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SAMANTHA: Never Say Never (The Powell's Book 2)

Page 10

by Serenity King

  “Give me the prototype and I’ll relinquish all my rights to the kid,” he offered.

  “You don’t have any rights to the ‘kid’ as you put it. You-will-never-ever-have-claim-to-anything-Powell,” she stressed.

  “We’ll see what the media will have to say about the Powells after I tell them that you kept my child away from me,” He threatened.

  “Seriously? Don’t ever threaten me Daniel. Not when it comes to my baby. You won’t like the results,” she said, her eyes blazing with rage. “And, by the way, you will relinquish any claim on my baby. Trust me on this. Now get out of my house before I have you forcibly removed. How would that look like as a headliner? I don’t have anything to lose—you do. Think of how the racing federation will feel about the scandal. You see, you have everything to lose.”

  “I don’t know what I ever saw in you,” he said with scorn.

  “Something that you’ll never have the pleasure of seeing or feeling again. Goodbye, Daniel,” she said, turned, walked to the door, and swung it wide open for him to leave.

  He walked up to her and looked down at her—the contempt was evident in his eyes. “I always get what I want,” he said, and walked out of the door, and turned back to look at her. “Always. We’ll be seeing each other again, Samantha.”

  “Not if I see you first,” she said, slamming the door shut after him. She locked up and made a cup of tea. Samantha drank her tea, and then went about emptying the opened milk and juice. She knew that when she returned they would be no good. She also took out the little trash that she had.

  Samantha did busy work to keep from screaming. She hated that she’d even let Daniel into her home. She felt that he’d polluted it somehow. He was a real piece of work—a immoral buffoon.

  “He’s all kinds of crazy if he thinks he’s using my baby as a bargaining chip. Must be out of his everlasting mind. Stupid cow,” she mumbled to herself while vacuuming the carpet in her den, which she’d converted into a play area for Kayla. Samantha had just put the vacuum away when she heard her doorbell ring for the second time that evening.

  She rushed over to answer the door. Knowing it had to be no one but Adam. She opened the door to a smiling lightly bearded-faced, Adam. Damn, he was fine, and he was all hers. Yes! She thought.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said with a smile.

  “Hey, yourself. Come on in,” she grinned and moved aside for him to enter. “You made it in under four hours. I’m impressed.”

  “You should be,” he kidded and then sniffed. “Do I smell disinfectant?”

  “Yes, I had to decontaminate my home,” she murmured.

  “From the smell of things—you’ve succeeded. Maybe we should open a window before we get pneumonia. What were you trying to get rid of?” Daniel asked, looking around.

  “Not what, who?” she said. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked, coming to stand in front of her.

  “I am now,” she said, kissing him on the lips, and the swiftly turning to walk towards her bedroom. “My bags are in the bedroom.”

  “Okay,” he smiled, and then followed her to her bedroom where he retrieved her luggage.

  “I’ll drive to the airport since you’ve driven all this way,” she said.

  “You won’t get an argument from me. Are you sure you have everything?”

  “I’m sure. I’ll lock up the house while you put my cases in the car.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  Samantha locked up everything, set her alarm system, and went to meet Adam at the car.

  “Is this new?” she asked, opening the door and getting into the SUV.

  “No, it’s a rental. I figured it wouldn’t look right, leaving my car in your driveway for such a long time. Until you’re ready to make this relationship public, I’m not giving folks anything to yap about,” he said.

  “Are we in a relationship, Adam?”

  “Yes, we are darlin’, you’re just a little slow on the uptake,” he grinned. “Keep up.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” she beamed.

  “Smart ass. I’m just happy you agreed to go away with me. I plan on enjoying every bit of our time together.”

  “So do I!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  After a lengthy layover in Miami, they arrived in Nassau, Bahamas at eight o’clock the next morning. While in Miami they’d booked into a hotel for a few hours, had a lovely dinner, and slept until it was time to return to the airport and board their plane for the Bahamas. Adam had booked them in first-class. They’d had a luxurious, relaxing trip.

  “This place is just gorgeous,” she said, waiting for Adam, as he checked them into the lavish hotel.

  “Yes, it is. We’ll go up to our room, and change out of these traveling clothes. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I am,” she laughed.

  “We’ll order in, and then go down to the beach after.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Good. Come on, the bellhop is ready to take our luggage up.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  “No, ma’am,” he said, taking her by the hand, walking with her to the bank of elevators that would lead them up to their room on the 5th floor.

  Adam tipped the bellboy who nodded his thanks and left.

  “Wow! Looks like a honeymoon suite,” she exclaimed.

  “Glad you approve,” he said, pulling her into his arms. Her arms were around his neck.

  “Thank you for all of this,” she whispered.

  “My pleasure, beautiful,” he murmured and kissed her. The kiss was long and intense. Neither of them wanted to release the other. Adam was the first to pull away. “We better get some food into you now, or we’re never leaving this hotel.”

  “It’ll save time if we shower together,” she murmured.

  “You must not be ravenous,” he said huskily.

  “I am, but for more than food,” she said suggestively.

  Adam picked her up and carried her over to the bed, where he placed her on it, laying down on top of her. They tore at each other’s clothes until they were naked, rolling around on the bed, groping, and kissing.

  He pushed her hair back from her face. “You’re beautiful inside and out, do you know that?” he breathed.

  “So are you,” she moaned, rubbing against him.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you, but for the record, men are not beautiful,” he groaned in pleasure. She’d grasped him and was caressing his bulbous head with her soft palm. “If you don’t stop that, it’s going to be over before we get started.”

  “Let me pleasure you. You’re always giving—it’s my turn now,” she moaned.

  “Give and take—fifty-fifty, sweetheart. I get my pleasure in pleasing you.”

  “My turn,” she said, wrestling him to his back.

  “Well,” he chuckled heartily. “Have your way milady.”

  His heartbeat acerbated as she ran her nails down his chest—only stopping to circle each of his nipples, before bending to pull one of his tightly beaded nipple into her mouth. Her tongue ran a path from his nipple, across his abdomen to the tapered V that surrounded his member. Her warm breath fanned his manhood—it twitched on its own accord. She planted a kiss on his hardness and then used her tongue to travel back up to his lips, where she kissed him passionately. Samantha tore her lips from his, rained little love nips over his neck, chest, and abdomen.

  Adam started to fondle her breast, but she stopped him.

  “Not yet,” she breathed, rotating her pelvis against him. “This is for you, remember.”

  “Oh my damn,” he groaned. He could have come right then and there, when Samantha crawled down his body, took hold of his member, and licked his tip. Pre-cum seeped from his slit and onto her tongue. “Um—Sam—I don’t think you want to do that too much.” She responded by taking him entirely into her mouth.

  “Oh shit!” he screamed. “Darlin’, I don’t think I’m go
ing to last. Oh fuck!” he groaned, smacking the bed with his hands.

  He jerked his hips—sinking deeper into her mouth.

  She released him, looked up into his eyes, and asked. “How do you want it?”

  “However, you want to give it to me baby,” Adam breathed. She then positioned herself above him, grasped his manhood, aligned it with her center, and slid down on him. “Ooh—dammit!”

  “Let’s ride, cowboy,” she demanded, bent her back—palming both of his legs with her hands, using her hips, she sprung forward and rode him hard.

  “Ohh—yes—just like that baby,” he cried, grasping her hips, and surging up into her.

  Her hips gyrated against him—moving around in circles, and then up and down. Her vaginal muscles clenched him so good he could have come inside of her in that instant. Adam held back his release. Samantha was just on the cusp or a release. He felt it with each stroke. She was riding him and panting at the same time. Her moans grew louder and louder.

  “Come on baby, come for me,” he demanded, pushing into her again and again.

  “Adam!” she screamed, her cream flowing coating his shaft. That was all the approval he needed. He shoved into her one last time, before jetting his seed into her.

  “I got you, baby,” he breathed, still moving and spurting into her. “Oh—My—Damn! Whew!”

  “You liked?”

  “Nah, Suga’, I loved it. Feel free to take advantage of me anytime you choose. Trust me, I won’t mind,” he blew out a deep breath.

  Samantha lay on top of him—he was still buried inside of her semi-firm. If she weren’t careful, he’d be taking her again.

  Adam exhaled—still trying to catch his breath. “You want to shower and get breakfast?”

  “Not yet. I’m comfortable just like this,” she murmured. “Maybe in a little while.”


  “A little, but in a good way. I’m more than content to lie with you all day. Do you think we’ll be able to keep this up for five days?” she chuckled softly.

  “Oh yeah. It’ll only get better, that I promise.”

  “Hmm—sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Yes, indeed it does.”


  Samantha was sitting on the beach sipping her second Bahama Mama, and getting her hair braided. They were on their third day of their five-day trip. After their first day together, she and Adam had showered and ordered room services. Later that day they’d gone snorkeling, and she’d thoroughly enjoyed it.

  On the second day they’d shopped, walked the beach, gone deep-sea diving, and tonight they would be enjoying a night out on a party cruise. She was looking forward to that.

  Samantha sighed deeply. She wished their time together didn’t have to end. This place was magical for her.

  “Why the long sigh,” Adam asked.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking about having to leave this little piece of paradise,” she said.

  “You’re enjoying yourself then?”

  “Yes, or course, I am.”

  “Good. So am I.”

  “Finished, Madam,” she heard the heavily accented young lady say.

  Samantha gave her a sizable tip along with her thanks.

  “It looks good. With the tan and the braids, you look like an Island girl,” Adam teased.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr,” she jested. “Adam, I don’t want to ruin our time together, but there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “The night we left to come here, Daniel stopped by my house.”


  “And, he demanded to know why I didn’t tell him about Kayla.”

  “So he wants to have his daddy time with her?” he sneered.

  “No, just the opposite. He wants nothing to do with Kayla. Oh other than to bargain with me for the car prototype. He threatened to tell the media that I kept Kayla from him.”

  “Huh? I don’t get it.”

  “He’s an idiot. What’s to get?”

  “Did he play a part in you coming here with me Samantha? Are you still in love with him, and is trying to forget him through me?”

  “I deserve that. I’m here with you Adam, because this is where I want to be—with you. I agreed to come away with you before Daniel even showed up at my door. Before you say anything, let me explain what happened,” she said.

  “Go on.”

  Samantha related everything verbatim that had happened between her and Daniel. “And, for your information, I was over Daniel, a while ago. I’ve since realized that not only am I not attracted to him; I don’t even like him.”

  “I believe you. I had to ask you, Samantha. I mean at one point I was doing all the giving, and you were taking with no promises—Daniel’s faults sitting smack between of us. I wanted to show you that not all men are like Daniel Ashby.”

  “Adam, I realized that I was doing to you what Daniel had done to me. I was the one doing all of the giving in that so-called relationship we had. I’m sorry for that. That was in part one of the reasons why I did what I did our first day here—and that I wanted to. I love making love with you.”

  “Samantha, I not only love making love to you—I’m in love with you,” he said.

  “Wh—What? You love me?”

  “Yes, I do. The question is: how do you feel about me?”

  “Oh, Ada—”

  The ringing of her cell phone interrupted Samantha. They both stared at each other—their frowns emulating each other.

  “Who could that be,” she murmured and looked at the caller id. “It’s my mother.”


  “Hi, Mommy. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Kayla; she’s spiking a fever, and they can’t seem to bring it down.”

  “They who?” she asked quietly.

  “We’re in the emergency dear. They may keep her overnight,” her mother was bawling. Her father’s voiced boomed across the line. “Your mom’s upset. The doctors seem to have everything under control.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Which hospital?” Samantha listened to her father call out the address and the name of the hospital in a trance-like state. “Thanks, Daddy. See you as soon as I can.”

  “Samantha, what’s wrong?” Adam asked anxiously.

  “Kayla’s sick. She’s in the hospital,” she said, and started hysterically crying.

  “Let’s go,” Adam, said, taking her by the hand, and running back to the hotel. It was a good thing their hotel was on the beach—they didn’t have far to go.

  Within two hours, they were on a plane to Miami.

  “Calm down sweetheart. Everything will be okay,” he said, comforting her.

  “Adam, I’m so glad you’re with me. You’re my rock,” she sniffed.

  “Come on, stop crying before you make yourself sick. You won’t be any good to Kayla if you’re sick too,” he said.

  “I know. I just love her so much,” she sniffed again and wiped a lone tear from her eye. “I heard you speaking to Shane.”

  “Yes, they were all on their way to the hospital too. They were almost there when I talked to him last. He’d been trying to reach me. I’d turned my cell off,” he said regrettably.

  “Does he know you’re with me?”

  “No. He didn’t ask, and I didn’t volunteer the information. I’m sure they’ll get the picture when we show up together. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Of course not,” she said.

  “Close your eyes for a bit sweetheart.”

  “I can’t,” she whimpered.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Samantha and Adam landed in Miami, rented a car, and drove directly to the hospital, where their family awaited them.

  She waited while Adam parked the car in the Emergency Room parking lot—she was out of the car in a flash—Adam right on her heels.

  The entire family—minus Adam’s parents was already there.

  “Where is she?�
�� Samantha asked, hurriedly.

  “She’s in the back. Go to the station and they’ll buzz you in,” her father said.

  Samantha glimpsed the curious faces but chose to ignore them all. She then turned to Adam. “Come on,” she said, taking him by the hand and going to the nurse’s station. A nursed buzzed them in straight away.

  “Go all the way back to pediatrics,” a nurse directed them.

  “Thank you,” Samantha murmured. Her mother and Tracey were sitting with Kayla.

  “How is she?” Samantha asked.

  “Her fever’s gone down some. They’re running tests. The doctor should be back in shortly,” Tracey said.

  “I’m sorry, Samantha!” her mother cried.

  “For what Mommy?”

  “She got sick with us. I have no idea what happened. One minute she was fine and the next this,” she cried.

  “Don’t be silly. Kayla could’ve just as well gotten ill if she were with me. I’m just glad she was with someone with experience. I would have fallen apart.”

  “We’ll go out to the waiting room with everyone else, now that you and Adam are here,” Tracey said.

  “Oh, hello, Adam.” her mother said.

  “How are you, Mrs. Powell? He smiled.

  “I’ve had better days,” she said sadly.

  “Come on Mommy, let’s go wait with the others,” Tracey said. “Keep us updated.”

  “We will,” Adam said.

  “Oh my God, Adam, look at my baby,” she cried. Kayla lay sleeping with an IV in her tiny arm. She had a band aide on her other, most likely where they’d drawn blood.

  “She’ll be okay, love,” Adam said, pulling her back against him.

  “She looks so small lying there in that big bed,” Samantha said.

  “Kayla’s beautiful and strong just like her mother. She’ll be all right,” he said.

  “I wish I were as confident as you,” she said.

  A man with a gentle voice interrupted them. Samantha and Adam both turned to face him. His blond hair and blue eyes gave the appearance of a surfer rather than a doctor.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Eason. I take it you’re Kayla’s parents?” He looked from Samantha to Adam.

  “Yes,” they both responded.


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