
Lee, Jimmy, 137
Lee, K. W., 341
Lee, Lisa, 192
Lee, Sam, 373
Lee, Spike, 119, 249, 263, 276–279, 280, 286, 346–347, 417
Lehder, Carlos Rivas, 206
Leland, John, 255, 273, 276, 283
Len, Lenny, 110, 140
Lerman, Steve, 357, 376
Less Than Zero (Ellis), 269–270
Lester, Sheena, 326, 328, 426
“Let Me Ride,” 419, 420
“Let’s Dance to the Drummer’s Beat,” 139
Letts, Don, 154
Levin, Kim, 141
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 90
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 189
Libya, 253, 266
Lichtenstein, Roy, 153
Lieberman, Joe, 452
“Lies,” 241
Lil’ Benny, 408
“Lil’ Ghetto Boy,” 420
Lil’ Jon and the Eastside Boyz, 453
Lindsay, John V., 61, 134, 240
“Listen to Me,” 261
“Little Deuce Coupe,” 231–232
Live and Let Die, 398
“Living for the City,” 178
LL Cool J, 204, 209, 231, 243, 252, 255, 303
Logue, Edward, 17
Long Island, New York, Black Belt of, 232–239, 271, 274. See also Black suburbia
The Long Run, 170
“Lord Have Mercy,” 335
Los Angeles, California, 210–211, 299–303
Crips gang, 311–314
dance styles, 301–302
drug trade in, 208, 209, 302
economic development efforts, 382–385
economy, 314–315
King, Rodney riots, 368–378
politics, 387–392
race relations, 307–309, 338–341, 357–358
schools, 463–464
Watts, 307–311
Los Angeles gangs, 308, 309, 310, 311–314, 322–325
geography and, 358–359
history of, 359–361
outreach efforts to, 361–364
peace efforts, 357–358, 365–368, 382, 384, 385–387, 400
political reprisals on, 387–391
repression by, 458–463
violence, 364–365
Los Angeles Police Department
gangs and, 323–325, 365, 385, 386–391
King, Rodney riots, 369–371, 372, 374–375
Nation of Islam and, 362
repression by, 456–463
Watts riots, 309–310
Los Latinos, 408
“Louder than a Bomb,” 264
Louima, Abner, 455
Lovebug Starski, 84, 114, 130
“Love Is the Message,” 130–131
“Love Rain,” 446
“Love Rap,” 133
Lungren, Dan, 398
Lynch, Monica, 418, 419
Machuki, Count, 78
Mack, Craig, 256
Mack, Greg, 211, 350
Maddox, Alton, 227–228
Madhubuti, Haki, 345
Madonna, 174, 393
Magee, Ruchell, 305
Magett, Sonya, 413
Magic Mike, 444
Magida, Arthur, 266
Magnificent Force, 192
“The Magnificent Seven,” 154
Mahlathini, 164
Mahotella Queens, 164
Mailer, Norman, 160–161, 243
Maisonave, Ismael, 64
Makgona Tshole Band, 164
Malcolm X, 8–9, 15, 31, 100, 147, 222, 253, 258, 420 264, 268, 269, 273, 277, 279, 280, 334, 414, 453 449
Males, Mike, 387
Mallouk, Suzanne, 201
malt liquor advertising campaign, 350–353
Malveaux, Julianne, 401
Mandela, Nelson, 216, 220, 253
Mandela, Winnie, 253
Mandrill, 261
Mankwane, Marks, 164
Manley, Michael, 31–33, 34, 36, 38
Mao, Jeff, 200, 201
Mao Zedong, 253
Mapp, Ben, 272
Marable, Manning, 224
March on Washington (1963), 404–405, 454
marijuana, 145–146. See also drug addiction
marketing, hip-hop culture, 417–419, 423–428, 447–448
Markie, Biz, 256
Marley, Bob, 22–23, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 84, 169, 170, 276
Marley, Rita, 33–34
Marriott, Rob, 328, 429
Marrow, Tracey “Ice T,” 210, 301, 331, 373, 384, 393, 394, 396–398, 399, 419, 425
Marsh, David, 326
Marshall, Bucky, 36–37
Marshall, Joe, 441
Marshall, Thurgood, 279
martial arts, b-boying, 115
Martin, Billy, 7, 8, 18–19
Martin, Ian, 397
Martin, Lionel, 418
Martin, Michael, 441, 442–443
Martin, Mike “IZ THE WIZ,” 179, 181–182
Martin, Vincent “Ivanhoe,” 26–27
Martinez, Bob, 393
Martinez, Hugo, 118, 152
Marvelous, 228
Mason, C. Vernon, 227–228
Massenburg, Kedar, 446
Massop, Claudie, 37, 38
Master Killa, 427
“Mastica Chupa Y Jala,” 65
Matty C and Reef, 413
Mau Maus (Chicago gang), 46
Mayfield, Curtis, 13, 318
Mayo, Kierna, 414
Mays, David, 406, 410–411, 412, 415, 423, 427, 428–434
MCA Records, 181, 287
McCabe, Jewell Jackson, 401
McClain, John, 305
McCollough, Robert, 260
McCoy, Alfred, 205
McDaniels, Matthew, 370
McDaniels, Ralph, 418
McDougall, John, 397
McGluery, Jay, 96
McGregor, Harry “Allen,” 232, 236, 238, 240–243. See als
o Allen, Harry
M.C. Hammer, 425, 441
McIntyre, Makanda Ken, 240
McKenzie River Corporation advertising campaign, 350–353
McLaren, Malcolm, 162–165, 169, 174, 175, 194, 238
MC Lyte, 445
MC Shan, 256, 257, 258
b-boying, 156–157
Death Certificate, 347–349
Do the Right Thing (film), 276–279
graffiti crackdown, 181
graffiti culture, 199–200
hip-hop culture, 184, 192–193, 249, 409–412, 423–426
Ice T, 398
Jackson, Jesse/Farrakhan, Louis, 265–266
King, Rodney riots, 373–374, 382
King, Rodney trial, 357
Los Angeles gangs, 385–386
monopolies, 439–445, 447
Public Enemy, 255, 279–280, 283–292, 294, 295, 296–297
race relations, 251–252, 340–341
Sister Souljah (Lisa Williamson), 394–396
structural changes in, 415–417
zines, 423
Melendez, Benjamin, 40, 48, 50–52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 64, 65, 72–73
Melendez, Robert, 51
Melendez, Ulpiano, 51
Melendez, Victor, 40, 51, 54, 65
Melle Mel. See Glover, Melvin “Melle Mel”
“Melting Pot,” 139
Mercado, Felipe “Blackie,” 47, 49–50, 53, 61, 62, 64
Mercury Records, 132
“The Message,” 178–179, 200–201, 241
“Message From A Black Man,” 190
The Meters, 344
“The Mexican,” 168, 172
Mfume, Kweisi, 403
The Mighty Diamonds, 34, 37
Mighty Force, 114
Miller, Craig “Kam,” 333
Miller, Dillinger, 37, 38
Miller, Ivor, 15, 122
Miller, Jacob, 36, 37
Miller, O. G., 304–305
Miller, Paul D., 67
Million Man March, 400–405, 407
Million Woman March, 446
Mills, David, 280, 284–286, 289, 328, 335, 394
Mind Squad. See The Source magazine
The Miseducation of the Negro (Woodson), 270
misogyny, 326, 327, 332, 344–345, 413, 452
Mississippi Burning (film), 276
Mr. Magic’s Rap Attack, 239
“Mr. President,” 28
“Miuzi Weighs a Ton,” 246
Mixmasters Crew, 300
Mixmaster Spade, 316, 350
Mobb Deep, 413, 437
Molina, Arthuro “Kid Frost,” 210, 301
Mongols (gang), 54
Monk, Thelonious, 147
monopolies, media, 439–445, 447
Montague, Kevin “Kevvy Kev,” 327, 441
Moon, Sun Myung, 284
Moore, Emerson J., 227
Moore, Melba, 452
Moore, Queen Mother, 403
Morgan, Joan, 272, 424, 445
Morgenthau, Robert, 196, 197
Morricone, Ennio, 168
Mos Def, 449
Moses, Robert, 11–12, 18, 48, 51, 82, 232
Mother Teresa, 17
Moulin, Mike, 369
Mour, Linda, 374, 375
MOVE organization, 209
Moyers, Bill, 16
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 14, 18